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1、7/7201一二模查漏補缺:非謂語1. _ eoples livig saards, he cenal govenment wll take moreeasrs in the cogyea。 (1西城一模)A. raieB RieC。 sigD Raise A2 The snae kothat wil htualy ttak humannsnss _ with its lf。 (1西城一模) threatenB eateedC。 theateig。 hvig thratened B3 Heis a man offw ords,a sedo spe untl _ to。 (1豐臺一模)A。pok

2、eB. peakinCtospea. sok A4. etole t strteary, _me thatthe roadswoud be rowe。 (11西城一模)A. reindg remind C.rmined D. remn 5I tired ut. I sted p he wholnigt,_ fr mmidterm mt xm (11東城一模)A。 studyingB。 o tuy。 tb stuyinD suedA。 _ soyountrs, you my avelrned a t out ifferen cules. (1東城一模)ToviB. To have vsitedC

3、. avingvisite。Vising C7。 Hialway eady tohep ohrs,evr_ them we theyr to hm。A。 ruseB to refuseC.reusinD。 rfud (1豐臺一模)C8.Today, pearepayig oreand more attentio o heihlt, _ TV programs nd bokso eeping heathyextemely hot。 (011海淀二模) C A。 toke B e C. mng .md9。_but the dlay o he ach, hurrie oth cortutdidt s

4、ee anyod(2011豐臺二模)D . Not infmig B. Not bin iormed C.Not havininorme D. ot aving een infrmed10。 her emotion, sh bri herfa her hands(211東城二模)AControldBo conol C。Being contrlldD。Hvi contolled31. _ omy ontrie,you my hve ne o abotdiffeenculture。 (1東城一模)A。To vsitB. T hae visitedC. aving vsitedD。 VistinC1

5、1 heir ial medicaek, e astroaut boade thei sacraft(201東城二模)D。RceivedBBeing receivdC。To reeie .Havn eceived12. -el, a sup, a slad, d anythig _ ,sir? (1海淀一模) An apple pie, peas BA folows B。to ollow . foloed D. fllown13。 My friend Chelsea and her huband e wark on a nw itinary _ nex yr。 (11朝陽一模)DA.o pub

6、ls。beigpubliheC. puiheD to b pbishd14 Wats wrng wth your ipa? e sound_ s nocear。 Yes。 It asb brn or some tie.(011 西城二模) oe out B. comingout C. to cmeout D ame out15.ore tan a qartr fte energy_ inte Utd Sta goes t moing ple ndgoodfomone la toater。 (2011 西城二模)B A. usingB.used C. usDse。-What ese do we

7、need frth rp bsds fodto ea ad specia lostwea? - t_in。 (2011海淀二模)CA slp B。sleepig . t ep Dsept17. Th rorter apolozedfn misundersang _ by hsatic on that film tr。 (2011豐臺二模) A cusingB cusdC。 to causeD。 beng ued18ecarfu whenwsi thoeglsses! I dontwnttem_。(11東城一模)BA。 o have ben brokenB.to be be . breingD。

8、 reak19Tmdosspe Chnese well, butseading an wriing sks leavemuch _. (11豐臺一模)BA.tmproveB bimpredC. ngimpoveD. aig pred 0。 illyou please makourself_ o us, lease? (11朝陽一模) -It honoar camao eommittee。DA。 nwB。 o noC. koing。 nown21Wth alototog problms _,hepilot was till alm,col and clective ud pesure。(201

9、西城二模) A. olveB。 oledC. solvigDto sole2She ot te phots of h on_ up next ther deskso thas oud see e whenvr semsedhm。 (21海淀二模) A. to pn B. inning C。 binpind D pinned D23。 Jes remrslet me _ his ral urpse. (201豐臺二模)C wonderto oder 。 werigDwonered 24S sems t prfer Aeran hows to alkito me(011東城二模)A at be w

10、tchigC。wtin.haig watch2。 aty lasate face, I read thesme exctemntint eyes。(010北京)A Looking B Lok C。To look D ookd A26 m callig to equir about te posiion nyesterays ChnaDiy。 (2010北京)A adrtisd B t be adverted C.rtising D。 haviaderse A補漏:1._the etn imsefvethm a re eal o ncourgemet. . Tepresidntlattend T

11、h pridet o attedC.Th prsiden atend D presintsending2. s essary to beepar fr a job inerviw。 _ te nswer ready wllb f great hep. (205北京) A。 To had . ving a C。Hae D. Hvng 。 (江蘇卷)stinguihed guest nfries, welcoetoour scho. _ tceren of t 50th Anners this onng ar ourlmni (校友) fo hme and aboad。A。ttend B。 Tat

12、d C. Atning Havinatnded。 Somhing s spe s _ sme old watermay clear yormindand rev essre。 BA. todrnk .dinkigC obedrinkin D. drk (0上海)5。 It i difficult_ a horse _ . DA.to tain . juping B trainin。.forjumpngC. t train.。jump . to train .。.to jum6。 h!My Go! A _ by ista! (09崇文) DA dleedB。 to b eleted C. bei

13、geeed D to hav been delt7What do yu think the pln? Itsaier said than _ A . aried outB. arrying out C cary o Dt ary ou8。After a long wlkon a ot dy, one els _。 Da. xhaiv . xaustig c。 exhast d ehaused 9。You s follow heirecions extly d fou come_, ou must tae the tme o go back aganand rerad hem.Da。 to co

14、nfs b。 onfuin onfse d. coned0.The pilot ake ll theassngers on ord to remn ashe plaew making a ladng. C A。seaBseatiC.seatdD。to be seating11.Theprpoefnewdrgsedoptintsistomahemespan,_hemreileA。notmeB。nttomakeC。notmakingD.onmae1. Wt e aveto do o is _。 wk ardB workedardC。avig wokd rd D. abu towork hard13

15、. Aikownous all, travling i _, but we often feel _ whenwe are back fro taves. A 。ntresin; tired B. inteeste; tirig 。 intesing; irg 。 ntereted; tired14。 To tl youthe tru, Id rather ead tan atc tlvsion; he ogrms eem _ allthe im. B A. toet wse。 t be ettig wrs t hvgot ws 。 gttiworse1. Mr。 Green stood up

16、in dfnceof th earoldby,saying that e was not the one 。(0安徽卷)blamB。blming 。to blameD.tob blamed16 ete recieda lette jt ow _is ganma ould come to se hm soon. (7四川) A s B. sasC syin 。 to say1. (2009重慶卷)With te wrldchgn ,we v sometn e _with al by oursve eery da.。del 。delt C。 to deal D。 deaing1。 Site wll

17、 tel us wy shefels o strnly that h of s s a ole_imaking trth etr actoliv.(2003上海春招) .o havlaye B.to ply C。 obe playd .t b plyn19。 helst on _pays te mal. Ageed! (07全國I) Aari B arivs Cto rrie D。 arivng20This copan wshe t _ pra aios s lla casttetpreordersin heworld。 B A.roucng 。toprodce C.ain poducedD。

18、prodycd2I smel smething _in the kithn. Cn Iall youbk in ainte?(7全國I) A。burning B ur C being burnt . to be urn22. I woud ove_ to the atylas nightbutI ad tork exta horsto finish a repor. (NMET1997) A. togo B. o have goe C.going D. havinggoe2. Ie worked with ilden efo, so I know hat_i y njob。 (MET00) A

19、.expcted B toepc C。 t b expecting D xpects24.It i said istla thee is mrland tante gvement knows _. (ME2002)A itwat o owith .a od it wth Cht to dowit 。 o do wat with it25。 Ins par f London,misinga us mens_ for anotour。 (2002上海春招). witing 。 t wait C wai D. to bewaiting26 Ho d yu dea with t disagreemen

20、 btween theopayad hcstomes? (NME2002北京)-Tekey_theproblem iso meet th dend_ y thcuomer。 A. to solving; aking to solving; ae C olve; akng 。 o sole; mae。 hedscoeyofnew evidencelto_. (203上海)。 the thiefaving caugt B。catch e ie C。 te hiefbeing caut D。 the thief tb caught28.When askd yteplce,he id thathe e

21、ebered _ t t paty, but not _(005北京)。 to arrie; laigto riv, to leaveC. ariving; eaving D. arriig;oeav29. It is wrth considerig wat aes “cnveniece” oods o populr, nd _ better oneso your own(08北京)A.introduces B tointodce C。itroducig D. itroduced C30. He hied to e statnly _hatth trin d left. (200廣東) A.o

22、 d B。 findin . foundD.t ave oun 3。_ ad happ, on stood upand cepted prie。 ( 200全國(1、2))A. Surprisig. Surprsd C. eing srised D.Tbesurrig32MEnglih teachrs humor as _ makeever stde rst into laugter。 (08江西)A。 so a t 。 schao such tat o that 3 Whnyour laing to dr, _a go eachakesabgdifeence。 A。 ave B. havi

23、Can have 。 adhavi34. _ nce, the fod a all aten up onA. asting . Tate C Tast D To tase5 _ caeuy, th mixure was bter. Taste B。Tastig C. Taste 。 Totast 6 【】(湖北聯(lián)考) Really ne_ yoI oig to misyou-otfretto give me a rn,il you?Akows B. kn C ave known D. knew37。 【D】(海淀期中) he prty assccesfl, but w thouht it a pyot_ yu。A. invteB. to invite C itigD. tohave invied 【D】Te rafficolem we are loking orward o seing _ shl haveatracte theloal govermentsatnton A。 solving Bsolv 。 tslve D svd39 【C】oting islet _。 A. undoin B oing . undoe D.d40?!続】(01上海春招) Sandy oud do nting ut _ o iseacer tat hewasw


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