5、第三篇是關(guān)絆于網(wǎng)絡(luò)出版的昂據(jù)說(shuō)是考研和六般級(jí)題,在網(wǎng)上一吧查,果然是的。岸所以能給大家奉啊上完整的題目!把美元貶值那一篇邦的語(yǔ)言十分冷幽半默,挺有意思的哀。Text 2凹Imagine版 waking芭 up and胺 findin扒g the v巴alue of奧 your a扳ssets h絆as been矮 halved岸. No, y皚oure n耙ot an i岸nvestor暗 in on絆e of th懊ose hed搬ge fund啊s that 佰failed 斑complet礙ely. Wi澳th the 哀dollar 佰slumpin愛(ài)g to a 岸26-year澳
6、low ag把a(bǔ)inst t愛(ài)he poun笆d, alre胺ady-exp辦ensive 阿London岸 has be癌come qu扒ite una斑ffordab般le. A c胺offee a皚t Starb澳ucks, j埃ust as 阿unavoid白able in芭 頒England頒 as it 班is in t稗he 斑United 絆States藹, runs 扒about $愛(ài)8.氨The onc霸e all-p班owerful拔 dollar把 isnt 芭doing a白 Titani百c again阿st just斑 the po氨und. It襖 is sit
7、啊ting at頒 a reco襖rd low 背against般 the eu吧ro and 敖at a 30阿-year l胺ow agai敖nst the霸 Canadi版an doll拔ar. Eve把n the A百rgentin白e peso 拔and Bra敖zilian 礙real ar把e thriv懊ing aga般inst th八e dolla艾r.愛(ài)The wea阿k dolla巴r is a 罷source 矮of humi半liation扳, for a拔 nation懊s self傲-esteem盎 rests 盎in part笆 on the伴 streng澳t
8、h of i八ts curr爸ency. I八ts als俺o a pot懊ential 辦economi把c probl藹em, sin般ce a de盎clining捌 dollar芭 makes 骯importe瓣d food 百more ex八pensive霸 and ex癌erts up礙ward pr背essure 哀on inte背rest ra背tes. An暗d yet t背here ar板e(cuò) subst盎antial 熬sectors傲 of the挨 vast 扳U.S.爸 econom佰y-from 凹giant c埃ompanie半s like 瓣Coca-Co芭la
9、 to m胺om-and-唉pop res愛(ài)taurant皚 operat巴ors in 罷Miami翱-for wh半ich the白 weak d拌ollar i班s most 搬excelle熬nt news愛(ài).皚Many Eu礙ropeans靶 may vi阿ew the 鞍U.S.半 as an 胺arrogan澳t super氨power t啊hat has板 become拔 hostil凹e to fo礙reigner盎s. But 骯nothing隘 makes 瓣people 扳think m頒ore war敗mly of 疤the 佰U.S.半 than a暗 weak d
10、叭ollar. 翱Through案 April,皚 the to翱tal num癌ber of 凹visitor傲s from 隘abroad 襖was up 鞍6.8 per爸cent fr癌om last藹 year. 般Should 盎the tre壩nd cont傲inue, t澳he numb澳er of t艾ourists奧 this y岸ear wil挨l final懊ly top 癌the 200岸0 peak?罷 Many E凹uropean笆s now a扒pparent敖ly view胺 the U.矮S. the 骯way man稗y Ameri耙cans vi哀ew
11、Mexi耙co-as a澳 cheap 昂place t百o vacat拜ion, sh奧op and 熬party, 敗all whi案le igno氨ring th叭e fact 鞍that th岸e poore挨r local皚s cant俺 afford翱 to joi搬n the m愛(ài)errymak伴ing. 叭The mon拌ey tour傲ists sp芭end hel跋ps decr凹ease ou俺r chron案ic trad澳e defic啊it. So 壩do expo愛(ài)rts, wh皚ich tha捌nks in 扳part to般 the we按ak doll頒ar
12、, soa熬red 11 瓣percent隘 betwee阿n May 2扒006 and扮 May 20頒07. For柏 first 叭f(wàn)ive mo扮nths of伴 2007, 版the tra佰de defi凹cit act百ually f愛(ài)ell 7 p昂ercent 半from 20盎06.胺If you 笆own sha鞍res in 哀large A搬merican斑 corpor癌ations,礙 youre奧 a winn絆er in t暗he weak襖-dollar芭 gamble傲. Last 吧week Co拔ca-Cola捌s stic襖k bubbl癌ed t
13、o a艾 five-y罷ear hig耙h after奧 it rep佰orted a柏 fantas疤tic qua唉rter. F般oreign 癌sales a叭ccounte頒d for 6案5 perce俺nt of C皚okes b阿everage瓣 busine班ss. Oth巴er Amer敖ican co骯mpanies熬 profit爸ing fro奧m this 岸trend i靶nclude 絆McDonal捌ds and拜 IBM.案America叭n touri白sts, ho癌wever, 絆shouldn背t expe頒ct any 跋relief 板soon.
14、 T矮he doll耙ar lost藹 streng傲th the 矮way man八y marri擺ages br頒eak up-拜 slowly疤, and t斑h(yuǎn)en all扳 at onc阿e. And 吧currenc盎ies don拌t turn八 on a d把ime. So擺 if you胺 want t佰o avoid辦 the pa唉in infl版icted b挨y the i扳ncreasi壩ngly pa靶thetic 奧dollar,俺 cancel皚 that s辦ummer v鞍acation俺 to 阿England班 and lo般ok to 頒New En
15、g暗land伴. There白, the d霸ollar i班s still伴 treate把d with 胺a littl藹e respe艾ct.傲52. Why伴 do Ame頒ricans 頒feel hu擺miliate按d?板A) Thei巴r econo芭my is p八lunging愛(ài) 熬 氨 叭 B) The芭y cant半 afford骯 trips 霸to 鞍Europe壩C) Thei班r curre拔ncy has把 slumpe板d 白 板 搬 D) Th澳ey have拜 lost h耙alf of 白their a癌ssets.扒53.How 盎does th骯e
16、 curre半nt doll伴ar affe柏ct the 哎life of拔 ordina擺ry Amer阿icans?叭They ha芭ve to c白ancel t安heir va罷cations耙 in 礙New Eng隘land皚.挨They fi埃nd it u襖nafford辦able to把 dine i靶n mom-a襖nd-pop 搬restaur八ants.斑They ha捌ve to s扒pend mo搬re mone矮y when 擺buying 埃importe昂d goods百.跋They mi八ght los氨e their拜 jobs d疤ue to p耙ot
17、entia疤l econo般mic pro癌blems.把54 How 扳do many暗 Europe哀ans fee礙l about隘 the U.捌S with 氨the dev隘alued d胺ollar?案They fe皚el cont辦emptuou矮s of it澳They ar阿e sympa靶thetic 拌with it版.拔They re奧gard it隘 as a s艾uperpow盎er on t挨he decl敖ine.哀They th翱ink of 耙it as a暗 good t伴ourist 半destina把tion.板55 what艾 is the按 au
18、thor扳s advi般ce to A癌merican熬s?阿They tr般eat the凹 dollar板 with a背 little板 respec霸t敗They tr敗y to wi辦n in th擺e weak-爸dollar 八gamble挨They va阿cation 挨at home辦 rather疤 than a愛(ài)broad佰They tr邦easure 巴their m凹arriage矮s all t疤he more把.跋56 What扳 does t岸he auth凹o(jì)r impl愛(ài)y by sa百ying “c跋urrenci版es don敖t turn 唉on a
19、di埃me” (Li鞍ne 2,擺Para版 7)?拌The dol耙lars v版alue wi骯ll not 隘increas岸e in th哀e short巴 term.吧The val昂ue of a笆 dollar鞍 will n班ot be r班educed 礙to a di搬me壩The dol凹lars v胺alue wi辦ll drop把, but w版ithin a奧 small 笆margin.稗Few Ame靶ricans 翱will ch芭ange do愛(ài)llars i板nto oth靶er curr霸encies.捌The ans挨wers as芭 follow鞍:
20、癌52,B, T癌heir cu暗rrency 礙has slu板mped. 霸53,C, T鞍hey hav岸e to sp凹end mor愛(ài)e money暗 when b俺uying i埃mported伴 goods.絆 八54,D, T耙hey thi佰nk of i岸t as a 耙good to安urist d翱estinat伴ion. 阿55,C, T疤hey vac懊ation a澳t home 芭rather 啊than ab百road. 叭56,A, T稗he doll愛(ài)ars va敖lue wil霸l not i頒ncrea扒se in t擺he shor把t term.T
21、ext 3岸It us扒ed to b阿e so st骯raightf板orward.鞍 A team按 of res拜earcher半s worki澳ng toge百ther in扒 the la罷borator背y would佰 submit氨 the re搬sults o扮f their芭 resear頒ch to a白 journa耙l. A jo擺urnal e傲ditor w藹ould th百en remo扮ve the 霸authors壩 names板 and af柏filiati隘ons fro巴m扒 the pa胺per and艾 send i氨t to th奧eir pee
22、拌rs for 壩review.擺 Depend把ing on 佰the com胺ments r疤eceived傲, the e板ditor w懊ould ac霸cept th氨e paper扒 for pu捌blicati笆on or d壩ecline 皚it. Cop疤yright 耙rested 俺with th擺e journ稗al publ扳isher, 絆and res翱earcher白s seeki佰ng know暗ledge o拌f the r笆esults 奧would h襖ave to 傲subscri骯be to t熬he jour邦nal.拔No lo般nger. T柏
23、he Inte鞍rnet 耙and pre礙ssure f半rom fun吧ding ag跋encies,按 who ar斑e quest骯ioning 敖why com艾mercial熬 publis藹hers ar邦e makin白g money埃 from g阿overnme癌nt-fund敖ed rese版arch by扮 restri骯cting a扳ccess t霸o it 敖is maki襖ng acce扮ss to s哎cientif皚ic resu扳lts a r拜eality.骯 The Or佰ganizat扒ion 骯for Eco扳nomic C跋o-opera白tio
24、n an白d Devel笆opment 板(OECD)w背as just稗 issued邦 a repo皚rt desc阿ribing 柏the far頒-reachi啊ng cons熬equence頒s of th搬is. The扮 report跋, by Jo隘hn Houg吧hton of澳 佰Victori壩a氨 藹Univers藹ity稗 in 哀Austral凹ia俺 and Gr翱aham Vi搬ckery o般f the O柏ECD, ma傲kes hea板vy read伴ing for按 publis芭hers wh哀o have,搬 so far胺, made 襖hands
25、om啊e profi靶ts. But啊 it goe隘s furth板e(cuò)r than伴 that. 藹It sign疤als a c矮hange i案n what 礙has, un八til now背, been 巴a key e把lement 稗of scie盎ntific 哀endeavo靶r.案The v翱alue of班 knowle罷dge and疤 the re翱turn on辦 the pu扮blic in敖vestmen半t in re辦search 俺depends襖, in pa罷rt, upo艾n wide 邦distrib扒ution a霸nd read傲y acces扒
26、s. It i盎s big b板usiness扒. In 靶America岸, the c伴ore sci奧entific暗 publis白hing ma扳rket is氨 estima柏ted at 擺between搬 $7 bil阿lion an佰d $11 b敗illion啊. The I挨nternat稗ional A埃ssociat鞍ion of 癌Scienti氨fic, Te叭chnical奧 and Me扮dical P案ublishe搬rs says案 that t笆here ar襖e more 愛(ài)than 2,敖000 pub熬lishers昂 worldw矮ide spe
27、巴cializi爸ng in t跋hese su愛(ài)bjects.背 They p皚ublish 捌more th礙an 1.2 澳million霸 articl案es each絆 year i辦n some 胺16,000 阿journal哎s.阿This 阿is now 懊changin氨g. Acco搬rding t伴o the O芭ECD rep佰ort, so頒me 75% 礙of scho耙larly j白o(hù)urnals頒 are no艾w onlin襖e. Enti安rely ne啊w busin懊ess mod挨els are盎 emergi敖ng; thr哀ee main熬 o
28、nes w搬ere ide凹ntified哎 by the頒 report版s auth挨ors. Th擺is is t礙he so-c熬alled b拜ig deal壩, where懊 instit氨utional跋 subscr白ibers半 pay fo澳r acces跋s to a 半collect疤ion of 扳online 辦journal盎 titles疤 throug拔h site-八licensi氨ng agre柏ements.壩 There 耙is open骯-access敗 publis澳hing, t安ypicall阿y suppo拌rted by拜 asking敖
29、the au挨thor (o白r his e傲mployer邦) to pa拔y for t阿he pape襖r to be百 publis瓣hed. Fi懊nally, 柏there a哀re open爸-access壩 archiv癌es, whe八re orga靶nizatio般ns such按 as uni搬versiti安es or i伴nternat擺ional l矮aborato矮ries su半pport i斑nstitut挨ional r礙eposito艾ries. O阿ther mo襖dels ex埃ist tha藹t are h安ybrids 哎of thes哀e thr
30、ee奧, such 斑as dela跋yed ope熬n-acces斑s, wher芭e journ瓣als all般ow only稗 subscr巴ibers t皚o read 斑a paper把 for th熬e埃 first 案six mon斑ths, be捌fore ma岸king it佰 freely叭 availa傲ble to 敖everyon靶e who w拜ishes t吧o see i襖t. All 熬this co疤uld cha板nge the按 tradit擺ional f扮orm of 艾the pee絆r-revie版w proce疤ss, at 把least f
31、白o(hù)r the 隘publica捌tion of壩 papers疤.罷6. In愛(ài) the fi邦rst par扒agraph,暗 the au八thor di癌scusses暗A(chǔ) t跋he back捌ground 澳informa矮tion of邦 journa叭l editi百ng.哀B t斑h(yuǎn)e publ胺ication搬 routin敖e of la白borator叭y repor襖ts.艾C t俺he rela半tions o傲f autho案rs with板 journa背l publi佰shers.阿D t辦he trad斑itional斑 proces暗s of jo哎urna
32、l p敖ublicat翱ion.翱7. Wh柏ich of 扒the fol柏lowing 凹is true奧 of the佰 OECD r哎eport?鞍A I哀t criti吧cizes g昂overnme笆nt-fund氨ed rese礙arch.按B I版t intro藹duces a扒n effec吧tive me芭ans of 骯publica擺tion.盎C I傲t upset哀s profi佰t-makin般g journ暗al publ稗ishers.懊D I板t benef哀its sci案entific爸 resear疤ch cons靶iderabl芭y.骯8. Ac耙c
33、ording伴 to the奧 text, 氨online 艾publica捌tion is案 signif按icant i翱n that扒A i隘t provi拌des an 芭easier 岸access 盎to scie半ntific 昂results礙.佰B i搬t(yī) bring絆s huge 把profits佰 to sci頒entific皚 resear霸chers.暗C i哀t empha板sizes t板he cruc藹ial rol稗e of sc般ientifi拜c knowl伴edge.瓣D i懊t facil安itates 凹public 凹investm挨ent in
34、擺scienti壩fic res鞍earch.吧9. Wi笆th the 凹o(jì)pen-ac氨cess pu跋blishin藹g model稗, the a皚uthor o昂f a pap矮er is r翱equired皚 to艾A c吧over th芭e cost 昂of its 吧publica爸tion.阿B s暗ubscrib唉e to th澳e journ挨al publ笆ishing 斑it.骯C a壩llow ot敗her onl骯ine jou懊rnals t澳o use i暗t freel暗y.唉D c爸omplete跋 the pe把er-revi懊ew befo版re su
35、bm白ission.般10. W跋hich of傲 the fo矮llowing笆 best s敗ummariz疤es the 笆main id罷ea of t笆he pass罷age?骯A T版he Inte骯rnet is壩 posing版 a thre伴at to p懊ublishe鞍rs.扮B A跋 new mo拌de of p礙ublicat罷ion is 吧emergin扳g.百C A捌uthors 伴welcome般 the ne版w chann耙el for 邦publica鞍tion.矮D P擺ublicat暗ion is 柏rendere疤d easie斑r by on吧l
36、ine se板rvice.芭參考答案:般D C A A挨 B佰26. In藹 the fi俺rst par班agraph,翱 the au氨thor di疤scusses罷A the瓣 backgr敗ound in熬formati背on of j疤ournal 般editing胺.擺the pub伴licatio敗n routi笆ne of l叭aborato疤ry repo疤rts.癌C the挨 relati愛(ài)ons of 拜authors般 with j熬ournal 挨publish百ers.愛(ài)D the搬 tradit爸ional p挨rocess 懊of jour骯nal pub耙
37、licatio翱n.正確答案D八答案解析概皚括段落大意。本岸文談的是通過(guò)互霸聯(lián)網(wǎng)發(fā)表研究成拜果的一種新方式藹,指出了三大業(yè)熬務(wù)模式。第一段佰先談傳統(tǒng)的雜志邦出版(論文發(fā)表扮)流程,以此引昂出話題,所以正唉確答案是D。A熬選項(xiàng)journ礙al edit佰ing沾點(diǎn)邊,俺但不吻合。做這拔類題及主題題型凹可以使用逆向法襖,即思路是:如懊果真要寫jou凹rnal ed扒iting的,扳那應(yīng)該從如何編疤輯,如何取舍及皚一些編輯的細(xì)節(jié)吧入手,而本段明耙顯不是。B離題隘更遠(yuǎn),實(shí)驗(yàn)報(bào)告百,從何談起呀?埃C作者與雜志社把的關(guān)系,這個(gè)流埃程是涉及到,但矮要談的不是這個(gè)板??傊?,此題從愛(ài)本段的內(nèi)容,本耙段在全篇的作
38、用壩,以及本文要談皚的主題角度,可拜以確定正確答案翱。按信心指數(shù)9隘9.9氨27. Wh癌ich of 拜the fol伴lowing 昂is true矮 of the艾 OECD r班eport?傲A It 背critici佰zes gov捌ernment隘-funded氨 resear扮ch.百It intr唉oduces 叭an effe啊ctive m扮eans of傲 public笆ation.澳C It 敗upsets 叭profit-搬making 絆journal哎 publis擺hers.鞍D It 跋benefit鞍s scien礙tific r辦esearch擺 cons
39、id岸erably.正確答案C佰答案解析A懊肯定不對(duì),報(bào)告伴并未批評(píng)政府資笆助的研究,是f搬unding 搬agencie辦s批評(píng)comm鞍ercial 懊publish辦ers,也就是扮這些資助一些研瓣究項(xiàng)目的機(jī)構(gòu)質(zhì)霸詢商業(yè)出版機(jī)構(gòu)扳,我出錢,是為翱社會(huì)受益,咋變班成你受益了呢?絆這個(gè)選項(xiàng)錯(cuò)在張懊冠李戴。B也不伴對(duì),報(bào)告引進(jìn)(艾introdu熬ces)了一種埃新的出版方式嗎矮?不是它吧?誰(shuí)百呢?The I皚nternet絆 is mak疤ing acc氨ess to 搬scienti皚fic res扮ults a 矮reality百.是Inter疤net,對(duì)吧?凹C正確。Why稗? 實(shí)際上是
40、考叭對(duì)這句話的理解阿:The re扒port ma傲kes hea笆vy read傲ing for昂 publis傲hers. “熬heavy r愛(ài)eading”柏是啥意思呢?費(fèi)暗力的閱讀。此處挨的heavy意胺為hard t氨o do or按 accomp把lish; a唉rduous。叭字面的意思是,皚這個(gè)報(bào)告讓獲取氨巨大利潤(rùn)的出版傲商們讀起來(lái)費(fèi)勁八。為什么讀起來(lái)骯費(fèi)勁???是他們俺的詞匯量不夠讀捌不懂嗎?當(dāng)然不把是,結(jié)合文章所拜述內(nèi)容,是因?yàn)榘竭@個(gè)報(bào)告直指要暗害,觸及了他們癌。讀出了這層意凹思,C選項(xiàng)當(dāng)然哀就可以大膽選啦奧!D選項(xiàng)不對(duì),皚全文核心意思,隘是互聯(lián)網(wǎng)出版方爸式會(huì)給科學(xué)研究八帶來(lái)
41、巨大的好處氨,使得科學(xué)成果板更容易被人分享藹。并不是這個(gè)報(bào)凹告本身對(duì)科學(xué)研藹究帶來(lái)多大好處壩。當(dāng)然啦,這個(gè)岸報(bào)告既然指出了斑這個(gè)趨勢(shì),或多白或少總能讓科研奧受益一些,但注頒意命題者還刻意暗加了一個(gè)con襖siderab搬ly,一篇報(bào)告拌能有如此“相當(dāng)懊的”作用?敖信心指數(shù)9半9.9岸28. Ac罷cording哀 to the佰 text, 柏online 扳publica捌tion is癌 signif凹icant i扒n that翱A it 白provide挨s an ea哎sier ac叭cess to翱 scient挨ific re胺sults.把it brin霸gs huge半 pr
42、ofit按s to sc稗ientifi拌c resea笆rchers.稗C it 奧emphasi案zes the白 crucia班l(xiāng) role 巴of scie艾ntific 擺knowled暗ge.俺D it 頒facilit伴ates pu藹blic in疤vestmen盎t in sc板ientifi哀c resea懊rch.正確答案A罷答案解析文挨中兩句話決定A班正確,一是Th安e Inter板net is 骯making 斑access 暗to scie邦ntific 疤results礙 a real皚ity. 二是熬The val盎ue of k盎nowledg礙e and t
43、邦he retu扒rn on t傲he publ白ic inve鞍stment 鞍in rese翱arch de哀pends, 壩in part拔, upon 哀wide di翱stribut傲ion and爸 ready 澳access.叭 也就是知識(shí)的岸價(jià)值在于其廣泛阿傳播和即時(shí)獲取伴,而互聯(lián)網(wǎng)使得背科學(xué)成果的很容襖易獲取變?yōu)楝F(xiàn)實(shí)扳。這不就是基于敖互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的在線出愛(ài)版的重大意義嗎絆!B不對(duì),因?yàn)榘ノ恼率冀K沒(méi)有談靶論研究者的獲利把問(wèn)題,要說(shuō)談,背它也只是談了s跋cientif頒ic publ吧ishing 跋market是絆一個(gè)big b拔usiness頒。而且,在線學(xué)澳術(shù)期刊的第二種襖業(yè)務(wù)模
44、式(op俺en-acce跋ss publ埃ishing)氨,還得研究者自挨己掏腰包的!科安學(xué)知識(shí)本身無(wú)比扒重要的作用不在拜本文討論范圍,昂C不對(duì)。促進(jìn)對(duì)拔科學(xué)研究的公共礙投資也無(wú)從談起礙,D亦被輕松排爸除。藹信心指數(shù)9安9.9板29. Wi傲th the 安open-ac伴cess pu半blishin岸g model懊, the a鞍uthor o巴f a pap扮er is r襖equired辦 to罷A cov按er the 頒cost of版 its pu敗blicati胺on.柏subscri扮be to t盎he jour隘nal pub壩lishing拔 it.凹C all岸ow
45、 othe奧r onlin百e journ拜als to 跋use it 艾freely.跋D com哀plete t哀he peer芭-review巴 before絆 submis笆sion.正確答案A隘答案解析考版對(duì)這句話的理解拔:There 頒is open把-access翱 publis懊hing, t辦ypicall百y suppo哎rted by擺 asking氨 the au哀thor (o敗r his e矮mployer巴) to pa皚y for t挨he pape疤r to be爸 publis笆hed. 通過(guò)霸作者本人(或其稗老板)付費(fèi)發(fā)表斑的方式支持開架案在線閱覽,注意百,這里的付費(fèi),扮付什么費(fèi)用呀?版付給出版網(wǎng)站的板費(fèi)嗎?我的想應(yīng)壩該是發(fā)表論文的吧研究費(fèi)用,A選巴項(xiàng)所指即這個(gè),爸當(dāng)然這是題外話靶。B乃空穴來(lái)風(fēng)傲,毫無(wú)根據(jù)。C鞍有一定的干擾性叭,本來(lái)這層意思把本文也是只字示半提,但既然是o跋pen-acc哀ess pub翱lishing疤嘛,那用戶應(yīng)該敖是可以免費(fèi)使用背的。但是不是o疤ther on吧line jo襖urnals也巴可以免費(fèi)使用呢盎(轉(zhuǎn)載等),這按似乎就走得遠(yuǎn)了艾點(diǎn),原文并未提皚供這方面的信息拌,排除。D選項(xiàng)矮輕松排除。安信心指數(shù)9笆9.9扮30. Wh跋ich of 鞍th
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