【英國標(biāo)準(zhǔn)word原稿】BS EN 1291-1998 non-destructive testing of welds -magnetic particale of welds-acceptance levels.doc_第1頁
【英國標(biāo)準(zhǔn)word原稿】BS EN 1291-1998 non-destructive testing of welds -magnetic particale of welds-acceptance levels.doc_第2頁
【英國標(biāo)準(zhǔn)word原稿】BS EN 1291-1998 non-destructive testing of welds -magnetic particale of welds-acceptance levels.doc_第3頁
【英國標(biāo)準(zhǔn)word原稿】BS EN 1291-1998 non-destructive testing of welds -magnetic particale of welds-acceptance levels.doc_第4頁
【英國標(biāo)準(zhǔn)word原稿】BS EN 1291-1998 non-destructive testing of welds -magnetic particale of welds-acceptance levels.doc_第5頁
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豆丁網(wǎng):/kmust1british standard bs en1291:1998incorporating amendments nos. 1 and 2non-destructive testing-,-,-of welds magnetic particle testing of welds acceptance levelsthe european standard en 1291:1998, with the incorporation of amendments a1:2002 and a2:2003, has the status of a british standardics 25.160.40 第 5 頁 共 15 頁豆丁網(wǎng):/kmust1copyright british standards institutionreproduced by ihs under license with bsi - uncontrolled copydocument provided by ihs licensee=bureau veritas/5959906001, 10/27/200403:17:54 mdt questions or comments about this message: please call the documentpolicy group at 303-397-2295.bs en 1291:1998national forewordthis british standard is the english language version of en 1291:1998, including amendments a1:2002 and a2:2003.the start and finish of text introduced or altered by amendment is indicated in the text by tags !. tags indicating changes to cen text carry the number of the amendment. for example, text altered by cen amendment a1 is indicated by !.as agreed by cen/tc 121/sc 5 resolution 134/2000 and in accordance with amendment a1:2002, the term “examination” has been replaced by “testing” throughout the document.the uk participation in its preparation was entrusted to technical committeewee/46, non-destructive examination, which has the responsibility to:aid enquirers to understand the text;present to the responsible european committee any enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the uk interests informed;monitor related international and european developments and promulgate them in the uk.a list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary.cross-referencesthe british standards which implement international or european publications referred to in this document may be found in the bsi catalogue under the section entitled “international standards correspondence index”, or by using the “search” facility of the bsi electronic catalogue or ofbritish standards online.-,-,-this publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. users are responsible for its correct application.compliance with a british standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations.summary of pagesthis document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the en title page, pages 2 to 5 cover and a back cover.the bsi copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued.amd. no.datecomments139881 november 2002see national foreword1493727 april 2004revision of foreword and deletion annex zathis british standard, having been prepared under the direction of the engineering sector board, was published under the authority of the standards board and comes into effect on 15 june 1998 bsi 27 april 2004isbn 0 580 29629 6amendments issued since publicationeuropean standard norme europenne europische normen 1291february 1998+ a1may 2002+a2december 2003ics 25.160.40descriptors: welded joints, refractory materials, steels, quality control, non-destructive tests, detection, weld defects, magnetic particle testing, acceptability, level : quality, surface conditionenglish versionnon-destructive testing of welds magnetic particle testing of welds acceptance levels(includes amendments a1:2002 and a2:2003)contrle non destructif des assemblages souds contrle par magntoscopie des soudures niveaux dacceptation-,-,-(inclut les amendement a1:2002 et a2:2003)zerstrungsfreie prfung von schweiverbindungen magnetpulverprfung von schweiverbindungen zulssigkeitsgrenzen(enthlt nderung en a1:2002 und a2:2003)this european standard was approved by cen on 26 january 1998, amendment a1 was approved by cen on 28 april 2002 and amendment a2 was approved by cen on 20 november 2003.cen members are bound to comply with the cen/cenelec internal regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this european standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the central secretariat or to any cen member.this european standard exists in three official versions (english, french, german). a version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a cen member into its own language and notified to the central secretariat has the same status as the official versions.cen members are the national standards bodies of austria, belgium, czech republic, denmark, finland, france, germany, greece, hungary, iceland, ireland, italy, luxembourg, malta, netherlands, norway, portugal, slovakia, spain, sweden, switzerland and united kingdom.ceneuropean committee for standardization comit europen de normalisation europisches komitee fr normungcentral secretariat: rue de stassart 36, b-1050 brussels 1998 cen all rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for cen nationalmembers.ref. no. en 1291:1998 + a1:2002 + a2:2003 een 1291:1998reproduced by ihs under license with bsi - uncontrolled copy03:17:54 mdt questions or comments about this message: please call the documentpolicy group at 303-397-2295.forewordthis european standard has been prepared by technical committee cen/tc 121, welding, the secretariat of which is held by ds.this european standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by august 1998, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by august 1998.this document has been prepared under a mandate given to cen by european commission and the european free trade association.according to the cen/cenelec internal regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this european standard: austria, belgium,czech republic, denmark, finland, france, germany, greece, iceland, ireland, italy, luxembourg, netherlands, norway, portugal, spain, sweden, switzerland and theunited kingdom.foreword to amendment a1this document en 1291:1998/a1:2002 has been prepared by technical committee cen/tc 121, welding, the secretariat of which is held by ds.this amendment to the european standarden 1291:1998 shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text-,-,-or by endorsement, at the latest by november 2002, and conflicting national standards shall bewithdrawn at the latest by november 2002.this document has been prepared under a mandate given to cen by the european commission and the european free trade association, and supports essential requirements of eu directive(s).for relationship with eu directive(s), see informative annex za, which is an integral part of this document.annex a is informative.according to the cen/cenelec internal regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this european standard: austria, belgium,czech republic, denmark, finland, france, germany, greece, iceland, ireland, italy, luxembourg, netherlands, norway, portugal, spain, sweden, switzerland and theunited kingdom.foreword to amendment a2this document en 1291:1998/a2:2003 has been prepared by technical committee cen/tc 121, welding, the secretariat of which is held by ds.this amendment to the european standarden 1291:1998 shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical textor by endorsement, at latest by june 2004, andconflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by june 2004.this document has been prepared under a mandate given to cen by the european commission and the european free trade association.according to cen/cenelec internal regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this european standard: austria, belgium,czech republic, denmark, finland, france, germany, greece, hungary, iceland, ireland, italy, luxembourg, malta, netherlands, norway,portugal, slovakia, spain, sweden, switzerland andthe united kingdom.contentspageforeword21scope32normative references33definitions34testing parameters35acceptance levels4annex a (informative) recommended testing parameters52 bsi 27copyright british standards institutiondocument provided by ihs licensee=bureau veritas/5959906001, 10/27/2004 april 2004en 1291:19981 scopethis european standard specifies acceptance levels for indications from imperfections in ferromagnetic steel welds detected by magnetic particle testing.the acceptance levels are primarily intended for use during manufacture testing, but where appropriate they can be used for in service inspection.the acceptance levels in this standard are based on detection capabilities that can be expected when using techniques specified in en 1290 and parameters recommended in annex a. the acceptance levels can be related to welding standards, application standards, specifications or codes. such a relationship is shown in en 12062 for en 25817.2 normative referencesthis european standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. these normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. for dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this european standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. for undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies.en 1290, non-destructive testing of welds magnetic particle testing of welds.pren 1330-1, non-destructive testing terminology part 1: general terms.pren 1330-2, non-destructive testing terminology part 2: terms common to the non-destructive testing methods.en 12062, non-destructive testing of welds general rules for metallic materials.en 25817, arc-welded joints in steels guidance on quality levels for imperfections. (iso 5817:1992)3 definitionsfor the purposes of this standard, in addition with those given in pren 1330-1, pren 1330-2and w.i. 138027 (non-destructive testing terminology part 7: terms used in magnetic particle-,-,-testing)1), the following definitions apply:3.1linear indicationindication having a length greater than three times its width3.2non-linear indicationindication having a length less than, or equal to three times its width4 testing parametersmany parameters, either individually or in combination, will affect the ability of a technique to detect imperfections of a given size and orientation with respect to the condition of the test surface.detection of small imperfections is highly dependent on the surface condition of the weld and the detection media used. examples of the application of these parameters to give a high probability of detection are given in annex a.1) in preparation. bscopyright british standards institution i 27 april 20043document provided by ihs licensee=bureau veritas/5959906001, 10/27/2004en 1291:19985 acceptance levels5.1 generalthe width of the test surface shall include the weld metal and the adjacent parent metal up to a distance of 10 mm on each side.acceptance levels prescribed for linear indications are those corresponding to the evaluation level. indications lower than this shall not be taken into account. normally, acceptable indications shall not be recorded.local grinding may be used to improve the classification of all or just part of a test surface, when it is required to work to a higher detection limit than that expected by the existing weld surface condition.5.2 grouped indicationsany adjacent indications separated by less than the major dimension of the smaller shall be assessed as a single, continuous indication.grouped indications shall be evaluated in accordance with application standards.5.3 removal of imperfectionswhere the product specification permits, local grinding may be used to reduce or remove imperfections which are the cause of unacceptable indications. !all such areas shall be re-tested and evaluated with the same magnetic system and technique.!acceptance levels are given in table 1.table 1 acceptance levels for indicationsdimensions in millimetrestype of indicationacceptance level1123linear indicationl = length of indicationl k 1,5l k 3l k 6non-linear indicationd = major axis dimensiond k 2d k 3d k 41 acceptance levels 2 and 3 may be specified with a suffix “x” which denotes that all linear indications detected shall be assessed to level 1. however, the probability of detection of indications smaller than those denoted by the original acceptance level can be low.-,-,-4copyright british standards institution bsi 27document provided by ihs licensee=bureau veritas/5959906001, 10/27/2004 april 2004en 1291:1998annex a (informative) recommended testing parameters-,-,-recommended testing parameters for reliable detection of small imperfections are given in table a.1. the surfaces are in the as welded condition. it can be necessary to improve the surface condition e.g. by abrasive paper or local grinding to permit accurate interpretation of indications. the detection media are given in order of preference.table a.1 recommended testing parametersacceptance levelsurface conditiondetection media1fine surface1fluorescent or colour contrast with contrast aid2smooth surface2fluorescent or colour contrast with contrast aid3general surface3colour contrast with contrast aid or fluorescent1 fine surfacethe weld cap and parent material offering smooth clean surfaces with negligible undercut, rippling and spatter. the surface finish is typical of welds, made by automatic tig-welding; submerged arc welding (fully mechanized) and manual metal arc welding with iron powder electrodes.2 smooth surfacethe weld cap and parent material offering reasonably smooth surfaces with minimal undercut, rippling and spatter. the surface finish is typical of welds made by manual metal arc welding vertical downwards and mag-welding using argon gas for the capping runs.3 general surfacethe weld cap and parent material in the as welded condition. the surface finish is typical of welds made by manual metal arc welding or mag-welding in any position. bscopyright british standards institution i 27 april 20045document provided by ihs licensee=bureau veritas/5959906001, 10/27/2004bs en1291:1998bsi389 chiswick high roadlondonw4 4albsi british standards institutionbsi is the independent national body responsible for preparingbritish standards. it presents the uk view on standards in europe and at the international level. it is incorporated by royal charter.revisionsbritish standards are updated by amendment or revision. users ofbritish standards should make sure that they possess the latest amendments or editions.it is the constant aim of bsi to improve the quality of our products and services. we would be grateful if anyone finding an inaccuracy or ambiguity while using this british standard would inform the secretary of the technical committee responsible, the identity of which can be found on the inside front cover.tel: +44 (0)20 8996 9000. fax: +44 (0)20 8996 7400.bsi offers members an individual updating service called plus which ensures that subscribers automatically receive the latest editions of standards.-,-,-buying standardsorders for all bsi, international and foreign standards publications should be addressed to customer services. tel: +44 (0)20 8996 9001.fax: +44 (0)20 8996 7001. email: . standards are alsoavailable from the bsi website at .in response to orders for international standards, it is bsi policy to supply the bsi implementation of those that have been published as british standards, unless otherwise requested.information on standardsbsi provides a wide range of information on national, european and international standards through its library and its technical help to exporters service. various bsi electronic information services are also available which give details on all its products and services. contact the information centre.tel: +44


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