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1、精選文檔美國文學(xué) 選擇題及答案1. William Faulkner is the author of _a. Far From the Madding Crowdc. For Whom the Bell Tolls2. Robert Frost is a famousa. novelist b. playwrightb. Sound and Furyd. Scarlet Letterc. poetd. literary critic73. The Old Man and the Seais one of the great works by .a. Jack Londonb. Charles

2、 Dickensc. Samuel Coleridged. Earnest Hemingway4. refers to some contrast or discrepancy between appearance and reality.a. Allegoryb. Conflictc. Ironyd. Flashback5. The great transcendental work by Henry David Thoreau is.a. Natureb. Waldenc. Experienced. Essays6. Mark Twain shaped the world s view o

3、f America and made a combination of and serious literature.a. American folk humorb. funny jokesc. English folklored. American values7. Who was the first American to achieve an international literary reputation after the Revolutionary War?b. Nathaniel Hawthorn.d. Washington Irving.a. Fennimore Cooper

4、.c. Walt Whitman.8. I Have a Dream is addressed bya. Abraham Lincoln b. John F. Kennedyc. Martin Luther Kingd. Ralph Waldo Emerson9. Which of the following is NOT a poem by Emily Dickinson?a. This is my letter to the worldb. I heard a Fly buzz when I diedc. This is just to sayd. Because I could not

5、stop for death10. Eugene ONeil is an American .a. novelistb. playwrightc. poetd. essayistin the literaryb. Age of Classicalismd. Age of Renaissance won the second Pulitzer Prize.b. e. e. cummingsd. William Cullen Bryant11. The period from 1865 1914 has been referred to as the history of the United S

6、tates.a. Age of Realismc. Age of Romanticism12. With “Collected Poems”, _a. Ezra Pond c. Robert Frost13. Grass is a poem written bya. Walt Whitmanb. Carl San dburgc. Lan gst on Hughesd. Alle n Gin sberg14. Moby Dick is the most imp orta nt work by.a. Jack Londonb. Herma n Melvillec. Si nclair Lewisd

7、. Ral ph Ellis on15. O. Henry earned his fame mai niy for his.a. no velsb. p oemsc. short storiesd. dramas16. is NOT a novel of Francis Scott Fitzgerald.a. Ten der Is the Nightb. Anna Christiec. The Beautiful and Dammedd. The Great Gatsby17. The America n literature in moder n p eriod is divided int

8、o two p arts by the eve nt ofa. the exp atriate moveme ntb. the Great Dep ressi onc. the First World Ward. the Seco nd World War18. Which of the followi ng no vels does NOT bel ong to Dreiser Trilogy of Desire?a. The Tita nb. The Finan cierfor his mastery of thec. The Genius”d. The Stoic19. The 1954

9、 Nobel P rize for literature was awarded tob. Joh n Stein beckd. Earn est Hemin gway work.b. classicd. n aturalisticart of moder n n arratior”.a. William Faulk nerc. Saul Bellow20. Sister Carrie is a master pi ece ofa. roma nticc. n eo-classic21. The Octop usis writte n bya. Frank Norrisb. Sherwood

10、An ders onc. Willa Catherd. Ste phen Crane22. James Baldwins most famous short story is.a. A Rose for Emilyb. The Story of an Hourc. Sonny Bluesd. A Clea n. Well-lighted Place23. wrote several no vels with the n ame of Rabbit”.a. Arthur Millerb. Thomas Pynchonc. Joh n Up diked. Wallace Steve ns24. T

11、he Road Not Take n is a p oem writte n by.a. Robert Frostb. Lon gfellowc. Ezra Pondd. Carl San dburg25. “ GoheIp them that help themselves is found in work.a. Fran kli nb. Fren eauc. Jeffers ond. Paine26. T. S. Eliotmost famous long p oem is.a. The Love So ng of J. Alfred P rufrockb. A Boys Willc. T

12、he Waste Landd. The Golde n Bough27. Daisy Miller is a great work by.b. Mark Twaind. Stowea. Henry Jamesc. Dreiser28. Hester is a character ina. Gone with the Windb. The Fall of the House of Usherc. Babbittd. Scarlet Letter29. Jack Lon donis his p ate ntly autobiogra phical no vel.a. The Call of the

13、 Wildb.The Sea Wolfc. Marti n Ede nd.The Iron Heel30. The black man Jim is a character in Mark Twaife.a. The Adve ntures of Tom Sawyerb.The Adve nturesof Huckleberry Fi nnc. Life on the Mississ ippid.The Prince and the Pauper31. O Cap ta in! My Cap ta in! was writte n in memory of.a. Walt Whitma nb.

14、 Benjamin Fran kli nc. Abraham Lincolnd. Martin Luther King32. The Grapes of Wrathis the master pi ece of.a. Joh n Stein beckb. Joh n Cheeverc. Joh n Up diked. Joh n Dos P assos33. is NOT a p lay writte n by Tenn essee Williams.a. Cat on a Hot Tin Roofb. The Glass Men ageriec. Light in Augustd. A St

15、reetcar Named Desire34. Seize the Dayis regarded the best no vel writte n by.a. Fla nnery OConnerb. Saul Bellowc. Ralph Ellis ond. Sherwood An ders on35. is NOT among the p ostwar p oets in moder n America n literature.a. Robert Lowellb. Gary Syn derc. Alle n Gin sbergd. e. e. cum mings36. The image

16、 of the famous henpecked husband is created by.a. Wash ington Irvingb. Fennimore Cooperc. Edith Whartond. William Dea n Howells37. The literary sp okesma n of the Jazz is ofte n thought to be.a. ONeilb. Poundc. Robert Frostd. Scott Fitzgerald38. was the most imp orta nt person of the tran sce nden t

17、al club.a. Hawthor nb. Whitma nc. Emers ond. Thoreau39. The main theme of Emily Dicki nso n is the followi ng EXCEPT.a. religio nb. love and marriagec. life and deathd. war and p eace40. America n dicti on in the 1960s and 1970s p roves differe nt from its p redecessors. Itb. black humord. the Beat

18、Gen erati on and other stories.is referred to as.a. Imagismc. new ficti onb. The Ambassadorsd. The Red Badge of Couragehas won the Pu litzer P rize four times and one Nobel P rize.Earn est Hemin gwayb. Joh n Stein beckEuge ne ONeild. William Faulk nerBelovedis the master pi ece of.Tony Morris onb. R

19、alph Ellis on41. Stephen Crane is famous fora. An America n Tragedyc. Mai n Street42.a.c.43.a.c. Joh n Dos P assosd. Willa Cather42. Which of the following is NOT a typical feature of Modernism?a. To elevate the in dividual and inner being over the social being.b. To put the stress on traditi onal v

20、alues.c. To portray the distorted and alienated relationships between man and his en vir onment.d. To advocate a con scious break with the p ast.43. Whitman s poems are characterized by all the following featuEX CEPT.a. a strict p oetic formb. a simple and conv ersati on al la nguagec. a free and n

21、atural rhythmic p atter nd. an easy flow of feeli ngs44. Who initiated the name of the Lost Generation?a. Hemi ngwayb.Fitzgeraldc. Gertrude Steind.WilliamFaulk ner45. The high tide of Romanticism in American literature occurred around.a. 1820b.1850c. 1880d.192046. The publication ofestablished Emers

22、on as the most eloquent spokesman of the New En gla nd Tran sce nden talism.a. Natureb. Self-Relia neec. The Over-Sould. The America n Scholar47. Chin ese p oetry and p hilos ophy have exerted great in flue nee over.a. Ezra Poundb. Ralph Waldo Emers onc. Robert Frostd. Emily Dick inson48. is the rep

23、resentative work of the Beat Generation.a. The Great Gatsbyb. On the Roadd. The Sun Also Risesc. Look Back in An ger49. Emily Griers on is a literary figure created by.a. Willa Catherb. Doris Less ingc. William Faulk nerd. Natha niel Hawthor n52.53.54.55.Thomas Pyn cho n can also be categorized as a

24、 Black Humor writer, as well as a writer.b. tran sce ndental d. realistica. classicalc. p ostmoder nistWho is con sidered the father of America n po etry?a. Philip Freneaub. William Culle n Brya ntc. Henry Wadsworth Lon gfellow d. Henry David ThoreauIn America, a little woman started agreat war. ”ho is she?a. Anne Bradstreetb. Harriet Beecher Stowec. Edith Whart ond. Cathari ne Anne P orteris NOT written by Edgar Alla n Poe.b. Ann abel Le


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