英語二精講音頻講義第4章unit the joy of work_第1頁
英語二精講音頻講義第4章unit the joy of work_第2頁




1、II. Text LearningHow to Start Your Own Business1Theparadoxofstartingyourownbusiness simultaneous challengesintheand reward, making it an experience unlike any other. So manybusinesses fail,and most entrepreneurs exclude thiselves from theThe tragicsibility.reality ist when businesses fail, the pasof

2、ten dies with it.(承上句) Byfollowing some sound advice and being prepared for the pro you wills,decrease your chan for. I haverecentlystartedaof losing a lot moren you bargainedbusinessandhavelearnedsomecrusllessonshe prot I feel privileged to share with you.(承上啟下句)2 1. Identify your motivation. Why d

3、o you want to start own business? Tohave more time? To make more money? To be your own To have creativecontrol over what you love to do? Write out all ofyours?yourmotivating factors andprioritize thi.(承上啟下句)When you see thi listed, you mightsee a patternhatyoure just unhappy at your current job and

4、starting your own business isnt theanswer.3 2. Identify your pasand knowledge do. What do you love to do? What skillsyou uniquely bring to the table? What gets you excited aboutyour work? Keeptpasattheforefrontofyourbusinessplan,yourmarketing strategies,and your daily routine. (1)If you keep your pa

5、s you willin plain sight,stay focused on the purthe logistics.e of your business and not solely on4 3. Identify your market. If you are starting your businesslocally, researchyour competitors. Determine if there is roomyour business.he market forWhat will you do differently to draw in customers? Wha

6、t nichemarket are theotherbusinessesmissing?Ifyouarestartingancompany, research theernetrequirients for your own unique Web presence. Your business cannot survivewithout customers, so do enough research on the front end todetermine if thereare enough potential c5 4. Identify your finan home, you kno

7、wnts to keep your business alive. If you have evurchased a newt the finanl obligations ()extendthe downpayment and themortgage. You have to buy furniture, trash cans, a garage dooropener(車庫門開關(guān)),light fixtures and landsca before you know it, youve far exceeded your finaneasily in aequipment(景觀美化設(shè)備),

8、andl boundaries.t can happen just asbusiness. Do exhaustive(詳盡的) finanl planning. Meetwifinanladvisor(財政顧問) or someone at your bto examine thefinanl viability of yourbusiness and the pros of getting it up and running. Planwisely and do notame the best about your business. Be prepared for finanlloss

9、and getadvice on how to alleviatet burdenhe future.6 5. Identify your support systi. Seek out advice from seasoned business owners,even those in your own field. Develop relationships with peoplewho can offersound advice and criticismbusiness ownert you might not see. If there is ain your community o

10、r in your networkexamine his ort you aspire to m,her business practiAsk for counseland how they handle various situations.before big deciof Directors to help guide yous, and even create your own makeshift Boardhe planning and start-up pros.7 Once you have all of these estart thents in place, you are

11、 prepared topros of develoa business plan, applying for a license,establishing amarketing presence(實體), etc. (2)Owning your ownbusiness can be unparalleledin the profesal world, and if you surround yourself withwise counsel, youcan have a careert daily feeds your pas本文重點及難點:.顯示重難點1. If you keep your pasin plain sight, you will stay focusedon the pureof your business and not solely on the logistics.(1) keep sth. in plain sight顯而易見,一覽無余(2) stay focused on 關(guān)注于 2. Owningyour own business can be unparalleledin the profesal world, and if you surround


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