



1、62017秋七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè) Unit 6OutdoorfunReading教案 (新版)牛津版編輯整理:尊敬的讀者朋友們:秋七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè) Unit6 Outdoor fun Reading教案 (新版)牛津版)的內(nèi)容能夠給您的工作和學(xué)習(xí)帶來(lái)便利。同時(shí)也真誠(chéng)的希望收到您的建議和反饋,這將是我們進(jìn)步的源泉,前進(jìn)的動(dòng)力。本文可編輯可修改,如果覺(jué)得對(duì)您有幫助請(qǐng)收藏以便隨時(shí)查閱,最后祝您生活愉快 業(yè)績(jī)進(jìn)步,以下為2017秋七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè) Unit 6 Outdoor fun Reading教案 (新版)牛津版的全部?jī)?nèi)容。16Unit 6 Outdoor fun1。 To develop the abi

2、lity to infer the general meaning from thetitle and the context。2。 To revise and expand vocabulary in the context story andconservation.3.Toreinforcestudentsabilitytoskimtextforoverallmeaningand scan for details4。 To pay attention to the time order of the actions during thereading procedure5.Toencou

3、ragethestudentstobebraveandoptimistic,imaginativeand creative.Teaching emphasis:Todeveloptheabilitytoinferthegeneralmeaningfromthetitleand the context.Teaching difficulties:To reinforce studentsability to skim text for overall meaningand scan for detailsTeaching procedure:Step1。Prereading (enjoy som

4、e music before the class)Warm-upGoodmorning,boysandgirls.Areyoureadyfortheclass? Ihopewecanhaveapleasanttimetogether.Doyouthinkso?Itsasunny26day, right?Nowitsspring。 Ithinkspringisagreattimeforoutdooractivities,youknow,beingoutside,enjoyingthesunshineand the fresh air, near the beautiful lakes and h

5、ills, thatsgreat。Whatoutdooractivitiesdoyoulike? Whatdoyoulikeaboutit?You know my favorite outdoor activities? I like jogging in themorning。 Itsgoodforourhealth.Thismorning,Iwenthomeafterjoggingasusual。 Ipushedthedoor,butitdidntmove.Thedoorlocked。 So I need akey.I put my hand into my pocket to findh

6、oleit. But it there. There was nothing but a bigin mygopocket.I noticethat.Thekeyandmymobilephonemustthroughsawone ofit. I lost What can I d Luckily, Imyneighborspassingby.SoIaskedhimforhelptocallmyhusband.Then, atlastIgotinandthankgod,Iwasntlateforthisclass.Look at these Im sure you can read them r

7、ight?introduce Alice in the wonderlandOutdoor activities are but its a pity that we havemuch time for it. We are so But we can still read storiesor watch movies about i Today, we will learn an exciting story(Alices adventuretogether. Do you know the name of the inadventure:anexcitingjourney,wonderla

8、nd,aworldfull of wonders. Can you tell us something about it? Here is a36poster。 Alice is a lovely English She has a lot of ideas.She went into a In this fantasy world, animals cantalk, drinking can make your body become smaller and smaller ,eating a piece of cake can make you grow bigger at all the

9、things are strange Alice met a lot of people and animals.The white rabbit-in a coat, with a watchThe blue caterpillarwho smokes a pipe on a mushroomThe Cheshire cat-always wears a very big smileThe hatter-the man with a hatThe queen of hearts-Step2。While-reading1. SkimmingThey are strange, right. Do

10、 you want to take a look at thiswonderland? NowletsbeginouradventurewithAlice。 Openyourbooks,turntopage70, readitquicklytoseewhathappened.Findtheanswerstothesequestionsquickly。 Iwillgiveyou2minutes.2。 ScanningAfterreading, ourfriendSimonmadesomenotesonp72.Letscheckthenotesforhim, TorF, youshouldread

11、thenotesfirst,thenthestory,payattentiontothedetails.Findwhichlinetherightanswers are in. Will 3 minutes be enough?3. closereading46.read para1&2 carefully, and answer three questions。You canIf you were what will you do when you see such a strangeanimal?What did Alice do? Lets continue reading。read p

12、ara3, put the actions into the right order。Harearesomeactions, buttheyareinthewrongorder.Letsreadpara3 and put them in the right order.We can see that when telling stories we can use the order of Take turns to retell the story。 Thenwhatsinthehole?Whathappenednext?Letswatchashortvideo,howdidAlicefeel

13、inthelonghole?Whatdidshesee?(brave,optimistic)Didshegetoutofthehall? Fillintheblanksaccordingtopara4-5Step3。Postreading1。 Group workSupposeAlicewasntaloneinthehall,shefoundtwoofherfriendstheretoo.Workinagroupofthree, makeaconversation。 Youcantalk like this hey, Alice. .。.Ask some pairs to talk in front of the class。2。 a summaryWhat happened next? Did Alice get to the lovely garden? You knowyoucansurelyhaveyourowndreams, youcandecidewhereitgoes56fromhe


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