1、BasketballBasketballMichael Jordangoes for aslam dunkHighestgoverningFIBAbodyFirst played1891,Springfield , Massachusetts, (USA)CharacteristicsContactContactTeam members12 to 15 (5 at a time)Mixed genderSingleCategoryIndoor or OutdoorBallBasketballOlympic1936Basketballis a teamsportin which two team
2、s of five active players each try toscore points against one another by propelling aball through a 10feet(3m)high hoop (thegoal ) under organized rules. Basketball is one of the most popularand widely viewed sports in the world. citation needed Pointsarescored by shootingtheball throughthe basketabo
3、ve;theteam withmorepointsattheend ofthe game wins.The ball can be advanced on thecourt by bouncingit ( dribbling) or passingitbetween teammates.Disruptivephysicalcontact( foul )is not permitted and there are restrictions on how the ball can be handled( violations).Through time, basketball has develo
4、ped to involve common techniques of shooting, passing and dribbling, as well as players positions, and offensive and defensivestructures.Typically,the tallestmembers of a team willplay centerorone of twoforward positions,whileshorterplayers or those who possess thebestballhandlingskills and speed, p
5、lay theguard positions. While competitive basketball iscarefully regulated, numerousvariations of basketballhave developed for casualplay. In some countries, basketball is also a popular spectator sport.While competitive basketball is primarily an indoor sport, played on abasketballcourt , lessregul
6、atedvariationshave become exceedinglypopularas an outdoor sportamong both inner city and rural groups.HistoryThe first basketball court:Springfield College.In earlyDecember 1891,Dr. James Naismith, 1a Canadian physicaleducationprofessorfromMcGillUniversityof Montr al and instructoratYMCATrainingScho
7、ol2(today,Springfield College) inSpringfield, Massachusetts, USA, sought a vigorous indoorgame to keep his students occupied and at proper levels of fitness during the longNewEnglandwinters.Afterrejectingotherideasas either too roughor poorlysuitedto walled-ingymnasiums, he wrote the basicrulesand n
8、ailed a peach basket ontoa 10-foot (3.05m) elevated track. In contrast with modern basketball nets, thispeachbasketretaineditsbottom,and ballshad tobe retrievedmanuallyaftereachbasket or point scored; this proved inefficient, however, so a hole was drilledintothebottomof thebasket, allowingtheballst
9、obe poked out witha longdoweleach time. The peach baskets were used until 1906 when they were finally replacedby metal hoops with backboards. A further change was soon made, so the ball merelypassed through, paving the way for the game we know today. A soccer ball was usedto shoot goals. Whenever a
10、person got the ball in the basket, his team would gaina point. Whichever team got the most points won the game.3Naismiths handwrittendiaries,discoveredby his granddaughterinearly2006, indicatethat he was nervousaboutthe new game he had invented,whichincorporatedrulesfrom a childrensgamecalled Duck o
11、n a Rock,as many had failedbeforeit.Naismithcalledthenew gameBasket Ball.4The first official game was played in the YMCA gymnasium on January 20, 1892 withnineplayersand thegame ended at1-0and the shotwas made from 25feet(7.6m),on a court just half the size of a present-dayStreetballorNational Baske
12、tballAssociation(NBA) court. By 18971898 teams of five became standard.Womens basketball began in 1892 atSmith Collegewhen Senda Berenson , a physicaleducationteacher,modifiedNaismithsrulesforwomen. Shortlyaftershe was hiredat Smith, she went to Naismith to learn more about the game. Fascinated by t
13、he newsport and the values it could teach, she organized the first womens collegiatebasketball game on March 21, 1893, when her Smith freshmen and sophomores playedagainst one another. Her rules were first published in 1899 and two years laterBerenson became theeditorofA.G. Spalding s firstWomens Ba
14、sketballGuide ,whichfurther spread her version of basketball for women.Basketballsearlyadherentswere dispatchedtoYMCAsthroughouttheUnited States,and it quickly spread through the USA and Canada. By 1895, it was well establishedat several womens high schools. While the YMCA was responsible for initia
15、llydeveloping and spreading the game, within a decade it discouraged the new sport,as rough play and rowdy crowds began to detract from the YMCAs primary mission.However,otheramateur sportsclubs,colleges,and professionalclubsquicklyfilledthe void. In the years before World War I, theAmateur Athletic
16、 Unionand theIntercollegiateAthleticAssociationoftheUnitedStates (forerunnerof theNCAA)vied for control over the rules for the game. The first pro league, the NationalBasketball League, was formed in 1898 to protect players from exploitation and topromote a less rough game. This league only lasted 5
17、 years.By the 1950s, basketball had become a major college sport, thus paving the way fora growth of interest in professional basketball. In 1959, a basketball Hall of Fame was founded in Springfield, Massachusetts. Its rosters include the names of greatplayers, coaches, referees and people who have
18、 contributed significantly to the development of the game.Basketball was originally played with asoccer ball. The first balls madespecificallyforbasketballwere brown, and itwas only inthelate 1950s thatTonyHinkle, searching for a ball that would be more visible to players and spectatorsalike,introdu
19、cedtheorange ballthatis now incommonuse.Dribblingwas notpartof the original game except for the bounce pass to teammates. Passing the ballwas the primary means of ball movement. Dribbling was eventually introduced butlimited by the asymmetric shapeof early balls.Dribbling only became amajor partof t
20、he game around the 1950s as manufacturing improved the ball shape.Basketball,netball ,dodgeball ,volleyball, andlacrosseare the only ball gameswhichhave been identifiedas beinginventedby NorthAmericans. Otherballgames,such as baseballandCanadian football, haveCommonwealth of Nations, European,Asian
21、or Africanconnections. Although thereisno direct evidence asyet that theidea of basketball came from the ancientMesoamerican ballgame, knowledge of thatgame had been available for at least 50 years prior to Naismiths creation in thewritings ofJohn Lloyd StephensandAlexander von Humboldt. Stephens wo
22、rksespecially,whichincludeddrawingsby FrederickCatherwood ,were availableatmosteducationalinstitutionsinthe19thcenturyand alsohad widepopularcirculation.College basketball and early leaguesNaismith was instrumental in establishingcollege basketball. He coached at theUniversityof Kansas forsixyearsbe
23、forehandingthereinstorenowned coach ForrestPhog Allen. Naismiths discipleAmos Alonzo Staggbrought basketball to theUniversityof Chicago , whileAdolphRupp,a studentofNaismithsatKansas,enjoyedgreat success as coach at theUniversity of Kentucky. In 1892,University ofCaliforniaand MissHeadsSchool,played
24、the firstwomens inter-institutionalgame.Berensons freshmen played the sophomore class in the first womens collegiatebasketballgame atSmith College, March 21, 1893. The same year,Mount Holyoke andSophie Newcomb College(coached byClara Gregory Baer) women began playingbasketball.By 1895, the game had
25、spreadtocollegesacrossthecountry,includingWellesley, Vassarand BrynMawr. On February9,1895 The firstintercollegiate5-on-5game was playedatHamlineUniversitybetween Hamlineand theSchoolofAgriculturewhich was affiliated withUniversity of Minnesota. 56The School of Agriculturewon in a 9-3 game. The firs
26、t intercollegiate womens game was on April 4, 1896.Stanfordwomen played Berkeley , 9-on-9,endingina 2-1Stanfordvictory.In 1901,colleges, including theUniversity of Chicago,Columbia University,DartmouthCollege ,University of Minnesota, theU.S. Naval Academy, theUniversity of Utahand Yale Universitybe
27、gan sponsoringmensgames. By 1910,frequentinjurieson themens courts promptedPresidentTheodore Rooseveltto suggest that collegebasketballforma governingbody,resultinginthecreationofthe IntercollegiateAthleticAssociationoftheUnitedStates(IAAUS).In1910,thatbodywouldchangeits name to theNational Collegia
28、te Athletic Association(NCAA).The firstCanadianinteruniversitybasketballgame was playedinKingston,Ontarioin December, 1902, whenMcGill UniversityvisitedQueens University; McGill won10-6.Teams abounded throughout the 1920s. There were hundreds of mensprofessionalbasketballteams in towns and cities al
29、l over the United States and littleorganization of the professional game. Players jumped from team to team and teamsplayedinarmoriesand smoky dance halls.Leagues came and went. Barnstormingsquadssuch as theOriginal Celticsand two all African American teams, theNew YorkRenaissance Five(Rens) and (sti
30、ll in existence as of 2008) theHarlemGlobetrottersplayed up totwo hundredgames a yearon theirnationaltours.Womensbasketballwas more structured.In1905,theNationalWomens BasketballCommitteesExecutive Committee on Basket Ball Ruleswas created by theAmerican PhysicalEducation Association. These rules ca
31、lled for six to nine players per team and 11officials. TheInternational Womens Sports Federation(1924) included a womensbasketball competition. 37 womens high school varsity basketball or statetournaments were held by 1925. And in 1926, the Amateur Athletic Union backed thefirstnationalwomens basket
32、ballchampionship, completewithmens rules.The firstwomens AAUAll-Americateam was chosenin1929.Womens industrialleaguessprangup throughoutthenation,producingfamous athleteslikeBabe DidriksonoftheGoldenCyclonesand theAllAmericanRed Heads Teamwho competed againstmens teams, usingmens rules.By 1938, the
33、womens nationalchampionshipchangedfroma three-courtgame totwo-court game with six players per team. The first mens nationalchampionship tournament, the National Association of Intercollegiate Basketballtournament, which still exists as theNational Association of IntercollegiateAthletics(NAIA)tournam
34、ent ,was organizedin 1937.The firstnationalchampionshipfor NCAAteams, theNationalInvitationTournament (NIT) in New York,was organizedin 1938; theNCAA national tournamentwould begin one year later.College basketball was rocked by gambling scandals from 1948 to 1951, when dozensof players from top tea
35、ms were implicated inmatch fixingandpoint shaving .Partiallyspurredby an association with cheating,theNITlostsupport to the NCAAtournament.U.S. high school basketballBefore widespread school district consolidation, most United Stateshigh schoolswere far smaller than their present day counterparts. D
36、uring the first decades ofthe 20thcentury,basketball quicklybecame theidealinterscholasticsportdue toits modest equipment and personnel requirements. In the days before widespreadtelevisioncoverage of professional and college sports, the popularity of highschoolbasketballwas unrivaledinmany partsofA
37、merica.Perhapsthe most legendaryof high school teams was IndianasFranklin Wonder Five, which took the nation bystorm during the 1920s, dominating Indiana basketball and earning nationalrecognition.Today virtuallyevery high school inthe UnitedStatesfields a basketball teaminvarsitycompetition.Basketb
38、allspopularityremainshigh,both inruralareaswherethey carry the identification of the entire community, as well as at some largerschools known for their basketball teams where many players go on to participateat higherlevelsofcompetitionaftergraduation.Inthe2003 04 season,1,002,797boys and girlsrepre
39、sentedtheirschoolsin interscholasticbasketballcompetition,accordingtotheNationalFederationofStateHigh SchoolAssociations.The statesof Illinois,Indianaand Kentuckyareparticularlywellknown fortheirresidentsdevotion to high school basketball, commonly calledHoosier Hysteriain Indiana;the critically acc
40、laimed filmHoosiersshows high school basketballs depth ofmeaning to these rural communities.National Basketball AssociationIn 1946, the Basketball Association of America (BAA) was formed, organizing the top professional teams and leading to greater popularity of the professional game. The first game
41、 was played in Toronto, Ontario, Canada between the Toronto Huskies and New York Knickerbockers on November 1, 1946. Three seasons later, in 1949, the BAA became the National Basketball Association (NBA). An upstart organization, theAmerican Basketball Association, emerged in 1967 and briefly threat
42、ened the NBAsdominance until theABA-NBA merger in 1976. Today the NBA is the top professionalbasketballleagueinthe worldin termsofpopularity,salaries,talent,and levelof competition.The NBA has featured many famous players, includingGeorge Mikan , the firstdominating big man; ball-handling wizardBob
43、Cousy and defensive geniusBillRussellof theBoston Celtics ;Wilt Chamberlain, who originally played for thebarnstormingHarlem Globetrotters;all-aroundstarsOscar Robertsonand JerryWest;more recent big menKareem Abdul-JabbarandKarl Malone ; playmakerJohn Stockton;crowd-pleasing forwardJulius Erving; Eu
44、ropean starsDirk NowitzkiandDrazenPetrovicand thethreeplayerswho many creditwithusheringtheprofessionalgameto itshighestlevelofpopularity:LarryBird ,EarvinMagic Johnson ,and MichaelJordan .The NBA-backed Womens NationalBasketballAssociation(WNBA) began in1997.Thoughit had an insecure opening season,
45、 severalmarquee players( Sheryl Swoopes,LisaLeslieandSue Birdamong others) helped the leagues popularity and level ofcompetition. Otherprofessional womens basketballleagues in the United States,suchastheAmericanBasketballLeague (1996-1998),have foldedinpart becauseofthe popularity of theWNBA.In 2001
46、, the NBA formed a developmental league, theNBDL. As of 2008, the leaguehas sixteen teams.Basketballteamsmake up approximately13 percentoffranchisedsportsintheU.S,and an average of 17,558 spectators regularly attend basketball games in the NBA,with the Chicago Bulls (22,103), Detroit Pistons (22,076
47、) and Cleveland Cavaliers(20,499)toppingthepopularitystakes.The combinedrevenuefromthe30 NBA teamsis approximately $3.37 billion and rising.7Philippine Basketball AssociationThe Philippine Basketball Association is the second oldest professional league inthe world. The first game was played on April
48、 9, 1975 at theAraneta Coliseum inCubao, Quezon City . Philippines . It was founded as a rebellion of several teamsfrom the now-defunct Manila Industrial and Commercial Athletic Association whichwas tightly controlled by the Basketball Association of the Philippines (nowdefunct), the then-FIBArecognizednational association.Nineteams fromtheMICAAparticipated in the leagues first season that opened in April 9, 1975.The Philippine Basketball A
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