1、樣品承認(rèn)書SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVAL客戶:(Customer)品名:鋁電解電容器(Product Nam型號:(Series )日期: 2010年 月 日(Date)貴公司承認(rèn):Approval Signature批準(zhǔn):審核:制作:ApprovedCheckedPrepared電容器有限公司CAPACITOR CO.,LTD.地址:電話傳真(FAX)郵編(P.C.):網(wǎng)址(I nternet):Parts lists物料清單:Customers Part No.客戶代碼Leaguers Part No.Leaguer SeriesSize(mm) DX LWV (V)
2、Cap.(M F)Cap. Tol.土 (%)tanS損耗Iu(uA)漏電流Ripple Current 紋波電流 (mA)RT18X1225220200.1455150RT113X2116330200.1652.8302RT113X21252200200.14550725RT1 Series Type (系列)(105 C ,1000H)Electrical Requirements電解電容器規(guī)格書:1Capacitance Tolerance容量偏差20% at 120Hz,20C2Operation Temperature Range 工作溫度6.3V100V -40C+105C160V
3、400V -25C+105C3Rated Working Voltage And Surge Voltage 額定電壓與 浪涌電壓W.V6.3101625355063100160200250350400S.V.7.311.518.4294058731151842302874004604Leakage Current漏電流After DC Voltage is applied to capacitor through the series protective resistance(1K Q ),and then terminal voltage may reach the rated work
4、ing voltage. The leakage current when measured after 2 minutes (6.3-400V)shall be below the value of the following equation.串聯(lián)(1KQ )保護電阻后,對產(chǎn)品施加額定直流工作電壓(6.3400V)兩分鐘后,漏電 流值不大于下列規(guī)定值。6.3100VIW0.01CV or 3p A(取較大值) Whichever is greater160-400VIW0.03CV +10(p A)WhereI=Leakage Current(p A)C=Capacitance(p F)V
5、=Rated DC WorkingVltage(V)Dissipation Factor損耗角正切值(at 120Hz,20CDissipation Factor損耗角正切值(at 120Hz,20C)Rated Voltage6.3101625355063100160200250300400450Tan。(max)標(biāo)稱容量大于1000p F時,每增加1000p F,損耗角正切值增加0.02。Endurance characteristic 性檢測:NoItem測試項目Conditi
6、ons測試條件Specification 特性要求1Rotational Temperature Test溫度快速變化Capacitor is place in an oven whose temperatures follow specific regulation to change. The specific regulation is +20C(3 min) f-40 C (30 min) f+20 C (3 min)f+105C(30 min)f+20C(3 min)”,and it is called a cycle. The test totals 5 cycles. And t
7、hen the capacitor shall be subjected to standard atmospheric Conditions for 16 hours, after which measurement shall be made.電容器在規(guī)定的溫度范圍內(nèi)循環(huán)如 下:“+20C(3 min)f-40C(30 min) f +20 C (3 min)f+105C(30 min) f+20C(3 min)”,以上循環(huán)運行5 次后,將電容器放置于標(biāo)準(zhǔn)氣候中恢 復(fù)16小時測量其值滿足特性要求。Physical 外觀No broken and undamaged 尢可見損傷及泄漏2Hig
8、h Temperature Load Life Test 耐久性Capacitors shall be placed in oven with application of ripple current and rated voltage for 1000hrs at 105 C. 在105 C條件下,對電容器施加帶 有額定紋波電流的額定工作電壓 1000小時后,在標(biāo)準(zhǔn)氣候下恢復(fù)16 小時測量。Capacitance Change 容量變化Within 土 20% of the initial value 初始值的土 20%以內(nèi)TANS損耗角正切Less than 200% of specif
9、ied value 不大于規(guī)定值的200%Leakage Current漏電流Within specified value 不大于規(guī)定值Physical 外觀No broken and undamaged 尢可見損傷及泄漏3High Temperature Unload Life Test高溫儲存特性After 500 hrs test at 105 C without rated working voltage. And then the capacitor shall be subjected to standard atmospheric conditions for 16 hours,
10、 after which measurements shall be made.Capacitance Change 容量變化Within20% of the initial value 初始值的土 20%以內(nèi)TANS損耗角正切Lessthan200% of specified value 不大于規(guī)定值的200%將電容器無負(fù)載放置于105 C條件, 500小時后取出,放置于標(biāo)準(zhǔn)氣候下 恢復(fù)16小時測量.Leakage Current 漏電流Less than 200% of specified value 不大于規(guī)定值的200%Physical 外觀No broken and undamage
11、d 尢可見損傷及泄漏4Humidity Test穩(wěn)態(tài)濕熱Capacitors shall be exposed for 500 土 6 hrs in an atmosphere of 9095% R.H. at 40 C. And then the capacitor shall be subjected to standard atmospheric conditions for 16 hours, after which measurements shall be made.電容器放置于濕度9095% R.H.,溫 度40C的大氣中500土6小時.取出 后在標(biāo)準(zhǔn)氣候下恢復(fù)16小時測量.Ca
12、pacitance Change 容量變化Within 土 10% of the initial value 初始值的土10%以內(nèi)TANS損耗角正切Lessthan200% of specified value 不大于規(guī)定值的200%Leakage Current 漏電流Within specified value 不大于規(guī)定值Physical 外觀No broken and undamaged 尢可見損傷及泄漏5Vibration Test振動測試Fix it at the point 4mm or less form body. For ones of 12.5mm or more in
13、diameter or 25 mm or more length, use separate fixture.Direction and during of vibration: 3 orthogonal directions Mutually each for 2hrs total 6hrs.Frequency:10to 55Hz reciprocation for1 min.Total amplitude: 0.75mm.安裝點距產(chǎn)品4mm以上。在三個互相垂直軸的每一方向各 振動2小時,共6小時。頻率:10到55Hz每分鐘互換。振幅:0.75mm.Capacitance Change 容量
14、變化Within+ 10% of the initial value 初始值的10%以內(nèi)TANS損耗角正切Within specified value 不大于規(guī)定值Leakage Current漏電流Within specified value 不大于規(guī)定值Physical 外觀No broken and undamaged 尢可見損傷及泄漏6SolderHeat-ResistanceTest耐焊接熱The section of lead below 4mm form the body of capacitor must be immersed in 260 C 5 C liquid tin
15、10+1 seconds. Then. after removing the following specifications shall be satisfied when capacitor terminal is restored to 20 C within two hours or over an hour.距電容器本體4mm以下浸入260C +5C的液體中10 1秒.取出后 放入標(biāo)準(zhǔn)氣候下恢復(fù)12小時測量。Capacitance Change 容量變化Within5% of the initial value初始值的5%以內(nèi)Physical 外觀No broken and unda
16、maged 尢可見損傷及泄漏7SurgeVoltageTest浪涌電壓After surge voltage applied at a cycling rate of 30 seconds charge and 5.5 minutes discharge 1000 successive test cycle.加1.15倍額定電壓充電30秒后放電 5分30秒,連續(xù)循環(huán)1000次后測量。Capacitance Change 容量變化Within+ 15% of the initial value 初始值的15%以內(nèi)TANS損耗角正切Within specified value 不大于規(guī)定值Leak
17、age Current 漏電流Within specified value 不大于規(guī)定值Physical 外觀No broken and undamaged 尢可見損傷及泄漏8Solderability Test 可焊性After the lead wire fully immersed in the solder for 2 + 0.1secs at a temperature of 235 2C ,the solder coating must be more than 95%引線浸入235+2C的焊料中,持續(xù)2 + 0.1秒,拔出后引線表面被焊料覆蓋的面積 不少于浸入面積的95%。9 M
18、echanicalCharacteristicsTest9 MechanicalCharacteristicsTest引出端的強度本測試主要測試引出端的強度.Tension Test: The lead tabs shall not be broken or any malformed condition after fixing capacitor vertically and pressing the following weight on the lead tabs of capacitor for 10 +1 secs.拉力測試:垂直固定電容器后,在引出端施加以下重量101秒鐘,引出端
19、不允 許出現(xiàn)任何損傷和變形。Lead tabs diameter 引出端直徑(mm)Weight 重量(Kg)、0.80.8Bending Test: The capacitor is held in vertical position. Attach a weight to the lead tabs, slowly rotate the capacitor 90 C to a same way in the opposite direction. Repeat it again(5secs per cycle). The lead tabs shall not be br
20、oken or cracked.彎曲測試:豎直放置電容器,在其引出端懸掛下表重量的重物,轉(zhuǎn)動電容器90度, 恢復(fù)后,向相反方向轉(zhuǎn)動90度,再恢復(fù)為一個周期,重復(fù)1次(每個循環(huán)5秒鐘)。 引線不會損傷破損。Lead tabs diameter 引出端直徑(mm)Weight 重量(Kg)、0.80.810 StandardsSatisfies Characteristic of GB2693,IEC383、IEC384引用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)ll.Diagram of Dimensions 尺寸圖:(mm)D0.51.056or6.3810131619F +
21、07.57.5L2.0(max)11111213,16,2020,2525,3135,40d0. Case Size and Ripple Current 尺寸和紋波電流7 wv mA6.3 (0J )10 (1A )16 (1C )25 (1E )35 (1V )50 (1H )63 (1J )mfA巾 DxLmA巾 DxLmA巾 DxLmA巾 D xLmA巾 DxLmA巾 D xLmA巾 DxLmA0.1(0R1)5x1130.22(R22)5x1140.33(R33)5x1150.47(R47)5x1161 0(010)5x1192.2(
22、2R2)5x11113.3(3R3)5x11154.7(4R7)5x11185x112010(100)5x11205x11255x11255x11255x113022(220)5x11305x11355x11355x11406.3x115033(330)5x11405x11405x11506.3 x11608x126047(470)5x11455x11505x11506.3x11656.3 x11738x1290100(101)5x11605x11806.3x11806.3x11908x121108x1212010 x12150220(221)63x1110063 x111108x121408
23、x1215010 x1319010 x1624010 x20270330(331)8x121208x1216013x2130210 x1322010 x1626010 x2032013x20380470(471)8x121708x1219010 x1325010 x1629010 x2035013x2043013x255001000(102)10 x1330010 x1636010 x2044013x2054013x2562016x2579016x319002200(222)13x2058013x2062013x2570013x2172516x31103019x35123019x4013103
24、300(332)13x2067013x2580016x2597016x31112019x35132019x4014004700_(472)16x25100016x251050_16x31_1240_19x3514406800(682)16x25112016x31130019x35153019x40163010000(103)19x35132019x35162019x401730 wv mA lF100(2A )160(2C )200(2D )250(2E )350(2V )400(2G )450 (2W)巾 DxLmA巾 DxLmA巾 DxLmA巾 D xLmA巾 DxLmA巾 D xLmA巾 DxLmA0.47(R47)5x1165x1188x1268x1261.0(010)5x1195x11128x1298x1298x121210 x161
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