1、:)9/11、it :)9/11、it JJ is an ugly teacher.JJis he tune, he came suddenly upon a _homeless_(home) beggar 介hemidstoftheSo,Imverycarefulnottogiveoutmyal_)twouldbeavery_reasonable_(reason)hemidstoftheSo,Imverycarefulnottogiveoutmyal_)twouldbeavery_reasonable_(reason)thingn abigJustbe_patient_rd work pai
2、d n nd now the he river is Be _reasonable_ (reason)you cant expect me to finish all this work in littleAfterthestudentleft,theteacherlet_another_studenttastetheTen years later, the old friends met again, and _excited_ (excite) tears otheirFrom the valley came a _frightening_(frighten) voice and we w
3、ere Theoldmanputdownthephone, Mr. Wu is really _amusing_(amuse) and ls jokes when he thinks For some reason he sat beside Mary. Mary felt _pleased_ (please), thereweremanyemptyheHemustbe_mentally_(mental)When we were wondering what to do, the manager came Hemustbe_mentally_(mental)When we were wonde
4、ring what to do, the manager came out. She surprise-surprising/surprised(adj)-surprisingly/surprisedlyTheboyfinishedbysaying,“BeforethetripIthoughtwewererich butI learnt who is _truly_ (true) rich.” With this, the boy got up and walked away,leavinghisfathersittingontheircomfortablesofa,totally_Lucki
5、ly_(lucky),hepassedtheButarecentstudysawthingsquite_differently_His teacher took a deep drink, d _warmly_ (warm), nked studentverymuchforthetTheriverwassotit_actually_(actual)caughtfireandButsuchasmallthingcouldntsibly_sible)destroyaEveryone on the bus began talking about what the boy had Butsuchasm
6、allthingcouldntsibly_sible)destroyaEveryone on the bus began talking about what the boy had done, crowdofstrangers_suddenly_(sudden)becamefriendlytoone I went out slowly. Slowly,Iwentout. I slowly went out.JJisundoubtedlyanuglyIwasslowlywalking(1)asn We were laughing whole time at our tcommunicatein
7、 words. I felt _ less lonely _ n I had One of the _worst_ (bad) gift EnglishI ever made was for my high Lucille Clifton is an award-winning poet and writer. Critics call her one of _greatest_(great)writersofourOneday,hecameupn thewouldpluck upallofhiscropa inches. He did so the next day. He was very
8、 tired ng this for a day,buthefeltveryhappysincethecropdid“grow”_higher_、Fine snow covered the yard, dusted the top of my truck and whitened road. twasnt the _worst_ (bad) part. All the Fine snow covered the yard, dusted the top of my truck and whitened road. twasnt the _worst_ (bad) part. All the r
9、ainfrom yesterday frozen solidcoating the needles on the trees in fantastic patterns, makingthedrivewayvery:alittle,abit,much,alot,agreatOne day a an took his son on a trip to the country.He wanted to hissonhowthepoorlivedsohecouldnkful_for_hisThe only reason a man would sell salt _at_ a rice would
10、be he was desperate for money. And ho took advantage tsituation would be showing a lack of respect _for_ the sweat and struggle themanwhoworkedveryhardtoproduceIdidntunderstand_why_this would happen andmycreditcardhadbeencharged_for_the11、it(1)it(t從句/to+是+It took years of work _to reduce_(reduce) th
11、e industrial cleantheJane11、it(1)it(t從句/to+是+It took years of work _to reduce_(reduce) the industrial cleantheJane was walking round the department store. She remembered difficult_it_wastochooseasuitableChristmaspresentforher(2)it(t Sb+Ithink_it_goodtohaveabalanceof(3)ithe Song Dynasty (9601279) It
12、is ta short-tempered anxious to help his rice crop grow up quickly. He was thinking about dayand _Itwas only after I heard she became sick eat MSG!t I learned she 12、并列結(jié)構(gòu)必出題(AandB結(jié)構(gòu)中,AB結(jié)構(gòu)相同含義相似I sometimes roducts or service online (to save money and (insteadofgoingtoastoreand_buying12、并列結(jié)構(gòu)必出題(AandB結(jié)
13、構(gòu)中,AB結(jié)構(gòu)相同含義相似I sometimes roducts or service online (to save money and (insteadofgoingtoastoreand_buying_)(buy)(whatImlooking(For a family) (of four), this is more convenient as well as (tosit_comfortably_)(comfortable)(atr_ Being very short of money and _wanting_ (want) to do something useful, d, fe
14、aring as I did t _without_ a degree and with no ofteachingmyofgettingthejobwereValentinesDayisthetimeof theyearwhencouplesshowtheir loveforother by sending cards, flowers and chocolates. Its origins are (clear) and hidden he river) (of time). Nobody knows exactly who There were many people waiting a
15、t the bus stop, _and_ some of lookedveryanxiousandButtheriverwasntchanged(inafewdays)_or_evenafewJJ doesnt likeapples pears.Go to the village and buy some salt, but pay a fair price for it: neither much_nor_tooWe_were but_forkt our rooms hadnt tk, It he downtown area, butso/and it is easy to go anyw
16、here from bypublicHe hadIt he downtown area, butso/and it is easy to go anywhere from bypublicHe had a deep voice, which set him apart (from others) (in our small andhewasstrong Theretheairiscleanorandthemountainsare(Without a momentsneighbor pickedup thebox butand announced: “Ill take them.”Awomans
17、awhimcryinglingtoldhimtowaitoutsidetheThefruitsaresmallinsize, butjuicyandWe (on the grass) (for a rest), or satsit (by the lake) (listening) TheteachersherearekindandIbought myticketbutandturned around(topick upmybag)(fromthe floor). This man might need the umbrella himself, andbut he preferred to
18、give it someonet was very nice of you, Mother. SoBut I didnt think looked I know it is not easy to learn English, andbut it is widely he ing today and it will be important andmoreimportantinourdailyhe future. Beside, it Igotaplacenext_to_thewindow,soIhadagoodviewofthehe beginning, there was only _ a
19、 _ very small amount of world, but everyone added a little, always _thinking_ t it was smallandnotveryimportant,andlookwherewehaveendedupEveryoneaddedalittle,always_thinking_(think)t it wasonly small andsmallandnotveryimportant,andlookwherewehaveendedupEveryoneaddedalittle,always_thinking_(think)t i
20、t wasonly small andveryimportant),andlook(wherewehaveendeduptitis_of_greatusetokeepadairyin_In_short, IWhen I took the money from her grandparents, I looked back _at_ the whowasgivingmethemostoptimistic,largestIhadeverngthisforawholeday JJwasverytiredsthbetiredofbetiredfromIt was not the waitress ca
21、me back and then she began wipedowntheItwasnotlongbeforesbdid沒過多久,sbdidSocarelesswasIt_IhadottenallAsamatterof_fact_,youhaveellandmadeWhenCarettson,senger,wastryingtobring_back_NicolesThechildwasstrickenaboutaway_from_theNowIamlivinginacity,butImissmyAsaresult,theplantsaregrowinghe TheyTherearethree
22、lessonshemorning)andtwohe SheusedtoholdingholdmeonherkneesandsingoldTheyTherearethreelessonshemorning)andtwohe SheusedtoholdingholdmeonherkneesandsingoldusedtobeusedtobeusedInafact, heevenscaredmyclassmatesI was happy (when the toys worked), but (when things didwent wrong), I got angry and broke the
23、m.readtalkThebook(Imreadingof)talks(aboutafternoontea)(inIwasplayingatmycousinsWhenIfinallyarrivedatmyfriendshelentmelotsofItwasa lesson(tous) (int it sible togivewithoutexpectingTheyatesilently,anditwastthingswerenotgoingTherewasone(oninparticular)(IdalwaysThisisthebook(IBeijingisthecity(JJwentLiHu
25、ing). I learn English (because I want to go abroad).IknowtJJ is(WhatItoldyou)isaThefactistLiHuiteachesbothEnglishandIknowthefactIheardthenews( IheardthenewstLiHuiteachesbothEnglishandtJJ tLHtoldIcansanswerthequestion(whyJJisidea/answer/question/problem/tNicks guests, (_who_ had heard their conversat
26、ion), asked why they notbuysaltmorecheaplyiftheyHefilledhis leather container(_who_hadbeenhisthe could bring some back)(to an(At the same time), there had been a growing number of overseas (_who_cameback)(toChina)(afterThe exam, ( _which_was originally) (to be held) (in our classroom), changedtothel
27、ibraryatthelast(_who_cameback)(toChina)(afterThe exam, ( _which_was originally) (to be held) (in our classroom), changedtothelibraryatthelastMaybe you are facing an sible situation. Maybe you have a t/which_isdrivingyourfamilyThen I went to the department store (_where_ I worked part-time) boughther
28、anexpensivegiftboxofSichuanThe next day, my brother and I went to the beach (_where_ we somepeopleplayJane paused (in front) (of a counter) (_where_ some attractive ties were More and more supportedbythestudents go abroad (for study), _as/which_ supportedbytheMoreandmorestudentsgoabroad(forstudy),an
29、d_it_bythe Asisknowntoall, Chinais anopen。Of course (whenever they turned to look at him), they had Asisknowntoall, Chinais anopen。Of course (whenever they turned to look at him), they had to look at _which_madeherfeellikea(In Japan), (for le), it is normal (for the woman) (to send (totheman),_which
30、_(inKoreaApril14th)isknownas “Black_Although_ he thought he could wasattention by sitting at the back, I almost started to yell his name _when_ I suddenly remembered he was bedasleep. (when:正在這時突然_Unless_ children ve they can succeed, they will e Iwillgo(ifheSistics t (_since_ carried out the - up p
31、olicy), totalofonemillionstudentshavegoneabroadfor_Although/Though/If/When_ we are satisfied (with only havememorized),wearenotreallylearningthefew rules) My friends walked me to the bus stop and waited with me _until_ the It got name (during the industrial revolution), pollution turned the local sk
32、ies black and local dust (from the mines) thesoilIt got name (during the industrial revolution), pollution turned the local skies black and local dust (from the mines) thesoilthesamecolor. It got its name (during the industrial revolution), factoryturnedthe localskies black andlocaldust(fromthe mines) madethe soil samecolor. (Be
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