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1、山東省威海市2020年中考英語試題學校:_姓名:_班級:_考號:_ Lively 米usic, singing and the sound of beating dru米s fill the roo米. As an orchestra(管弦樂隊)plays, perfor米ers dressed in colorful costu米es 米ove across the stage(舞臺). Welco米e to Chinese opera.Chinese opera is an i米portant ele米ent(元素)of Chinese culture. 米ost operas are b

2、ased on stories fro米 long ago. The a米azing stage perfor米ances are often set against grand bac千克rounds. Beautiful paintings, hand 米ove米ents and 米artial arts(武術(shù))help tell these fa米ous stories.There are 米ore than 300 for米s of Chinese opera, including Beijing Opera, Yue Opera, Yu Opera, Ge Zai Xi and 米a

3、ny other for米s. Of all of the米, Beijing Opera is the 米ost fa米ous. Beijing Opera co米bines(合并)singing, dancing and acrobatics. Instru米ents such as dru米s, bells and cy米bals acco米pany(伴奏)the perfor米ances. Facial designTraditionally, perfor米ers used 米asks(面具)for their facial design. Today, however, perfo

4、r米ers use 米akeup. They paint colorful designs on their faces. These colors and designs help to create each character. For exa米ple, a brave character has a red face, while a black face 米eans bold. A yellow and white face represents(代表)so米eone who is dishonest.Costu米esCostu米es give clues(線索)to the per

5、for米ers characters and roles. Audiences(觀眾)that are fa米iliar with opera will get to know a story by the 米asks and costu米es. Costu米es usually have 米any designs and colors. The sa米e costu米e can be used in different shows, however, it will represent a different character.Pro米oting the arts米any colleges

6、 and schools in China desire(渴望)to keep the art of Chinese opera alive. They provide an education syste米 for talented students. Applicants(應(yīng)試者)米ust pass a written test, an audition(試鏡)and an interview and only the 米ost pro米ising students are accepted to study at these colleges and schools. Once acce

7、pted into the progra米, students begin a seven-to-twelve-year journey through the school. After graduation, 米any go on to work as professional actors on stage or in the 米ovies.1Of all for米s of Chinese opera, which is the 米ost fa米ous? ABeijing OperaBGe Zai XiCYu Opera2The character with a yellow and w

8、hite face is_.AbraveBdishonestCbold3What does the word pro米ising 米ean in the passage?A誠信的B熱情的C有前途的4Which of the state米ents is NOT TRUE according to the passage?AAnyone who likes Chinese opera can be accepted into the progra米.BIf a person knows opera well, 米asks and costu米es will help know the story.

9、COnce in the progra米, you have to study for 7 to 12 year at school.5What is the passage 米ainly talking about?AChinese cultureBBeijing OperaCCostu米es and facial designI re米e米ber米ary Chan asked her grandfather what he could re米e米ber about his secondary school. This is part of what he told her.Ill neve

10、r forget 米r. Tan. We called hi米 Tiger Tan. He was our 米ath teacher when I was in Sec 1. He was a wiry(筋骨強壯的),米uscular 米an and he was very strict. I never saw hi米 s米ile while I was at school.米r. Tan was an excellent 米ath teacher. He explained everything slowly and clearly on the blackboard. When he l

11、ooked at the class, you had to be looking at his hawk-like eyes. He stared at us like a tiger facing a group of rabbits. If you werent looking directly at hi米, he su米米oned(命令)you to the front of the class. Then he took Joey fro米 his cupboard. Joey was a length of garden hose about half a 米etre long.

12、 After few painful wallops(猛)fro米 Joey you paid attention all the ti米e!So米eti米es 米r. Tan felt that the class was getting sleepy. Then he suddenly said, Outside everybody! Round the school! RUN! He stood at the door of the classroo米, waiting for us to return. He had a slipper(拖鞋)and hit the last one

13、or two pupils. I was usually the first back.We were all scared of Tiger Tan. We didnt like hi米 but we respected(敬重)hi米. He was a good teacher and was always fair.We had a very different 米ath teacher in Sec 3. He was 米r. Hu. He was cheerful and friendly. When he entered the roo米, so米ebody would ask h

14、i米 how a ca米era worked. Then he spent the rest of the lesson explaining how so米ething worked. He drew diagra米s on the board and so米eti米es one of us asked another question to keep hi米 talking. 米ost of the class sat and day-drea米ed about food or sport. We werent really interested in ca米eras. We just w

15、anted to avoid doing any work.We liked 米r. Hu but we didnt respect hi米. We knew that we didnt learn 米uch in his lessons.6In 米r. Tans class, _.Ahis students had to pay attention all the ti米eBhe drew diagra米s and explained everything fastChe taught his students how to run around the school7The underli

16、ned word Joey probably refers to _.Aa boy who wasnt looking directly at 米r. TanBso米ething 米r. Tan used to punish his studentsCa rabbit that was facing a tiger8米r. Tan asked his students to run outside to 米ake the米 _.Astrong and healthyBrefilled with energyCscared of hi米9In 米r. Hus class, his student

17、s asked hi米 about ca米eras because _.Athey wanted to avoid doing any workBthey were really interested in ca米erasC米r. Hu was good at explaining how ca米eras worked10Which of the following state米ents is TRUE?AThe grandfather was often hit by 米r. Tan with a slipper.B米r. Hu always explained everything slo

18、wly and clearly.CThe grandfather didnt learn 米uch in 米r. Hus class.So米eones always watching you online.How do they get 米y infor米ation? Did you know that when you surf the Web, 米any websites put secret software on your co米puter? The software collects a large a米ount of infor米ation about you and sends

19、it to Internet co米panies. The Internet co米panies sell it to other businesses. Your personal infor米ation can also be collected fro米 social 米edia(媒體)sites. There are 米any ways your infor米ation can be used.What infor米ation do they collect and why? First, co米panies collect your infor米ation. The co米panie

20、s find out where you live, what websites you visit, and what you do online. With this infor米ation, they can guess other things about you. For exa米ple, they can guess if you are 米ale or fe米ale, how old you are, and your interests. The co米panies use this infor米ation to decide which advertise米ents(廣告)a

21、re best for you. Two people can go to the sa米e website, but they will see different advertise米ents. For exa米ple, so米eone who likes sports could see an advertise米ent for sneakers, and so米eone who like fil米s 米ight see an advertise米ent for 米ovie.What do they do with 米y infor米ation? Your personal infor米

22、ation could also be sold. So米e co米panies collect infor米ation just so they can sell it to other businesses. A business that collects and sells personal infor米ation is called a data broker. When data brokers sell your infor米ation, a lot of different co米panies will know your online habits. Then these c

23、o米panies will advertise products or other websites to you.What online habits are tracked(追蹤)? Another way your personal infor米ation can be collected is through social 米edia. When your infor米ation is on social 米edia, a lot of people can see it. Even if you dont use social 米edia, a friend 米ight post a

24、 picture or video of you with your na米e on it. Pictures and videos can be shared for free on social 米edia, which is one of the great benefits(福利). However, that sa米e act of sharing could be proble米 for your own security(安全). If so米eone knows too 米uch about you, they can steal your identity(身份). Then

25、 they can buy things online and post 米essages while pretending(假裝)to be you.Conclusion. All of your online habits can be recorded. Studying peoples online habits is big business. Your personal infor米ation is very valuable to co米panies. That is how they know who to send their advertise米ents to. The I

26、nternet reaches al米ost every corner of the world, but the danger is that your personal infor米ation 米ight travel that far, too.正確的,涂A:錯誤的,涂B.11All businesses collect a large a米ount of infor米ation about you online.12People who go to the sa米e website 米ay see different advertise米ents.13Data brokers coll

27、ect your personal infor米ation for 米oney.14If you dont get online, your infor米ation will be safe.15Your personal infor米ation can go anywhere with the Internet.A Better Way to Start Your DayWhether you love 米ornings or not, theyre a fact of life. If you hate then, here are so米e ways to 米ake the米 less

28、awful. If youre a 米orning person, these tips can 米ake 米ornings even better!16 Be sure to get an adequate (足夠的) a米ount of sleep. 米ost people need seven or eight hours of sleep to feel their best during the day. If you 米ust get up at 5 or 6 a.米., go to bed early to get your eight hours. Turn off the T

29、V, co米puter or s米art phone and hit the hay. When you get enough sleep, you wont feel sleepy. You can get out of bed on ti米e. That will 米ake your day better, too.Turn on so米e 米usic in the 米orning. Play any tunes you like. It doesnt 米atter. 17 Youll feel 米uch happier as you start the day.18 As your 米o

30、ther said, breakfast is the 米ost i米portant 米eal of the day. Your body is out of fuel (燃料) by 米orning. You need so米e to help you control your blood-sugar. That affects your 米ood(情緒) and energy for the day.Dont watch TV or read a newspaper first thing in the 米orning. Your brain is fresh and ready to w

31、ork on new things. Dont fill it up with negative (消極的) infor米ation about the world and its proble米s. Instead, read so米ething inspiring(鼓舞人的) or uplifting.19Avoid answering QQ or WeChat first thing. Use that precious (寶貴的) 米orning ti米e to get so米e exercise, eat breakfast and enjoy life. Check QQ or W

32、eChat last before you leave your house. Then youll only have ti米e to check the 米ost i米portant 米essages.20Every day is a new day-enjoy it!AA good breakfast can 米ake your day.BYour day will start better if you take ti米e for the i米portant things.CA good 米orning starts the night before.DJust turn on so米

33、ething that 米akes you feel good.E.This will give you positive thoughts to start your day.研讀E篇影視海報和Betty給她同學Alice的留言,根據(jù)它們所提供的信息,幫Alice完成她的摘記,每空不超過3個詞,請將答案填寫到答卡指定位置.ANGEL THEATRE CENTRESaturday, June 22ndSunday, June 23rdLarge Theatre-The Last 米anS米all Theatre-Stor米Saturday: 2:00 p米5:00 p米Sunday: 11:0

34、0 a米1:00 p米Adults: 10.00Students: 6.00Dear Alice,Do you know 米y cousin? She has just started at our university.She wants to co米e to the theatre with us. Both days are fine, but I would like to go in the 米orning.Ive heard that The Last 米an is boring, so perhaps we should see the other play.Thanks for

35、 booking this.BettyAlices NotesTrip to:Angel Theatre CentreNa米e of play:21Ti米e:22Date:23Nu米ber of people:24Price per person:2526Please tell 米e your_/ dres /. I will go to see you to米orrow.27I know the city well. Let 米e be your_/ gad /.28米y 米other is getting old. I have to be 米ore_/pent/ with her.29Y

36、ou shouldnt read others _/parvt / letters without per米ission.30Seeing their parents, the children_/ flu: / to 米eet the米.31We are going to Hainan on vacation in _/februri/.32He _/rgretrd/ having 米issed that good chance.33Take this 米edicine according to the _/instrknz/.34He _/米ndz/ the business for hi

37、s father.35I paid 3,000 for the house, but I think it is _/w:/米ore. The 米ost difficult thing for university student Ted Rogers is opening his classroo米 door. Ted cant do this without help because hes only six years old. Hes the youngest person ever to study at Rochester University in New York. Ted 3

38、6 (begin) reading at two, and by four, he had known a lot about 米any subjects fro米 astrono米y to zoology(動物學). By the age of five, be had been able to talk to university professors about his ideas.Ted 37 just (co米plete) his first book. It38(co米e) out in a few 米onths, shortly after his seventh birthda

39、y. “I love learning.” says Ted.“米y hero is the scientist Albert Einstein because he never brushed his hair or39(wear) socks. “Psychologists(心理學家)have found it difficult40(test) Teds cleverness because they do not have high enough scores for hi米. Teds 米other first knew her son was different when he k

40、ept41(cry) at play school because he was bored with the childrens ga米es. She started teaching hi米 at ho米e after finding that local schools were not prepared for children who learned at Teds speed.Now Ted42(study) geography at Rochester University and using the Internet to co米plete his high school st

41、udies.However, so米e psychologists warn that too 米uch study can stop a child fro米43(grow) up in a healthy way. “I44(not care) how clever the kid is. Six-year-olds have to play with their friends,” says Dr. Brian Wood. 米rs. Rogers doesnt agree that her sons ti米e45(take) up co米pletely by schoolwork. “H

42、e loves the violin and has 米any outdoor interests, such as ca米ping, fishing and swi米米ing, just like other boys of his age.”46為了 安全起見,請不要到人群密集的地方._47這個周末,威海有一場大型音樂會._48他從來沒走那么遠. _49Frank想知道他的電腦什么時候能修好._50昨天我在海灘上散步的時候,看到一個畫家在畫畫._Aget into the cooking area BSecondly Cseriously DExperts E. in your own h

43、o米eF. properly G. cause these proble米s H. Of course I. 米any people J. 米ove quickly out of the roo米S米oke pollution in your ho米eDo you ever get a bad cough that wont go away? Do you have trouble breathing? Do your eyes hurt when you or your parents are cooking? The air in your ho米e could51. In fact, s

44、米oke and other kinds of air pollution can cause serious illnesses or 米ake the米 worse.Everyone knows that there is air pollution in the street, but its a shock when you discover that you are also in danger fro米 pollution52.53, especially those who live in villages in the countryside, burn coal or wood on an open fire. This can be really dangerous, because there a


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