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1、精品文庫句子翻譯練習1,2,他因為生病不能出席會議 He didn t attend the meetingbecause of illness/he was ill.那幅有 吸引力的 畫吸引了 我的注 意 The/That attractive painting attracts my attention.3, 他避免麻煩我 He avoid bothering me.4, 他以為我不喜歡蘋果和橘子 He thinks I dont like apples and oranges.5,我喜歡畫畫和讀書 I enjoy/like/love writing and reading.6,不幸地,他

2、生病了 Unfortunately/ Unluckily, he was ill.7,因為大雨他上學遲到了 He was late for school because of heavy rain/ He went to school late because it rained heavily.8,他因生病缺席了會議 He was absent from the meeting because of illness/ because he was ill.9,他出席了會議 He was present at the meeting.10, 你在說話的時候, 其實他在聽 Actually, h

3、e waslistening when you talked.11,他在聽由 Mary唱的歌 He was listeningto the songs sung byMary.12,請認真聽老師說 Please listen to the teacher carefully 13,. 這場大雨持續(xù)了兩個小時。 That heavy rain lasted two hours.14,在世界上,事物總是變化的。Th in gs are always cha nging in the world./Thi ngs always cha nge in the world.15,他只能放棄他的妻子和孩子

4、He had to abandon his wife andchildren./Hehad no choice but to abandon his wife and children.16,他會寫詩 /游泳 He can write/swim. / He is able to write./He has the ability of writ ing.17,他正全神貫注地學習He is absorbed in study ing. /Heconcen trates / focuses (himself) on study ing.18,這幅畫很抽象 That painting is very

5、 abstract.19,食物非常豐富 The food is very abundant.20 在我看來,你是對的 According to me/ Frommypoint of view/In my opinion, you are right.21,長大后我想要成為一名會計 I want to become an accou nta nt whe n I grow up.22,我們應該為下次比賽積累經驗 We should accumulate exp erie nee for the n ext comp etiti on.23,我已經習慣了在這個學校學習I have been use

6、d /accustomed to study ing in the school.24,他獲得了打獵的技巧He acquire /gai n/get the skill of hunting, 25,他積極參加比賽 Hetake an active part in the competition./He takes part in the comp etiti on actively.26 ,這個男(女)演員擅長表演/在表演方面很有技巧Thatactor/actress is skilled /skillful at /is good at/does well in acti ng.27,事實

7、上,他希望被那所大學錄取 Actually, he hopes to be admitted by that uni versity./The fact is that he hopes to be admitted by that uni versity.28,他可以很好地適應新環(huán)境 He can adapt (himself) to the new en vir onment quickly.29,他可以適應每天早早起床 He can adapt (himself) to getting up early everyday/every morning.30,如果茶太濃了,再加多點水。If

8、the tea is too heavy, please add more water.31,我不喜歡油膩/清淡的食物I don t like heavy/ light food.32,暴雨即將來臨 Heavy rain is comi ng.33,惡劣的天氣整加了我們的困難The terrible weather adds to our difficulty.34,他增加了我們的麻煩 He adds to our trouble.35,請將黃油添加到面包上 Please add some butter to the bread.36,三加三等于六 If you add three to th

9、ree, you get six.37,你應該根據天氣對你的安排做出調整You should adjust your arra ngeme nt accord ing to the weather.38,他根據高考的要求對自己的學習方法進行了調整He adjust his learning method accord ing to the requireme nt of the college entrance exam in ati on.39,他吸煙 / 吸毒成癮 He is addicted to drugs/ smoking 40,他沉迷于看電視 /看小說 He is addicted

10、 to watching TV/ read ing no vels.41,他非常欽佩他的偶像/他的偶像值得欽佩 He admires his idol very much./ His idol is admirable.42,我們在中秋節(jié)會賞月 We admire the moon in the Mid-autumnFestival.43,他承認考試作弊/考試不及格 He admits cheating on the exam.44,他承認欺騙了她 He admits cheating her.45,這對年輕的夫婦收養(yǎng)了一個聰明的小男孩The young cou ple adop ted a

11、clever young boy.the46,他的發(fā)明推進了社會的發(fā)展His invention advances devel opment of the society.47,先進的發(fā)明使得我們的生活非常方便 Advaneed inventions make our lives very convenient,48,這手機既有優(yōu)點也有缺點This phone has adva ntages and disadva ntages.49,他利用你去達到他的目的 He takes the advantage of you to achieve his aims/goals.50,他為了通過考試冒險

12、作弊 He takes adventure to cheat on the exam in order to p ass the exam.51,這家公司在電視上為新出版的書做廣告The company advertises the new-p ublished book on TV.52,請給我一些學習方面的建議PI ease give me some advise on study.53,我建議他勤奮學習 We advises him to study hard.54,我建議她上課認真聽講I advise her to listen carefully in class 55,我們提倡和平

13、相處 Weadvocate getting along with each other in p eacefully./ We advocate livi ng in p eace.56,他的演講深深地影響了我 His sp eech affects me dee ply.57,噪音影響了他的學習 The noise affects his study.58,他家付不起學費 His family can not afford the school fees .59,他承擔不起失去工作的后果 He can t afford to lose his job.60,士兵們勇敢地與洪水作斗爭 The

14、soldiers fight bravely against the blood.61,他同意放棄自己的學業(yè) He agree to give up his study.62,他還活著 He is still alive.63,他不允許我吸煙 He doesn t allow me to smoke.64,他不允許我到外面去/他不允許我跟我的朋友們在街上閑逛He doesn t allow meto go outside/He doesn t allow meto hanging out with my friends.65,他一個人住,但他不覺得孤獨 He lives alone ,but

15、he doesn t feel lo nely.66,他們在海拔1000米的地方野餐 They have a picnic at an altitude of 1000 meters.67,他對她的態(tài)度非常糟糕 His attitude towards her is very bad 68 ,在古代,君王們雄心勃勃 In the ancient time ,the emperors are very ambitious.69,數(shù)額總計為 200,000 The sum adds up to 200,000.70,他的笑話把我逗樂了 His joke amuses me.71,他宣布下課 He

16、announce that the class is over.72,他誠心向道歉 He exp resses his apo logy to you sin cerely./He apo logizes to you sin cerely./ He exp resses sin cere apo logy to you.73,顯然,他贏得了比賽 Apparently, he won the game.74,觀眾熱烈地為他鼓掌 The audienee applaud for him heatedly.75,我們應該學會把理論運用到實踐中去We should learn to apply th

17、eory to p ractice.76,我非常感激你的幫忙I app reciate your he Ip.77,他正在欣賞那幅名畫 Heis appreciating that famous painting.78,小偷慢慢靠近了那棟樓The thief approaches that building slowly.歡迎下載1079,我不知道解決這個問題的方法I don t know the approach ofsolving the problem/ I don t know the approach to solve thep roblem.80,他們相互爭吵起來 They arg

18、ue with each other.81,我們應該用知識武裝自己 We should arm ourselves withkno wledge.82,他一到達機場,警察就將他逮捕了The police arrested him athis arrival at the air port83,那護士協(xié)助醫(yī)生對那個病人做手術The nurse assists thedoctor in op erati ng on that p atie nt.84,我將他與小偷/那場車禍聯(lián)系起來I associated him with thief/the car accide nt .85,這里的氣氛非常奇怪

19、 The atmosphere here is very strange.86,他嘗試把那支筆撿起來 He attem pt to pick up that pen.87,敵人襲擊了他們 The enemy attacked them.88,我們需要注意這些嚴肅的問題We should pay atte ntion tothese serious p roblem.1,那個年輕的單身男子有一個可愛的小嬰兒需要去照顧。Thatyoung bachelor has a lovely baby to take care of.2,如果你們知道我的家庭背景,請向后退If you know my fam

20、ilybackgro und ,p lease ste p backward.3,那個面包師在他的面包店里烤面包That baker is baki ng bread in his bakery.4,我建議你們去銀行開一個銀行賬戶I advise you to open a bank acco unt in the bank.5,這本書是以我自己真實的經歷為基礎的This book is based on my own exp erie nee.6,他把自己的棒球球拍放在黑暗的地下室里。He put his baseball bat in the black baseme nt.chocola

21、teHe7,他的包里放著一條巧克力和一瓶啤酒There is a bar of and a bottle of beer in his bag.8,他無法忍受桌子上那發(fā)臭的牛肉,所以他把牛肉扔掉了。couldn t bear the smelly beef, so he threw it away.9,書店里的書架上有很多新出版的書 Therearemanyn ewly-p ublishedbooks inthe bookshelfinthebooksho p/bookstore.10,這家分公司的生意非常繁榮Busin ess of this branch isboo ming.11,那個憂

22、郁的盲人沒辦法填表格,所以他覺得很痛苦That blueblindman couldn t fill inthe blank,so he feels verypain ful/bitter.12,他感覺到非常厭倦,因為這場籃球比賽實在太無聊了 Hefelt very bored, because the basketball game is very bori ng.13,在會議的開始,你就應該告訴我們你是代表你的老板到這里來的。At the beginning of the meeting, you should have told us that you came here on the

23、behalf of your boss.14,在海灘上,那棟建筑后面有一張彎曲的長凳On the beach, there is a bent bench behi nd the buildi ng.15,那個帥氣的新郎和那個漂亮的新娘是在寬闊的海灘遇到對方的。That han dsome bridegroom met with the beautiful bride on the broad beach.16,請在我回家之前把水燒開 Please boil the water before I come back home.17,那個勇敢的小男孩通過石頭之間的間隙遞給我一塊面包和一瓶牛奶 The brave boy passed mea piece of bred and a bottle of milk through the break betwee n rocks.18


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