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醫(yī)學英語課文知識總結1.Seasonal Influenza (P18)Definition: Seasonal influenza is an acute infection caused by the influenza virus.Type:Type A: A1(H1N1) and A3(H3N2) are circulating among humanType B: Only influenza A and B viruses are included in seasonal influenza vaccines Type C: much less frequently than A and BCause:1. High risk: People with certain medical conditions, such as chronic heart, lung, kidney, liver, blood or metabolic diseases (such as diabetes), or weakened immune systems2. Transmission: Spread by breathing in infected droplets Signs and symptoms: high fever, cough, headache, muscle and joint pain, severe malaise, sore throat and runny noseTreatment: antiviral drugs such as adamantanes and inhibitors of influenza neuraminidasePrevention: vaccinate timely(most effective);covering mouth and nose with tissue when coughing, washing hands regularly2.Diabetes (P25)Definition:Diabetes is a chornic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin,or alternatively,when thw body cannot effevtively use the insulin it produces.Type:Type 1 diabetes(previously know as insulin-dependent or childhood-onset)is characterized by a lack of insulin production.Type 2 diabetes(fromly called non-insulin-dependent or adult-onset)results from the bodys ineffective use of insulin.Gestational diabetes is hyperglycaemia which is first recognized during pregnancy.Common consequences:Diabetes can damage the heart,blood vessels,eyes,kindneys,and nerves.Such as:retinopathy,neuropathy;tingling;pain;numbness,or weakness in the feet and hands;fool ulcers,even amputation;kidney failure;heart disease;stroke;cardiovascular disease.Prevent:achieve and maintain healthy body weigh;be physically active;blood testing;tabacco cessation;blood pressure control;foot care;morderate blood control,people with type 1 diabetes require insulin,people with type 2 diabetes can be treated with oral medication,but may also require insulin.screening for retinopathy;blood lipid control;screening for early signs of diabetes-related kindney disease.5.Obesity And Overweight(P70)Defintion:Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.WHO defines “overweight” as a BMI equal to or more than 25 and “obesity” as a BMI equal to or more than 30.Reason: Energy imbalance ,unhealthy diet and physical inactivity.Consequence:Cardiovascular disease,diabetes,musculoskeletal disorders,some cancerPrevention: Achieve energy balance and a healthy weight,limit energy intake,fruit,vegetables,legumes,whole grains and nuts.increase physical activity and limit sugar intake3.Ear Infection(P52)Definnition:Anearinfectionmeansthatthemiddleearisinfected.Occur:Themiddleearspacesometimesbecomesfilledwithmucuswhich infected by bacteria or virusesSometimesanearinfectionoccursoutofthebluefornoapparentreason.Main symptoms:earache, dulled hearing, fever (high temperature),children feel sick or vomit,irritable, cryingTreatment :Mostboutsofearinfectionwillclearontheirownwithouttreatmentwithin2-3days.Theimmunesystemcanusuallyclearbacteriaorvirusesthatcauseearinfections.first use painkillers regularly,then antibioticsComplications:Itiscommonforsomemucustoremainbehindtheeardrumaftertheinfectionclears.Sometimes it may cause eardrumperforates.Prevented:do not use dummies in babies,prevent passive smoking of babies and childen.A long course of antibiotics used to prevent further bouts occurring for the children that have recurring bouts of ear infections close together. 4.Cardiovascular Diseases(P65)Definition:Cardiovascular diseases include coronary heart disease,cerebrovascular disease, raised blood pressure ,peripheral artery disease,disease,congenital heart disease and failure. Causes:Major:tobacco use,physical inactivity,an unhealthy diet.The most common cause is a build-up of fatty deposits on the inner walls of the blood vessels that supply the heart or brain.Common symptoms:a heart attack or stroke;diffivulty in breathing or shortness of breath;feeling sick or vomiting;feeling lightheaded or faint;breaking into a cold sweatSymptom of a heart attack:pain or discomfort in the centre of the chest;pain or discomfort in the arms,the left shoulder,elbows,raw or back.Common symptom of a stroke:sudden weakness of the face,arm,or leg,most often on one side of the body;(some other symptoms inP66)Prevention:physical activity at least 30min every day;make sure enough fruit and vegetables intake and limit salt intake;check blood pressure regularly;control blood pressure and blood sugar for someone who have disbetes;maintain a ideal body weight;eat a healthy diet6.HIV and AIDS (P78)Defintion:The human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) is a retrovirus that infects cells of the human immune system, destroying or impairing their function.The most advanced stage of HIV infection is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS)Causes:Transmissins:Unprotected sexual (anal and vaginal) ,transfusion of contaminated blood, sharing of contaminated needles, and between a mother and her infant during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.Main symptoms:encephalitis;meningitis;retinitis;pneumocystis/pneumonia;tuberculosis;tumors;esophagitis;chronic diarrhea7.Hepatitis (P102)Definition: Injury to the liver with inflammation of the liver cells. Types:Hepatitis A:Infection is through food all water that contains HAV,and Anal-oral contact during sex.it does not lead to chronic.Hepatitis B:Infection is through blood,semen,other body fluids and mothers milk. Hepatitis C:Infection is through blood.liver cancer risk is only increased in people with cirrhosis.Hepatitis D:only a person who is already infected with Hepatitis B.It can become infected with Hepatitis E:Infection is though water contained HEV.and anal-oral sex.Hepatitis F:unknown.Hepatitis G:Symptoms are mild .Symptoms: The acute :diarrhea,fatigue,mild fever,nausea,vomiting,weight loss,muscle or joint aches,slight abdominal pain, loss of appetite,The acute phase develops into the fulminant or rapidly progressing. Circulation,Dark urine, dizziness, hives, itchy skin.circulation problems,dark urin,dizziness,drowsiness,enlarged spleen,headache,hives,itchy skin,light colored feces,yellow skin Treatment:Hepatitis A:no specifical treatment/abstain from alcohol and drugs;can recover spontaneously. Hepatitis B:need rest;high protein and carbohydrate died;interf Hepatitis C:pegylated interferon;ribavirinHepatitis D/E:no effective treatment.Non-Viral Hepatitis:flush out of harmful substance in the stomach;corticosteroid 8.CancerDefinition: Cancer is a generic term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the bodyFeature: The abnormal cells grow rapidly beyond their usual boundaries, Which can invade adjoining parts of the body and spread to other organs. Common types:lung,stomach,colorectal,liver,breastmen:lung, stomach, liver, colorectal, esophagus and prostate.women:breast, lung, stomach, colorectal and cervical. Causes:external agents and inherited genetic factorsPhysical carcinogens:ultraviolet and ionizing radiationChemical carcinogens:asbesyos,components of tobacco smoke,aflatoxin and arsenicBiological carcinogens:infection from certain virus(hepatitis B and liver cancer,HPV and cervical cancer,HIV and kaposi sarcoma) ,bacteria(helicobacter pylori and stomach cancer) or parasites(schistosomiasis and bladder cancer)Low- and middle-income countries: tobacco use, alcohol use, low fruit and vegetable intake, and chronic infectious (HBV, HCV, HPV). High-income countries: tobacco use, alcohol use, and being overweight or obese.Signs and symptoms:early signs include lumps,sores,persistent indigestion,persistent coughing,and bleeding from the bodys orifices Risk factors:tobacco use,being overweight or obese,low fruit and vegetable intake,physical inactivity,alcohol use,sexually transmitted HPV-infection,urban air pollution,indoor smoke from household use of solid fuelsPrevention:Avoid the risk factors.Vaccinate against HPV and HBV.Control occupational hazards.Reduce exposure to sunlight.Treatment:Principal treatment methods are surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy.palliative care9.Hypertension(P126)Definition:Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is chronically elevated.Hypertension means high blood pressure:transitory or sustained elevation of systemic arterial blood pressure to a level likely to induce cardiovascular damage or other adverse consequences.Diagnose:blood pressure between120/80 and 139/89 is called prehypertension (to denote increased risk of hypertension),and a blood pressure of 140/90 or above is considered hypertension.Types:essential hypertension:unknown causesecondary hypertension:a known direct cause such as kidney disease,tumors,or birucontrol pillsCauses:unknown exactlysmoking;obesity or being overweight;diabetes,sedentary lifestyle;lack ofphysical activity;high levels of salt intake(sodium sensitivity); VitD deficency;insufficient calcium,potassium,and magnesium consumption;high levels of alcohol consumption;stree;aging;medicines such as birth control pills;genetics and a family history of hypertension;chronic kidney disease;adrenal and thyroid problems or tumorsSymptoms:severe headaches;fatigue or confusion;dizziness; nausea;problems with vision;chest pains;breathing problems;blood in the urineTreatment:lower blood pressure1.By changing lifestyle2.Be treated medicallyPrevention:adjust lifestyle:proper diet and exercisemaintain a healthy weight,reduce salt intake,reduce alcohol intake,and reduce stress.be important to screen,diagnose,treat,and control hypertension in its earliest stages.10.Basic Anatomy-Tissues and Organs(P145)Tissues:Cells group together in to form tissues including 4 primary tissue types Epithelial tissue:serves as membranes linings organs and helping to keep the bodys organs separate,in place and protected.Connective tissue:add support and structure to the bodyMuscle tissue:contractNerve tissue:generate and conduct electrical signalsOrgans:the second level of organization .An organ is a structure that contains at least two different types of tissue function together for a common purpose.The largest organ is skin which composed of three layers:the epidermis (epithelial tissue to provide a barrier),dermis(connective tissue to provide support,nerve tissue to provide feeling,blood vessels to nourish,muscle tissue for goosebumps) and subcutaneous layer(adipose tissue to help cushion the skin and provide protection from cold temperature)Organ systems:composed of two or more different organs that work together to provide a common function.10 major organ systems Skeletal system:provide support for the body, protect internal organs, provide attachment sites for the organs.including bones, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments.Muscular system:provide movement,including skeletal muscles, smooth musclesCirculatory system:transport nutrients, gases, hormones, and wasts.including heart, blood vessels and blood.Nervous system:relay electrical signals . including brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves.Respiratory system:provide gas exchange .including nose, trachea, lungs. Digestive system:break down and absorb nutrients.including mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines.Urinary system:filter out cellular wastes, toxins, excess water, nutrients.including kidneys, ureters , bladder, urethraEndocrine system:relay chemical messages.including hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid , pancreas, adrenal glands.Reproductive system:manufacture cells that allow reproductive.Female including ovaries, oviducts ,uterus, vagina ,mammary glandsMale including testes, seminal vesicles and penisImmune system:destroy and remove invading microbes and viruses from the body.removes fat and excess fluids from the body.including lymph, lymph nodes, and vessels, white blood cells, T-and B-cells.11.The Disease SARS(P157)Definition:SARS is a respiratory illness that by a SARS-COV.incubation periods for 2-7 days typically.be contagious when have symptoms.SYmptoms:high fever,headache,sore throat,coughing,diarrhea,shortness of breath and difficult ofbreathing due to pneumonia,flu-like sympoms such as joint pain and malaise.low white cell count.Spread:close person-to-person contact by respiratory droplets,touch something with infections droplets and then touch himself.(droplet,airborne,waterborne)close contact:Treatment:various antiviral drugsPrevention:frequently hand washing with soapand water or use of an alcohol-based hand rub.avoid touching eyes,nose,mouth with unclean hands.cover nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing.12Facture(P219)Definition:a fracture is a disruption or break in the continuity of the structure of a bone.classification: traumatic and pathologic; closed and open;stable (transverse,spiral,or greenstick) or unstable(comminuted or oblique) Symptoms:edema and swelling,pain and tenderness,muscle spasm,deformity,ecchymosis,loss of function,and crepitationComplications:death occurs sometimesDirect :problems with bone union,avascular necrosis,and bone infectionIndirect:blood vessel and nerve damage result in conditions such as compartment syndrome,venous thrombosis,fat embolism,and traumatic or hypovolemic shockpain,risk for infection,risk for peripheral neurovascular,risk for inpaired skin integrity, activity intolerance,ineffective management of therapeutic regimenTreatment:Goal:anatomic realignment of bone fragments,immobilization to maintain realignment,and restoration of function of the part.have no associated complications,obtain satisfactory pain relief,and achieve maximal rehabilitation potential.Preoperative management:preoperative preparation inform the patient something,proper skin preparationPostoperative management:any limitations of movement or activity should be monitored per alignment and positiondressing or casts should be carefully to observe bleeding and drainage.wound-drainage system should be assessed at least once each shiftprevent constipation and renal calculicarefully evaluationexercisepatient teaching13. Respiratory System(P227)Respiratory system:coordinate the exchange of O2 and CO2animals: consumption of O2, contribution of CO2plants: consumption of CO2, contribution of O2.Function:maintain the acid-based balance,gas exchange(main),production of soundAnatomy: nose and mouth pharynx larynx trachea bronchi bronchioles lungDivided:the upper respiratory tract /conducting zone(filter;warm;moisten,provide resonance)the lower respiratory tract/respiratory zone. Ventilation:controlled by the autonomic nervous system,carried by muscles of respiration.The breathing center is in the medulla oblongata and the pons. Inhalation:by the diaphragm with help from the intercostal muscles.10 to 18/minpressure:lungsatmosphericExhalation:with the help of abdominal and the intercostal muscles.pressure:lungs=atmospheric at the end of both inhalation and exhalationConditions:Respiratory acidosis:by a deficiency of ventilationRespiratory alkalosis:by a excess of ventilation,or hyperventilationCondition of the respiratory system:Obstructive conditions (emphysema,bronchitis,asthma attacks)Restrictive conditions (fibrosis, sarcoidosis,alveolar damage,pleural effusion)Vascular disease (pulmonary edema,pulmonary embolism,pulmonary hypertension)Infectious,environmental disease (pneumonia,tuberculosis,asbestosis,particulate pollutants)14.Depression(P238)Definition:have a low mood and other symptoms each day for at least two weeksSymptoms:be in a low mood to almost everything,sleeping problem,negative emotions,physical symptoms,abnormal sadness and poor concentrationTreatment:most recover without treatmentDivided into for mild depression and for moderate and severe depressiontalking/psychological treatment,specific coumselling,excise program,a self-help program1. Seasonal Influenza1. Seasonal influenza is an acute viral infection. 2. Signs and symptoms: high fever, cough, headache, muscle and joint pain, sore throat, runny nose.3. Prevention: vaccinationacute; incubation period; complication; antiviral drugs; hospitalization; high-risk group; vaccine2. Diabetes1. Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or alternatively, when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces.2. Insulin is a hormone that regulate blood sugar.3. Hyperglycaemia means raised blood sugar.4. The classification of diabetes:Type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent or childhood-onset): a lack of insulin production.Type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent or adult-onset): the bodys ineffective use of insulinGestational diabetes: hyperglycaemia which is first recognized during pregnancy.5. Major symptoms: polyuria, polydipsia, constant hunger, weight loss, vision changes and fatigue.chronic; insulin; hyperglycaemia; retinopathy; neuropathy; impairment; numbness; kidney failure; blood glucose; blood lipid; ulcer3. Ear Infection1. An ear infection means that the middle ear is infection, which is also called acute otitis media.2. Symptoms: earache dulled hearing, fever, feeling sick or vomit, being generally unwell, eardrum perforation. Baby: hot, irritable, cryingacute otitis media; mucus; referred pain; antibiotic; prescribe; side-effect4. Cardiovascular Diseases1. Cardiovascular diseases include: coronary heart disease (heart attack), cerebrovascular disease, raised blood pres
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