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A Chinese herbal decoction Danggui Buxue Tang activates extracellular signal regulated kinase in cultured T lymphocytes Qiu T Gaoa Jerry K H Cheunga Jun Lia Zhi Y Jianga Glanice K Y Chua Ran Duana Anna W H Cheunga Kui J Zhaoa b Roy C Y Choia Tina T X Donga Karl W K Tsima a Department of Biology and Center for Chinese Medicine The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Clear Water Bay Road Hong Kong b Beijing Friendship Hospital Affi liate of Capital University of Medical Sciences 95 Yong An Road Beijing 100050 China Received 31 July 2007 revised 14 September 2007 accepted 24 September 2007 Available online 2 October 2007 Edited by Lukas Huber AbstractDanggui Buxue Tang DBT is prepared from Radix Astragali and Radix Angelicae Sinensis This Chinese herbal decoction has been shown to stimulate the proliferation of T lym phocytes however the action mechanism of this stimulation has not been revealed In cultured T lymphocytes application of DBT markedly induced the cell proliferation the release of interleukin 2 6 and 10 as well as the phosphorylation of extra cellular signal regulated kinases ERK The pre treatment of ERK inhibitor blocked the DBT induced immune responses In addition the polysaccharide enriched fraction of DBT showed marked responses on the cultured T lymphocytes suggesting the important role of DBT polysaccharide in triggering such im mune responses 2007 Federation of European Biochemical Societies Published by Elsevier B V All rights reserved Keywords Danggui Buxue Tang Radix Astragali Radix Angelicae Sinensis T lymphocyte Cytokine ERK 1 Introduction Among thousands of herbal formulae from traditional Chi nese medicine TCM Danggui Buxue Tang DBT a herbal decoction is a simple combination of only two herbs DBT was fi rst described in Neiwaishang Bianhuo Lun by Li Dongyu an in China in AD 1247 Li described the DBT formula should include 10 qian of Radix Astragali RA roots of Astragalus membranaceus Fisch Bunge or Astragalus membranaceus Fisch Bunge var mongholicus Bunge P K Hsiao and two qian of Radix Angelicae Sinensis RAS roots of Angelica sinensis Oliv Diels One qian equals about 3 g The mixed herbs were boiled in two bowls 500 ml of water over mod erate heat until the fi nal volume was reduced by half Tradi tionally DBT has been prescribed to women in China as a remedy for menopausal symptoms These women are directed to drink DBT daily to raise their Qi vital energy and nourish their Blood body circulation RA has been proven to be an immunostimulant hepatoprotective anti diabetic analgesic expectorant and sedative drug 1 On the other hand RAS is used to invigorate the blood circulation in treating menstrual disorders and to modulate the immune system 2 3 Although chemical and biological analyses have been performed on the individual herbs 4 5 the rationale for having two herbs in DBT has never been explained this consequently hinders the development of multi herb decoctions as disease and disorder remedies By determining the chemical and biological properties of DBT the optimized conditions for extraction have been established 4 6 which interestingly are in accord with the weight ratio of 5 1 for RA to RAS in the ancient preparation In addition a standardized DBT was established by revealing the amounts of RA derived calycosin and formononetin and RAS derived ferulic acid and ligustilide in the decoction 5 7 The immuno regulatory property one of the Qi functions of DBT was determined here Previous studies indicated that the proliferation of T lymphocytes could be stimulated by the treatment of DBT however the molecular event responsi ble for this stimulation has not been determined To reveal the action mechanism of this ancient herbal decoction we treated culturedT lymphocyteswithDBTand subsequently analyzed the releases of ten cytokines including interleukin IL 2 IL 4 IL 5 IL 6 IL 8 IL 10 IL 13 granulocyte mac rophage colony stimulating factor GM CSF interferon c IFN c tumor necrotic factor a TNF a and the phosphory lation of extracellular signal regulated kinases ERK 1 2 In addition the role of DBT polysaccharide and its signal ing pathway for the DBT induced cytokine release was elucidated 2 Materials and methods 2 1 Preparation and standardization of DBT Three year old A membranaceus var mongholicus roots from Shanxi Province 8 and two year old A sinensis roots from Minxian in Gansu Province 3 were collected in 2002 In preparing DBT exact amounts of RAS and RA were weighed according to a ratio of 5 1 and then mixed well in a vortex The mixture was boiled in 8 vol of water v w for 2 h and extracted twice this extraction followed the ancient recipe that had been shown to have the best extracting condition 4 6 Separate samples of RAS and RA were extracted by the same method DBT polysaccharides were separated into polysaccharide en riched fraction and polysaccharide depleted fraction by precipitating the DBT extract with 70 ethanol The two fractions were separated after centrifugation at 4000 g for 20 min The polysaccharide en riched fraction accounts for 18 of the total dried weight All the fractions were dried by lyophilization and stored at 80 C Abbreviations TCM Traditional Chinese medicine DBT Danggui Buxue Tang RA Radix Astragali RAS Radix Angelicae Sinensis ERK extracellular signal regulated kinase Corresponding author Fax 852 2358 1559 E mail address botsim ust hk K W K Tsim 0014 5793 32 00 2007 Federation of European Biochemical Societies Published by Elsevier B V All rights reserved doi 10 1016 j febslet 2007 09 053 FEBS Letters 581 2007 5087 5093 Standardization of DBT was done by HPLC profi ling and the con tents of ferulic acid calycosin formononetin and ligustilide z iso form AR and HPLC grade reagents were from Merck Darmstadt Germany A Waters Milford MA HPLC system consisting of a 600 pump a 717 auto sampler and a UV VIS Photodiode Array 2996 Detector was used for all analyses Chromatographic separations were carried out on a DELTA PAK C18column particle size 4 6 lm 3 9 mm 150 mm with acetonitrile as Solvent A and 0 01 phos phoric acid as Solvent B in the mobile phase at a fl ow rate of 1 0 ml min at room temperature as described previously 5 7 2 2 T lymphocyte culture and proliferation assay Human T lymphocytes were isolated from freshly collected blood of healthy donors by Ficoll Hypaque 9 The purifi ed T lymphocytes were washed twice with RPMI 1640 medium Invitrogen Carlsbad CA and seeded at a density of 1 105cells well in a 96 well culture plate Six densities of T lymphocytes 1 104 1 106cells well were seeded for making the standard curve of XTT assay Cultured T lymphocytes were treated with DBT RA RAS the mixture of RA and RAS or phytohaemagglutinin PHA for 3 days Then 1 ml of XTT solution 1 mg ml Sigma St Louis MO was mixed with 5 ll of phenazine methosulfate at 5 mM Twenty fi ve microliters of mixed XTT solution was added to each well and the cultures were incubated for 4 h in a water saturated atmosphere of 95 air and 5 CO2 Absorbance at 450 nm was measured The cell number was determined from the standard curve In the blocking analyses MEK inhibitor U0126 20 lM Sigma dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide DMSO was applied 3 h before the application of other drugs 12 O Tetradecanoylphorbol 13 acetate TPA Sigma at 0 1 lM was used as an ERK activator 2 3 Cytokine antibody array and ELISA The secretion of diff erent cytokines from cultured T lymphocytes was measured by using Quantibody Human Th1 Th2 Array from Ray Biotech Norcross GA In brief antibodies against diff erent cytokine IL 2 IL 4 IL 5 IL 6 IL 8 IL 10 IL 13 GM CSF IFN c and TNF a were spotted onto the cytokine array by manufacturer T lymphocytes were treated with DBT for 3 days The amount of se creted cytokines was measured by adding 100 ll of conditioned med iumontothearrayfor2 h Then biotin conjugatedprimary antibodies were added for 1 h After washing Alexa 555 conjugated streptavidin was added for 1 h The chip was scanned by GenePix Professional 4200A Synnyvale CA at excitation 555 nm and emis sion 565 nm The image was analyzed by GenePix Pro 5 0 software program and the amount of cytokine was quantifi ed according to the standard curve calibrated from the same array The secreted IL 2 IL 6 and IL 10 from T lymphocytes were further measured by using eBioscience ELISA kit San Diego CA T lymphocytes were treated with DBT for 3 days One hundred microliters of conditioned medium in each well was collected and the amount of IL 2 IL 6 and IL 10 were measured by following the protocol provided from the ELISA kit s manufacturer Finally the plates were measured at absorbance 450 nm and calibrated 2 4 Determination of ERK1 2 phosphorylation Cultured T lymphocytes were treated with DBT for 0 10 20 30 45 60 min respectively To investigate the eff ect of inhibitor the cultures were serum starved with or without the inhibitor for 3 h before the drug applications After the drug treatments the cultures were col lected immediately in lysis buff er 125 mM Tris HCl 2 SDS 10 glycerol 200 mM 2 mercaptoethanol pH 6 8 and the proteins were subjected to SDS PAGE analysis Phosphorylated ERK1 2 were rec ognized by anti phospho ERK1 2 and anti total ERK1 2 antibodies 1 5000 Cell Signaling Danvers MA at 4 C for 12 h and horserad ish peroxidase HRP conjugated anti rabbit secondary antibody 1 5000 Invitrogen for 1 h at room temperature The immuno com plexes were visualized by the enhanced chemiluminescence ECL method GE Healthcare Piscataway NJ The band intensities recog nized by the antibodies in the ECL fi lm in control and agonist stimu lated samples were run on the same gel and under strictly standardized ECL conditions The bands were compared on an image analyzer using in each case a calibration plot constructed from a parallel gel with serial dilution of one of those samples this was to ensure the sub saturation of the gel exposure 2 5 Other assays The protein concentrations were measured routinely by Bradford s method with a kit from Bio Rad Laboratories Hercules CA Statis tical tests were made by the PRIMER program version 1 Primer of Biostatistics diff erences from basal or control values as shown in the plots were classed as signifi cant where P 0 05 where P 0 01 and highly signifi cant where P 0 001 by Student s t test 3 Results 3 1 Standardization of DBT By discovering the amounts of two chemical markers in RA calycosin and formononetin and two others in RAS ferulic acid and ligustilide we were able to standardize the optimal DBT The standardized DBT should contain 0 186 mg calyco sin 0 155 mgformononetin 0 351 mgferulicacidand 0 204 mg ligustilide per 1 g dried weight of DBT which was in line with our previous calibration 5 7 From the extraction effi ciency calculations we found that the yield of DBT in this weight ratio was 32 3 n 5 These parameters established the chemical standards and the optimal DBT mixture for the remaining biochemical experiments 3 2 DBT induces T lymphocyte proliferation In order to reveal the possible immune regulatory functions of DBT water extracts of DBT RA RAS and RA RAS boiled separately and then mixed together in 5 1 ratio were applied onto the cultured human T lymphocytes and the cell proliferation was determined All groups showed signifi cant stimulatory eff ect on T lymphocyte proliferation Fig 1 The eff ects of diff erent herbal extracts showed a good dose dependent response At the dosage of 0 1 mg ml DBT showed the sub maximal eff ect which was signifi cantly higher than the other groups Higher amount of the extracts did not show sig nifi cant increase in the cell proliferation suggesting a satura tion eff ect The addition of RA RAS boiled separately showed a much lower activation eff ect on the T lymphocyte proliferation Proliferation of increase 20 40 60 80 100 0 PHA050100200400150 Extract g ml RA DBTRAS RA RAS Fig 1 Eff ects of extracts from RA RAS and DBT in cultured T lymphocytes DBT or RA or RAS or RA RAS at diff erent amounts were applied onto cultured T lymphocytes for 3 days PHA 10 lg ml was used as a positive control Values of cell proliferation by XTT assay are expressed in percentage of increase as compared to control cultures without herbal extract Values are in means S E M where n 5 each with triplicate samples 5088Q T Gao et al FEBS Letters 581 2007 5087 5093 3 3 DBT induces cytokine production in T lymphocytes Cultured T lymphocytes were treated for 3 days with ex tracts derived from DBT RA RAS or RA RAS The re lease of cytokines IL 2 IL 4 IL 5 IL 6 IL 8 IL 10 IL 13 GM CSF IFN c and TNF a from the drug treated T lym phocytes was determined by cytokine antibody array By com paring to the control cultures the releases of IL 2 IL 6 IL 8 and IL 10 were markedly induced by DBT Fig 2A Amongst the four cytokines IL 2 IL 6 and IL 10 showed the specifi city for DBT i e not induced by RA RAS or RA RAS and thus they were selected for further analysis The treatment of DBT caused an increase in the release of IL 2 to 3 fold IL 6 to 120 fold and IL 10 to 20 fold Interestingly the treatment of RA RAS or a simple mixture of RA and RAS did not change the release of the cytokines suggested that boiling of two herbs together is essential The levels of IL 4 IL 5 IL 13 GM CSF IFN c and TNF a were not aff ected by the treatment of DBT RA RAS and RA RAS The releases of IL 2 IL 6 and IL 10 were quantifi ed by an ELISA assay Fig 2B and C shows a dose response curve for the releases of cytokines after DBT treatment The re sponses of the three cytokines were rather similar i e 0 1 mg ml of DBT in all cases induced the release to a maxi mum the maximal induction for IL 2 was at 4 fold IL 6 at 20 fold and IL 10 at 8 fold By comparing the results from the cytokine array analysis the results from ELISA assay revealed a lower value which could be accounted by the sensi tivity of the two diff erent assay systems 3 4 DBT induces ERK phosphorylation Activation of ERK a member of mitogen activated protein MAP kinases that acts as a key signal for T lymphocyte pro liferation was determined in DBT treated cells By using anti bodies specifi c for phosphorylated ERK and total ERK the phosphorylationsoftheERK1 44 kDa andERK2 42 kDa in cultured T lymphocytes were revealed both of the phosphorylations were increased by application of DBT Fig 3A and B The maximal induction of 10 fold on ERK phosphorylation was revealed after 30 min of DBT application The ERK activation was transient which fully re turned to a low level after 60 min of the treatment The appli cation of TPA served as a control signifi cantly induced ERK1 2 phosphorylation at a more sustained manner which is more robust than that of DBT The DBT induced ERK phosphorylation at 30 min was fully blocked by pre treating the cultures with U0126 20 lM a MEK inhibitor Fig 3C and D Amount of cytokines x Basal Amount of IL 6 x Basal 0 1 2 3 4 20 RA RAS DBT RA RAS IL 2IL 4IL 5IFN TNF IL 13GM CSFIL 10IL 8IL 6 0 50 100 150 Amount of cytokines x Basal 0 2 4 6 8 IL 2 IL 10 DBT g ml 1005030075250 0 5 10 15 20 25 IL 6 DBT g ml 1005030075250 Amount of cytokine x Basal A BC Fig 2 Screening of cytokine release in DBT treated T lymphocytes by cytokine array and ELISA assay DBT or RA or RAS or RA RAS all at 0 1 mg ml were applied onto cultured T lymphocytes for 3 days A The conditioned medium 0 1 ml was loaded onto cytokine array to detect the amount of diff erent cytokines B C The amounts of cytokines IL 2 IL 6 and IL 10 in the conditioned medium 0 1 ml were determined by ELISA Values are expressed as the ratio to basal or control reading where the untreated culture equals to 1 and in means S E M where n 4 P 0 05 and P 0 001 as compared to other groups Q T Gao et al FEBS Letters 581 2007 5087 50935089 To further investigate whether the immune regulatory eff ects of DBT were related to the ERK1 2 phosphorylation the re lease of cytokines in the DBT treated T lymphocytes in the present of U0126 was tested The DBT induced T lymphocyte proliferation was fully blocked by U0126 Fig 4 In parallel the releases of IL 2 IL 6 and IL 10 induced by DBT were blocked by the pre treatment of U0126 Fig 4 These results strongly showed that the pre treatment of MEK inhibitor could fully abolish the immune regulatory eff ects of DBT on T lymphocytes and which suggested the crucial role of ERK in mediating the immune responses of DBT 3 5 The polysaccharide of DBT is an immune activator In order to identify the active component within DBT in triggering the aforementioned immune activations two frac tions polysaccharide enriched 18 of the dried weight and polysaccharide depleted 82 of the dried weight frac tions were obtained The polysaccharide enriched fraction when applied onto the cultured T lymphocytes showed a marked increase in its immune activation eff ect At 50 lg ml A 01020304560 Min C D TPA ERK1 2 ERK1 2P B ERKProteinP x Basal 0203040506010 Min Control DBT 2 4 6 8 10 0 Buffer pre treatment U0126 pre treatment Control ERK1 2P ERK1 2 ERK1 2P ERK1 2 DBT RA ERK1 2 ERK1 2P RAS ERK1 2 ERK1 2P RA RAS ERK1 2 ERK1 2P ERKProteinP x Basal Control DBT DMSO U0126 2 4 6 8 0 10 ERK1 2 DBT ERK1 2 P Control ERK1 2 ERK1 2P Fig 3 DBT induces ERK phosphorylation in T lymphocytes A Culture T lymphocytes were serum starved for 3 h before the addition of DBT 0 1 mg ml for diff erent time Total and phosphorylated ERK1 2 were revealed by using specifi c antibodies TPA 0 1 lM was used as a positive control B The quantitation of phosphorylation from the blots in A by calibrating the densitometry C The phosphorylation assay was performed on the cultured T lymphocytes as in A except the cultured was pre treated with U0126 20 lM for 3 h before the application of DBT for 30 min DMSO a solvent for U0126 at 0 1 served as a control D The quantitation of phosphorylation from the blots in C by calibrating the densitometry Values are expressed as the ratio to basal reading where time 0 untreated as basal equals to 1 and in means S E M where n 4 Proliferation Amount of


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