1、 HYPERLINK /ielts t _blank 雅思口語考試中,建筑描述一直是一個難點,但是在考試中卻時有出現,如a library, a hotel, a museum, a restaurant, a concert hall, a historical building, a modern building等。建筑描述中經常會涉及到一些設施、裝潢等較為專業(yè)的、但在平時的 HYPERLINK /study t _blank 學習中不太被涉及到的詞匯。餐館 cuisine, menu, decoration, architectural style, entertainment, st
2、aff, service等。architectural style了,我們可以多積累些相關的詞匯,比如glass roof, open-air bar on the rooftop terrace和gothic wall等。museum類型,其中的exhibits, 如visual art, painting, illustration, sculpture, collection of drawings and old master prints, document, artifact, art, archaeological object。還可以描述些博物館經常舉辦的activities。
3、酒店 設施:underground parking, lobby, lobby bar, outdoor heated pool, exercise room outdoor yard, well-lit desk, hair dryer, coffeemaker, individual climate control, high speed internet access, direct TV, in-room movie等。合適的句型也是非常重要的 描述library的時候,坐落地點,最常用的當然是be located in或be situated in。例如,我們可以說:The libr
4、ary is located at the southern part of Shanghai. 此外,建筑的風格描述可以選擇句型:is a typical classical architecture in a European/western/eastern style。圖書館中的收藏當然是句型:The library is complete when it comes to來描述,例如The library is complete when it comes to references, be it newspapers, books, thesis from former studen
5、ts, etc.地點和建筑類考題的覆蓋面是非常之廣的,幾乎涵蓋了所有人們生活之中最常去的地方。其中,小區(qū)和住房的描述幾乎是每次必考的話題。在描述小區(qū)時,我們首先也會描述坐落地點,如city center, urban area, downtown, rural area, outskirts, suburbs, village, town等。此外,還會描述小區(qū)的設施,如dry cleaners, gym, car park, swimming pool等。一般還會有針對交通的問題,會用到的詞有bus station, subway station, railway station, eleva
6、ted ring road, maglev, highway等。在小區(qū)描述之后,通常是對自己的住房的描述,而經常涉及的考題是談論house和apartment之間的區(qū)別A house is usually on the ground floor, and has an upstairs and a downstairs.In a house there is normally a kitchen dining room and living room downstairs, whilst the bedrooms and bathroom are upstairs.In an apartmen
7、t, which is usually in a block so raised above ground level, all of the rooms of the house are on the same floor.Houses often come with garages, whereas apartments can usually only come with a parking space.Houses often have gardens out the front and out the back.此外,還會涉及到房屋的設施,如study room, kitchen,
8、dining room, living room, bookshelf, wardrobe, night table, bunk bed, dresser, armchair, shower booth和rug。房屋的描述還不止于此,有時候,考官會問我們關于如何改進房子的問題,這時候,我們可以選些有新意的點來描述,如:add on a downstairs extension to create a spacious kitchen diner, add a perfect party room, add an all-in-one party room, add a glass extens
9、ion, move outwards and build an extension, create bigger bedrooms, add bathrooms, replace old appliances with new good-quality appliances, give your kitchen that just renovated feel, but at a fraction of the cost等。在這類考題中,學生普遍反應最難的一個應該是屬于對于swimming pool的描述。很多學生都不知道該從何處著手,也不知道一個簡簡單單的swimming pool有什么好描
10、述的。其實如果我們描述角度靈活的話,可以將其描述的相當生動,比如,我們可以講些泳池中的擺設或玩具,如:They have a variety of pool accessories there for kids to use and play with. 泳池的受歡迎程度:People flock to local lakes and make a day of it. 人們去泳池的目的:They swim laps for exercise instead of relaxing or lounging. 泳池的其它配套設施:This location also has a sauna av
11、ailable. The showers are clean. has a sauna and a big L-shaped pool. 泳池的收費:Normal rates are 10RMB for an hour. The entrance fee is One can also purchase monthly cards or special ones for families. 泳池的開放時間:Most of the year, you can swim both in the daytime and in the evening. 泳池的大小It is an Olympic si
12、ze pool. 等。此外,還有些考題并沒有指定學生去描述一個特定的建筑,而是要求學生去描述一種風格的建筑,比如:describe a modern building或describe a traditional building。在描述的過程中,考生要掌握一些平時不太能接觸到的詞匯和短語,比如在描述現代建筑時,我們可以積累些這樣的詞匯:marble stairs, function rooms, arc roof, marble pillars, cultural heritages, 而描述傳統(tǒng)建筑物的難度則更大,我們需要知道很多日常生活中極少碰到的內容,如:pavilion, terra
13、ce, pagoda, temple, sweeping roof, yellow roofs and purple walls等??傊攸c建筑類描述涉及的范圍相當之廣,且考題的出現頻率也很高。范圍從我們所熟悉的住房和小區(qū),一直到較為學術的現代和古典建筑,考生們一定要在平時積累好相關詞匯和句型,這樣才能在考場中發(fā)揮自如,取得理想的成績。關于travelling的話題向來是雅思口語考試的重頭戲,面對著層出不窮的口語新題,travelling的話題始終保持著經久不衰的地位,在雅思考試中占據著舉足輕重的地位。常見的考題有如下一些:1. Do you often travel (go travell
14、ing)? 2. Do you like travelling? 3. Why do you travel? (purposes) 4. What are some places that you have traveled to? 5. What was the last place you traveled to? 6. What was the most interesting place you have traveled to? 7. How often do you return to your hometown? (If not living at home now) 8. Wh
15、ich city (or place) that you have been to did you like the most? (Why?) 9. What places in China are (or, would be) attractive for foreigners to travel to?首先總結出travelling話題高頻回答詞匯:針對where do you like to go for a travel?夢中旅游地點這類問題回答的時候,答題總結出來一共有三種地方一個是自然風景區(qū),一個是歷史古跡,一個是繁華的大都市,這三類地方。自然風景區(qū):natural landsca
16、pe, natural spot, natural scenery, tourist attraction, vocational spot;歷史古跡:historical relics, historical site, historical interest;大都市:metropolis, modern city下面就來描述一下這三種地方的詳細說法:picturesque views風景如畫,landscape of lakes and hills湖光山色,enclosed/surrounded by lakes on one side and waters on the other依山傍
17、水,traditional/ancient architecture歷史建筑物,historical architectural complex 歷史建筑群,historical and cultural heritage 歷史文化遺產, rows of towering skyscraper成排高的摩天大樓,high-rise building高聳大樓,leisure facility休閑設施舉個例子來說,當問及where do you want to go?以自然風景區(qū),歷史遺跡以及大都市三個地點作為我們回答的模板, I like the natural landscape with pi
18、cturesque views. I am fascinated with the historical relics, where offers historical and cultural heritage and historical architectural complex. I am crazy about metropolis, where is famous for high-rise buildings and leisure facility and a variety of entertainment.下面我們就來仔細介紹一下,ways of travelling 的表
19、達,現在很多題目會問題關于旅游話題更精細的內容,正如我們剛剛提到的旅游方式的介紹,大體來說旅游方式分為三種,package travel最常規(guī)的表達團游,solo travel獨自旅游,DIY travel 自助游。這三種旅游方式的說法要學會掌握。Traditional Festivals問題:Do you often celebrate festivalsin your culture/country?分析: 回答是或不是,然后給出一個簡短的主要節(jié)日介紹,Answeryes or no andthen give a few brief details of the main festival
20、s介紹該節(jié)日的意義和慶祝日期。including its meanings and dates.擴展信息:人們怎么慶祝這些節(jié)日?How do people celebrate them? 如果有特殊服裝,那天需要穿些什么?specialclothes worn at this time ( if any)注意:問題中所問的festivals是復數概念,所以不能只談論某一個節(jié)日的典禮?;卮穑?參考答案)Yes, wedo. We have many special celebrations(慶祝)in our country throughout the year. The Spring Fes
21、tival(春節(jié)), the Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋節(jié)), and the Dragon Boat Festival(端午節(jié)) are among the most important ones. But even with the same festival, there are some different celebrating activities invovled in different parts of China.以下就是雅思口語part2話題AHistoricSite的解答方案題目: Describeaninterestinghistoricsite(i
22、nyourcountry)thatyouvisited.Youshouldsay:1.whereitwas 2.whatyousawatthissite(or,whatitlookedlike) 3.whatroleitplayedinhistoryandexplainwhatinterestedyouaboutthatplace 話題類別:Place 難點解析: 對于歷史建筑的描述,在強調它的歷史作用時多少會涉及到歷史作用時多少會涉及到歷史知識以及一些 1/2 托福、GRE、雅思考試全攻略 HYPERLINK /xpage/interface/adclick?aid=9d4c2e3f5727
23、a5e9856a6105&adurl=http%3A%2F%2F%2Ftopic%2Fnew%2Fnew%2Ftuofugreyasi.html&source=http%3A%2F%2F%2Fview%2F0637d65076c66137ef061926.html&sig=d3ee7f44a059fa19e4db43152431beed t _blank 聽力經驗 HYPERLINK /xpage/interface/adclick?aid=9d4c2e3f5727a5e9856a6105&adurl=http%3A%2F%2F%2Ftopic%2Fnew%2Fnew%2Ftuofugreya
24、si.html&source=http%3A%2F%2F%2Fview%2F0637d65076c66137ef061926.html&sig=d3ee7f44a059fa19e4db43152431beed t _blank 口語經驗 HYPERLINK /xpage/interface/adclick?aid=9d4c2e3f5727a5e9856a6105&adurl=http%3A%2F%2F%2Ftopic%2Fnew%2Fnew%2Ftuofugreyasi.html&source=http%3A%2F%2F%2Fview%2F0637d65076c66137ef061926.ht
25、ml&sig=d3ee7f44a059fa19e4db43152431beed t _blank 閱讀經驗 HYPERLINK /xpage/interface/adclick?aid=9d4c2e3f5727a5e9856a6105&adurl=http%3A%2F%2F%2Ftopic%2Fnew%2Fnew%2Ftuofugreyasi.html&source=http%3A%2F%2F%2Fview%2F0637d65076c66137ef061926.html&sig=d3ee7f44a059fa19e4db43152431beed t _blank 寫作經驗 / 專有名詞的表達。而
26、不管是選擇中國的還是國外的歷史建筑,鑒于平日里談論得極少,考試前沒有足夠的準備就很難開口。 備考策略: 考前可以結合其它描述地點或建筑的話題一起準備:Describeamuseum/anoldbuilding/yourfavoritebuilding/animportanttraditionalbuilding等,例如北京故宮里的建筑,即是古老而傳統(tǒng)的建筑,又是很重要的博物館,也可以是自己最喜歡的建筑。甚至還可以把它放到DescribethebesttouristattractioninChina,或者可以描述里面的aninteresting exhibition,所以只要提前做好充足的功課,
27、遇到其它問題也都可以迎刃而解old buildings and historyWhy do some old buildings get demolished?Well I guess one reason would be that they might not be safe to live in anymore, for example if the walls start cracking. And I suppose another reason why a lot of old buildings get knocked down is because the government
28、s decided that it would be better to put up a new building in its place, which would be especially the case if its occupying a prime piece of real estate in the city centre, for example.Do you think tourists prefer to see old buildings or new buildings?Without a doubt, Id say tourists definitely pre
29、fer to see old buildings, the main reason being that old buildings have a lot more history and culture attached to them. So when you visit them, they kind of give you a glimpse into the history of a place, as well as the local lifestyle, which you dont really get from looking at a new building.Do yo
30、u think historic buildings should be preserved?Yeah, most definitely, because I mean, theres a lot of culture which is embedded in historical buildings, and if they werent preserved, then a lot of culture would be lost, which would be a terrible shame. So thats one thing, and as well as this, I thin
31、k its also true to say that if it wasnt for historical buildings, then most cities would look pretty much the same. And if you think about all the famous landmarks around the world, like Big Ben in London and the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, for example, a lot of them are historic buildings, so they
32、 actually play a very strong role in giving a city its identity.Do you think the style of a buildings design is important?Yeah, Id say it is, because essentially the style should accord with the purpose of the building. So if you take an office building, for example, then the style should be as prac
33、tical as possible, which is why most of them tend to be a rectangular shape. And as for residential buildings, I guess the style affects a lot of things, like living space and the general level of comfort. So for me, Id say the architectural design of a building is absolutely crucial, and I suppose
34、thats probably why architects get paid as much as they do!Do young people feel that history is very important?Probably not, no, because I think a lot of young people nowadays dont really feel that history has a direct impact on their own lives, which I guess is reflected in the fact that not many st
35、udents choose History as their major at university, at least compared to other subjects like Accounting or Finance for example. So I think this is a good indicator that many young people dont see history as being that important to them.What is the value of learning about history?Well Id say theres a lot of value in learning it, and one of the main reasons would be that history quite often repeats itself, so
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