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1、Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China中華人民共和國合同法(Adopteed at the SSecondd Sesssion oof thee Nintth Nattionall Peopples Congrress oon Marrch 155, 19999 andd prommulgatted byy Ordeer No. 15 oof thee Pressidentt of tthe Peeoples Reppublicc of CChina on Maarch 115, 19999)中華人民共和和國合同法已已由中華人民民共和國第九九

2、屆全國人民民代表大會(huì)第第二次會(huì)議于于1999年年3月15日日通過,現(xiàn)予予公布,自11999年110月1日起起施行。ContenttsGenerall Provvisionns總則Chapterr I Coommon Proviisionss第一章 一般規(guī)規(guī)定Chapterr II MMakingg of tthe Coontracct第二章 合同的的訂立Chapterr III Validdity oof thee Conttract第三章合同的的效力Chapterr IV FFulfilllmentt of tthe Coontracct第四章合同的的履行Chapterr V Moodifi

3、ccationn and Transsfer oof thee Conttract第五章 合同的的變更和轉(zhuǎn)讓讓Chapterr VI TTerminnationn of RRightss and Obliggationns undder thhe Conntractt第六章 合同的的權(quán)利義務(wù)終終止Chapterr VII Liabiility for BBreachh of CContraact第七章 違約責(zé)責(zé)任Chapterr VIIII Misccellanneous Proviisionss Speccific Proviisionss第八章 其他規(guī)規(guī)定Chapterr IX PPurc

4、haase annd Salle Conntractts第九章 買賣合合同Chapterr X Coontraccts foor thee Suppply annd Connsumpttion oof Eleectriccity, Waterr, Gass or HHeat第十章 供用電電、水、氣、熱熱力合同Chapterr XI DDonatiion Coontraccts第十一章 贈(zèng)與與合同Chapterr XII Loan Contrracts第十二章 借款款合同Chapterr XIIII Leasse Conntractts第十三章 租賃賃合同Chapterr XIV Contrra

5、cts for FFinanccial LLease第十四章 融資資租賃合同Chapterr XV WWork CContraacts第十五章 承攬攬合同Chapterr XVI Consttructiion Prrojectt Conttractss第十六章 建設(shè)工程合合同Chapterr XVIII Carrriage Contrracts第第十七章 運(yùn)運(yùn)輸合同Chapterr XVIIII Tecchnoloogy Coontraccts第十八八章 技術(shù)合合同Chapterr XIX Contrracts of Deepositt第十九章 保管合同Chapterr XX WWarehoo

6、usingg Conttractss第二十章 倉儲(chǔ)合同Chapterr XXI Entruustmennt Conntractts第二十一一章 委托合合同Chapterr XXIII Brokkeragee Conttractss第二十二章章 行紀(jì)合同同Chapterr XXIIII Inttermeddiatioon Conntractts第二十三三章 居間合合同Supplemmentarry Proovisioons附則Generall Provvisionns總則Chapterr I Coommon Proviisionss第一章一般規(guī)定定Articlee 1 Thhis Laaw is

7、 enactted foor thee purppose oof prootectiing thhe leggitimaate riights and iintereests oof thee partties tto conntractts, maaintaiining the ssocio-econoomic oorder and ppromotting tthe soocialiist mooderniizatioon.第一條條為了保護(hù)合合同當(dāng)事人的的合法權(quán)益,維維護(hù)社會(huì)經(jīng)濟(jì)濟(jì)秩序,促進(jìn)進(jìn)社會(huì)主義現(xiàn)現(xiàn)代化建設(shè),制制定本法。AArticlle 2 FFor thhe purrpose of

8、 thhis Laaw, a contrract mmeans an aggreemeent onn the estabblishmment, alterrationn or tterminnationn of aa civiil rigght-obbligattion rrelatiionshiip bettween naturral peersonss, leggal peersonss or oother organnizatiions aas subbjectss withh equaal staatus.第第二條本法所所稱合同是平平等主體的自自然人、法人人、其他組織織之間設(shè)立、變變更

9、、終止民民事權(quán)利義務(wù)務(wù)關(guān)系的協(xié)議議。Agreeementts on estabblishiing suuch peersonaal rellationnshipss as mmarriaage, aadoptiion annd guaardiannship shalll be ggovernned byy the proviisionss of oother laws.婚姻、收養(yǎng)養(yǎng)、監(jiān)護(hù)等有有關(guān)身份關(guān)系系的協(xié)議,適適用其他法律律的規(guī)定。AArticlle 3 TThe paartiess to tthe coontracct havve equual leegal sstatuss, andd

10、 neitther pparty may iimposee its will on thhe othher.第三三條合同當(dāng)事事人的法律地地位平等,一一方不得將自自己的意志強(qiáng)強(qiáng)加給另一方方。Artiicle 44 The partiies shhall, pursuuant tto laww, havve thee righht to enterr intoo a coontracct on theirr own free will, and no unnit orr persson maay unllawfullly innterfeere.第四四條當(dāng)事人依依法享有自愿愿訂立合同的的權(quán)利,任何

11、何單位和個(gè)人人不得非法干干預(yù)。Articlee 5 Thhe parrties shalll obseerve tthe prrincipple off equiity inn defiining each otherrs riights and oobligaationss.第五條當(dāng)當(dāng)事人應(yīng)當(dāng)遵遵循公平原則則確定各方的的權(quán)利和義務(wù)務(wù)。Artiicle 66 The partiies shhall oobservve thee prinnciplee of ggood ffaith in exxercissing ttheir rightts andd fulffillinng theeir

12、obbligattions.第六條當(dāng)事事人行使權(quán)利利、履行義務(wù)務(wù)應(yīng)當(dāng)遵循誠誠實(shí)信用原則則。Artiicle 77 The partiies shhall, in maaking and ffulfillling the ccontraact, aabide by laaws annd admministtrativve reggulatiions aand reespectt sociial etthics, and may nnot diisruptt the socioo-econnomic orderr nor impaiir soccial aand puublic interrest

13、s.第七條當(dāng)事事人訂立、履履行合同,應(yīng)應(yīng)當(dāng)遵守法律律、行政法規(guī)規(guī),尊重社會(huì)會(huì)公德,不得得擾亂社會(huì)經(jīng)經(jīng)濟(jì)秩序,損損害社會(huì)公共共利益Articlee 8 A legallly exxecuteed conntractt has legall bindding fforce on thhe parrties. The partiies shhall ffulfilll theeir obbligattions as coontraccted, and mmay noot arbbitrarrily mmodifyy or tterminnate tthe coontracct.第八條條依法成立的的合

14、同,對(duì)當(dāng)當(dāng)事人具有法法律約束力。當(dāng)當(dāng)事人應(yīng)當(dāng)按按照約定履行行自己的義務(wù)務(wù),不得擅自自變更或者解解除合同。AA legaally eexecutted coontracct is proteected by laaw.依法成成立的合同,受受法律保護(hù)。Chapter II Making of the Contract第二章 合同的訂立Article 9 The parties shall, when making a contract, have corresponding capacity for civil rights and civil conduct.第九條當(dāng)事人訂立合同,應(yīng)當(dāng)具有相應(yīng)的

15、民事權(quán)利能力和民事行為能力。A party may, in accordance with the law, entrust an agent to make a contract.當(dāng)事人依法可以委托代理人訂立合同。Article 10 The parties may, when making a contract, use written form, verbal form or any other form.第十條當(dāng)事人訂立合同,有書面形式、口頭形式和其他形式。The written form shall be adopted if laws or administrative regul

16、ations so require. The written form shall be adopted if the parties so agree.法律、行政法規(guī)規(guī)定采用書面形式的,應(yīng)當(dāng)采用書面形式。當(dāng)事人約定采用書面形式的,應(yīng)當(dāng)采用書面形式。Article 11 Written form as used herein means any form which renders the information contained in a contract capable of being reproduced in tangible form such as a written agre

17、ement, a letter, or electronic text (including telegram, telex, facsimile, electronic data interchange and e-mail).第十一條書面形式是指合同書、信件和數(shù)據(jù)電文(包括電報(bào)、電傳、傳真、電子數(shù)據(jù)交換和電子郵件)等可以有形地表現(xiàn)所載內(nèi)容的形式。Article 12 The content of a contract is determined by the parties and generally includes the following clauses:第十二條合同的內(nèi)容由當(dāng)事人

18、約定,一般包括以下條款:(1) designations or names and addresses of the parties;(一)當(dāng)事人的名稱或者姓名和住所;(2) the targeted matter;(二)標(biāo)的;(3) quantity;(三)數(shù)量;(4) quality;(四)質(zhì)量;(5) price or remuneration;(五)價(jià)款或報(bào)酬;(6) timme, pllace aand moode off fulffillmeent;(六六)履行期限限、地點(diǎn)和方方式(7) liaabilitty forr breaach off conttract; (七)違違約責(zé)

19、任;(8) disspute settllementt.(八)解決決爭(zhēng)議的方法法。The partiies maay makke conntractts witth refferencce to varioous moodel ccontraact foorms.當(dāng)當(dāng)事人可以參參照各類合同同的示范文本本訂立合同。Article 13 The parties shall, in making a contract, take the form of offer and acceptance.第十三條當(dāng)事人訂立合同,采取要約、承諾方式。Article 14 An offer is an inten

20、t indication showing the desire to enter into a contract with others, and the intent indication shall conform to the following provisions:第十四條要約是希望和他人訂立合同的意思表示,該意思表示應(yīng)當(dāng)符合下列規(guī)定:(1)the conteent inndicatted shhall bbe conncretee and definnite;(一一)內(nèi)容具體體明確;(2) thee offeeror sshall, as iis inddicateed, bee

21、bounnd by the iintentt indiicatioon upoon itss acceeptancce by an offfereee.(二)表明明經(jīng)受要約人人承諾,要約約人即受該意意思表示約束束。Articlee 15 AAn invvitatiion foor offfer iss an iintentt indiicatioon shoowing the ddesiree to rreceivve offfers ffrom ootherss. Maiiled oor dellivereed priice caataloggs, auuctionn annoouncemm

22、ents, inviitatioons foor bidd, cappital-raisiing prrospecctus aand coommerccial aadverttisemeents aare suuch innvitattions for ooffer.第十五條要約邀請(qǐng)是是希望他人向向自己發(fā)出要要約的意思表表示。寄送的的價(jià)目表、拍拍賣公告、招招標(biāo)公告、招招股說明書、商商業(yè)廣告等為為要約邀請(qǐng)。A commeerciall adveertiseement shalll, if its ccontennt connformss to tthe prrovisiions rregardd

23、ing oofferss, be deemeed an offerr.商業(yè)廣告告的內(nèi)容符合合要約規(guī)定的的,視為要約約。Articlee 16 AAn offfer beecomess effeectivee whenn it rreachees thee offeeree.第第十六條要要約到達(dá)受要要約人時(shí)生效效。If a coontracct is made in thhe forrm of text in ellectroonic ddata aand thhe recceiverr has desiggnatedd a sppeciall receeivingg systtem too r

24、eceeive ssuch ddata ttext, the ttime aat whiich thhe texxt in electtronicc dataa enteers thhe dessignatted sppeciall systtem shhall bbe thee timee of aarrivaal; iff no sspeciaal recceivinng sysstem iis dessignatted, tthe tiime att whicch thee textt in eelectrronic data firstt enteers anny of the rre

25、ceivvers systeems shhall bbe thee timee of aarrivaal.采用數(shù)數(shù)據(jù)電文形式式訂立合同,收收件人指定特特定系統(tǒng)接收收數(shù)據(jù)電文的的,該數(shù)據(jù)電電文進(jìn)入該特特定系統(tǒng)的時(shí)時(shí)間,視為到到達(dá)時(shí)間;未未指定特定系系統(tǒng)的,該數(shù)數(shù)據(jù)電文進(jìn)入入收件人的任任何系統(tǒng)的首首次時(shí)間,視視為到達(dá)時(shí)間間。Articlee 17 AAn offfer maay be withddrawn. The withddrawall notiice off an ooffer shalll reacch thee offeeree bbeforee or aat thee samee ti

26、mee as tthe arrrivall of tthe offfer aat thee offeeree.第第十七條要要約可以撤回回。撤回要約約的通知應(yīng)當(dāng)當(dāng)在要約到達(dá)達(dá)受要約人之之前或者與要要約同時(shí)到達(dá)達(dá)受要約人。Articlee 18 AAn offfer maay be revokked. TThe reevocattion nnoticee of aan offfer shhall rreach the ooffereee beffore tthe diispatcch of an accceptaance nnoticee by tthe offfereee.第十八條條要約可以以撤

27、銷。撤銷銷要約的通知知應(yīng)當(dāng)在受要要約人發(fā)出承承諾通知之前前到達(dá)受要約約人。Artticle 19 Ann offeer mayy not be reevokedd undeer anyy of tthe foollowiing coonditiions:第第十九條有有下列情形之之一的,要約約不得撤銷:(1)the offerror haas speecifieed a ttime llimit for tthe accceptaance, or haas expplicittly inndicatted inn any otherr mannner thhe irrrevocaabilitty

28、 of the ooffer;(一)要約約人確定了承承諾期限或者者以其他形式式明示要約不不可撤銷;(2) theere arre groounds for tthe offfereee to mmaintaain thhe irrrevocaabilitty of the ooffer and tthe offfereee has made prepaaratioons foor thee fulffillmeent off the contrract.(二二)受要約人人有理由認(rèn)為為要約是不可可撤銷的,并并已經(jīng)為發(fā)行行合同作了準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)備工作。AArticlle 20 An offfer llose

29、s its eeffectt undeer anyy of tthe foollowiing coonditiions:第第二十條有有下列情形之之一的,要約約失效:(1) a rrejecttion nnoticee of tthe offfer hhas reeachedd the offerror;(一一)拒絕要約約的通知到達(dá)達(dá)受要約人;(2) thee offeeror hhas reevokedd the offerr purssuant to laaw;(二)要要約人依法撤撤銷要約;(3) wheen thee fixeed timme limmit foor accceptannc

30、e exxpiress, thee offeeree uunderttakes no accceptaance; (三)承諾諾期限屆滿,受受要約人未作作出承諾;(4) thee offeeree mmakes a subbstanttial cchangee of tthe coontentt of tthe offfer.(四四)受要約人人對(duì)要約的內(nèi)內(nèi)容作出實(shí)質(zhì)質(zhì)性變更。Articlee 21 AAn accceptannce iss an aassentt indiicatioon of the ooffereee to an offfer.第第二十一條承諾是受要要約人同意要要約的意思表表

31、示。Articlee 22 AAn accceptannce shhall bbe madde in form of a noticce, unnless, in llight of trrade ppractiices oor as indiccated by thhe offfer, tthe offfereee may indiccate tthe asssent by peerformming aan actt.第二十二二條承諾應(yīng)應(yīng)當(dāng)以通知的的方式作出,但但根據(jù)交易習(xí)習(xí)慣或者概要要約表明可以以通過行為作作出承諾的除除外。Artticle 23 Ann acceeptancce shaa

32、ll reeach tthe offferorr withhin thhe timme limmit fiixed bby thee offeer.第二十十三條承諾諾應(yīng)當(dāng)在要約約確定的期限限內(nèi)到達(dá)要約約人。If no tiime liimit iis fixxed byy the offerr, thee acceeptancce shaall reeach tthe offferorr in aaccorddance with the ffollowwing pprovissions:要約沒有確確定承諾期限限的,承諾應(yīng)應(yīng)當(dāng)依照下列列規(guī)定到達(dá):(1) if an offfer iis madd

33、e oraally, accepptancee shalll be made prompptly uunlesss the partiies sttipulaate ottherwiise; (一一)要約以對(duì)對(duì)話方式作出出的,應(yīng)當(dāng)即即時(shí)作出承諾諾,但當(dāng)事人人別有約定的的除外;(22) if an offfer iis nott madee orallly, tthe accceptaance sshall reachh the offerror wiithin a reaasonabble peeriod of tiime.(二)要約約以非對(duì)話方方式作出的,承承諾應(yīng)當(dāng)在合合理期限內(nèi)到到達(dá)。Ar

34、tticle 24 Iff an ooffer is maade thhroughh a leetter or a teleggram, the ttime llimit for aaccepttance commeences on thhe datte shoown onn the letteer or on thhe datte thee teleegram is haanded in foor disspatchh or, if noo suchh datee is sshown on thhe lettter, from the ddate sshown by thhe posstma

35、rkk of tthe leetter. If aan offfer iss madee by mmeans of innstanttaneouus commmuniccationns succh as telepphone or faacsimiile, tthe tiime liimit ffor accceptaance ccommennces aat thee momeent thhat thhe offfer reeachess the offerree.第二二十四條要要約以信件或或者電報(bào)作出出的,承諾期期限自信件載載明的日期或或者電報(bào)交發(fā)發(fā)之日開始計(jì)計(jì)算。信件未未載明日期的的,自投

36、寄該該信件的郵戳戳日期開始計(jì)計(jì)算。要約以以電話、傳真真等快速通訊訊方式作出的的,承諾期限限自要約到達(dá)達(dá)受要約人時(shí)時(shí)開始生效。Article 25 A contract is executed at the time when the acceptance becomes effective.第二十五條承諾生效時(shí)合同成立。Articlee 26 TThe accceptaance bbecomees efffectivve wheen thee acceeptancce nottice rreachees thee offeeror. If ann acceeptancce neeeds noo

37、 notiice, iit beccomes effecctive when an acct of accepptancee is pperforrmed iin ligght off tradde praacticees or as inndicatted byy the offerr.第二十六六條承諾通知知到達(dá)要約人人時(shí)生效。承承諾不需要通通知的,根據(jù)據(jù)交易習(xí)慣或或者要約的要要求作出承諾諾的行為時(shí)生生效Where aa conttract is maade inn the form of teext inn elecctroniic datta, thhe proovisioons off

38、 Paraagraphh 2, AArticlle 16 of thhis Laaw shaall bee appllicablle to the ttime oof arrrival of thhe accceptannce.采用用數(shù)據(jù)電文形形式訂立合同同的,承諾到到達(dá)的時(shí)間適適用本法第十十六條第二款款的規(guī)定。Articlee 27 AAn accceptannce maay be withddrawn. The withddrawall notiice off the accepptancee shalll reaach thhe offferor beforre or at thhe s

39、amme timme as the aaccepttance noticce reaaches the oofferoor.第二十十七條承諾可可以撤回。撤撤回承諾的通通知應(yīng)當(dāng)在承承諾通知到達(dá)達(dá)要約人之前前或者與承諾諾通知同時(shí)到到達(dá)要約人。Article 28 If the offeree makes an acceptance beyond the time limit for acceptance, it shall constitute a new offer unless the offeror notifies the offeree in time that the acceptan

40、ce is effective.第二十八條受要約人超過承諾期限發(fā)出承諾的,除要約人及時(shí)通知受要約人該承諾有效的以外,為新要約。Article 29 If an offeree makes within the time limit for acceptance an acceptance that could reach the offeror in time under normal conditions but happens to reach the offeror beyond the limit due to other reasons, the acceptance shall b

41、e effective notwithstanding unless the offeror notifies the offeree in time that the acceptance is denied due to its delayed arrival.第二十九條受要約人在承諾期限內(nèi)發(fā)出承諾,按照通常情形能夠及時(shí)到達(dá)要約人,但因其他原因承諾到達(dá)要約人時(shí)超過承諾期限的,除要約人及時(shí)通知受要約人因承諾超過期限不接受該承諾的以外,該承諾有效。Article 30 The content of an acceptance shall be consistent with the conte

42、nt of the offer. If the offeree proposes any substantial change to the content of the offer, it shall constitute a new offer. Changes related to the targeted matter, quantity, quality, price or remuneration, duration of fulfillment, place and mode of fulfillment, liability for breach of contract and

43、 method of dispute settlement in a contract are substantial changes to the content of an offer.第三十條承諾的內(nèi)容應(yīng)當(dāng)與要約的內(nèi)容一致。受要約人對(duì)要約的內(nèi)容作出實(shí)質(zhì)性變更的,為新要約。有關(guān)合同標(biāo)的、數(shù)量、質(zhì)量、價(jià)款或者報(bào)酬、履行期限、履行地點(diǎn)和方式、違約責(zé)任和解決爭(zhēng)議方法等的變更,是對(duì)要約內(nèi)容的實(shí)質(zhì)性變更。Article 31 If an acceptance makes non-substantial changes to the content of the offer, the acceptan

44、ce shall be effective notwithstanding and the content of the contract shall thus be based on the content of the acceptance, unless the offeror indicates in time its objection thereto, or as indicated in the offer, the acceptance may not make any change to the content of the offer.第三十一條承諾對(duì)要約的內(nèi)容作出非實(shí)質(zhì)性

45、變更的,除要約人及時(shí)表示反對(duì)或者要約表明承諾不得對(duì)要約的內(nèi)容作出任何變更的以外,該承諾有效,合同的內(nèi)容以承諾的內(nèi)容為準(zhǔn)。Article 32 If the parties enter into a contract in the form of a contract instrument, the contract is executed at the time when both parties put their signatures or affix their seals thereto.第三十二條當(dāng)事人采用合同書形式訂立合同的,自雙方當(dāng)事人簽字或者蓋章時(shí)合同成立。Article 33

46、 If the parties enter into a contract in the form of letter or text in electronic data or any other forms, a confirmation instrument may be required prior to the execution of the contract. The contract is executed at the time when the confirmation instrument is signed.第三十三條當(dāng)事人采用信件、數(shù)據(jù)電文等形式訂立合同的,可以在合同

47、成立之前要求簽訂確認(rèn)書。簽訂確認(rèn)書時(shí)合同成立。Article 34 The place where the acceptance becomes effective shall be the place where the contract is executed.第三十四條承諾生效的地點(diǎn)為合同成立的地點(diǎn)。Where a contract is made in the form of text in electronic data, the receivers major place of business is the place of execution of the contract;

48、in the absence of a major place of business, the receivers habitual residence is the place of execution of the contract. Where the parties stipulate otherwise, such stipulations shall govern.采用數(shù)據(jù)電文形式訂立合同的,收件人的主營業(yè)地為合同成立的地點(diǎn);沒有主營業(yè)地的,其經(jīng)常居住地為合同成立的地點(diǎn)。當(dāng)事人另有約定的,按照其約定。Article 35 If the parties adopt the form

49、 of a contract instrument to make a contract, the place where both parties sign or stamp the contract is the place of execution of the contract.第三十五條當(dāng)事人采用合同書形式訂立合同的,雙方當(dāng)事人簽字或者蓋章的地點(diǎn)為合同成立的地點(diǎn)。Article 36 Where the parties fail to make a contract in written form as provided for by laws or administrative r

50、egulations or as agreed by the parties, but a party has already performed the major obligations and the other party has accepted the performance, the contract shall be considered as executed.第三十六條法律、行政法規(guī)規(guī)定或者當(dāng)事人約定采用書面形式訂立合同,當(dāng)事人未采用書面形式但一方已經(jīng)履行主要義務(wù),對(duì)方接受的,該合同成立。Article 37 If, in making a contract in the

51、form of a contract instrument, a party has already performed the major obligations pending the signature or seal and the other party has accepted the performance, the contract shall be considered as executed.第三十七條采用合同書形式訂立合同,在簽字或者蓋章之前,當(dāng)事人一方已經(jīng)履行主要義務(wù),對(duì)方接受的,該合同成立。Article 38 If the State gives, accordin

52、g to the needs, mandatory assignments or State purchase orders, the legal persons and other organizations concerned shall conclude contracts in accordance with the rights and obligations provided for by the relevant laws and administrative regulations.第三十八條國家根據(jù)需要下達(dá)指令性任務(wù)或者國家訂貨任務(wù)的,有關(guān)法人、其他組織之間應(yīng)當(dāng)依照有關(guān)法律、

53、行政法規(guī)規(guī)定的權(quán)利和義務(wù)訂立合同。Article 39 If standard clauses are used in making a contract, the party that provides the standard clauses shall determine the rights and obligations between the parties in accordance with the principle of fairness, and shall call in a reasonable manner the other partys attention to

54、 the exemptible and restrictive clauses regarding its liability, and give explanations of such clauses at the request of the other party.第三十九條采用格式條款訂立合同的,提供格式條款的一方應(yīng)當(dāng)遵循公平原則確定當(dāng)事人之間的權(quán)利和義務(wù),并采取合理的方式提請(qǐng)對(duì)方注意免除或者限制其責(zé)任的條款,按照對(duì)方的要求,對(duì)該條款予以說明。Standard clauses means the clauses that are formulated in anticipation

55、by a party for the purpose of repeated usage and that are not a result of consultation with the other party in the making of the contract.格式條款是當(dāng)事人為了重復(fù)使用而預(yù)先擬定,并在訂立合同時(shí)未與對(duì)方協(xié)商的條款。Article 40 Standard clauses shall become invalid if they fall under any of the circumstances set forth in Articles 52 and 53

56、of this Law or if the party that provides the standard clauses exempts itself from the liability, imposes heavier liability on the other party, or precludes the other party from its main rights.第四十條格式條款具有本法第五十二條和第五十三條規(guī)定情形的,或者提供格式條款一方免除其責(zé)任、加重對(duì)方責(zé)任、排除對(duì)方主要權(quán)利的,該條款無效。Article 41 If a dispute arises over th

57、e understanding of a standard clause, the clause shall be interpreted in accordance with its common understanding. If a standard clause has more than one interpretation, the clause shall be interpreted in a manner unfavorable to the party providing the clause. If a standard clause is inconsistent wi

58、th the non-standard clause, the non-standard clause shall be adopted.第四十一條對(duì)格式條款的理解發(fā)生爭(zhēng)議的,應(yīng)當(dāng)按照通常理解予以解釋。對(duì)格式條款有兩種以上解釋的,應(yīng)當(dāng)作出不利于提供格式條款一方的解釋。格式條款和非格式條款不一致的,應(yīng)當(dāng)采用非格式條款。Article 42 In the making of a contract, the party that falls under any of the following circumstances, causing thus loss to the other party,

59、shall hold the liability for the loss.第四十二條當(dāng)事人在訂立合同過程中有下列情形之一,給對(duì)方造成損失的,應(yīng)當(dāng)承擔(dān)損害賠償責(zé)任:(1) engaging in consultation with malicious intention in name of making a contract;(一)假借訂立合同,惡意進(jìn)行磋商;(2) concealing intentionally key facts related to the making of the contract or providing false information; or(二)故意隱瞞

60、與訂立合同有關(guān)的重要事實(shí)或者提供虛假情況;(3) taking any other act contrary to the principle of good faith.(三)有其他違背誠實(shí)信用原則的行為。Article 43 Neither party may disclose or inappropriately exploit business secrets obtained in the making of a contract no matter the contract is executed or not. The party that discloses or inappr


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