



1、譯文人性化管理的研究范圍之內。進行人性管理的第二類的方法在20。:的社會教學;賦予人性化的經營;賦予人性的文化;人性化管理;組織譯文人性化管理的研究范圍之內。進行人性管理的第二類的方法在20。:的社會教學;賦予人性化的經營;賦予人性的文化;人性化管理;組織比較高程度的人性擴了這些學科。大英百科全書有關“人性”文章的作者R. 格魯丁(1989, p.723)講,umanisti來的大英百科全書有關“人性”文章的作者R. 格魯?。?989, p.723)講,umanisti來的種族、信仰、出身、和社會條件的人類團結外文原文TheChallengeHumanistic .According to t

2、he origin of the word “humanism” and the concept of humanitas where the former comes from, management could be called humanistic when its outlook emphasizes common human needs and is oriented to the development of human virtue, in all its forms, itsfullestextent.A developed mainlyapproach to humanis

3、tic management, although plete, hemiddle of the 20th century. It was 外文原文TheChallengeHumanistic .According to the origin of the word “humanism” and the concept of humanitas where the former comes from, management could be called humanistic when its outlook emphasizes common human needs and is orient

4、ed to the development of human virtue, in all its forms, itsfullestextent.A developed mainlyapproach to humanistic management, although plete, hemiddle of the 20th century. It was centered on human motivations. second approach to humanistic management sprang up in the 80s and centered on anizational

5、 culture. This d a wider approach to the human condition while o account the influence of culture on behaviors and -making, but it too. There is a third approach to humanistic management, which is still tconsiders a business rise as a real community t means promoting and favoring the acquisition of

6、human virtues. This humanistic management approach is a real challenge in order to achieve a higher moral quality in management, human virtues among people and more efficient anizations.Key Words: Christian l teaching, humanizing business, humanizing humanisticanizationalanizationalvirtueIt is very

7、well t management remendous development throughout t century, with Taylors scientific and Henry Fords assembly the twentieth century. During decades anization of work, Fayols managerial management was based on technique and little attention was paid to the human condition of workers, except formakin

8、gthem moreefficient inproductive operations. Tayloronly on the erest of the worker to get money and anization of time and activities order to improve productivity, while Fayol limited his approach to the functions of management and Ford focused on increasing productivity through the assembly line. I

9、n these approaches and in some others after them, the image of was “mechanistic”. Managers planned the work and gave orders, which had to be obeyed employees;thereward twasbasicallyThis engineering outlook of management was followed by t focused on behavior from the mptions of experimental psycholog

10、y and ysis. This was expanded by one of the most outstanding pioneers of management thought, Maslow. roduced a new approach, which he himself considered a approach. In his own words, Maslow “attempted to enlarge our conception of the ality by o the higher levels of human nature” (1970, p. ix). He th

11、e previous findings coming from experimental psychology and ysis but he beyond these disciplines by adopting “a new general philosophy of life” which led him to a deeper knowledge of human needs.Apart from Maslow, some other authors have adopted conceptions of management could be considered as appro

12、aches to humanistic management, they emphasize several aspects of the human condition. The explore these historical approaches. So after a short discuseast in a broadsense, e of this r is about the meaning humanistic management three approaches to humanistic management will be Then it willApart from

13、 Maslow, some other authors have adopted conceptions of management could be considered as approaches to humanistic management, they emphasize several aspects of the human condition. The explore these historical approaches. So after a short discuseast in a broadsense, e of this r is about the meaning

14、 humanistic management three approaches to humanistic management will be Then it will endeavor to t the third approach to humanistic management is complete in considering the human condition and the capacity of everyone to human nthepreviousWhat humanistic management “Humanistic” is related to “huma

15、nism”, an old and rich concept. The term although it does ve a univocal sense,is generally understood as the realization of human ideals. More specifically, humanism is usually conceived as an outlook emphasizing common human needs and is concerned with human characteristics. It leads to l life in a

16、 t is appropriate for the human However, this way ct, the understanding humanism isand humanistic management, will mean in the context of this adopted here is very close to the origin of the term “humanism” and its meaning in the Ancient World, although it includes certain conceptual enriThe term “h

17、umanism” roduced by the German scholar F. J. mmer humanismus in 19th century to designate the Renaissance emphasis on studying classical authorsandlanguages(Latin andGreek)ineducation.3 However,therootsaremucholder.In 15th century,those whopursued andendorsed these classical studies were called uman

18、isti,an Italian word. According to R. Grudin (1989, p. 723), author of the article on “humanism” in the New Encyclopedia Britannica, umanisti comes from Latin studia humani is, which a course of classical t included grammar, poetry, rhetoric, history and philosophy. In fact, in Renaissance, the conc

19、ept of humanitas became a key educational and political ideal. “Renaissance humanism he affirms in all its forms defined itself in straining towards this ideal. No , therefore, of humanism can have validity an understanding ofhumanitas.” Accordingly, Grudin gives us an explanationof the meaning of h

20、umanitas in Ancient Greece:“Humanitas meant the development of human virtue, in all its approaches, to its extent. The term thus impd not only such qualities as are asso humanity understanding, benevolenceted to the modern re characteristics as fortitude, Consequently philosopher or man of letters b

21、ut was prudence, eloquence, and even love of sity a participant in active life. Just without insight was held to be aimless and barbaric, insight without action was rejected barren and imperfect. Humanitas called for a fine balance bet a balance born not of compromise but of complementarity.”n action and A complementary explanation is provided b


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