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1、黑龍江工程學(xué)院本科生畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì) 11 -建筑防護(hù)方案問題的討論 摘要:本文通過對建筑消防設(shè)計(jì)有關(guān)問題的探討,總結(jié)地下建筑在消防設(shè)計(jì)中應(yīng)注意的幾個(gè)問題。 關(guān)鍵詞:建筑 防火、防煙分區(qū) 安全疏散 裝修材料不燃化地下建筑消防工作應(yīng)重視火災(zāi)的預(yù)防和早期的火災(zāi)的撲救,立足于建筑內(nèi)部防火設(shè)施的完善。因而,在地下防火設(shè)計(jì)需要考慮的問題很多,如總平面布置、建筑物的耐火等級、防火分區(qū)、防火間距、安全疏散、消防給水、通風(fēng)空調(diào)和電器防火等方面的內(nèi)容。同時(shí),還要根據(jù)地下火災(zāi)的特點(diǎn),采取控制火源、控制火災(zāi)發(fā)展蔓延、安全疏散、火災(zāi)自動(dòng)報(bào)警和滅火裝置等一系列消防措施。在地下建筑防火設(shè)計(jì)中應(yīng)注意考慮以下幾個(gè)主要問題: 一、建筑

2、的使用功能和建筑規(guī)模 1、對于地下建筑的總平面設(shè)計(jì)應(yīng)根據(jù)城市的總體規(guī)劃,合理確定其位置、防火間距、防火通道和消防水源。2、甲、乙類生產(chǎn)和貯存物品不應(yīng)設(shè)在地下建筑內(nèi),這是我國現(xiàn)行建筑設(shè)計(jì)防火規(guī)范中規(guī)定的。在人民防空工程設(shè)計(jì)防火規(guī)范中還規(guī)定了“人防工程內(nèi)不應(yīng)設(shè)置高壓鍋爐房、氨冷凍站和甲、乙類的生產(chǎn)車間、物品庫房。”“人防工程內(nèi)嚴(yán)禁采用液化石油氣和閃點(diǎn)小于60度的液體作為燃料?!币话銇碚f,甲、乙類易燃易爆物品著火后燃燒異常迅速而猛烈,甚至發(fā)生劇烈爆炸,地下建筑發(fā)生爆炸后,滅火困難。更為嚴(yán)重的是,一些封閉式地下建筑發(fā)生爆炸事故后,由于地下建筑泄壓困難,沖擊波會把建筑物摧毀,造成的后果是極其嚴(yán)重的。因而

3、,要引起足夠的重視。 3、人員密集的公共建筑應(yīng)設(shè)在地下一層。如影劇院、地下游樂場、溜冰場等歌舞娛樂場所,只應(yīng)設(shè)在地下一層,室內(nèi)地坪與室外出入口地面高差不應(yīng)大于10米;商業(yè)和服務(wù)行業(yè)為主的流動(dòng)人員較多地下商街應(yīng)設(shè)在地下一層,而且應(yīng)該淺埋。從我國的具體情況來看,從人員疏散安全的觀點(diǎn)出發(fā),人員密集的建筑應(yīng)該淺埋。另外,超出兩層的地下建筑,應(yīng)設(shè)防煙樓梯間。除此之外,人民防空工程設(shè)計(jì)防火規(guī)范中還規(guī)定:“人防工程內(nèi)不應(yīng)設(shè)置哺乳室、幼兒園、托兒所及殘疾人員工作的場所。商場營業(yè)廳不宜設(shè)置在地下三層及三層以下。” 二、建筑的防火、防煙分區(qū) 為了保證一旦發(fā)生火災(zāi)、能使火災(zāi)控制在限定的范圍內(nèi),對于大型地下建筑,由于



6、墻應(yīng)為防火墻。防火墻間的建筑面積不宜大于500平方米。建筑內(nèi)的防火墻,同樣要用混凝土或磚砌筑,并具有不低于3小時(shí)的耐火極限。防火墻上開設(shè)的門,通常要采用甲級防火門,且必須可以雙向手動(dòng)開啟的,具備自動(dòng)開閉功能。同時(shí),可以有限制的采取防火卷簾來進(jìn)行防火分隔,并滿足其耐火極限要求。防煙分區(qū)的設(shè)計(jì)應(yīng)結(jié)合防火分區(qū)的設(shè)計(jì)進(jìn)行。一般來說,防煙分區(qū)不宜跨越防火分區(qū)。一個(gè)防煙分區(qū)的面積不應(yīng)大于500平方米。防煙分區(qū)的形成,一般有隔煙壁、防煙卷簾、防火門、排煙機(jī)械等。 三、安全疏散 在地下建筑物中發(fā)生火災(zāi)、人員的安全疏散是十分重要的問題。 1、疏散時(shí)間是安全疏散設(shè)計(jì)的基本指標(biāo)。失火后使人員能在較短的時(shí)間內(nèi)通過疏散

7、口從危險(xiǎn)地點(diǎn)疏散到安全地點(diǎn)地下建筑外或避難處。因此,到安全出口的最大距離、通道的寬度、出口的數(shù)目,都必須從安全疏散時(shí)間的需要出發(fā)來確定。日本消防部門認(rèn)為地下建筑疏散時(shí)間應(yīng)在3分鐘之間,若3分鐘還不能從火災(zāi)區(qū)疏散到安全地帶,人員就很危險(xiǎn)。我國有關(guān)部門在幾個(gè)地下電影院做過幾次實(shí)驗(yàn),從人員疏散到人員疏散結(jié)束大體3-4分鐘(有的門沒打開),其中大多數(shù)的建筑物的出入口設(shè)計(jì)寬度都能滿足。對于地下建筑來說,由于煙氣的危害性大,在考慮人員安全疏散時(shí),其疏散時(shí)間應(yīng)從嚴(yán)控制。參考地面建筑的疏散時(shí)間及國外地下建筑的疏散時(shí)間,我國地下建筑疏散時(shí)間應(yīng)控制在3分鐘之內(nèi)。 2、關(guān)于疏散速度的問題,這是安全疏散的一個(gè)重要指標(biāo)

8、。這個(gè)問題因建筑物功能不同,人員組成不同,照明條件不同,其差別比較大。地下建筑在無自然采光的條件下,疏散速度會小些,尤其是火災(zāi)時(shí),由于正常電源被切斷,在事故照明幅度小的情況下,疏散速度會小的多,因此,取值時(shí)應(yīng)考慮這些不利因素。 3、建筑必須有足夠疏散寬度。當(dāng)人員密度不大時(shí),可按不少于兩個(gè)直接對外出口的原則進(jìn)行考慮。人員較多或規(guī)模較大的地下建筑,安全出口的數(shù)量要相應(yīng)的增加,如國外地下停車場,一般要設(shè)5-6個(gè)安全出口;高峰時(shí)人數(shù)達(dá)1500人的地下車站,設(shè)寬2.4米的出口6個(gè)。同時(shí),在設(shè)計(jì)中還要考慮到安全疏散的距離。安全出口不宜按不同的方向設(shè)置。其距離應(yīng)滿足房間內(nèi)最遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)至最近安全出口的距離不宜超過1

9、5米;房間門至最遠(yuǎn)安全出口的最大安全距離,一般工程應(yīng)為40米,旅店為30米,醫(yī)院為24米。在地下街內(nèi)的疏散應(yīng)考慮,由各單位到外疏散樓梯的距離最好不大于20米;停車場、汽車庫、倉庫、變電所等單位;出口距離可不大于30米,但其中停留較多人員的部分,不宜大于20米。對于用地下道連接地上建筑的地下室及地下道兩側(cè)布置營業(yè)的單位時(shí),地下道的寬度可采用6米;單側(cè)布置營業(yè)單位時(shí),可采用5米,當(dāng)然在街區(qū)規(guī)模很小、火災(zāi)危險(xiǎn)性不大、疏散中沒有障礙的條件下,也可采用3米。設(shè)計(jì)地下道時(shí),考慮到事故條件下緊急疏散的安全,在地下道內(nèi)不要形成死胡同。 四、建筑內(nèi)部裝修的不燃化建筑的內(nèi)部裝修不燃化,是關(guān)系到地下建筑發(fā)生火災(zāi),人

10、員安全疏散和火災(zāi)撲救的大問題,根據(jù)人民防空工程設(shè)計(jì)防火規(guī)范中規(guī)定,“除地下鐵道、公路隧道及劇場等外,其他地下建筑耐火等級為一級,其出入口地面建筑的耐火等級不應(yīng)低于二級”。平時(shí)利用的地下工程,其防火要求應(yīng)比地面建筑更嚴(yán)格,墻面應(yīng)采取不燃材料。五、事故照明、疏散指示標(biāo)志與自備電源建筑火災(zāi)中,人員疏散與撲救的另一很大障礙是能見度差。為此,除平時(shí)正常照明,必須備有事故照明設(shè)備和自備電源,以便事故停電時(shí)能夠照明,組織疏散和撲滅火災(zāi)。而且事故照明的照度一般不低于5勒克斯,同時(shí)要設(shè)置疏散標(biāo)志燈,指明安全門和安全出口的方向;在人員密集的場所,應(yīng)設(shè)置廣播,通訊電話或?qū)χv機(jī)。 六、建筑必須采用合理的滅火設(shè)施建筑滅

11、火設(shè)施的設(shè)置,應(yīng)該立足于“自救”,地下火災(zāi)的實(shí)際證明,由于高溫、濃煙,消防人員還沒有一個(gè)可靠有效的辦法在地下建筑中進(jìn)行滅火。近年來,我國地下建筑中先后發(fā)生了若干起火災(zāi),也未能進(jìn)行有效的撲救,都是因?yàn)闊煷螅瑴囟忍?,難以進(jìn)入火場。因此,地下建筑中應(yīng)該積極采用火災(zāi)自動(dòng)報(bào)警器和自動(dòng)噴水滅火系統(tǒng)。同時(shí),要注意在人員較密集的場所嚴(yán)禁使用有毒的滅火劑,一般場所也盡量不使用有毒的滅火劑??傊ㄖ阑鹪O(shè)計(jì)是貫徹“預(yù)防為主,防消結(jié)合”方針的重要體現(xiàn),是遏制火災(zāi)事故,減少火災(zāi)危害的有效措施。建筑防火措施落實(shí)了,地下建筑的防火安全才能有保障。Safety Design of Construction Discus

12、sionAbstract: Fire design of underground construction of the relevant issues, summed up the design of underground construction in the fire service should be paid attention to several problems.Key words: building fire safty, smoke partition incombustible safe evacuation of decoration materialConstruc

13、tion work should pay attention to fire prevention and fire early fire fighting, fire prevention based on the construction of internal facilities. Thus, the design of underground fire a lot of issues to be considered, such as general layout, building the fire resistance rating, fire district, fire di

14、stance, security, evacuation, fire fighting water supply, ventilation and air conditioning and electrical aspects of fire prevention. At the same time, also in accordance with the characteristics of the underground fire, fire control, control the spread of fire development, security, evacuation, aut

15、omatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing equipment, such as a series of measures. Building Fire Safety Design in the ground, consideration should be given in the following main issues:First, the use of underground construction and construction scale function1, the total for the underground architect

16、ural design should be based on the citys overall planning, reasonable to determine its location, the fire interval, fire access and fire water.2, A and B production and storage of goods should not be located in the underground building, which is Chinas current architectural design code for fire prot

17、ection provided. In the peoples air defense fire safety engineering design, also provides that the air defense works should not be set up within the high-pressure boiler room, ammonia refrigeration stations and A and B of the production workshop, warehouse goods. Ban the use of civil air defense pro

18、jects and liquefied petroleum gas flash point less than 60 degrees the liquid as fuel. Generally speaking, A and B explosive materials after a fire burning very rapidly and is very intense, even violent explosions, underground after an explosion, fire fighting difficult. More seriously, a number of

19、underground construction closed the incident, due to underground construction relief difficulties, shock wave will destroy the buildings, the consequences are extremely serious. Thus, to arouse sufficient attention.3, staff-intensive public buildings should be located in the ground floor. Such as th

20、eaters, underground playgrounds, skating rinks, such as song and dance entertainment, it should only be set in the ground floor, indoor and outdoor floor surface height difference between the import and export should not be greater than 10 m; commercial and service sectors more underground movement

21、of personnel Street to be located in the ground floor, and should be shallow. From Chinas specific situation, from the evacuation point of view of security, and personnel-intensive construction should be shallow. In addition, beyond the two-storey underground building, stairwell smoke should be fort

22、ified. In addition, the peoples air defense fire safety engineering design, also states: The civil air defense projects should not be set up lactation rooms, kindergartens, nurseries and places of work disability. Office of shopping malls should not be set up business in the ground and three below t

23、he three-tier . Second, the underground construction of the fire, smoke Design DivisionIn order to ensure the event of fire, fire control can limit the scope for large-scale underground construction, as a result of staff-intensive, more combustible or fire risk of large, should be divided into a num

24、ber of fire district, which is to prevent fires proliferation and the spread is very necessary.Underground construction division of the fire district should be on the ground than the more stringent architectural requirements. According to peoples air defense fire safety engineering design (2001 vers

25、ion) the latest revised edition, the local store of a total construction area of more than 20,000 square meters, the firewall should be taken to separate them from other, and to open doors and windows firewall may not be the hole. But the 2006 version architectural design code for fire protection on

26、 the ground floor of a slight relaxation of the requirements of store: Under the local store a total construction area of more than 20,000 square meters should be used to open doors and windows are not separated by the firewall hole. adjacent region local connectivity when needed, should be choose t

27、o adopt the following measures for fire-separated: First, submersion type square such as the use of outdoor open space; Second, the use of fire compartment; thirdly, to adopt the asylum corridor; Fourth, the use of smoke staircase, staircases, rooms with a door should be the use of Class A fire door

28、s. functions as the building, each fire district should not be greater than the general area of 500 square meters, but has a reliable fire prevention, fire fighting facilities, such as sprinkler systems, you can relax, but not great in 1000 square meters, underground civil air defense projects in th

29、e theater, the audience hall of the Office of the largest fire district should not allow the use of more than 1000 square meters area. At the same time, when the automatic fire-fighting equipment, its maximum allowable use of the area should not be increased. Commercial banking hall, exhibition hall

30、, etc., when the set up of automatic fire alarm system and automatic fire extinguishing system, and the use of A-grade decoration and fitting-up materials, the fire district should not be greater than the maximum floor area of 2000 square meters. Entertainment should be fire resistance of not less t

31、han 2.00 hours and 1.00 hours of the walls of the floor and separated from other places, a hall, the building should not be larger than 200 square meters area. When the wall to open the door should be set not less than B fire doors. Ground Floor, Wall Street should be a firewall. The building area b

32、etween the firewall should not be larger than 500 square meters.Underground construction within the firewall, use the same concrete or brick building, with no less than three hours of fire resistance. Firewall to open the door, usually to the use of Class A fire doors, and two-way must be opened man

33、ually, with automatic opening and closing function. At the same time, there are limits to take fire shutter to fire separation, and to meet the requirements of its fire resistance.Zoning should be designed to smoke combined with the design of fire protection district. In general, the smoke should no

34、t be across the fire district. A smoke partition should not be larger than the area of 500 square meters. The formation of smoke partitions, smoke generally wall, anti-cigarette curtain, fire doors, smoke machine.Third, safe evacuationThe ground floor of buildings in the fire safety of the personnel

35、 is very important to the issue of evacuation.1, the evacuation time is the safe evacuation of the basic indicators of the design. After the fire to make it in a short period of time through the evacuation of population from dangerous locations to evacuate to a safe place - outside or underground sh

36、elter. Therefore, the largest export to a safe distance, channel width, the number of exports, must be evacuated from the security needs time to determine. Japan believes that the fire department evacuated the underground construction time should be 3 minutes in between, if less than three minutes f

37、rom the fire area evacuated to safe areas, staff is very dangerous. Relevant departments of Chinas underground cinema in a few experiments done on several occasions, officers from the staff to evacuate to the evacuation of the end of 3-4 minutes in general (some doors do not open), in which the impo

38、rt and export of most of the buildings to meet design width. For underground construction, because of the dangers of smoke, and in considering the safety of the evacuation, the evacuation time should be strictly controlled. References ground construction time and the evacuation of the evacuation of

39、foreign underground construction time, construction of Chinas underground evacuation time should be controlled within 3 minutes.2, on the speed of the evacuation, which is an important safety indicators evacuation. The problem of buildings of different functions, personnel composition of different l

40、ighting conditions are different, the difference is relatively large. Underground construction in the absence of natural lighting conditions, the rate will be smaller evacuation, especially of fire, as a result of normal power supply was cut off, the lighting in the accident rate of small cases, the

41、 evacuation of more than a small speed, therefore, values should be considered these negative factors.3, underground construction must have sufficient width to evacuate. When the density of small staff, may be not less than two of the principle of direct exports to consider. Staff or more large-scal

42、e underground construction, safety of exports to the corresponding increase in the number, such as underground parking lot outside, there are generally safe for export 5-6; the peak number of 1,500 people at the underground station, located 2.4 meters wide export 6.At the same time, should also be c

43、onsidered in the design of evacuation to a safe distance. Exit should not be set up according to different directions. Its distance from the room should meet the point farthest to the nearest distance from the exit should not be more than 15 meters; room door exit to the farthest distance from the m

44、aximum security, the general works should be 40 meters, the hotel is 30 meters, 24 meters hospitals. Street, in the ground within the evacuation should be considered by the unit to the outside stairs to evacuate from the best of not more than 20 meters; car park, garage, warehouses, substations and

45、other units; export not more than 30 meters distance, but remain relatively part of many staff, not more than 20 meters.For the construction of the underpass to connect the ground on both sides of the basement and the underground layout of business units, the width of the underpass could be 6 meters

46、; unilateral arrangement of operating units, may be 5 m, of course, are very small in the neighborhood, fire danger is not , there is no obstacle to the evacuation of the conditions, may also have recourse to three meters. Design of underground when the accident conditions, taking into account the s

47、afety of emergency evacuation, not to the formation in a dead-end tunnel.Fourth, underground construction and interior decoration of the non-combustibleUnderground construction and interior decoration of non-combustible, and is related to the underground fire, evacuation and fire safety officers to

48、fight the big problem, according to peoples air defense fire safety engineering design, provided, In addition to the Mass Transit Railway, highway tunnels and foreign theater, other fire resistance rating of the ground floor of a building, the entrance level of the ground fire-resistant construction

49、 should not be less than two. Normal use of the underground works, the fire safety requirements should be more stringent than the ground construction, wall to be taken by non-combustible materials.Five, accidents lighting, signage and self-evacuation of powerTiefbau fire, evacuation and to fight another great obstacle is the poor visibility. To this end, in addition to the normal peacetime lighting, lighting equipment must have accident and self-power, so when the incid


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  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時(shí)也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


