1、translation basics 翻譯基礎 授課人:賀鴻莉,e-mail: password:ct120207520,lecture 1 introduction to translation,i. what is translation? 1. a story of translation in bible long long ago, all the people spoke the same language . when they transferred to the east, they found a plain and then lived there. they decid
2、ed to build a tall tower, so that it can stretch to the heaven and they can live in the heaven. when jesus saw this, he was afraid that if all the people speak the same language, they can do everything they want. so jusus went down from the heaven and confused their languages so they couldnt communi
3、cate with each other and they didnt finish the bable tower. since then, people lived in different places and spoke different languages. hence comes the translation,now the whole world had one language and a common speech. as men moved eastward, they found a plain in shinar and settled there. they sa
4、id to each other, come, lets make bricks and bake them thoroughly. they used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. then they said, come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the w
5、hole earth,but the lord came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building. the lord said, if as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will no
6、t undertand each other.” so the lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. that is why it was called babel-because there the lord confused the language of the whole world. from there the lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth,圣經(jīng)中的創(chuàng)世紀載有這樣一則故事:
7、 洪水消落以后,諾亞的子孫在地球上繁衍生息,分住在不同的部落。當時天下人操同一口音,講同一種語言。他們往東遷移的時候,在示拿發(fā)現(xiàn)一片平原,便在平原上居住下來。他們商量燒制磚塊,合上灰泥,修建一座城池和一座高塔,塔頂要通天,以便揚名天下,不致分散居住在地上。 這時,耶和華臨界,看見人們正在修建通天塔。耶和華想:這些人若講一種語言,凡事便可心想事成,無可不為了。耶和華便下界,弄亂了人們的語言,讓他們言語不通,交際受阻,同心也無法同力;于是,通天塔也就半途而廢。人們只得按耶和平共處的意愿,離開這座城池,分散到世界各地,講著各自的語言。 從此以后,世界上的語言五花八門。語言的隔閡阻礙著人類交往,阻礙著
8、文化交流也阻礙著文明的發(fā)展。但亙古以來,人類從未停止溝通語言和交流文化的活動,這活動便是翻譯,2. some definitions of translation: (翻譯的定義和內(nèi)涵) 中文的“翻譯”一詞詞義豐富,可表達三種不同的含義: translating 翻譯過程 a translation 譯作 translator 譯者,what is translation? a bookish man tends to resort to the definitions found in the dictionaries. he then would believe that translat
9、ion means: changing (speech or writing) from one language into another. (longman dictionary of contemporary english); giving the meaning of (sth said or written) in another language. (the advanced learners dictionary of current english); expressing in another language, systematically, retaining the
10、original sense. (amercian heritage dictionary,all these definitions are simple and straightforward and they do help us understand translation in some sense. but we can never start any scientific research just with such simple and general definitions. a translator is always puzzled over such question
11、s as: should his translation reflect the style of the original or that of his own? whether or not his translation may add to or omit from the original,should his translation read like an original or a translation? the above questions cannot be solved with the general definition and so we are suppose
12、d to gain an insight into translation itself. a historical view of translation may perhaps, help us see both sides of the coin,some quotations from different sources: (1) translation may be defined as follows: the replacement of textual material in one language (sl) by equivalent textual material in
13、 another language (tl). -j.c. catford (2)translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent in the source language, first in terms of meaning, secondly in terms of style. -e.a.nida (3) 凡是翻譯必須兼顧兩方面,一是力求易解,二是保持原作的風姿。 -魯迅,2.2 some metaphors of translation a tran
14、slator is like a match-maker. a translator is like a servant. translation is dancing with fetters translation is just like marriage (the mutual compromise and convergence ) translation is like a woman (beautiful but not sincere, sincere but not beautiful,ii.types of translation(翻譯的類別) 既然翻譯的性質(zhì)可從不同的角度
15、來定義,那么同樣翻譯的種類也可從不同的視角來分類。一般說來,翻譯可從五種不同的角度來分類: 1)in terms of the language involved: l1-l2 vs l2-l1 從譯出語和譯入語的角度來分類,翻譯可分為: 本族語譯為外語 外語譯為本族語,ii.types of translation(翻譯的類別) 2)in terms of semiotic systems: intra-lingual, inter-lingual and inter-semiotic 從涉及到的語言符號來分類,翻譯分為 語內(nèi)翻譯(intralingual translation) 語際翻譯
16、 (interlingual translation) 符際翻譯 (intersemiotic translation,3) in terms of the media by which translation is done: oral, written and machine 從翻譯的手段來分類,翻譯可分為口譯(oral translation)、筆譯(written translation) 和機器翻譯(machine translation) 4) in terms of the subject matter: 從翻譯的題材來分類,翻譯可分為專業(yè)文獻翻譯(translation of
17、science and technology)、文學翻譯(literary translation)和一般性翻譯(practical translation) 5)in terms of the manner: 從翻譯的處理方式來分類,翻譯可分為全譯(full translation)、摘譯(partial translation)和編譯(translation plus editing,iii. a concise history of chinese translation four climax periods in chinese translation history 1. from
18、 the eastern han to the tang and song dynasty (618-907 a.d.) 第一次翻譯高潮:東漢至唐宋時期 buddhist scriptures zhi qian(支謙)(三國時期) three giants in translating buddhist scriptures appeared: paramartha(真諦), kumarajiva(鳩摩羅什) xuan zang(玄奘) 唐代僧人玄奘,其真本領在于翻譯佛經(jīng),是中國佛經(jīng)翻譯史上集大成并后來居上的翻譯家,他不僅譯出了七十五部佛經(jīng),而且還把老子的部分著作譯成梵文,成了第一個向國外介紹
19、漢語著作的中國人,2. from the ming dynasty (1363-1644 a.d.) to the qing dynasty (1644-1911 a.d.) 第二次翻譯高潮:明清兩代 scientific translation: xu guangqi (a chinese) and m.ricci (an italian) 在這次翻譯高潮中,首先有徐光啟,主要譯的是西方科技類著作。如徐光啟和意大利人利瑪竇合作翻譯了歐幾里得的幾何原本、測量法義等科技著作,開鑿了引進外國先進科學技術的先河,literary translation: yan fu and lin shu *a
20、three-word standard in translation: 中國近代翻譯事業(yè)的開拓者嚴復以翻譯西方政治經(jīng)濟和科技著作為主,如原富(an inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations)、天演論(evolution and ethics and other essays)等,在天演論譯例言中更為言簡意賅地提出了“信、達、雅”三原則,歷久不衰。 (faithfulness (fidelity)expressiveness and elegance)。 信是意義不背本文,達是不拘原文形式,盡譯文語音的能事以求原意明顯
21、。信、達互為照應,不可分割開來。雅在今天看來是不可取的,因為這個雅是用漢以前字法句法,即所謂的上等文言文,lin shu “translated” more than 200 pieces of literary works through recording and reworking the oral rendition by his cooperators. 林紓不懂外語,不能讀原著,只靠“玩索譯本,默印心中”,他與朋友王壽昌、魏易、王慶驥、王慶通等人合作,翻譯外國小說,曾筆述英、法、美、比、俄、挪威、瑞士、希臘、日本和西班牙等十幾個國家的幾十名作家的作品。一生著譯甚豐,翻譯小說達二百余
22、種,為中國近代譯界所罕見,曾被人譽為“譯界之王”。如巴黎茶花女遺事(la dame aux camelias)、黑奴吁天錄后譯為湯姆大叔的小屋(uncle toms cabin)、王子復仇記(hamlet)等。林紓譯書的速度是他引以自豪的??谑稣呶串吰湓~,而紓已書在紙,能一時許譯就千言,不竄一字。但因林紓不懂外文,選擇原本之權全操于口譯者之手,因而也產(chǎn)生了一些疵誤,如把名著改編或刪節(jié)的兒童讀物當作名著原作,把莎士比亞和易卜生的劇本譯成小說,把易卜生的國籍誤成德國等,3.after the new literary period: 第三次翻譯高潮: “五四”運動后 political trans
23、lation *lu xun: / dead soul lu xun proposed faithfulness and smoothness as the main criteria to be observed in translation. 魯迅先生在且介亭雜文二集里說:“凡是翻譯,必須兼顧著兩面,一當然力求其易解,一則保存著原作得豐姿”。也就是說既要通順,又要忠實。所謂忠實,是指內(nèi)容上的“信”;所謂通順,是指表達上的“順,qu qiubai(瞿秋白): song of the seagull *fu lei (傅雷)set forth a brand new norm to trans
24、lation, which was “the excellent likeness”(神似), namely, alike not only in appearance but also in spirit. *qian zhongshu (錢鐘書)set forth a brand new norm, which was fully illustrated in his articles on lin shus translation. he stressed “ the acme of perfection”(“化”). by the acme of perfection, he mean
25、s the transmigration of soul and no trace of translation from one language into another. and this norm is approximate such principle of “achieving the equal value translation” as pursued by the contemporary translators. “五四”運動前后共產(chǎn)黨宣言等一批馬克思主義著作被譯成漢文在中國傳播,為中國后來的革命作了充分的理論和思想準備。 “五四”運動后,還有像茅盾、郭沫若等一大批翻譯家
26、,4. after the reform and opening of china 第四次翻譯高潮:改革開放至今 這一次翻譯高潮的出現(xiàn),首先是全球信息時代降臨的結果,是以中國推行改革開放新政,走上社會主義市場經(jīng)濟的現(xiàn)代化強國之路為契機的。這一次翻譯高潮,無論在規(guī)模上、范圍上,還是在質(zhì)量水平和對中國社會發(fā)展。 在翻譯方法和文學翻譯的風格上,貢獻上,都是前三次翻譯高潮無法比擬的。它正在中國大地上蓬勃推進,方興未艾,景況壯觀。許淵沖的翻譯中的幾對矛盾中認為:無論直譯、意譯,都把忠實于原文的內(nèi)容放在第一位。 在翻譯理論與文體的關系方面,劉宓慶的文體與翻譯中認為:“翻譯必須隨文體之異,隨原文風格之異而調(diào)
27、整譯文,必須保證譯文對原文文體和風格的適應性。” 在翻譯研究領域里提倡與文化研究相結合的是王佐良。與前三次翻譯高潮相比,這一次涉獵的領域之廣,從事的人數(shù)之眾,譯著的數(shù)量之多,都是前所未有的,為國家的繁榮昌盛做出了重要貢獻,iv.the criteria and process of translation 翻譯標準及過程 一、翻譯的標準 任何翻譯實踐總要遵循一定的翻譯標準或原則,衡量一篇譯文的好壞同樣也離不開一定的翻譯標準,因此翻譯標準的確立對于指導翻譯實踐有著重要的意義。然而由于人們看待翻譯的角度不同,自然有了不同的翻譯標準,1、嚴復的三字標準 中國清末思想家嚴復的三字標準“信、達、雅” (
28、faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance) 1898年,嚴復在天演論的譯例言中說:“譯事之難:信、達、雅。求其信,已大難矣!顧信矣,不達,雖譯,猶不譯也,則達尚焉?!焙髞硪话憔桶选靶?、達、雅”當作翻譯的標準。用今天的話來說,“信”就是忠實準確,“達”就是通順流暢,“雅”就是文字古雅。嚴復的“信、達、雅”被公認為翻譯標準,其影響深遠,2、傅雷 傅雷認為,以效果而論,翻譯應當像臨畫一樣,所求的不在形似而在神似。(傅 雷:高老頭重譯本) 3、錢鐘書 錢鐘書提出,文學翻譯的最高標準是化。把作品從一國文字轉變成另一國文字,既不能因語文習慣的差異而露出生硬牽強的痕
29、跡,又能完全保存原有的風味,那就算得入于化境,4、泰特勒的三條基本原則標準 18世紀末,愛丁堡大學歷史教授亞歷山大f泰特勒(alexander fraser tytler)提出了著名的“三原則”: (1)a translation should give a complete transcript to the ideas of the original work. (譯文應當完全復寫出原作的思想) (2)the style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original. (譯文的風格
30、和筆調(diào)應與原文的性質(zhì)相同) (3)a translation should have all the ease of the original composition. (譯文應和原文同樣流暢,5、“功能對等” (functional equivalence) 翻譯準則是由美國著名翻譯家尤金.奈達(eugene a.nida)提出的。 他認為,翻譯的預期目的主要是原文與譯文在信息內(nèi)容、說話方式、文體、風格、語言、文化、 社會因素諸方面達到對等。奈達的翻譯標準觀對國際商務英語的翻譯具有巨大的指導意義,因為不管原文屬于什么文體,關鍵是信息(語義信息和風格信息)的對等,6、以美學為取向的翻譯原則 (
31、the aesthetic-oriented translation principle) 這類翻譯原則主要為文學翻譯家所提倡。 (1)如美國的意象派詩人龐德(ezra pound,1885-1975), 龐德便對中國古詩有極大興趣。1915年,他出版了中國古詩的英語譯本,題名為中國,收集并翻譯了17首詩篇,大部分是李白的作品,顯然,龐德通過中介翻譯中國古詩,其譯作與原文的出入之處在所難免。他給我國古詩青青河畔草所加的英文標題是美麗的梳妝臺。他的譯作充分反映了他的豐富想象力,也強烈地表明了他的執(zhí)著精神和良苦用心。 龐德從翻譯中國古詩開始,進而研究中國的古代文明和儒學思想。他的孜孜不倦的努力結出
32、了豐碩的果實,體現(xiàn)在他的詩章中,進入了他的詩行。一筆一畫地寫成的工整的方塊字被鑲嵌在他的詩篇中,龐德“重詩歌翻譯的意象,在某種程度上反映了文學翻譯是美感經(jīng)驗再現(xiàn)的特征,2)許淵沖提倡文學翻譯要做到“意美、音美、形美” (beauty in meaning, beauty in sound and beauty in form),并在這一理論的指導下譯出了舉世公認的優(yōu)秀文學譯作。這一翻譯原則的共同特點可以說是譯文重神似非形似,語言必須美, 即許淵沖先生所主張的 words in best order、best words in best order(英國19世紀詩人samuel taylor c
33、oleridge語)。 這里必須指出,美學取向的翻譯原則多適合于文學翻譯;以此指導翻譯實踐的確產(chǎn)生了不少精彩的文學譯作。但是,該原則對于不少人來說顯得過于高深和抽象,同時也不太適合用來指導非文學作品的翻譯實踐,二、翻譯策略 1、以譯出語為取向的翻譯策略:異化翻譯(forienization translation) 異化翻譯指以源語文化為歸宿的翻譯方法,即盡力再現(xiàn)原文的色彩以便更好地保留源語文化的異國情調(diào)。 異化派代表人物: 美國翻譯家勞倫斯韋努蒂(lawrence venuti) 近代的美國作家賽珍珠(pearl buck) 魯迅:譯文“要保留原文的豐姿,eg. all roads lead
34、 to rome. 條條道路通羅馬。(異化) 殊途同歸(歸化) to teach ones grandmother to eat eggs. 教老祖母吃雞蛋。(異化) 班門弄斧(歸化) 但如果唯原文的形式是舉,惟恐譯文失真,則會變成詞對詞、句對句(word for word and line for line)的死譯方法,而且常多用音譯法。 例如把the milk way(銀河)直譯為牛奶路,2、以譯入語為取向的翻譯策略:歸化翻譯(domestication translation) 歸化翻譯指以目的語文化為歸宿的翻譯方法,即運用目的語文化易于接受的表達法,使譯文更通俗易懂,更適合于目的語讀者
35、。 歸化派代表人物: 美國當代翻譯理論家尤金奈達(eugene nida) 功能對等( functional equivalence) 三國時期的支謙 東晉時期的鳩摩羅什,eg: spring up like mushrooms 雨后春筍(歸化) among the blind, the one-eyed man is king. 盲人國里,獨眼為王。(異化) 山中無老虎,猴子稱霸王。(歸化) 而如果一味以譯文讀者的口味為準繩,有時會曲解原作, 如: when greek meets greek, then comes the tug of war. 譯文一:張飛殺岳飛,殺得滿天飛 譯文二:兩
36、雄相遇,其斗必烈,綜上,當我們面對不同性質(zhì)的翻譯文本,服務于不同的翻譯目的,受制于不同的翻譯客觀條件時,應當采用不同的翻譯標準和策略。 if you do not leave me, we will die together. 翻譯一:如果你不離開我,我們會死在一起。(中學水平) 翻譯二:如果不滾開,我就和你同歸于盡。(四級水平) 翻譯三:你若不離不棄,我必生死相依。(六級水平) 翻譯四:問世間情為何物?直教人生死相許。(八級水平) 翻譯五:天地合,乃敢與君絕。(專家水平) 翻譯六:你在或不在,愛就在那里,不增不減。(活佛水平) 翻譯七:君為青山,我為松柏,不離,不棄,不移,不易! (九陰真經(jīng)
37、,v. the stages of translation(翻譯的過程 ) it can be roughly divided into three stages: the stage of comprehension the stage of representation the stage of proofreading 翻譯過程主要包括理解理解、表達和校核這三個方面,一、理解 理解(comprehension)可分為廣義理解和狹義理解。廣義理解指對原文作者的個人、原文產(chǎn)生的時代背景、作品的內(nèi)容以及原文讀者對該作品的反映。狹義的理解僅指對原作文本的理解。這中理解主要包括語法分析、語義分析、
38、語體分析和語篇分析(grammatical analysis, semantic analysis, stylistic analysis and text analysis)。理解是翻譯成功與否的先決條件和重要步驟,務必正確可靠,杜絕謬誤。 understanding from the context eg: she felt sad that night because she was a wallflower in the ball,it is difficult to decide the certain meaning of a word out of the context. eg
39、: 1) im sure ill beat john this time. 我這次肯定會戰(zhàn)勝約翰。 我這次肯定要揍約翰一頓。 2) the chicken is too hot to eat,3) man and his wife 丈夫和妻子 officers and men 官和兵 his man friday 仆人禮拜五 man-of-war 戰(zhàn)艦 be a man! 男子漢 4)冬天,能穿多少穿多少; 夏天,能穿多少穿多少。 wear as much clothes as possible in winter and wear as few as possible in summer,3
40、) understanding the cultural-sense words 兄弟如手足,妻子如衣服。 brothers are limbs, while wives are but clothes. (wife) 卻看妻子愁何在,漫卷詩書喜欲狂。 gazing at my wife and children sface, of grief i find no trace; (4) i wonder whether he is a trojan horse. (特洛伊木馬) 我不知道他是否是個內(nèi)奸(hidden traitor)。 (5)the goalkeeper is the heel
41、 of achilles. (阿基里斯的腳跟) 那守門員太弱是致命的缺陷(fatal flaw,4)avoiding the “pitfalls” if not: ( possibly, perhaps) in europe, hitlers name was well known, if not a household word. 在歐洲,希特勒的名字縱使不是家喻戶曉,也是廣為人知。 /在歐洲,希特勒的名字廣為人知,也可以說家喻戶曉。 such a mistake could cost us thousands, if not millions of pounds. 這種失誤能夠造成我們幾千
42、磅,或許幾百萬磅的損失,not to say: indeed or possibly, even it is warm, not to say hot. 天氣很暖和,甚至有點兒熱。 the answer is illogical, not to say totally wrong. 答案不合邏輯,甚至是完全錯誤的。 it would be unwise, not to say stupid to leave your first job after only six months. 初次工作剛六個月就想辭掉它,這樣做很不明智,甚至可以說很愚蠢,二、表達 表達是理解后能否保證譯文成功的又一重要關
43、鍵步驟,是理解的深化和體現(xiàn)。在這一過程中,譯者要注意恰到好處地再現(xiàn)原文的思想內(nèi)容和語體色彩,使譯文既忠實于原作又符合譯入語的語法和表達習慣。要做到這一點,譯者就必須在選詞用字、組詞成句、組句成篇上下工夫,在技巧運用上下工夫。能直譯時盡可直譯,不能直譯時則可考慮意譯,靈活運用翻譯技巧。 eg: i have three sisters. 我有四姐妹。 she has two long legs. 她兩腿修長,she was a girl with good manners. 舉止得體的姑娘。 these were all good eggs. 新鮮的雞蛋。 dogs are often rega
44、rded as mans good friends. 忠實的朋友 he is a good chess player. 高明的棋手,in every chinese city, we got into the streets, shops, parks, theatres and restaurants. 在中國我們每到一個城市,就溜大街,逛商店,游公園,上劇院,下飯館。 because honor, decorum, prudence, nay, interest, forbid it. 譯文一:無論從面子上講不,從利害關系上講,都不允許這樣做。 譯文二:因為礙于面子,出于禮貌,基于慎重不僅
45、如此,更是因為利害攸關,這樣做是不允許的。 再如下兩例:1、every pot can find its lid. 罐兒再丑,配個蓋子不用愁, 姑娘再丑,嫁個漢子不必憂,2、dikens的小說大衛(wèi)考坡菲(david copperfield)中有一句典型的文字游戲。 i love my love with an e ,because shes enticing ; i hate her with an e ,because shes engaged ; i took her to the sign of the exquisite , and treated her with an elopem
46、ent ; her names emily ,and she lives in the east . 譯文1: 我愛我的愛,因為她長得實在招人愛。我恨我的愛,因為她不回報我的愛。我?guī)е綊熘∈幾诱信频囊患?和她談情說愛. 我請她看一出潛逃私奔,為的是我和她長久你親我愛。她的名字叫愛彌麗,她的家住在愛仁里。(張谷若) 張谷若為了生動的體現(xiàn)原文,給讀者一種流暢的感覺,采用歸化翻譯的方法,運用漢語意合的特點, 創(chuàng)造性的將重復出現(xiàn)的字母e 巧妙地叛逆翻譯成漢語的雙元音ai (愛,譯文2: 我愛我的愛人為了一個e,因為她是enticing(迷人的) ; 我恨我的愛人為了一個e,因為她是engaged
47、 (訂了婚的);我用我的愛人象征exquisite(美妙) , 我勸我的愛人從事elopement(私奔) ; 她的名字是emily (愛彌麗), 她的住處在east(東方)。 (董秋斯譯) 譯文3: 我愛我的愛人,因為她很迷人;我恨我的愛人,因已許配他人;他在我心中是美人,我?guī)奖?,以避開外人;她名叫虞美人,是東方麗人。 (姜秋霞,張柏然,譯文4: 我愛我的那個“麗”,可愛迷人有魅力;我恨我的那個“麗”,要和他人結伉儷;她文雅大方又美麗,和我出逃去游歷;她芳名就叫“艾米麗”,家住東方人俏麗。 (馬紅軍譯) 譯文5: 我愛我的心上人,因為她那樣叫人入迷(enticing); 我恨我的心上人,
48、因為她已訂婚將作他人妻(engaged ); 她花容月貌無可比擬( exquisite) , 我勸她私奔跟我在一起(elopement) ; 她的名字 叫埃米莉(emily) , 她的家就在東城里(east)我為我的心上人呀,一切都因為這個e! (陸乃圣,表達時還應注意避免翻譯腔(translationese ) 。所謂翻譯腔,就是指譯文不符合漢語語法和表達習慣,晦澀難懂。例如: (1) when i was reading a book, she came in. 我正在看書,她進來了。 在句法表達層面上出現(xiàn)的翻譯腔現(xiàn)象最為普遍。有的譯者完全不顧英漢兩種語言表達的差異,比如形合與意合的差異,
49、復雜句與簡單句的差異等。而是照搬原文表達方式,結果譯出了一些讓中國讀者看不順眼的“格式化”譯文,造成“當當不絕(對when的翻譯)”、“的的不休(對of的翻譯)”、“被被不斷(對be done的翻譯)”等現(xiàn)象,1)dont cough more than you can help. 譯文1:不要咳得多于你不咳的。 譯文2:能不咳,就不咳。 (2)a soldier should be loyal to his country. 譯文1:一個軍人應該忠于他的國家。 譯文2:軍人應忠于國家。 (3)they are good questions, because they call for tho
50、ught-provoking answers. 譯文1:它們是好的問題,因為它們需要對方做出激發(fā) 思想的回答。 譯文2:這些問題問得好,要回答就要好好動一下腦筋,有學者提出,在翻譯的過程中應該做到“得意忘形”。 “得意”就是正確理解原文的意思,從而得其意。 “忘形”就是在表達的過程中,擺脫原文結構的束縛, 做到“忘其形”,是譯文更加符合目標語的表達習慣,三、校核 校核是對理解和表達質(zhì)量的全面檢查,是糾正錯誤、改進譯文的極好時機,切不可認為是多余之舉。優(yōu)秀的譯者總是十分重視校核的作用,總是利用這一良機來克服自己可能犯下的錯誤,初學翻譯的人就更應該如此了。 guesswork or careles
51、sness always causes a translator to make foolish mistakes. so at the final stage of translating, we should do the following things carefully. 2.3.1 check the names of persons, places, dates, directions, numerals and so on with the original version,2.3.2 make sure there is no omission of paragraphs, sentences or words in your version. 2.3.3 revise those words or sentences that are not properly translated. 2.3.4 try to avoid rarely use
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