1、17/17淺析我國企業(yè)網(wǎng)絡營銷的進展 21世紀,人類差不多步入了以因特網(wǎng)為基礎的網(wǎng)絡經(jīng)濟時代。計算機網(wǎng)絡技術的迅猛進展和廣泛應用對當代社會產(chǎn)生了全方位的阻礙,也給企業(yè)的營銷治理帶來了巨大的變革。網(wǎng)絡營銷是適應網(wǎng)絡技術進展與信息網(wǎng)絡時代變革的新型營銷方式,它改變了傳統(tǒng)的營銷理念、營銷策略、營銷手段和方式,將成為21世紀企業(yè)營銷的主流。與傳統(tǒng)營銷相比,網(wǎng)絡營銷顯現(xiàn)出更為廣泛性、實時性、經(jīng)濟性、交互性等特點。 目前我國上網(wǎng)計算機數(shù)量、上網(wǎng)用戶人數(shù)總量比較大但普及程度并不高,信息技術在我國企業(yè)中應用現(xiàn)狀也不太令人樂觀。通過比較中國企業(yè)與外國企業(yè)的網(wǎng)絡營銷規(guī)模、企業(yè)擁有網(wǎng)站數(shù)量等一系列問題,發(fā)覺我國網(wǎng)絡
2、營銷總體水平還較低,制約我國企業(yè)網(wǎng)絡營銷進展的障礙和要緊問題如下: 一、制約我國企業(yè)網(wǎng)絡營銷進展的障礙 網(wǎng)絡營銷屬于企業(yè)自身的治理活動。企業(yè)網(wǎng)絡營銷的開展,必須積極適應市場環(huán)境和消費者的變化,我國企業(yè)網(wǎng)絡營銷進展障礙要緊來自企業(yè)內(nèi)部,包括企業(yè)在認識、治理和人才等方面存在的障礙。 1.認識方面的障礙 這是我國企業(yè)開展網(wǎng)絡營銷最大的障礙。目前企業(yè)對網(wǎng)絡營銷的認識,呈現(xiàn)兩種截然相反的態(tài)度:一種是對網(wǎng)絡營銷的過分神化,一種是對網(wǎng)絡營銷的認識不足。能夠講,這兩種對網(wǎng)絡營銷的認識差不多上片面的,對企業(yè)的網(wǎng)絡營銷實踐有著巨大的危害。 2.治理方面的障礙 當前我國企業(yè)開展網(wǎng)絡營銷,在內(nèi)部治理的三個層次:基層治
3、理、中層治理和高層治理上都還存在著一定的制約因素。目前,國內(nèi)一些企業(yè)的治理體制尚不健全,沒有一套規(guī)范系統(tǒng)的治理制度。大多數(shù)企業(yè)屬于被動反應型,隨著新問題的出現(xiàn),由治理者制定新的措施,卻專門少考慮新制度是否適應本企業(yè)的實際情況等問題。導致治理制度呆板僵化,制度之間的系統(tǒng)性不強。 3.人才方面的障礙 人力資源始終是企業(yè)最重要的無形資產(chǎn)。企業(yè)開展網(wǎng)絡營銷,需要各方面的人才,尤其是具備全新信息觀念和新型知識結構的復合型人才,他們是企業(yè)實施網(wǎng)絡營銷的中堅力量。目前,國內(nèi)企業(yè)在技術人才、治理人才,以及復合型人才等方面,與國際企業(yè)相比,都極其匱乏。 二、我國企業(yè)網(wǎng)絡營銷存在的具體問題 1.互聯(lián)網(wǎng)基礎設施建設
4、薄弱 我國的通信業(yè)雖經(jīng)連續(xù)十余年的大進展,尤其是通信網(wǎng)的建設,為我國國民經(jīng)濟的信息化奠定了網(wǎng)絡基礎,但這與流通網(wǎng)絡化的以后進展要求相比,還遠遠不夠。不同的地區(qū),在網(wǎng)絡營銷進展上存在著較大的差異。 2.企業(yè)網(wǎng)絡營銷人才缺乏 人力資源始終是企業(yè)最重要的無形資產(chǎn)。企業(yè)開展網(wǎng)絡營銷,需要各方面的人才,尤其是具備全新信息觀念和新型知識結構的復合型人才,他們是企業(yè)實施網(wǎng)絡營銷的中堅力量,而我國企業(yè)恰恰缺少既明白技術又熟悉營銷業(yè)務流程的綜合性人才。一來大多數(shù)企業(yè)只會用人,而沒有培養(yǎng)人的觀念,二來企業(yè)內(nèi)部缺乏有效的激勵機制,導致人才流失情況嚴峻。 3.安全、方便的網(wǎng)絡支付機制欠缺 在網(wǎng)絡上直接進行支付就離不開
5、銀行信用卡方式。目前,我國網(wǎng)絡支付的技術尚不成熟,盡管銀行卡在線支付已在中國銀行、招商銀行、中國建設銀行實現(xiàn),但我國銀行的電子化水平普遍不高,安全性又差,銀行網(wǎng)絡之間相對封閉,尚不能承擔起支付網(wǎng)絡電子交易費用的任務,無法在網(wǎng)上實現(xiàn)交易的全過程。因此,目前在網(wǎng)絡安全支付方面存在的技術和觀念問題是網(wǎng)絡營銷進展的核心與關鍵障礙。 網(wǎng)絡營銷是新世紀市場營銷的必由之路,它給寬敞企業(yè)帶來了歷史機遇,同時也帶來了嚴峻的挑戰(zhàn)。鑒于我國網(wǎng)絡營銷存在的諸多制約因素,應采取如下對策: (1)樹立正確的網(wǎng)絡營銷觀念。堅決摒棄原有的幾種不正確認識,結合企業(yè)自身行業(yè)及產(chǎn)品特點,結合企業(yè)文化,結合企業(yè)營銷治理模式,樹立符合
6、企業(yè)需求的網(wǎng)絡營銷觀念。 (2)加強網(wǎng)絡的基礎設施建設。實施網(wǎng)絡營銷活動的對象是網(wǎng)絡用戶,因此網(wǎng)絡用戶的數(shù)量也是網(wǎng)絡營銷進展的必要條件,目前我國Internet的基礎設施還相當落后,需要加強和改進的地點專門多。上網(wǎng)人數(shù)的多少受到網(wǎng)絡運行速度和上網(wǎng)資費高低的制約,而網(wǎng)絡運行速度和上網(wǎng)費用受到網(wǎng)絡基礎設施建設完備程度的阻礙。因此需要政府發(fā)揮宏觀調(diào)控的作用,加大網(wǎng)絡基礎設施的建設力度,鼓舞國內(nèi)企業(yè)大力開發(fā)具有自主知識產(chǎn)權的計算機網(wǎng)絡軟硬件產(chǎn)品,改善目前的網(wǎng)絡環(huán)境。 (3)加強網(wǎng)絡營銷立法與監(jiān)督。不管網(wǎng)絡安全、網(wǎng)上結算依舊商品配送,都涉及法律法規(guī)問題,只有建立、健全和完善相關法規(guī),嚴懲違法者,才能保證
7、網(wǎng)絡營銷的正常進行。因此,國家必須在立法和執(zhí)法上加大力度,在網(wǎng)絡市場準入制度、網(wǎng)絡交易的合同認證、執(zhí)行和賠償、反欺騙、知識產(chǎn)權愛護、稅收征管、廣告管制、交易監(jiān)督,以及網(wǎng)絡有害信息過濾等方面制定規(guī)則,為網(wǎng)絡營銷的健康、有序、快速進展提供一個公平規(guī)范的法律環(huán)境。 (4)培養(yǎng)網(wǎng)絡營銷人才。在知識經(jīng)濟時代,由于信息技術和網(wǎng)絡引發(fā)的一系列商業(yè)革命差不多如火如荼,網(wǎng)絡營銷需要具備全新信息觀念和新型知識結構的復合型人才,他們是實施網(wǎng)絡營銷的中堅力量。網(wǎng)絡營銷對人才的要求專門高,一個合格的人才不僅需要明白得電腦、互聯(lián)網(wǎng),還要精通金融貿(mào)易、物資經(jīng)營治理,同時要將這幾方面專門好地結合在一起。必須要充分利用各種途徑
8、和手段,培養(yǎng)、引進并合理使用好一批素養(yǎng)較高、層次合理、專業(yè)對口的網(wǎng)絡、計算機及經(jīng)營治理等方面的專業(yè)人才,為企業(yè)網(wǎng)絡營銷的進展提供人才保障。 三、 規(guī)范電子商務交易行為,促進網(wǎng)絡市場和諧有序 提倡合法規(guī)范、公平公正的網(wǎng)上營銷、電子簽約和售后服務等行為,防范和化解電子商務中的各類交易糾紛。 (一)規(guī)范用戶注冊和會員進展行為。引導電子商務企業(yè)以合法、公開、透明的方式吸引用戶注冊、進展會員,防范和制止以收取高額費用或購買商品為前提條件的進展會員行為,杜絕以互聯(lián)網(wǎng)為隱蔽手段的傳銷行為。鼓舞第三方交易平臺的提供者以實名注冊為條件提供網(wǎng)上店鋪開設服務,建立交易安全保障與備份制度,發(fā)覺并及時警示交易風險。 (
9、二)規(guī)范各類網(wǎng)上促銷行為。引導電子商務企業(yè)在開展網(wǎng)上促銷活動時將促銷方式、規(guī)則、期限、商品范圍以及相關限制性條件等促銷內(nèi)容在網(wǎng)站上公開公布。防范和制止在網(wǎng)上折價促銷、網(wǎng)上贈品促銷、積分促銷、網(wǎng)上點擊抽獎、網(wǎng)上聯(lián)合促銷等活動中出現(xiàn)的虛構原價、實物不符、拖延發(fā)放贈品和幕后操作等現(xiàn)象。 (三)規(guī)范電子簽約行為。引導電子商務企業(yè)制定合法公正的用戶協(xié)議,確定與用戶之間的權利與義務,并保證用戶在同意協(xié)議前能夠便利完整地閱知其內(nèi)容。防范和制止以欺詐、惡意串通等不法手段促成協(xié)議簽訂的行為。提倡企業(yè)在修改用戶協(xié)議時,提早以有效方式通知用戶,并注明修改緣故和變動內(nèi)容。 (四)規(guī)范網(wǎng)上拍賣經(jīng)營行為。規(guī)范網(wǎng)上拍賣方以
10、及交易平臺服務提供方的經(jīng)營行為,引導經(jīng)營者遵守拍賣法及相關法律法規(guī),準確、清晰、完整地表述拍賣標的,制定公平合理的網(wǎng)上拍賣規(guī)則條款。 (五)規(guī)范電子商務售后服務行為。引導電子商務企業(yè)建立健全、公開公布并嚴格執(zhí)行售后服務和換貨退貨制度。防范和制止企業(yè)躲避售后責任、拖延換貨和拒不受理退貨的行為,維護網(wǎng)上購物消費者的合法權益。 網(wǎng)絡營銷是企業(yè)營銷活動的重要組成部分,是傳統(tǒng)營銷不斷進展和提高的產(chǎn)物,網(wǎng)絡營銷正是在與傳統(tǒng)營銷的結合和相互促進中使其日益成熟。我國政府和企業(yè)要各司其職,認真研究對策,從不同方面促進我國網(wǎng)絡營銷的進展。在營銷策略的制定過程中,充分利用網(wǎng)絡的互動性、實時性等特點開發(fā)出適合我國國情
11、和企業(yè)實際情況的網(wǎng)絡營銷新方式、新策略,使企業(yè)在日益激烈的市場競爭中立于不敗之地。 Analysis of the enterprise network marketing21st century, mankind has entered the Internet-based network economy. Computer Network Technologys rapid development and wide application of contemporary society have had a full range of impact to the enterprise ma
12、rketing management has brought enormous change. Network Marketing is to adapt to network technology development and information network of the new era of change in marketing, it has changed the traditional marketing concepts, marketing strategies, marketing tools and methods will become the 21st cen
13、tury the mainstream of corporate marketing. Compared with traditional marketing, network marketing is showing a more extensive, real-time, the economy, and interactive features. Currently, Chinas number of online computers, Internet users to the total number of relatively large but penetration is no
14、t high, information technology application in Chinas enterprises are also less optimistic about the status quo. By comparing the Chinese enterprises and foreign enterprises, the size of network marketing, the enterprise has a range of issues such as the number of Web sites and found that the overall
15、 level of Chinas Internet marketing is still relatively low, restricting the marketing of our enterprise network and the main obstacle to the development of questions are as follows: First, constraints of our enterprise network marketing obstacle to the development of Network Marketing is the enterp
16、rises own management activities. The development of enterprise network marketing, we must actively adapt to market changes in the environment and consumers, our corporate network of marketing development obstacles mainly from enterprises, including enterprises in the understanding, management and pe
17、rsonnel obstacles. 1. Understanding of the obstacles This is network marketing enterprises to develop the biggest obstacle. At present, enterprises network marketing awareness, show the two diametrically opposed attitude: a kind of network marketing are over-deification, a network marketing are lack
18、 of understanding. It can be said that both the awareness of network marketing is one-sided, on the companys network marketing practice has enormous harm. 2. Regulatory barriers Chinas enterprises to develop Internet marketing, in the internal management of the three levels: the grass-roots level ma
19、nagement, middle management and senior management are still certain constraints. Currently, some domestic enterprises, the management system is not perfect, does not have a standardized system management system. Most enterprises are reactive type, with the emergence of new issues, from managers to d
20、evelop new measures, but rarely consider whether the new system to adapt to the actual situation of the enterprise and so on. Lead to rigid inflexible management system, the system is not strong between the systemic. 3. Talent barriers Human resources has always been the most important intangible as
21、sets. Enterprises to develop network marketing, all aspects of personnel required, especially with new concepts and new information on the knowledge structure of compound talents, their enterprises are the backbone of network marketing. At present, the domestic enterprises in the technical talent, m
22、anagement talent, as well as the complex-type personnel, and international enterprises, are extremely scarce. Three, our corporate network of marketing specific issues exist 1. Internet infrastructure is weak Chinas telecommunications industry for more than ten years despite the great development, e
23、specially in the construction of communication networks for Chinas national economy has laid a network of information-based foundation, but with the flow of network requirements for future development, but also far from enough. Different regions, in the development of network marketing there are lar
24、ger differences.2. The lack of enterprise network marketing professionals Human resources has always been the most important intangible assets. Enterprises to develop network marketing, all aspects of personnel required, especially with new concepts and new information on the knowledge structure of
25、compound talents, their enterprises are the backbone of Internet marketing, which is precisely the lack of Chinas enterprises are familiar with technology knows marketing business processes comprehensive talent. One to the majority of the enterprises will only use, but not in cultured human concept,
26、 and secondly the lack of effective internal incentive mechanism, leading to brain drain in serious condition. 3. Safe, convenient payment mechanism for the lack of network Directly on the network can not be separated from the bank card payment on the way. At present, Chinas network of technology is
27、 not yet ripe to pay, although the bank card online payment in China banks, investment banks, China Construction Bank to achieve, but in China the level of electronic banking in general is not high, safety and poor quality banking network relative closed, there should not assume the network to pay t
28、he cost of electronic transactions mission, unable to realize in the online transaction process. Therefore, at present, in network security to pay the existing technical and conceptual issues are the core of the development of network marketing and key obstacles. Network marketing is marketing the n
29、ew century, the only way, it brought a large number of enterprises to the historical opportunity, but also brought severe challenges. In view of the existence of our network marketing many constraints, should take the following countermeasures: (1) establish the correct concept of network marketing.
30、 Several original and resolutely reject incorrect understanding, combined with their own industry and product characteristics, combined with corporate culture, combined with enterprise marketing management mode, set in line with the business needs of network marketing concept. (2) to enhance the net
31、work infrastructure. The implementation of online marketing activities targeted at Internet users, so the number of Internet users is also a network marketing a necessary condition for the development of Chinas Internet infrastructure is still quite backward, and need to be strengthened and improved
32、 in many places. The number of Internet users by the number of network speed and access to the Internet high and low tariff constraints, and network speed and Internet access charges by the network infrastructure complete degrees. Therefore required the government to play the role of macro-control,
33、increase the network infrastructure and encourage development of domestic enterprises with independent intellectual property rights of computer network hardware and software products, to improve the current network environment. (3) strengthening the legislative and monitoring network marketing. Rega
34、rdless of network security, online billing or delivery of goods, all laws and regulations relating to the issue, only to establish, improve and perfect the relevant laws and regulations, and severely punish offenders in order to guarantee the normal network marketing. Therefore, the country must be
35、in the legislative and enforcement efforts, the market access system in the network, network transactions contract certification, implementation and compensation, anti-fraud, intellectual property protection, tax collection and management, advertisement control, transaction monitoring, as well as th
36、e harmful information network filter rules, etc., for network marketing the healthy and orderly and rapid development of norms to provide a fair legal environment. (4) train network marketing professionals. In the era of knowledge economy, as a result of information technology and network triggered
37、a series of commercial revolution now in full swing, network marketing requires new ideas and new information on the knowledge structure of the compound talents, they are the backbone of the implementation of network marketing. Network Marketing demanding of talent, a qualified personnel not only ne
38、ed to understand computers, the Internet, but also proficient in finance, trade, material management, and to these areas very well together. Must make full use of a variety of ways and means to foster the introduction and the rational use of a good number of high-quality, reasonably level, professio
39、nal counterparts in the network, computer and business management professionals for the development of enterprise network marketing to provide qualified personnel to protect .agreement, notify users of the change in an efficient way, and tell them the reasons for and content of the change. 4. Regula
40、rizing online auction behaviors. We shall regularize the business acts of online sellers and trading platform providers, and guide traders to abide by the Auction Law and other related laws and regulations, to accurately, clearly and completely present articles to be auctioned and to work out fair and rea
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- 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。
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