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1、高考完型填空題的解題技巧探究高考完型填空題的解題技巧探究一、完形填空題解題的困難在所有的高考題型中,完型填空歷來是學生失分較大的題型。究其原因首先是答題步驟上的失誤。在完型填空的專項練習中多數(shù)學生擔心時間緊, 草草處理通讀文章的環(huán)節(jié),甚至在未弄清短文的中心和文章的情節(jié)線索的情況下,匆忙答題。其次是答題技巧積累的欠缺。學生在做完型填空練習中,成績起伏大,連續(xù)錯誤多,常常忽略文章中上下文之間的照應關系。另外,遇到長難句不注意分析句子結構,在語義模糊時隨意做出選擇,企圖靠運氣答題。再加上部分學生心理素質不過關。面對一篇短文多個挖空及幾十個選項,易于產生恐懼或急躁的心理,缺乏自信心和良好的心理素質,答

2、題的正確率自然下降。一、完形填空題解題的困難在所有的高考題型中,完型填空歷來是學二、完形填空題突破的途徑(一)閱讀部分的目標:1 能理解文章的基本內容。2 能根據(jù)上下文正確理解詞語和句子。3 能歸納文章的主旨大意。4 能推測文章中的隱含意思。5 能運用閱讀技能完成不同文體的閱讀任務。 上海卷考試手冊英語學科的要求, 二、完形填空題突破的途徑(一)閱讀部分的目標:如果把以上閱讀部分所要求的目標用于完形填空題,通??梢詺w納為兩個層面的考點,即: 語境理解詞匯辨析。 如果把以上閱讀部分所要求的目標用于完形填空題,通??梢詺w納為(二)完形填空題解題的技巧高中英語教學提倡的是自主性教學方式,讓學生在學習

3、過程中充分發(fā)揮主動性、獨立性和創(chuàng)造性,逐步形成主動學習、自我監(jiān)控。自我評價和自我反思的學習風格。在高中閱讀教學中,可以讓學生根據(jù)文本的話題和題材,選擇合適的閱讀模式獲取信息。 原則: “邏輯為綱,詞匯為主,常識為輔”。(二)完形填空題解題的技巧高中英語教學提倡的是自主性教學方式幾個解題技巧的類型: 1原詞重現(xiàn)型(reoccurrence)例 (1) This is what happens on long submarine voyages. It will also happen on _47_ space flights in the future. (2007年節(jié)選)long B. fa

4、st C. dangerous D. direct 選項:A幾個解題技巧的類型: 1原詞重現(xiàn)型(reoccurrenc例(2) Fiction writers often imagine they are the _63_ in their books. They ask questions: What does this character want? Why cant she get it? (2009年節(jié)選) A. features B. themesC. creatures D. characters選項:D例(2) Fiction writers often 例(3) Andrew

5、Lloyd Webbers musical Phantom of the Opera underwent such a process. When Lloyd Webber began writing in 1984, he had in mind a funny, exciting production. However, when Phantom opened in London in 1986, the audience saw a moving psychological love story set to music. The musical had _52_ several rev

6、isions due, in part, to problems with costuming and makeup. (2010年節(jié)選)A. Undergone B. skipped C. rejected D. replaced 選項:A例(3) Andrew Lloyd Webbers musSum up:在使用“原詞重現(xiàn)型”的技巧時,應有意識地在前后文中尋找重復的信息點,特別注意提及到的同一事物,如例(1)中漫長的水下航行和漫長的太空之旅;同一活動,如例(2)中小說中的人物;同一情景,如例(3)中音樂劇作品歌劇魅影所經歷的修改。涉及到“原詞重現(xiàn)”設空的選項一般為單詞,該重復的單詞常常出

7、現(xiàn)在句與句間,當然不排除隱藏在段落與段落間。學生只要在閱讀中始終處于積極、主動的狀態(tài),找到表層理解的重復信息點就不會有太大的困難。Sum up:在使用“原詞重現(xiàn)型”的技巧時,應有意識地在前后2. 近義復現(xiàn)型(similarity)例(1) Through much of the past century, ads spoke to an audience restricted to just a few radio or television channels or a _58_ number of publications. (2006年節(jié)選) limited B. minimum C. s

8、ufficient D. great 選項:A例(2) When you revise, you change aspects of your work in response to your evolving purpose, or to include _55_ ideas or newly discovered information. (2010年節(jié)選) A. fixed B. ambitiousC. familiar D. fresh選項: D2. 近義復現(xiàn)型(similarity)例(1) 例(3) (Para 2, 首句) Adults, especially parents a

9、nd coaches, are the main cause of too much aggression in childrens sports.(Para 3, 首句)As a society, we really need to face up to this problem and do something about it. Parents and coaches _61_ should act as better examples for children. (2008年節(jié)選) A. in particular B. in all C. in return D. in advanc

10、e選項:A例(3) (Para 2, 首句) Adults, espeSum up:和“原詞重現(xiàn)型”一樣,“近義復現(xiàn)型”技巧的靈活運用,同屬于閱讀的表層理解,即對文章的基本信息的掌握,一般通過略讀、找讀來理解文章大意,分清文章中的基本事實和辨別作者的觀點。學生只需認真閱讀空格前后的相關信息,從近義詞中尋找線索。如例(1)中意為“限定”的動詞;例(2)中的意為“新鮮的”的形容詞;例(3)中意為“尤其是”的副詞。不難發(fā)現(xiàn),在前后類似的語境中往往存在著意思相近和詞性相同的單詞或短語,學生只要注意到這些提示信息,勢必容易做出正確的判斷。Sum up:和“原詞重現(xiàn)型”一樣,“近義復現(xiàn)型”技巧的靈活3.

11、過渡銜接型 (transition word): 例(1) _57_ manufacturing efficiently increased the variety of goods and lowered prices, people still relied on advertisements to get most information about products. (2006年節(jié)選) A. Just asB. The momentC. But forD. Although選項:D 讓步關系3. 過渡銜接型 (transition word): 例(例(2) _55_ the fau

12、lts already found out in the education system as a whole such as child-centered learning, the “discovery” method, and the low expectations by teachers of pupils there have been several serious errors which have a direct effect on language teaching. (2007年節(jié)選) A. Due toB. In addition toC. Instead of D

13、. In spite of選項:B并列關系例(2) _55_ the faults already 例(3) Think about your goal and the new possibilities. If your goal is to learn to ski, _60_, you can now practice skiing every day of your life (because you have the time and the money). (2009年節(jié)選)in factB. in particularC. as a wholeD. for example選項:D

14、列舉關系例(4)What is the purpose of the dress rehearsals and the out-of-town previews that many Broadway shows go through? The answer is adding, deleting, replacing, reordering,- _51_, revising. (2010年節(jié)選)in particularas a result for examplein other words選項D 舉例關系例(3)例(4)Sum up:在語篇中,過渡性詞匯常常用來連接前后文,增加文章的邏輯性

15、和連貫性。句際之間的關系除了讓步(例1)、并列(例2)、列舉(例3)、補充(例4)之外,還有原因、結果、對照、目的、條件、遞進等關系。學會運用“過渡銜接型”的技巧屬于深層理解的掌握。一般通過精讀、細讀來了解句意所表達的重點。只要學生具有扎實的語法知識,會用已知的信息來認真分析句子內部或兩句話之間對應成分的邏輯關系,理清文章的脈絡,做題自然會的得心應手。Sum up:在語篇中,過渡性詞匯常常用來連接前后文,增加文4. 上下求索型(reasoning):例(1) Taking advantage of shoppers_63_will no longer be possible: people w

16、ill know - and soon tell others, even those without the internet - that prices in the next town are cheaper or that certain goods are inferior. (2006年節(jié)選)A. generosity B. knowledge C. curiosityD. ignorance選項:Dpeople will know4. 上下求索型(reasoning):例(1) Takin例(2) Many researchers believe adults, especial

17、ly parents and coaches, are the main cause of too much aggression in childrens sports. They believe children _54_ aggressive adult behavior. (2008年節(jié)選) question B. understand C. copyD. neglect選項:C例(3) Most people believe they dont have much imagination. They are _50_. Everyone has imagination, but mo

18、st of us, once we become adults, forget how to make use of it. (2009節(jié)選年)wrong B. unbelievable C. reasonable D. realistic選項:A例(2) Many researchers believe 例(4) However, dont make the mistake of skipping the revision stage that follows drafting. Always make time to become your own _59_ and view your d

19、ress rehearsal, so to speak.A. director B. masterC. audience D. visitor選項:C view your dress rehearsal例(4) However, dont make the mSum up:為了體現(xiàn)試卷應有的難度和區(qū)分度,完型填空題設空選項中更多地需要學生善于撲捉并記憶相關的信息,從句子、段落的角度進行深入的理解,這時“上下求索型 ”的技巧顯得尤為重要且實用。通過前后文的通讀和結構復雜句子的分析,學生依據(jù)上下文語境,對文章內涵進行合理的揣摩,從而對整個語篇有清晰透徹地了解。和“過渡銜接型”相比,“上下求索型 ”

20、運用時,應遵循“先易后難”的原則,不要急于選出答案,而需瞻前顧后,盡可能地找到確鑿的提示后作出符合語境語意的判斷。Sum up:為了體現(xiàn)試卷應有的難度和區(qū)分度,完型填空題設空5. 主題傾向型 (main idea)例(1) (2007年節(jié)選)Scientists have studied the reactions of men to one another during long submarine voyages. They have found that the longer the voyage lasts, the more serious the problem of adjust

21、ment is. When men are shut up together for a long period, they begin to feel uneasy. Everyone has little habits of speaking and behaving that are ordinarily acceptable. In the limited space over a long period of time, however, these little habits may become very _50_ . (主題:封閉空間中人們很難相處)A. pleasingB.

22、annoyingC. commonD. valuable5. 主題傾向型 (main idea)例(1) (2007例(2) (2008年節(jié)選)Parents and coaches are powerful teachers because children usually look up to them. Often these adults behave aggressively themselves, sending children the message that winning is everything. Many parents go to childrens sportin

23、g events and shout insults at other players or cheer when their child behaves _57_.(主題:球場上的好斗行為的模仿)proudly B. ambitiouslyC. aggressively D. bravely例(2) (2008年節(jié)選)Parents and coac例(3) (2010年節(jié)選)Revision is not just an afterthought that gets only as much time as you have at the end of an assignment. Ins

24、tead, it is a major stage of the writing process, and writers revise every step of the way. Even your decision to switch topics while prewriting is a type of revising. However, dont make the mistake of skipping the revision stage that follows drafting. Always make time to become your own audience an

25、d view your dress rehearsal, so to speak. Reviewing your work in this way can give you _60_ new ideas. (主題:作品修改的必要性)A. personal B. valuable C. basicD. delicate例(3) (2010年節(jié)選)Revision is not Sum up:有關“主題傾向型”技巧的設空選型一定是圍繞文章的主題有選擇地去除部分信息。如果學生單純地根據(jù)所給的詞語做出判斷,往往會發(fā)現(xiàn)任何一個選項都是適用于空格,且都能補全語篇的內容。這時,學生能否把握文章的主題,能否弄

26、清表達的觀點,能否明了作者的感情色彩就變得尤為重要,因為整個閱讀過程是讀者和文章的交互過程,相同的一篇文章在不同的讀者眼里一定會有截然不同的理解。建議學生在閱讀時,注意文章或段落的首尾,抓住要領,細讀字里行間的關鍵提示。Sum up:有關“主題傾向型”技巧的設空選型一定是圍繞文章6. 固定搭配型(collocation)例(1) (2006年節(jié)選) In addition to his tradition, medical treatment, he tried to put his treatment in situation that would _50_ positive emotion

27、s.bring about(帶來;造成;引起)B. set about (開始;著手)C. put up(舉起;搭建;提出;留宿)D. make up (編制;化妝)選項:A6. 固定搭配型(collocation)例(1) (200例(2) (2007年節(jié)選) Another important error is mixed-ability teaching, or teaching in ability groups so wild that the most able groups are separate and are _59_while the least able are los

28、t and equally bored.A. kept out (遮擋;使不入內) B. turned down (拒絕;音量調低) C. held back(抑制;阻止) D. left behind (留下;遺留)選項:C例(2) (2007年節(jié)選) Another importa例(3) (2008年節(jié)選) As a society, we really need to _60_ this problem and do something about it.A. look up to (尊敬;敬仰) B. face up to (勇敢地面對) C. make up for (彌補) D.

29、 come up with(提出;想出)選項:B例(4) (2010年節(jié)選)When you revise, you change aspects of your work in _54_ to your evolving purpose, or to include fresh ideas or newly discovered information.additionB. response C. opposition D. contrast選項:B例(3) (2008年節(jié)選) As a society, w高考卷所考的詞匯均屬于常用詞匯。設空密度較為平均,單詞為主,短語為輔。其中,設空單詞

30、均以實詞為主,分別有名詞、動詞、形容詞、副詞等通常占90以上。學生只要在平時注重基本詞匯的積累及常見短語、句型等固定搭配的用法,結合上下文,比較各個選項,就很容易做出判斷。記住“詞不離句”的原則,在特定語境中理解單詞或短語的含義,特別關注一詞多義的現(xiàn)象。高考卷所考的詞匯均屬于常用詞匯。設空密度較為平均,單詞為主,實例解讀(2010年上學期風華中學高三期中卷) Billions of people across the world use cell phones. Though cell phones can be wonderful, liberating tools of _50_, fre

31、eing us from the confines of an office and providing more leisure time, they often do the exact _51_. Cell phone use has _52_ the line between work and non-work time, increasing stress and tension within families and between friends. As Eric Slate, author of Technoslave commented in his essay: “It s

32、eems the more _53_ we are, the more detached (不相連的)we become.”實例解讀(2010年上學期風華中學高三期中卷) Bil There is risk of being too connected. While I was hiking in Spain, I got _54_ a few times. I saw new sights and was surprised by _55_ landscapes and towns I wouldnt have otherwise come across. Back in the US, w

33、henever I got lost, I would always call a friend for _56_ on my cell phone, With a cell phone, you are less _57_ to go down the wrong street and see new things or unexpectedly meet new people. There is risk of being too So, when I recently returned home to Burlington, I _58_ my cell phone and traded

34、 in an old, rusty bike and a regular landline telephone that was connected to the wall. Now, I go outside and dont make a phone call or check my phone. _59_, Ive seen things in my neighborhood I _60_ noticed before, like a big flower garden around the block and artwork and sculptures down the road.

35、So, when I recently return Now that Im not _61_ my cell phone, Ive met new people on the street and at the supermarket, started _62_ with neighbors I havent spoken with before and talk with my friends face-to-face instead of over the phone. Instead of _63_ me from the world, getting rid of my cell phone has helped me become more in touch with my community. I am no longer _64_ of my cell phone. Now that Im not _61_ my50.A. informationB. communication C


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