1、-+懶惰是很奇奇怪的東西西,它使你你以為那是是安逸,是是休息,是是福氣;但但實(shí)際上它它所給你的的是無聊,是是倦怠,是是消沉;它它剝奪你對(duì)對(duì)前途的希希望,割斷斷你和別人人之間的友友情,使你你心胸日漸漸狹窄,對(duì)對(duì)人生也越越來越懷疑疑。 HYPERLINK /view/54340.htm 羅蘭2003年年6月浙江省省大學(xué)英語語三級(jí)考試試試卷Part Lissteniing CComprrehennsionnSectiion AADirecctionn: Inn thiis seectioon, yyou wwill hearr 10 shorrt coonverrsatiions. At the e
2、nd of eeach convversaationn, a quesstionn willl bee askked aaboutt whaat waas saaid. You willl heaar thhe coonverrsatiion aand tthe qquesttion onlyy oncce. AAfterr eacch quuestiion ttheree willl bee a ppausee. Duuringg thee pauuse, you mustt reaad thhe foour cchoicces mmarkeed A), B), C) andd D), an
3、dd deccide whicch iss thee besst annswerr. Thhen mmark the corrrespoondinng leetterr on the Answwer SSheett witth a singgle lline throough the centter.1. A) 7:300. B) 7:455. C) 8:000. D) 8:155.2. A) At tthe bbooksstoree. BB) At hhome. C) At sschoool. D) At tthe llibraary.3. A) To wwritee anootherr l
4、ettter. B) To vvisitt herr brootherr. C) To ppost the lettter. D) To ttelepphonee hiss brootherr.4. A) The rainn hass stooppedd. B) The windd hass stooppedd bloowingg. C) It iis sttill rainning hardd outtsidee. D) Bothh thee raiin annd wiind hhave stoppped.5. A) Not exerrcisiing iin thhe moorninng.
5、B) Buyiing aa wattch ffor hhimseelf. C) Exerrcisiing rrightt aftter ggettiing uup. D) Gettting up eearliier iin thhe moorninng.6. A) She cleaaned the housse. B) She bougght aa paiintinng foor thhe hoouse. C) She painnted the housse heersellf. D) She hireed soomeonne too paiint tthe hhousee.7. A) He
6、wwontt go for a waalk. B) He wwill takee a wwalk withh thee womman. C) He wwill go ffor aa wallk allone. D) He wwill walkk to the parkk.8. A) Her son is ffat. B) She doessnt havee enoough moneey. C) Her son is sstilll hunngry. D) She waitted ffor ttoo llong.9. A) In aa deppartmment storre. B) On tth
7、e pplayggrounnd. C) At aan aiirporrt. D) At aa raiilwayy staationn.10. AA) A neewspaapermman. B) A taaxi ddriveer. C) A coollegge sttudennt. DD) A scchooll teaacherr.Sectiion BBDirecctionn: Inn thiis seectioon, yyou wwill hearr 3 sshortt passsagees. TThe ppassaages willl be readd twiice. At tthe een
8、d oof eaach ppassaage, you willl heaar soome qquesttionss, whhich willl be readd onlly onnce. Afteer yoou heear aa queestioon, yyou mmust chooose tthe bbest answwer ffrom the fourr chooicess marrked A), B), C) aand DD. Thhen mmark the corrrespoondinng leetterr on the Answwer SSheett witth a singgle
9、lline throough the centter.Passaage OOneQuesttionss 11 to 113 arre baased on tthe ppassaage yyou hhave justt heaard.11. AA) An eeyegllass workker. BB) A yooung docttor. C) An oold sscienntistt. D) A neews rreporrter.12. AA) A laarge bookk. B) A faar-awway bbuildding. C) A sttack of nnewsppaperrs. DD
10、) Starrs annd pllanetts.13. AA) Largge. B) Beauutifuul. C) Impoortannt. D) Simpple.Passaage TTwoQuesttionss 14 to 116 arre baased on tthe ppassaage yyou hhave justt heaard.14. AA) Bluee. B) Yelllow. C) Red. D) Coloorlesss.15. AA) Becaause the piloots ccantt breeathee witthoutt airr. B) Beecausse aii
11、rplaanes needd airr to liftt theeir wwingss. C) Becaause theyy neeed aiir too seee thiings far aheaad. D) Beecausse aiirplaanes are moviing vvery fastt.16. AA) Therre iss notthingg in the sky. B) The sky is sspacee. C) Highh in the sky the air is tthin. DD) The sky is aall aarounnd thhe woorld.Passa
12、age TThreeeQuesttionss 17 to 220 arre baased on tthe ppassaage yyou hhave justt heaard.17. AA) A saailorr. B) A reepairrman. C) A fiisherrman. D) A buus drriverr.18. AA) In hhis hhomettown. BB) In hhis wwifes toown. C) Nearr a pport. D) Nearr a ggardeen.19. AA) Latee in the evenning. B) Earlly inn t
13、hee eveeningg. C) Latee in the mornning. D) Earlly inn thee morrningg.20. AA) He hhad aa badd dreeam. B) He ffoundd himmselff amoong ttreess. C) He ssaw hhis sship reacchingg lannd. D) He tthougght hhis sship had hit landd.Part VoocabuularyyDirecctionns: TTheree aree 20 incoompleete ssenteencess in
14、thiss parrt. FFor eeach senttencee theere aare ffour choiices markked AA), BB), CC), aand DD). CChoosse thhe ONNE annswerr thaat beest ccomplletess thee senntencce. TThen markk thee corrresppondiing lletteer onn thee Ansswer Sheeet wiith aa sinngle linee thrroughh thee cennter. 21. WWe shhouldd cree
15、ate a enviironmment for learrningg Engglishh. A) faiithfuul ) fallse C) ffavorrite D) faavoraable22. TThis wildd floower is ccalleed byy namees inn my homeetownn. A) varriouss B) vaariabble C) sseparrate D) seensittive23. AArguiing aaboutt smaall ddetaiils themm a llot oof tiime aand sso soome oof t
16、hhe peeoplee lefft beeforee thee meeetingg endded. A) speent B) toook C) cchargged D) paaid24. DDontt loook upp in the dicttionaary eeveryy neww worrd thhat yyou in rreadiing. A) comme accrosss B) coome aaboutt C) ccome alonng D) coome uup wiith25. BBecauuse hhe waas fiired lastt weeek, hhe haas too
17、 anotther job now. A) seaal B) seeize C) seeek D) shhare26. YYou sshoulld bee carrefull andd staand guarrd aggainsst thhe saame mmistaake. A) up B) att C) wwith D) onn27. OOn Ammericcan hhighwways the speeed is uusuallly 770 miiles an hhour. A) perrmisssion B) liimit C) ccontrrol D) coondittion28. I
18、In suuch aa casse Id beetterr givve upp thee rouute II hadd plannned abouut myy traaveliing. A) preesenttly B) orriginnallyy C) ffirsttly D) laastlyy29. TThe ccurreent is tthat peopple aall oover the worlld arre foor peeace and agaiinst war. A) treend B) trradittion C) ccoursse D) caause30. AAs hee
19、is alwaays bbusy withh acaademiic sttudennts, he ccan hhardlly fiind ttime for his . A) habbits B) hoobbiees C) aaffaiirs D) innstannce31. II am tryiing tto gaatherr almmost all the dataa thaat iss thhe toopic. A) commpareed too B) coompossed oof C) rrelatted tto D) reegardded tto32. HHurryy up, you
20、ll mmiss the lastt traain tto toown. A) otheerwisse B) soo C) bbut D) annd33. TThe yyoungg teaacherr her pupiil foor beeing lazyy. A) acccusedd B) chhargeed C) bblameed D) coomplaainedd34. HHe haas chhangeed a lot sincce I saw him lastt. I can harddly him. A) recceivee B) reecitee C) rrealiize D) re
21、ecognnize35. TThe mmeetiing sstartted oon tiime. Thirrty mminuttes the chaiirwomman ddeclaared it ccloseed. A) aftter B) laater C) llate D) laatterr36. TThe rretirred wworkeer liives by hhimseelf oon thhe sttate penssion but he ddoes not feell . A) aloong B) allone C) llonelly D) liivelyy37. TThe pp
22、robllem oof wiidesppreadd uneemplooymennt iss ratther seriious, so the locaal goovernnmentt hass takken eeffecctivee steeps tto it. A) putt outt B) seet asside C) ddeal withh D) meeet wwith38. TThe eenginneer was undeer grreat presssuree andd eveentuaally he . A) brooke ddown B) brroke up C) bbrokee
23、 offf D) brroke awayy39. II musst saay thhat sshe iis a singger oof taleent. I liike hher vvery muchh. A) scaarce B) geeneraal C) nnormaal D) exxtraoordinnary40. SShe iis inndeedd tooo talll the factt shee is a prromissing younng daancerr. A) exccept B) inn spiite oof C) bbesiddes D) exxceptt forrPa
24、rt StrructuureDirecctionns: TTheree aree 20 incoompleete ssenteencess in thiss parrt. FFor eeach senttencee theere aare ffour choiices markked AA), BB), CC), aand DD). CChoosse thhe ONNE annswerr thaat beest ccomplletess thee senntencce. TThen markk thee corrresppondiing lletteer onn thee Ansswer Sh
25、eeet wiith aa sinngle linee thrroughh thee cennter. 41. PPleasse innformm me of tthe ttime Fligght AA 453321 ttakess offf froom Loondonn. A) whiich B) whhy C) aas D) whhen42. TThe aacciddent is rreporrted at ddawn thiss morrningg, kiillinng abbout ten peopple. A) to havee occcurreed B) too havve bee
26、en ooccurrred C) ooccurrred D) occcurrring43. HHe haas a largge coollecctionn of noveels, are in EEngliish. A) manny inn whiich B) maany bbookss of whicch C) mmany of wwhichh D) maany oone oof whhich44. TThis compposittion is iindeeed veery ggood. Imm afrraid thatt he it hhimseelf wwithiin 255 minnu
27、tess. A) wonnt hhave writtten B) caant havee wriittenn C) mmustnnt hhave writtten D) shhoulddnt havee wriittenn45. smarrt yoou maay bee, yoou arre exxpectted tto bee moddest. A) No mattter wwhat B) Noo mattter whenn C) NNo maatterr howw D) Noo mattter why46. AAs a membber, he ttriedd harrd too makke
28、 hiis vooice in tthe ccommiitteee. A) heaard B) heear C) hheariing D) bee heaard47. OOnly afteer hee wass sennt too priison how seriious his crimme waas. A) he camee to knoww B) haas hee comme too knoow C) he has comee to knoww D) diid hee comme too knoow48. his homeeworkk, thhe scchooll boyy dasshe
29、d to tthe pplayggrounnd too joiin hiis frriendds inn thee gamme. A) Finnisheed B) Wiith ffinisshingg C) FFinisshingg D) Too finnish49. AAll tthe eemplooyeess in the comppany knoww the bosss sayys iss alwways righht. A) whaat B) whhy C) hhow D) thhat50. AAs wee fellt thhe grroundd to sshakee, wee all
30、l hurrriedd outt andd stoood iin thhe oppen. A) to begiin B) beegun C) hhas bbegunn D) beegin51. HHe coonsidders an MMA prrograam affter gradduatiion iin twwo yeears. A) takking B) too takke C) ttook D) taaken52. AAs a rulee Mr. Smiith wwent for a waalk aafterr suppper, by aa whiite llapdoog. A) fol
31、llowiing B) foollowwed C) tto foolloww D) haavingg follloweed53. WWe the finaal off thee Nattionaal Cuup onn TV whenn powwer ffailuure ccame. A) are watcchingg B) waatcheed C) wwere watcchingg D) waatch54. TThe oold ggentllemann seeemed in rreadiing tthe nnewsppaperr on the walll of the librrary. A)
32、 to absoorb B) beeing absoorbedd C) aabsorrbingg D) too be absoorbedd55. has someethinng too do withh hiss oddd chaaractter. A) Thaat shhe dooes nnot llike him B) Shhe dooes nnot llike him C) Whaat shhe dooes nnot llike him D) Shhe diid noot liike hhim56. TThe bburgllary(盜竊) bbeforre I arriived at t
33、the oofficce; aall II couuld ddo waas too calll thhe poolicee. A) hass occcurreed B) haad occcurrred C) wwas ooccurrringg D) woould occuur57. IIT waas thhe poowerfful mmine killled aa grooup oof thhe ennemy. A) whiich B) whho C) wwhat D) thhat58. TThe hhosteess iinsissted thatt eveeryonne prresennt
34、a shhort speeech oof coongraatulaationn. A) wouuld ggive B) muust ggive C) ggive D) gaave59. SShe ddevotted hher llife to hhelpiing . A) pooor B) thhe pooor C) tthe ppoorss D) pooors60. II thiink iit iss aboout ttime we ourr jouurneyy to the sea shorre. A) shoould starrt B) sttarteed C) sttart D) ar
35、e starrtinggPart Reaadingg CommprehhensiionDirecctionns: Therre arre 3 passsagess in thiss parrt. EEach passsage is ffolloowed by ssome quesstionns orr unffinisshed stattemennts. For eachh of themm theere aare ffour choiices markked AA), BB), CC) annd D). Yoou shhouldd deccide on tthe bbest choiice
36、aand mmark the corrrespoondinng leetterr on the Answwer SSheett witth a singgle lline throough the centter.Passaage OOneQuesttionss 61 to 665 arre baased on tthe ffolloowingg passsagee: Tooday teleevisiion iis onne off thee mosst poopulaar foorms of eenterrtainnmentt in the homee. Soome ppeoplle inn
37、 plaaces wherre teeleviisionn recceptiion iis goood mmay tthinkk thaat teeleviisionn hass takken tthe pplacee of radiio. TTelevvisioon, hhowevver, is aactuaally a kiind oof raadio. It usess speeciall equuipmeent ffor ssendiing aand rreceiivingg thee piccturee. Thhe teeleviisionn souund ssysteem usse
38、s tthe ssame typee of equiipmennt thhat iis ussed iin otther formms off raddio. Exxchanngingg messsagees wiith sshipss at sea was one of tthe ffirstt usees off raddio. Modeern rradioo is stilll ussed ffor tthis purppose and for commmuniccatioon accrosss oceeans. On landd raddio pproviides a meeans o
39、f iinstaant ccommuunicaationn eveen wiith mmovinng veehiclles ssuch as ttaxiccabs or sserviice ttruckks. Poolicee forrce uuse ttwo-wway rradioo to get infoormattion to aand ffrom offiicerss in squaad caars (警備車) andd on motoorcyccles. Smaall pportaable setss makke itt posssiblle too commmuniicatee w
40、itth a centtral exchhangee whiile wwalkiing oor riidingg in a ciity oor ovver aa rurral aarea. Obsserveers iin aiirplaanes can repoort ttrafffic aacciddentss, annd trraffiic jaams bby raadio to ppolicce offficeers oon thhe grroundd. Raadiottelepphonees arre ussed iin maany pplacees. CConneectioon wi
41、ith tthe rregullar ttelepphonee serrvicee cann be provvidedd forr boaats, traiins aand ccars. Isoolateed pllacess in deseerts, forrestss, annd moountaainouus reegionns arre liinkedd by radiiotellephoone iin maany ppartss of the worlld. TThus by mmeanss of radiio peeoplee cann commmuniicatee witth ot
42、therss wheereveer seervicce iss proovideed.61. AAccorrdingg to the passsage, tellevission . A) has takeen thhe pllace of rradioo B) is nno loongerr poppularr in the homee C) can be rregarrded as aa kinnd off raddio D) haas noothinng inn commmon withh raddio62. IIn paaragrraph two “thiis puurposse” r
43、efeers tto . A) exchhangiing mmessaages withh shiips aat seea B) coommunnicatting acrooss ooceanns C) sendding and receeivinng thhe piicturre D) innstannt coommunnicattion withh movving vehiicless63. AAccorrdingg to the passsage, raddio iis ussed iin thhe foollowwing wayss EXCCEPT . A) at ssea B) on
44、 lland C) inn thee airr D) unnderggrounnd64. TThe wword “Isoolateed” in tthe llast paraagrapph meeans . A) sanddy annd moountaainouus B) cleaan annd noot poollutted C) wiithouut anny liivingg thiings D) sepaarateed orr disstantt65. TThe bbest titlle foor thhe paassagge iss . A) Teleevisiion aand RRa
45、dioo B) Raadio and Its Usess C) Radiio annd Raadiottelepphonees D) Moodernn CommmuniicatiionPassaage TTwoQuesttionss 66 to 70 arre baased on tthe ffolloowingg passsagee: Thee dogg, caalledd Priince, wass an inteelliggent animmal aand aa slaave tto Wiilliaams. Fromm morrningg tilll niight, wheen Wiil
46、liaams wwas aat hoome, Prinnce nneverr lefft hiis siight, praacticcallyy ignnorinng alll otther membbers of tthe ffamilly. TThe ddog hhad aa nummber of cclearrly ddefinned ddutiees, ffor wwhichh Willliamms haad paatienntly traiined him and, likke thhe goood ppupill he was, Priince liveed foor thhe c
47、hhancee to demoonstrrate his abillitiees. WWhen Willliamss wannted to pput oon hiis booots, he woulld muurmurr “Booots” andd witthin secoonds the dog woulld drrop tthem at hhis ffeet. At ninee eveery mmorniing PPrincce raan offf too thee gennerall stoore iin thhe viillagge, rreturrningg shoortlyy no
48、tt onlly wiith WWilliiamss daaily papeer buut wiith aa hallf-ouunce packket oof Wiilliaamsss favvoritte toobaccco, JJohn Rhinneyss Mixxed. A guun-doog (獵獵狗) bby brreed, Priince posssesseed a largge sooft mmouthh speeciallly eevolvved (進(jìn)化) for the safee carrryinng off hunnted creaaturee, soo thee pap
49、per aand tthe ttobaccco ccame to nno haarm, neveer evven sshowiing aa toooth mmark. Wiilliaams wwas aa raiilwayy mann, ann enggine drivver, and he wwore a bllue uunifoorm wwhichh smeelledd of oil fuell. Hee hadd no workk at odd timees“ddays”, “l(fā)late dayss” orr “niightss”. OOver the yearrs Prrincee g
50、ott to knoww theese pperioods oof woork aand rrest, kneew whhen hhis mmasteer woould leavve thhe hoouse and retuurn, and the dog did not wastte thhis kknowlledgee. Iff Willliamms ovversllept, as he ooftenn didd, Prrincee barrked at tthe bbedrooom ddoor untiil hee wokke, mmuch to tthe aannoyyancee of
51、 the famiily. On hhis rreturrn, WWilliiamss sllippeers wwere brouught to hhim, the papeer annd toobaccco tooo iff preeviouusly undeeliveered. A curiious thinng haappenned tto Wiilliaams ddurinng thhe snnow aand tthe iice oof laast wwinteer. OOne eeveniing hhe sllippeed annd feell oon thhe iccy paave
52、meent ssomewwheree bettweenn thee villlagee andd hiss homme. HHe waas soo baddly sshakeen thhat hhe sttayedd in bed for threee daays aand nnot uuntill he got up aand ddresssed aagainn didd he disccoverr thaat hee hadd losst hiis waallett conntainning overr fiffty ppoundds. Thhe hoouse was turnned uu
53、psidde doown iin thhe seearchh, buut thhe waallett wass nott fouund. Howeever, twoo dayys laaterthatt wass fivve daays aafterr thee alllPriince droppped the walllet iinto Willliamsss hhand. Verry muuddy, dirrty aand wwet tthrouugh, the litttle ccase stilll coontaiined fiftty-thhree pounnds, Willliam
54、sss ddriviing llicennse aand aa feww othher ppaperrs. WWheree thee dogg hadd fouund iit noo onee couuld ttell, butt fouund tthat he hhad rrecoggnizeed itt proobablly byy thee faiint ooil ssmelll on the wornn leaatherr.66. WWhat doess thee passsagee telll uss aboout ggun-ddog? A) Theey arre thhe faas
55、tesst ruunnerrs off alll doggs. B) Theeir tteethh aree remmovedd wheen thhey aare yyoungg. C) Theey caan caarry birdds, eetc. withhout hurtting themm. D) Theey caan prroducce maany yyoungg doggs.67. IIt annnoyeed Wiilliaamsss fammily whenn . A) Willliamms haad too go to wwork at nnightt B) the dog m
56、adee louud sooundss in the housse C) thee dogg wass useed too traaveliing bby trrain D) thee dogg wass connfuseed abbout the timee of the day68. TThe ddog eeventtuallly foound Willliamsss wwalleet beecausse . A) he kneww wheere WWilliiams had falllen B) he had seenn it therre annd reecognnizedd it C
57、) it conttaineed ovver ffiftyy pouunds D) it had the smelll faamiliiar tto hiim69. WWhichh of the folllowinng iss truue off Willliamms acccordding to tthe ppassaage? A) He ofteen diid noot geet ennoughh sleeep. B) Hee oftten ssleptt latter tthan he sshoulld. C) He did not drinnk heeavilly D) Hee lik
58、ked ssavinng mooney.70. WWhichh of the folllowinng iss thee besst deescriiptioon off Priince? A) He was clevver aand lloyall to Willliamss. B) He likeed thhe siight of hhis oownerr. C) He undeerstoood hhumann lannguagge. D) He was the bestt firred wwith Willliams faamilyy.Passaage TThreeeQuesttionss
59、 71 too 75 arre baased on tthe ffolloowingg passsagee: Thhe faailedd Skyylab (空間站站) wiill ccome screeaminng hoome tto eaarth in ddisapppoinntmennt soometiime nnext montth, bbut iit wiill ffall we kknow not wherre. Thhat ppreciise iinforrmatiion iis beeyondd eveen thhe caalcullatioons oof sccienttist
60、ss andd theeir ccompuuterss. Thhe beest tthey can telll us is tthat the spacce sttatioon, wweighhing 77 ttons and as hhigh as aa 12-storry buuildiing, willl breeak iinto hunddredss of piecces tthat willl be scatttereed accrosss a ttrackk 1000 milles wwide and 40000 milles llong. Wee aree agaain eexp
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