




1、信用證英語語必備 I aagreee to use lettter oof crreditt at sighht.我同意意用即期 信用證 付款。Is the creddit aat siight or aafterr sigght? 信用用證 是即即期的還是是遠期的?Ourr lettter of ccrediit wiill bbe oppenedd earrly MMarchh.我們在在3月初開開出 信用用證 。Well oopen the creddit oone mmonthh beffore shippmentt.我們在在裝船前11個月開立立信用證。Pleease openn the
2、e L/CC 20 to 330 daays bbeforre thhe daate oof deeliveery.請在交交貨前200到30天天開出信用用證。Thiis leetterr of creddit eexpirres oon 155th JJuly.這張信信用證7月月15日到到期。Thee valliditty off thee L/CC willl bee exttendeed too 30tth Auugustt.信用證證的有效期期將延至88月30日日。Willl yoou peersuaade yyour custtomerr to arraange for a onne-m
3、oonth exteensioon off L/CC No.TD2004?你們能能不能勸說說客戶將TTD2044號信用證證延期一個個月?To do sso, yyou ccouldd savve baank cchargges ffor oopeniing aan L/C.這樣做做,你們可可以省去開開證費用。Its exxpenssive to oopen an LL/C bbecauuse wwe neeed tto puut a depoosit in tthe bbank.開證得得交押金,因因此花費較較大。We pay too muchh forr succh a lettter oof
4、 crreditt arrrangeementt.這種信信用證付款款方式讓我我們花費太太大了。Theere wwill be bbank charrges in cconneectioon wiith tthe ccrediit.開立信信用證還要要繳納銀行行手續(xù)費。A lletteer off creedit woulld inncreaase tthe ccost of mmy immportt.信用證證會增加我我們進口貨貨物的成本本。Thee selller willl reqquestt to amennd thhe leetterr of creddit.賣方要要修改信用用證。Plee
5、ase amennd L/C Noo.2055 as folllows.請按下下述意見修修改第2005號信用用證。Youur reefusaal too ameend tthe LL/C iis eqquivaalentt to canccellaationn of the ordeer.你們拒拒絕修改信信用證就等等于取消訂訂單。Lettter of CCrediit (LL/C) 信用證forrm off creedit 信用證形形式Terrms oof vaalidiity 信信用證效期期Exppiry Datee 效期Datte off isssue 開開證日期L/CC amoount
6、信用證金金額L/CC nummber 信用證號號碼to openn by airmmail 信開to openn by cablle 電開開to openn by brieef caable 簡電開證證to amennd L/C 修改改信用證fixxed LL/C oor fiixed amouunt LL/C 有有固定金額額的信用證證Sigght LL/C 即即期信用證證Usaance L/C 遠期信用用證Buyyers Ussancee L/CC 買方遠遠期信用證證Traaveleerss L/CC 旅行信信用證Revvocabble LL/C 可可撤消的信信用證Irrrevoccable
7、e L/CC 不可撤撤消的信用用證Connfirmmed LL/C 保保兌的信用用證Uncconfiirmedd L/CC 不 保保兌的信用用證Connfirmmed IIrrevvocabble LL/C 保保兌的不可可撤消信用用證Irrrevoccablee Uncconfiirmedd L/CC 不可撤撤消不保兌兌的信用證證Traansfeerablle L/C 可轉轉讓信用證證Unttranssferaable L/C 不可轉讓讓信用證Revvolviing LL/C 循循環(huán)信用證證Recciproocal L/C 對開信用用證Bacck too Bacck L/C 背對對背信用證證C
8、ouunterrvailling creddit (俗稱)子子證Oveerridding creddit 母母證Bannkers AAccepptancce L/C 銀行行承兌信用用證Traade AAccepptancce L/C 商業(yè)業(yè)承兌信用用證Redd Claause L/C 紅條款信信用證Antticippatorry L/C 預支支信用證Creedit payaable by aa traader 商業(yè)付款款信用證Creedit payaable by aa bannk 銀行行付款信用用證usaance creddit ppaymeent aat siight 假遠期信信用證Uni
9、iformm Cusstomss andd Praacticce foor Doocumeentarry Crreditts 跟單單信用證統(tǒng)統(tǒng)一慣例I.CC.C. Publlicattion No.4400 第第400號號出版物Creedit withh T/TT Reiimburrsemeent CClausse 帶有有電報索匯匯條款的信信用證metthod of rreimbburseementt 索匯方方法witthoutt reccoursse 不受受追索Opeeningg Bannk Namee & SSignaaturee 開證行行名稱及簽簽字benneficciaryy 受益人人
10、guaaranttor 保保證人Expporteerss Bannk 出口口方銀行Impporteerss Bannk 進口口方銀行Selllers BBank 賣方銀行行Buyyers Baank 買買方銀行Payying Bankk 付款行行,匯入行行Remmittiing BBank 匯出行Opeeningg Bannk 開證證行Isssuingg Bannk 開證證行Advvisinng Baank 通通知行Nottifyiing BBank 通知行Neggotiaatingg Bannk 議付付行Draawee Bankk 付款行行Connfirmming Bankk 保兌行行Pre
11、esentting Bankk 提示行行Traansmiittinng Baank 轉轉遞行Accceptiing BBank 承兌行Addditioonal Wordds annd Phhraseespayy beaarer 付給某人人beaarer 來人payyer 付付款人connsignnee 受受托人connsignnor 委委托人draawer 出票人priincippal 委委托人draawee 付款人connsinggnee 受托人truusterr 信托人人accceptoor 承兌兌人truusteee 被信托托人enddorseer 背書書人disscounnt 貼現(xiàn)現(xiàn)e
12、nddorseee 被背背書人enddorsee 背書hollder 持票人enddorseementt 背書baiilee 受托人,代代保管人payymentt agaainstt doccumennts 憑憑單付款payymentt agaainstt doccumennts tthrouugh ccolleectioon 憑單單托收付款款payymentt by acceeptannce 承承兌付款payymentt by billl 憑匯票票付款Lettter of GGuaraanteee (L/G) 保保證書Bannk Guuaranntee 銀行保函函Conntracct Guu
13、aranntee 合約保函函Payymentt Guaaranttee 付付款保證書書Reppaymeent GGuaraanteee 還款保保證書Impport Guarranteee 進口口保證書Tennder/Bid Guarranteee 投標標保證書Perrformmancee Guaaranttee 履履約保證書書Rettentiion MMoneyy Guaaranttee 保保留金保證證書Doccumennts oof tiitle to tthe ggoodss 物權憑憑證Autthoriity tto Puurchaase (A/P) 委托購購買證Lettter of II
14、ndiccatioon 印鑒鑒核對卡Lettter of HHypotthecaationn 質(zhì)押書書Gennerall Lettter of HHypotthecaationn 總質(zhì)押押書 信用證證 英語 - 信用用證 種類類1. revoocablle L/C/irrrevoocablle L/C 可撤撤銷 信用用證 /不不可撤銷信信用證2.cconfiirmedd L/CC/uncconfiirmedd L/CC 保兌信信用證/不不保兌信用用證3.ssightt L/CC/usaance L/C 即期信用用證/遠期期信用證4.ttranssferaable L/C(or)aassiggn
15、ablle L/C(orr)traansmiissibble LL/C /untrransfferabble LL/C 可可轉讓信用用證/不可可轉讓信用用證5.ddivissiblee L/CC/unddivissiblee L/CC 可分割割信用證/不可分割割信用證6.rrevollvingg L/CC 循環(huán)信信用證7.LL/C wwith T/T reimmburssemennt cllausee 帶電匯匯條款信用用證8.wwithoout rrecouurse L/C/withh reccoursse L/C 無追追索權信用用證/有追追索權信用用證9.ddocummentaary LL/
16、C/ccleann L/CC 跟單信信用證/光光票信用證證10.defeerredd payymentt L/CC/antticippatorry L/C 延付付信用證/預支信用用證11.backk to backk L/CCreciiproccal LL/C 對對背信用證證/對開信信用證12.travvelleers L/C(or:ccircuular L/C) 旅行信信用證信用證證有關各方方名稱Nammes oof Paartiees Cooncerrned1. openner 開開證人(1)appllicannt 開證證人(申請請開證人)(2)prinncipaal 開證證人(委托托開證
17、人)(3)accoounteee 開證證人(4)accrredittor 開開證人(委委托開證人人)(5)openner 開開證人(6)for accoount of MMessrrs 付(某人)帳帳(7)at tthe rrequeest oof Meessrss 應(某某人)請求求(8)on bbehallf off Messsrs 代表某人人(9)by oorderr of Messsrs 奉奉(某人)之命(100)by ordeer off andd forr acccountt of Messsrs 奉奉(某人)之命并付付其帳戶(111)at the requuest of aand
18、 ffor aaccouunt oof Meessrss 應(某某人)得要要求并付其其帳戶(122)in accoordannce wwith insttructtion receeivedd froom acccredditorrs 根據(jù)據(jù)已收到得得委托開證證人得指示示2.bbenefficiaary 受受益人 (1)beenefiiciarry 受益益人 (22)in favoour oof 以(某人)為為受益人(3)in ooness favvour 以為受益益人 (44)favvouriing yyoursselvees 以你你本人為受受益人3.ddraweee 付款款人(或稱稱受票人
19、,指指匯票) (1)tto drrawn on (or :uponn) 以(某人)為為付款人(2)to vvaluee on 以(某人人)為付款款人 (33)to issuued oon 以(某人)為為付款人4.ddraweer 出票票人5.aadvissing bankk 通知行行 (1)adviisingg bannk 通知知行 (22)thee nottifyiing bbank 通知行 (3)aadvissed tthrouughbankk 通過銀行通通知(4)adviised by aairmaail/ccablee thrroughhbankk 通過銀行航航空信/電電通知6.oop
20、eniing bbank 開證行(1)openning bankk 開證行行 (2)issuuing bankk 開證行行 (3)estaablisshingg bannk 開證證行7.nnegottiatiion bbank 議付行(1)negootiatting bankk 議付行行(2)nnegottiatiion bbank 議付行8.ppayinng baank 付付款行9.rreimbbursiing bbank 償付行10.the conffirmiing bbank 保兌行Amoount of tthe LL/C 信信用證金額額1. amouunt RRMB¥ 金額:人民幣2.
21、uup too an aggrregatte ammountt of Honggkongg Dolllarss 累計金金額最高為為港幣3.ffor aa summ (orr :suums) not exceeedinng a totaal off GBPP 總金額額不得超過過英鎊4.tto thhe exxtentt of HKD 總金額額為港幣5.ffor tthe aamounnt off USDD 金額為為美元6.ffor aan ammountt nott excceediing ttotall of JPY 金額的的總數(shù)不得得超過日元的限限度 TThe SStipuulatiions
22、 for the shipppingg Doccumennts1. avaiilablle aggainsst suurrennder of tthe ffolloowingg doccumennts bbeariing oour ccrediit nuumberr andd thee fulll naame aand aaddreess oof thhe oppenerr 憑交出出下列注名名本證號碼碼和開證人人的全稱及及地址的單單據(jù)付款2.ddraftts too be accoompannied by tthe ddocummentss marrked()bellow 匯匯票須隨附附下列注
23、有有()的單據(jù)據(jù)3.aaccommpaniied aagainnst tto doocumeents hereeinaffter 隨附下列列單據(jù)4.aaccommpaniied bby foollowwing docuumentts 隨附附下列單據(jù)據(jù)5.ddocummentss reqquireed 單據(jù)據(jù)要求6.aaccommpaniied bby thhe foollowwing docuumentts maarkedd()in dupllicatte 隨附附下列注有有()的單據(jù)據(jù)一式兩份份7.ddraftts arre too be accoompannied by 匯票要要隨附(指指單
24、據(jù))Draaft(BBill of EExchaange)1.tthe kkindss of draffts 匯匯票種類(1)avaiilablle byy draafts at ssightt 憑即期期匯票付款款(2)drafft(s) to be ddrawnn at 30 ddays sighht 開立立30天的的期票(3)sighht drrafs 即期匯票票(4)timee draafts 遠期匯票票2.ddrawnn claausess 出票條條款(注:即出具匯匯票的法律律依據(jù))(1)all darffts ddrawnn undder tthis creddit mmust co
25、nttain the clauuse “Draffts ddrawnn Undder BBank ofcreddit NNo.dateed” 本證證項下開具具的匯票須須注明“本匯票系系憑銀行年月日第號信用證證下開具”的條款(2)draffts aare tto bee draawn iin duupliccate to oour oorderr beaaringg thee claause “Drawwn unnder Unitted MMalayyan BBankiing CCorp.Bhd.Irreevocaable Lettter oof Crreditt No.dateed Juuly
26、 112, 11978” 匯票一一式兩份,以以我行為抬抬頭,并注注明“根據(jù)馬來來西亞聯(lián)合合銀行19978年77月12日日第號不可可撤銷信用用證項下開開立”(3)drafft(s) draawn uunderr thiis crreditt to be mmarkeed:“Drawwn unnderBankk L/CC No.Datted (issuuing datee of creddit)” 根據(jù)本本證開出得得匯票須注注明“憑銀行年月日(按按開證日期期)第號不可撤撤銷信用證證項下開立立”(4)draffts iin duupliccate at ssightt beaaringg thee
27、claausess“Drawwn unnderL/C No.dateed” 即期期匯票一式式兩份,注注明“根據(jù)銀行信信用證號,日期期開具”(5)drafft(s) so drawwn muust bbe inn scrribedd witth thhe nuumberr andd datte off thiis L/C 開具具的匯票須須注上本證證的號碼和和日期(6)drafft(s) beaaringg thee claause:“Drawwn unnder docuumenttary creddit NNo.(shoown aabovee) offBankk” 匯票注注明“根據(jù)銀行跟跟單信用
28、證證號(如如上所示)項下開立立”信用證付款款英語例句句 【wtojjob.ccom 國國際商貿(mào)人人才門戶-世貿(mào)人才才網(wǎng) 20009-007-299】 【字字體:放大大 縮小】 一、支付條件件(Terrms oof paaymennt)1. Our usuaal waay off payymentt is by cconfiirmedd andd irrrevoccablee lettter of ccrediit avvailaable by ddraftt at sighht foor thhe fuull aamounnt off thee conntraccted goodds too
29、be estaablisshed in oour ffavouur thhrouggh a bankk accceptaable to tthe sselleers.我們的的一般付款款方式是保保兌的、不不可撤銷的的、以我公公司為受益益人的、足足額 信用用證 ,見見票即付。 信用證證 應通過過為賣方認認可的銀行行開出。2. For paymment,we rrequiire 1100% valuue,coonfirrmed and irreevocaable lettter oof crreditt witth paartiaal shhipmeent aand ttransshipmment
30、alloowed clauuse,aavaillablee by drafft att sigght,ppayabble aagainnst ssurreenderring the fulll sett of shipppingg doccumennts tto thhe neegotiiatinng baank hhere.我們要要求用1000%金額額的、保兌兌的、不可可撤銷的 信用證 ,并 規(guī)規(guī)定 允許許轉船和分分批裝運,憑憑 匯票 向議付行行交單即期期付款。3. The lettter oof crreditt shoould be eestabblishhed wwith its cl
31、auuses in cconfiirmattion withh thee terrms aand ccondiitionns off thee conntracct.信用證證所開 條條款 ,必必須與合約約 條款 相符。4. We uusuallly aacceppt paaymennt byy L/CC at sighht drraft or bby T/T inn advvancee,butt nevver bby C.O.D.通常我我們接受即即期信用證證付款或電電匯。我們們從不接受受貨到付款款的 辦法法 。二、催催開信用證證(Preessinng foor L/C)1. As tthe g
32、goodss agaainstt youur orrder No.1111 hhave beenn reaady ffor sshipmment for quitte soome ttime,it iis immperaativee thaat yoou taake iimmeddiatee acttion to hhave the coveeringg creedit estaablisshed as ssoon as ppossiible.由于貴貴方定單第第111號號之貨已備備待運有相相當長時間間了,貴方方必須立即即行動盡快快開出信用用證。2. We rrepeaatedlly reequ
33、essted you by ffaxess to expeeditee thee opeeningg of the relaativee lettter of ccrediit soo thaat wee migght eeffecct shhipmeent ffor tthe aabovee menntionned oorderr,butt aftter tthe llapsee of 3 moonthss,we havee nott yett recceiveed thhe cooveriing LL/C.我們已已經(jīng)多次傳傳真要求貴貴方從速開開來有關信信用證,以以使我們裝裝運上述定定單之貨
34、。但是三個個月過去了了,仍未收收到有關信信用證。3. We hhope thatt youu willl taake ccommeerciaal reeputaationn intto acccounnt inn alll serrioussnesss andd opeen L/C att oncce,ottherwwise you willl be respponsiible for all the lossses aarisiing tthereefromm.希望貴貴方認真考考慮商業(yè)信信譽,立即即開證,否否則,由此此產(chǎn)生的一一切損失均均由貴方負負責。4. The shippmentt ti
35、mme foor yoour oorderr is apprroachhing,but we hhave not yet receeivedd thee covverinng L/C.Plls doo youur uttmostt to expeeditee thee samme too reaach hhere befoore tthe eend oof thhis mmonthh so thatt shiipmennt maay bee efffecteed wiithouut deealy.貴方定定單的裝船船期已經(jīng)臨臨近,但我我們尚未收收入到有關關信用證,請請盡最大努努力從速將將信用證在
36、在本月底開開到,以便便及時裝運運。三、修修改信用證證 (Ammendmment to LL/C)1. Pls amennd thhe fooregooing L/C to rread piecce leengthh in 30 yyardss inssteadd of 40 yyardss.請把上上述信用證證條款中匹匹長40碼碼改為300碼。2. We wwouldd draaw yoour aattenntionn to the factt thaat thhe coonstrructiion oof ouur Arrt.Noo.31000S iis 32232 77865 wwhereea
37、s yyour creddit ccallss forr 3030 77865.TThereefor,you are requuesteed too ameend tthe ccrediit acccordding to tthe sstipuulatiionoff thee conntracct.我們提提請貴方注注意,我方方坯布的規(guī)規(guī)格為32232 77865,而而貴方信用用證卻 規(guī)規(guī)定 30030 77865,故故請按照合合約規(guī)定修修改信用證證。3. Pls exteend tthe sshipmment datee andd thee valliditty off youur L/C N
38、oo.1111 to the end of JJan.andd Febb.15,20066 resspecttivelly,annd seee too it thatt thee ameendmeent aadivcce wiill rreachh us befoore tthe eend oof Deec.20005.請將信信用證1111號的裝裝運船和議議付期分別別展延至22006年年1月底及及2月155日,并請請注意把修修改書于22005年年12月底底前寄達我我們這里。4. We hhave receeivedd youur L/C Noo.1111 covverinng thhe abb
39、ove -menntionned ccontrract.But on ccheckking up iits cclausses,wwe fiind tthat it ccallss forr shiipmennt too be effeectedd nott lattter thann Novv.10,20055,wheereass thee conntracct sttipullatess shiipmennt Deec.20005.PPls eextennd thhe shhipmeent ddate to tthe DDec.115th 20055 andd valliditty too
40、 thee 31sst off Decc.上述合合約項下的的信用證1111號已已收到。但但是經(jīng)過核核對條款,發(fā)發(fā)現(xiàn)該證規(guī)規(guī)定裝期不不遲于20005年111月,而而合約規(guī)定定裝期為22005年年12月份份,為此請請把該證裝裝期展延至至20055年12月月15日,議議付期展延延至12月月31日。信用證常用用術語及條條款翻譯 (1)speccial addiitionnal rrisk 特別附加加險(2)faillure to ddelivvery 交貨不到到險(3)impoort dduty 進口 關關稅 險(4)on ddeck 倉面險(5)rejeectioon 拒收收險(6)aflaatox
41、iin 黃曲曲霉素險(7)firee rissk exxtenssion clauuse-ffor sstoraage oof caargo at ddestiinatiion hhongkkong, inccludiing kkowlooon, or mmacaoo 出口貨貨物到香港港(包括九九龍在內(nèi))或澳門存存?zhèn)}火險責責任擴展 條款(8)survvey iin cuustomms riisk 海海關 檢驗驗險(9)survvey aat jeetty riskk 碼頭 檢驗險(100)insstituute wwar rrisk 學會戰(zhàn)爭爭險(111)oveerlannd trranspp
42、ortaationn rissks 陸陸運險(122)oveerlannd trranspportaationn alll rissks 陸陸運綜合險險(133)airr traanspoortattion riskk 航 空空運 輸險險(144)airr traanspoortattion all riskk 航 空空運 輸綜綜合險(155)airr traanspoortattion war riskk 航空 運輸戰(zhàn)爭爭險(166)parrcel postt rissk 郵包包險(177)parrcel postt alll rissk 郵包包綜合險(188)parrcel postt w
43、arr rissk 郵包包戰(zhàn)爭險(199)invvestmment insuurancce(poolitiical riskks) 投投資保險(政治風險險)(200)proopertty innsuraance 財產(chǎn)保險險(211)ereectioon alll riisks 安裝工程程一切險(222)conntracctorss alll rissks 建建筑工程一一切險二.tthe sstipuulatiions for insuurancce 保險險條款(1)mariine iinsurrancee pollicy 海運 保保險單(2)speccificc pollicy 單獨保險險單(
44、3)voyaage ppoliccy 航程程保險單(4)timee pollicy 期限保險險單(5)floaatingg pollicy (or openn pollicy) 流動保保險單(6)oceaan maarinee carrgo cclausses 海海洋運輸 貨物保險險條款(7)oceaan maarinee inssurannce cclausses (frozzen pproduucts) 海洋運運輸 冷藏藏貨物保險險條款(8)oceaan maarinee carrgo wwar cclausses 海海洋運輸貨貨物戰(zhàn)爭險險條款(9)oceaan maarinee inss
45、urannce cclausses (wooddoil in bbulk) 海洋運運輸散裝桐桐油保險條條款(100)oveerlannd trranspportaationn inssurannce cclausses (traiin, ttruckks) 陸陸上運輸貨貨物保險條條款(火車車、汽車)(111)oveerlannd trranspportaationn inssurannce cclausses (frozzen pproduucts) 陸上運運輸冷藏貨貨物保險條條款(122)airr traanspoortattion carggo innsuraance clauuses 航
46、空 運運輸貨物保保險條款(133)airr traanspoortattion carggo waar riisk cclausses 航航空運輸貨貨物戰(zhàn)爭險險條款(144)parrcel postt inssurannce cclausses 郵郵包保險條條款(155)parrcel postt warr rissk innsuraance clauuses 郵包戰(zhàn)爭爭保險條款款(166)livvestoock & pouultryy inssurannce cclausses (by ssea, landd or air)活牲畜畜、家禽的的海上、陸陸上、航空空保險條款款(177)riskk
47、s cllausees off thee p.ii.c.cc. suubjecct too c.ii.c.根據(jù)中中國人民保保險公司的的保險條款款投保險(1)mariine iinsurrancee pollicy 海運 保保險單(2)speccificc pollicy 單獨保險險單(3)voyaage ppoliccy 航程程保險單(4)timee pollicy 期限保險險單(5)floaatingg pollicy (or openn pollicy) 流動保保險單(6)oceaan maarinee carrgo cclausses 海海洋運輸貨貨物保險條條款(7)oceaan maa
48、rinee inssurannce cclausses (frozzen pproduucts) 海洋運運輸冷藏貨貨物保險條條款(8)oceaan maarinee carrgo wwar cclausses 海海洋運輸貨貨物戰(zhàn)爭險險條款(9)oceaan maarinee inssurannce cclausses (wooddoil in bbulk) 海洋運運輸散裝桐桐油保險條條款(100)oveerlannd trranspportaationn inssurannce cclausses (traiin, ttruckks) 陸陸上運輸貨貨物保險條條款(火車車、汽車)(111)ove
49、erlannd trranspportaationn inssurannce cclausses (frozzen pproduucts) 陸上運運輸冷藏貨貨物保險條條款(122)airr traanspoortattion carggo innsuraance clauuses 航空運輸輸貨物保險險條款(133)airr traanspoortattion carggo waar riisk cclausses 航航空運輸貨貨物戰(zhàn)爭險險條款(144)parrcel postt inssurannce cclausses 郵郵包保險條條款(155)parrcel postt warr riss
50、k innsuraance clauuses 郵包戰(zhàn)爭爭保險條款款(166)livvestoock & pouultryy inssurannce cclausses (by ssea, landd or air)活牲畜畜、家禽的的海上、陸陸上、航空空保險條款款(177)riskks cllausees off thee p.ii.c.cc. suubjecct too c.ii.c.根據(jù)中中國人民保保險公司的的保險條款款投保險(188)marrine insuurancce pooliciies oor ceertifficattes iin neegotiiablee forrm, ffo
51、r 1110% fulll ciff invvoicee covverinng thhe riisks of wwar & w.aa. ass perr thee peoopless inssurannce cco. oof chhina dateed 1/1/19976. withh exttendeed coover up tto kuuala lumppur wwith claiims ppayabble iin (aat) kkualaa lummpur in tthe ccurreency of ddraftt (irrresppectiive oof peercenntagee)
52、作為為可議付格格式的 海海運 保險險單或憑證證按照到岸岸價的 發(fā)發(fā)票 金額額110%投保中國國人民保險險公司19976年11月1日的的戰(zhàn)爭險和和基本險,負負責到吉隆隆坡為止。按照 匯匯票 所使使用的貨幣幣在吉隆坡坡賠付(無無免賠率)(199)inssurannce ppoliccy orr cerrtifiicatee setttlinng aggentss namme iss to be iindiccatedd, anny addditiionall preemiumm to coveer uppliftt bettweenn 10 and 17% may be ddrawnn in ex
53、ceess oof thhe crreditt uallue 保保險單或憑憑證須表明明理賠代理理人的名稱稱,保險費費如增加110-177%可在本本證金額以以外支付(200)inssurannce ppoliccy (ccertiificaate) namme off asssuredd to be sshoweed: aa.b.cc.co. ltdd. 保險險單或憑證證作成以aa.b.cc.有限公公司為被保保險人(211)inssurannce ppoliccy orr cerrtifiicatee covverinng w.a. (or ff.p.aa.) aand wwar rriskss
54、 as per oceaan maarinee carrgo cclausse annd occean mariine ccargoo warr rissk cllausees off thee peoopless inssurannce ccompaany oof chhina dateed 1/1/19981 保保險單或憑憑證根據(jù)中中國人民保保險公司11981年年1月1日日的海洋運運輸貨物保保險條款和和海洋運輸輸貨物戰(zhàn)爭爭險條款投投保水漬險險(或平安安險)和戰(zhàn)戰(zhàn)爭險(222)inssurannce ppoliccy/ceertifficatte cooveriing aall wwar m
55、miness rissks 保保險單/憑憑證投保一一切險、戰(zhàn)戰(zhàn)爭險、地地雷險(注注:minnes解釋釋為地雷,屬屬于戰(zhàn)爭險險的負責范范圍,可以以接受)(233)w.aa. thhis iinsurrancee musst bee vallid ffor pperiood off 60 dayss aftter tthe ddischhargee of goodds 水漬漬險在貨物物卸船后660天有效效(244)in tripplicaate ccoverring all riskks annd waar riisks inclludinng w.a. aand bbreakkage in ee
56、xcesss off fivve peer ceent oon thhe whhole conssignmment and inclludinng w/w upp to buyeers ggodowwn inn pennang投保一一切險和戰(zhàn)戰(zhàn)爭險包括括水漬險,破破碎損失有有5%絕對對免賠率,按按全部貨物物計算,包包括倉至倉倉條款,負負責到買方方在檳城的的倉庫為止止(的保險險單)一式式三份(255)inssurannce ppoliccy isssuedd of endoorsedd to ordeer forr thee facce vaalue of iinvoiice pplus 10%
57、 coveeringg inccludiing wwar wwith 15 ddays afteer arrrivaal off gooods aat deestinnatioon, oonly agaiinst fpa and t.p.n.d.按 發(fā)發(fā)票 面值值加10%投保戰(zhàn)爭爭險,貨物物到達目的的地后155天有效,僅僅負責平安安險和盜竊竊提貨不著著險的保險險單開給或或背書給跟單信用證證常見英語語略縮語 D/PP(doccumennt aggainsst paaymennt)付款款交單C.OO (ceertifficatte off oriigin)一般原產(chǎn)產(chǎn)地證CTNN/CTNNS(caa
58、rtonn/carrtonss)紙箱DL/DLS(dolllar/ddollaars)美美元PKGG(pacckagee)一包,一一捆,一扎扎,一件等等G.WW.(grross weigght)毛毛重C/DD (cuustomms deeclarratioon) 報報關單 W (withh)具有FACC(faccsimiile)傳傳真EXPP(expport)出口MINN (miinimuum)最小小的,最低低限度M/VV(merrchannt veessell)商船MT或或M/T(metrric tton)公公噸INTT(intternaationnal)國國際的INVV (innvoicc
59、e)發(fā)票票REFF (reefereence)參考、查查價STLL.(sttyle)式樣、款款式、類型型RMBB(rennminbbi)人民民幣PR或或PRC(pricce) 價價格S/CC(salles ccontrract)銷售確認認書B/LL (biill oof laadingg)提單 CIIF (ccost,insuurancce&frreighht)成本本、保險加加運費價T/TT(tellegraaphicc traansfeer)電匯匯D/AA (doocumeent aagainnst aaccepptancce)承兌兌交單G.SS.P.(geneeraliized systt
60、em oof prreferrencees)普惠惠制PCEE/PCSS(pieece/ppiecees)只、個、支等等DOZZ/DZ(dozeen)一打打 WT(weigght)重重量N.WW.(neet weeightt)凈重EA(eachh)每個,各各w/oo(witthoutt)沒有IMPP(impport)進口MAXX (maaximuum)最大大的、最大大限度的M 或或MED (meddium)中等,中中級的S.SS(steeamshhip)船船運DOCC (doocumeent)文文件、單據(jù)據(jù)P/LL (paackinng liist)裝裝箱單、明明細表PCTT (peercenn
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