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1、施耐德電氣其效 盡享其能全球能效管理 施耐德電氣為世界 多個國家提供整體解決方案,其中在能源與基礎(chǔ)設施、工業(yè)過程控制、樓宇自動化和數(shù)據(jù)中心與網(wǎng)絡等市場處于世界領(lǐng)先地位,在住宅應用領(lǐng)域也擁有強大的市場能力。致力于為客戶提供安全、可靠、高效的能源,施耐德電氣 年的銷售額為 億歐元,擁有超過 名員工。施耐德電氣助您其效,盡享其能!施耐德電氣 年,施耐德電氣在成立第一家合資工廠,將斷路器技術(shù)帶到中國,取代傳統(tǒng)保險絲,使得中國用戶用電安全性大為增強,并為斷路器標準的建立作出了卓越的貢獻。 年代初,施耐德電氣旗下品牌奇勝率先將開關(guān)面板帶入中國,結(jié)束了中國使用燈繩開關(guān)的時代。施耐德電氣的高額投資有力地支持了

2、中國的經(jīng)濟建設,并為中國客戶提供了先進的產(chǎn)品支持和完善的技術(shù)服務,中低壓電器、變頻器、接觸器等工業(yè)產(chǎn)品大量運用工業(yè)化的進程。國內(nèi)的經(jīng)濟建設中,促進了中國共建立了 個辦事處, 家工廠, 個物流中心,個研修學院, 個研發(fā)目前,施耐德電氣中心,個, 多家分銷商和遍布的銷售網(wǎng)絡。施耐德電氣中國目前員工數(shù)近 人。通過與合作伙伴以及大量經(jīng)銷商的合作,施耐德電氣為中國創(chuàng)造了成千上萬個就業(yè)機會。施耐德電氣能效管理憑借其對五大市場的深刻了解、對客戶的悉心關(guān)愛,以及在能效管理領(lǐng)域的豐富經(jīng)驗,施耐德電氣從一個優(yōu)秀的產(chǎn)品和設備供應商逐步成長為整體解決方案提供商。今年,施耐德電氣首次集成其在建筑樓宇、 、安防、電力及工

3、業(yè)過程和設備等五大領(lǐng)域的專業(yè)技術(shù)和經(jīng)驗,將其高質(zhì)量的產(chǎn)品和解決方案融合在一個的架構(gòu)下,通過標準的界面為各行業(yè)客戶提供一個開放、透明、節(jié)能、高效的能效管理,為企業(yè)客戶節(jié)省高達 的投資成本和運營成本。2Preciand Reliabili精密可靠Preciand Reliability精密可靠Many aspects of everyday lifet we以前,對沒有電子通訊和計算機的日常生活習以take franted are now dependent on為常,但現(xiàn)在變得越來越依賴它們。munications and computer technology.The operation of

4、 airports, railway s ions,機場、鐵路、交換的以及一大堆相關(guān)bs, ephone exchanges and a whole host服務比如互聯(lián)網(wǎng)、導航系統(tǒng)等已經(jīng)成為商業(yè)、of other al d servisuch as the ernet, cellular ephones and navigation systems, is fundamental to business and so l life. The role of PreciConditioning air conditioning equipment in ensuring the proper

5、operation of these systems is therefore vital.社會生活的基礎(chǔ)。而扮演著“確保這些系統(tǒng)正常運轉(zhuǎn)”角色的精密空調(diào)也就相應地變得十分重要。1恒溫恒濕現(xiàn)代化電子設備雖然也可在相對寬泛的環(huán)境條件下正常運行,但是穩(wěn)定的溫度和濕度環(huán)境將大大延長Constant temperature and humidityModern electronic equipment may be able to operate under a relatively wide range of conditions but its longevity and reliability

6、aregre y enhanced under constant conditions of temperature and humidity. All the heat produced must be removed to prevent catastrophic increasesemperature. Although electronic equipment produonly sensible heat, humidity must be monitored to preventsible system faults.PreciConditioning air conditioni

7、ng units are specifically designed to ma a emperature and humidity conditions within extremely tight toleran, even when the he oad fluctuates.其使用,提高其可靠性。所有的熱量都必須被排出以避免溫度劇烈上升。盡管電子設備只產(chǎn)生顯熱,但為了避免可能的當機,也必須進行濕度。精密空調(diào)就是為了即使在熱負荷波動的情況下,也可以將溫度和濕度控置在一個極其狹小的范圍內(nèi)而專門設計的。2絕對可靠卓越的可靠性是保障復雜高科技設備所必備的先決條件,而精心的設計,嚴格的測試和全面

8、質(zhì)量的生產(chǎn)程序保證了精密空調(diào)系列產(chǎn)品擁有卓越的可靠性。Total reliabilityPainstaking design, stringent laboratory testing and Total Quality production proses ensuret PreciConditioning units have the outstanding reliability which is a prerequisite for complex hightechnology installations.主安全系統(tǒng)3UG40微處理控制器持續(xù)不斷地機組組件的狀態(tài)和環(huán)境的參數(shù),以保證在各種

9、模式下機組的正常運行。此外,針對反常的或潛在的損害性運行條件,精密空調(diào)系列機組設計還有自我保護功能。Active and passive safetyThe UG40 microprosor control constantly monitors the s us of unit components and environmental parameters in order to ensure correct operation functioning during all modes of operation. PreciConditioning also hasrinsic protec

10、tion against abnormal or potentially damaging operating conditions.操作安全精密空調(diào)空調(diào)機組符合絕大多數(shù)國家相關(guān)得安全質(zhì)量標準(也符合施耐德電氣作為一個國際生產(chǎn)商的身份),特別是歐盟成員國標準,并獲得歐洲標準質(zhì)量認證。1 Detail of a control room控制室布局詳圖2 Detail of a large computer room大型計算機中心布局詳圖Operator safety施耐德電氣空調(diào)機組的所有電器都符合國際電3 Detail of PreciConditioning unitsinstalled i

11、n a switching centre工保障。標準,為全球用戶提供了最大限度的安全PreciConditioning units conform to the安裝有PreciConditioning-精密空調(diào)relevant safety standards of most countries組的交換 中心布局祥圖(as befits a manufacturer with Schneider Electrics global presence), and to those of the European Union in particular, and are CE marked acco

12、rdingly.Will electrics in accordance with ernational IEC standards, Schneider Electric units offerum safety to users worldwide.24hou s365daysSHR 1-40C3tyHigh energy efficiencyThe minimising of operating costs in high tech installations ising ever more an imperative in a competitive market place.Comb

13、ined with the ever greater emphasis on respect for the environment, this meanst high energy efficiency is now a key factor in preciair conditioning. PrecConditioning units have been designed with this objective at the top ofnda.Their low energy consumption is the result of an exhaustiveysis covering

14、 everything from the choice of components to the constant refinement of design solutions:SCROLL compressors are used throughout the range高能效在一個競爭激烈的市場,最小化高技術(shù)設備的運作成本勢在必行。當前對環(huán)保的前所未有的強調(diào)也表關(guān)鍵能效已經(jīng)成為精密空調(diào)競爭力的一大。因此精密空調(diào)機組在設計時即將高能效這個目標放在首位。其低耗能是建立在詳盡的分析研究工作基礎(chǔ)之上的。這樣的分析包括了從的選擇到涉及方案的精益求精等各個方面。1整個系列所有機組均采用渦旋式壓縮機。電

15、子膨脹閥使用于整個系列的標準配置配有電子換向發(fā)后曲風扇或傳統(tǒng)異步馬達的高效的Electronic expanvalves (EEV) are standardthroughout the range采用優(yōu)化的氣流模式減少了降。和出風口壓High efficiency Back ward curved fans available with electronically commu ed motor or with traditional asynchronous motor采用節(jié)能方案,將節(jié)能制冷時間最大化,壓2Optimised air flottern to reduce prere縮機運

16、行時間最少化。drops both ernally and at the dischargeEnergy Saving (ES) vers whiaximise配備了節(jié)能冷卻盤管的大容量水冷機組提free cooling time and thus minimise高了系統(tǒng)綜合效率compressor operation.Effective egrationixed systems完美的控制方案確保系統(tǒng)下都處于最佳狀態(tài)。在任何操作條件t use high capacity chillers with Free coolingcoils designed for these applicatio

17、nsControl strategies ensure optimum operation of system components under all operating conditions操控令節(jié)能循環(huán)系統(tǒng)發(fā)揮最大效率。采用前后雙壓縮機方案創(chuàng)造了相當高的部分負載能量使用效率。Control softwaret operates energy savingcycles toum effect3Tandem compressor ver part load efficiencys for very highSHR close to 1The primary objective of prec

18、iair conditioning must be to dissipate the real he oadhe space.Electronic equipment produonly sensible heat.Any unwanted latent cooling (dehumidification) provides no useful service to the equipment being cooled and is a considerable waste of energy in itself andhe extra energyt may then need to be

19、expended to put humidity back o the space.For this reason PreciConditioning units have been designed to provide a very high ratio of sensible to total cooling (Sensible Heat Ratio).接近100%的顯熱比精密空調(diào)的首要目標就是必須驅(qū)散受控空間中的實際熱荷。由于電子設備只產(chǎn)生顯熱,因此對設備進行的任何潛在冷卻(除濕)都是不需要的和無效的,對其自身消耗的能源和用來補回濕度的能源都是一個巨大的浪費。為此精密空調(diào)的顯冷在總冷量

20、中占有相當高的比例(顯熱比)。SHR 11 Direct expanunit withscroll compressor凈顯冷量制冷學意義上的效率是指制冷量對負載制冷的 實際貢獻。為了實現(xiàn)最佳的散熱結(jié)構(gòu),施耐德電氣為其產(chǎn)品進行了理智的技術(shù)選擇 凈顯冷量(總顯冷量減風扇電機的熱能)。渦旋式壓縮機直接膨脹機組2 Cooling circuit with EEV (Electronic ExpanValve - detail)電子膨脹閥冷卻循環(huán)Nesible cooling capacityEfficiency is a philosophyt is expressedthrough clear c

21、hoiwithin which the realcontributions to the equipment cooling capacity3 EU4 air filter with metallic frame金屬框架EU4 空氣過濾網(wǎng)must be clearly identified. Schneider Electric has made technical choifor the product aimedat solutionst optimise the real contribution to removing heat from the space: the nesible

22、 capacity (sensible cooling fan motor heat gains).4Versatile configuratio配置靈活Versatile configurations靈活多變的組合即使對于最復雜的高科技設備而言,精密空調(diào)也是實現(xiàn)精密環(huán)境控制的最靈活手段。PreciConditioning equipment is the flexiblesolution to the preciair conditioningrequirements of even the most complex of hightech applications.A wide range

23、 of configurations has been developed in order to give building servi engineersum design freedom without the need for expensive bespoke solutions.Versatility is at the heart of the Preci Conditioning concept:多種多樣的配置方式給予樓宇裝修工程師最大的設計空間,不必預定昂貴的設備來解決裝修問題。1靈活性是精密空調(diào)設計的。Different fan configurations to cove

24、r a wide range of requirements多種風扇配置滿足了各種不同的需求。有不同類型和等級的過濾器供選擇。A range of filter types and grades can be specifiedDifferent acoustic linings for the panels of the unit casing不同類型的機箱板隔音內(nèi)襯可供選擇能使用于多樣化的配置模式可提供一個單制冷回路或兩個獨立制冷回路Adaptable to a variety of plant configurationsVers available with one or two in

25、dependent refrigerant circuits2占用空間小,所有的可從正面完成??臻g最小Minimal footpr with frontal ac s for all ma enance與多種、網(wǎng)絡語言和協(xié)議兼容。Service clearance cut to the minimum多種配置方式使方案簡單而靈活Adaptability to a wide range of supervi and network languages and protocolsFlexibilityhe simple on site implemen of a variety of config

26、urationsion1 Downflow unit with backward curved blades fansUnit downflow con配有后曲葉片風扇的下送風機組2 Backward curved blades fan with EC motor帶有電控發(fā)電機組的后曲葉片風扇5nAir Flow ConfigurationsBoth Downflow and Upflow applications use high efficiency air filters up to category EU8 (EUROVENT 4 5 or ASHRAE 52 76classifica

27、tion).氣流配置下送風機組和上送風機組都可以提供高效式空濾器,最高可達EU8級。(EUROVENT4 5或 ASHRAE 52 76)Upflow UnitsUpflow units (wiir discharge from the top)are designed to distribute the conditioned airby means of a free blow plenum, through a system of ducts or vuspended ceiling. Airake is normally through the front of the unit bu

28、t vers are also available wiir return through the rear or via the base.上送風機組上送風機組(冷空氣從頂部送出)采用無柵風口的方法,通過管道系統(tǒng)或吊頂天花將冷氣送出。其回風通常在機組正面,但亦可在機組底部或后部。Upflow unit with suction from the front從前部進風的上送風機組Upflow unit with suction from the base從底部進風的上送風機組Upflow unit with front discharge plenum and suction from the

29、 front帶有風帽從前面進風的上送風機組Upflow unit with suction from the rear從背面進風的上送風機組6Versatile configuration配置靈活Downflow UnitsDownflow units (wiir discharge through the base) handle large volumes of airt are distributed o the space via the void under a raised ac s floor.Air enters the top of the unit directly fro

30、m the space, via ductwork or through a ventilated ceiling.下送風機組下送風機組(冷氣從底部送出)通過高架地板下的空間將大量冷風送入室內(nèi)空間。室內(nèi)空氣通過通風管道或者吊頂天花直接送入機組頂部。Downflow unit with enclosed floor stand and front dischargeUnit Downflow con zoccolo di mandata frontaleDownflow unit installed on ac s floorUnit Downflow installato sul pavime

31、nto sopraelevato7elligent dehumidificationOne important characteristic of Preci Conditioning units ist the dehumidification function operates only when actually required.This is achieved without a reduction he airflow rate, ensuring continuousand uniform air distributionhe spaceand avoiding any sudd

32、en variations in discharge and space air temperature.智能除濕精密空調(diào)機組的一個重要特性就是除濕功能只有在環(huán)境真正需要的情況下才運行。實現(xiàn)這一目的并不需要犧牲氣流速度,向室內(nèi)送風的持續(xù)性和均衡性得到保障并避免了任何送風和環(huán)境氣溫的變化。直接膨脹式精密空調(diào)機組配有采用電子膨脹閥和施耐德電氣高級控制統(tǒng)。的除濕系Direct expanPreciConditioning unitsuse an innovative system of dehumidificationby means of the electronic expanvalve and

33、Schneider Electrics exclusive control software.DXA series air cooled direct expanunitsDXA系列風冷式直接膨脹機組風冷式直接膨脹機組從房間吸取熱量通過風冷式熱交換器(即冷凝器)傳遞到室外空氣中。機組安裝完畢,室內(nèi)機組與室外冷凝器即閉合回路。施耐德電氣在精密空調(diào)機組Air cooled direct expanunits extract heatfrom the room and transfer it to the outsideair using air cooled refrigerant heat ex

34、changers(condensers). Once installed, the room unit and上使用的冷凝器上設置了精密的電子風external condenser form an autonomous sealedcircuit.The Schneider Electric remote condensers used with Preci Conditioning units include precise electronicfan speed condensing pre re control to ensure trouble free operation of th

35、e unit throughoutthe year under a very wide range of external air temperatures.Spe l attention has been paid to the acoustic design of the condensers to minimise noise levels. A wide range of combinations is available to meet different site requirements.扇調(diào)速器及冷凝壓力控制器來保證機組在室外溫度變化較大的情況下也能常年無故障運行。為了將噪音最

36、小化,機組特別重視冷凝器消音設計。多種配置方式可以滿足不同場地的要求。Note: The configuration which is shown is only an exleNota: La configurazione illustrata a titolo esemplificativo8DehumidificationTevAirflow 100%Airflow 100%Versatile configuration配置靈活DXW series water cooled direct expanunitsIn water cooled units the heat extracted

37、 from the room is transferred to water via stainless steel brazed plate heat exchangers with he unit.The cooling water may be fed from the mains supply (where permitted), a cooling tower or a well (ie: open circuit), or circulated in a closed loop cooled by external dry coolers.he latter case an ant

38、i freeze mixture of water and ethylene glycol is normally used.Water cooled units have the advantaget the refrigerant circuits arepre charged and sealedhe factory.This makes system installation extremely simple, eliminating the need for any site installed refrigerant pipework.DXW 系列水冷式直接膨脹機組在這個系列產(chǎn)品中

39、,水冷式機組從房間吸取的熱量散發(fā)到安裝在機組內(nèi)的銅焊接不銹鋼熱交換器冷凝器流通的冷卻水中。冷卻水可從主供水管道接入(如果場地允許)冷卻塔或水井(這樣形成一個開路),也可以與外部的干冷器組成閉合回路。在這種閉合回路情況下,通常需要使用水和乙二醇的混合物以防結(jié)冰。水冷式機組由此具備了一個優(yōu)點,由于出廠前制冷劑已經(jīng)預先灌充,制冷管路已被密封、測試好。這使機組的安裝非常簡單,現(xiàn)場不再需要任何的冷媒管道安裝工作。Note: The configuration which is shown is only an ex此配置僅作為范例。leCW chilled water unitsCW units use

40、 the availability of chilled water to control room conditions.This verof PreciConditioning has a relatively simple construction and outstanding reliability. The micropro sor controls the modulating action of the 3 way (or optional2 way) chilled water valve to give accurate capacity control. Careful

41、sizing of the heat exchanger coils yields a high sensible to total cooling ratio under most operating conditions at the appropriate chilledwater temperatures.CW系列冷凍水機組CW冷凍水機組運用冷凍水來控制室內(nèi)溫度。精密空調(diào)這類型的機組結(jié)構(gòu)非常的簡單,并且性能卓越。微處理器通過控制可調(diào)三通或二通電動閥門,精確地控制室內(nèi)空氣條件。精心設計的熱交換盤管尺寸,在大多數(shù)條件下以適當?shù)睦鋬鏊疁囟忍峁┓浅8叩娘@冷比。Note: The configu

42、ration which is shown is only an ex此配置僅作為范例。le9Twin Cooits雙冷源機組精密空調(diào)雙冷源機組具有冷系統(tǒng):PreciConditioninin Cooits arey independent cooling完全獨立的制fitted with two complecircuits:冷凍水系統(tǒng)風冷或水冷式直接膨脹系統(tǒng)Chilled waterAir cooled or water cooled direct expan這種機組通常用在主樓系統(tǒng)可提供冷凍水源卻不能保證全年中持續(xù)供應的場地。機組設 定優(yōu)先使用冷凍水制冷系統(tǒng),在不能提供冷凍水或當冷凍水不

43、能夠滿足全負荷要求時,微處理控制器將自動啟動直接膨脹制冷系統(tǒng)。This unit is usually used where an installation has a chilled water source which cannot be re d on to guarantee continuous service.his case function priority is given to the chilled water circuit, with the microprosor control automatically starting direct expan operati

44、on if the chilled water supply failsor if the water is not cold enough to dissipate the entire he oad.Alternatively the unit controls can be setto prioritise direct expancooling, activating chilled water operation onlyhe event of a compressor malfunction.雙冷源機組具有較高的安全性。它能保證制冷系統(tǒng)的運轉(zhuǎn)在任何時候都不間斷,而且可以根據(jù)不同的環(huán)

45、境靈活地選擇最佳的制冷資源利用方式。Twin Cooits therefore provide a very high level of security; ensuring continuous system operation at all times and with the flexibility to manage the cooling resourhe best way for the particular installation.Note: The configuration which is shown is only an exle此配置僅作為范例10Versatile

46、configuratio配置靈活Energy saving units節(jié)能型機組精密空調(diào)節(jié)能型機組所采用的制冷方式代表了低溫或溫和氣候下的最佳節(jié)能方式。PreciConditioning Energy Saving unitsrepresent the ultimate energy efficient solution incool or temperate climates.The operating principle exploits the “free cooling” effect available when the outside air temperature is lowe

47、rnthe conditioned space: the lower the outside temperature, the greater is the energy saving. The sophisticated micropro sor control manages operation of the unit automaticallyhree different situations.In summer the unit operates as a normal closed circuit glycol cooled system (diagram A).As the ext

48、ernal temperature falls, the coolant can be used directly for the free cooling of the air.his case the coolant is circulatedhe coil inside the unit (diagram B) and both the refrigerant circuit and the glycol circuit contribute to cooling, thus reducing the energy used by the compressor.If the outsid

49、e temperature falls further to a level where the coolant can dissipate the entire heat load from the room then the refrigerant circuit is shut down comple y and the unit functions as a traditional chilled water unit with modulating valve (diagram C).根據(jù)制冷學相關(guān)原理:當室外溫度低于受控環(huán)境溫度時節(jié)能制冷是可以實現(xiàn)的,并且室外溫度越低,節(jié)能效果越好

50、。優(yōu)秀的施耐德電氣微處理控制系統(tǒng)能在三種不同德氣候條件下自動地管理機組的運行。夏季,機組采用普通的乙二醇制冷系統(tǒng)運行制冷。當室外溫度降低時,乙二醇制冷劑可以直接用于節(jié)能制冷。此時,乙二醇在制冷盤管中循環(huán),制冷劑回路和乙二醇回路同時制冷,這樣就減少了壓縮機的能量消耗。當室外溫度遠低于臨界溫度單獨使用(節(jié)能型)乙二醇制冷系統(tǒng)就足以驅(qū)散室內(nèi)的全部熱荷時,壓縮制冷系統(tǒng)就會完全關(guān)閉,整個機組運行起來就相當于一臺加裝了電動閥的傳統(tǒng)冷凍水機組。With this technology PreciConditioningEnergy Saving units provide significant reduc

51、tions in operating costs and payback periods.利用這種技術(shù),精密空調(diào)節(jié)能型機組可大大降低運行成本,縮短投資成本的回收期。Fig. AMechanical cooling operation單一機械制冷Fig. BMixed cooling operation混合制冷Fig. CFree cooling operation節(jié)能制冷Note: The configuration which is shown is only an ex此配置僅作為范例。le11nElectronic Expan (EEV)Valve電子膨脹閥(EEV)新一代精密空調(diào)機組應

52、用了一大批成果,電子膨脹閥便是其中之一。科技The very latest proven technologies have been app d he new generation of Preci Conditioning units, including the use of electronic expanvalves as standard in all ms.This innovation provides highly efficien ectronic control of the flow of refrigerant in a preciseand stable fashi

53、on unmatched by any traditional mechanical expanvalve.Under the control of the Schneider Electric Control System, the EEV provides accurate control of the refrigerant superheat in order to ensure an increasehe COPow external temperatures because it enables the unit to電子膨脹閥能大大提高制冷劑流電子控制的效率,傳統(tǒng)機械膨脹閥無法與

54、之匹敵。施耐德電氣控制系統(tǒng)通過電子膨脹閥對制冷劑溫度進行了精確的控制以防止過熱并確保制冷系數(shù)在較低室外溫度下有所,這使得施耐德電氣機組能夠在相較于使用傳統(tǒng)機械閥的機組之所需冷凝壓力更低的冷凝壓下工作。operate at much lower condensing preres would besible witraditional mechanical valve.The dehumidification function is also controlledn通過電子膨脹閥還可以實現(xiàn)免除濕功能。在不減小風量的情況下,確保室內(nèi)氣流持續(xù)而均衡,避免任何突然的溫度變化。through the o

55、peration of the EEV.his way dehumidification is achieved without a reductionhe airflow rate, ensuring continuous and uniform air distributionhe space and avoiding any sudden variations in discharge air temperature.Percentage annual reduction in energy consumption of a unit fitted with EEV compared t

56、o a traditional ver(cooling capacity:60 kW, Space conditions: 24C,50% RH at constant load, TDAV1822A + 2 x CAL0801)9,0%8,0%8,3%8,6%8,9%采用電子膨脹閥的機組與傳統(tǒng)機組年度能量消耗對比(TDAV1822A+2XCAL0801機組,制冷60KW,穩(wěn)定負載狀況下,環(huán)境溫度24度,50%R H 時的數(shù)據(jù)-測試地點丹)7,8%6,9%6,9%5,6%6,4%4,1%EC Fans電子換向風機精密空調(diào)機組每一個Every component of the PreciCond

57、itioning的選擇都遵循該系列總range of units has been chosen in accordance不同系列的精密空調(diào)機組的每一個都會選擇with the major design criterion of energy saving for um efficiency.按照最高效能和節(jié)能的產(chǎn)品。以電動馬his context, just one ex le is the selection of EC (Electronically Commu ed) direct current motors.This new type o n motor combination

58、offers a number of advantages over tradtional types:45% less er consumption oage達風機為例,這種風扇和馬達相結(jié)合的新產(chǎn)品相比傳統(tǒng)類型有許多優(yōu)點:對冷凍水機組平均節(jié)能45%;對直接膨脹式風冷機組平均節(jié)能60%;部分負載時能量使用效能相當高;機組運行時,可以通過微處理控制器調(diào)節(jié)風速;for CW units and 60% less fan consumption on DXA unitserhigh part load efficiencyfan speed adjustment via the microproso

59、r control while the unit is running12Energy sa省電節(jié)能Comparison of annualer consumption bet n a unit fitted with EEVs andith traditionalComparison ofer consumption bet n a unit fitted with EC fans andith traditional fans (space conditions 24C, 50% R Hat constant load, series TDCR and TDCV)expanvalves (

60、cooling capacity 60 kW, space conditions 24C, 50% R H at costant load,TDAV1822A + 2 x CAL0801 - Amsterdam)采用電子膨脹閥的機組與傳統(tǒng)機組年度能量消耗對比(TDAV1822A+2XCAL0801機組,制冷60KW,穩(wěn)定負采用了電子換向風機的機組與采用電子換向風機的機組能量消耗對比(穩(wěn)定負載,環(huán)境溫度控制24度,50%R H 時,TDCR與TDCV系列)載狀況下,環(huán)境溫度24,50%R H時的數(shù)據(jù)-測試地點)。8-100 %-90 %7-80 %650004500400035003000250


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