1、運動粘度測定儀 Kinematic Viscosity Meter ModeIND-3S 型 使用說明書 V3.0Instruction 大慶市日上儀器制造有限公司 Daqing City In strume nt Manu facture Co., Ltd. 公司地址:大慶高新區(qū)產(chǎn)業(yè)三區(qū)禾豐路東段 Address:East Part of Hefe ng Road, No.3 In dustrial District,High-tech Developme nt Area, Daqi ng 電話EL傳真AX:
2網(wǎng)址 website: http:/www. 目 錄 Content 目錄 Preface 1 前 言 Preface 2 第一部分 概述 General Introductions 4 1術(shù)語 Terminology 4 2技術(shù)指標 Technical Index 4 2.1 技術(shù)參數(shù) Parameters 4 2.2 儀器特點 Features 5 3. 結(jié)構(gòu) Structure 6 3.1 運動粘度測定儀主視圖Front View 6 3.2 運動粘度測定儀后面板視圖Back View 7 4 安裝 Installation 7 4.1 開箱 Unpack 7
3、4.2 儀器安裝 Installation 8 第二部分 ND-3S 操作說明 Operating Instructions 9 1 鍵盤功能 Keyboard Function . 9 2 開機 Start Up 10 3 菜單 Menu 12 4 試驗步驟 Procedures 16 5 操作注意事項 Attentions 17 第三部分 儀器維護、保養(yǎng)及安全說明Maintenance meanwhile, it is one of important index of lubricant oil, the number of lubricant oil generally disting
4、uished by the average of kinematic viscosity , in addition, proper choose of viscosity of lubricant oil will guarantee stable running of generator and turbine sets, viscosity is too higher or lower will change the power of generator, increase fuel consumption and wear etc. 2技術(shù)指標Technical Index 2.1 技
5、術(shù)參數(shù) Parameters 控溫范圍:室溫100 C Temperature con trol ran ge: room temperatureTOO 控溫精度:土 0.1 c precision:O.1O 測試單元: 4 路 Testing unit : 4 channels 存儲數(shù)據(jù): 100 組 /路 Data storage: 100 pcs 環(huán)境溫度:540C(室內(nèi)) Ambie nt temperature : 540C( in door) 存放溫度:10 55C (室內(nèi)) storage temperature:-10C 55C( indoor) 相對濕度: 1080% rel
6、ative humidity :1080% 電 源 : 220VAC 10% 50Hz power supply:220VAC 10%50Hz 消耗功率 : 1000W power con sumptio n:v 1000W 外型尺寸:570 X 370 X 500mm size: 570X370X575mm 2.2 儀器特點 Features 符合標準 : GB/T265-88 According to standard: ASTM D445-06 適用于測定液體石油產(chǎn)品的運動粘度。 Apply to test of kinematic viscosity of liquid petrole
7、um products 液晶圖文顯示。 Liquid crystal screen displays of pictures and words. 單片微機自動控制溫度。 Automatically control temperature by microcontroller. 不掉電時鐘,手動啟停計時。 Uninterruptible power clock, manually start/stop timing. 自動運算運動粘度值,數(shù)據(jù)存儲及打印。 Automatically calculate viscosity value, data storage and print. 3.結(jié)構(gòu)
8、Structure 3.1運動粘度測定儀主視圖Front View 3.2運動粘度測定儀后面板視圖Back View picture 圖 1-2 1、電源開關(guān) switch 2、電源插座 supply socket 3、保險 fuse 注意:系統(tǒng)組成部分的插圖可能與實物有細微差別,以實物為準。 Atte nti on: there is subtle differe nee betwee n the picture and the object, please take the real object as sta ndard. 4 安裝 Installation 4.1 開箱 Unp ack
9、 標準附件:Sta ndard attachme nts: 粘度管架 capillary viscometer rack4 套 set 防塵蓋 dust-proof cover4 個 pcs 保險管 10A fuse pipe2 個 pcs 電源線 supply line1 根 pcs 打開包裝后,最好使其在實驗室放置2小時以上方可通電,(特別是在低溫存儲的情況下) open the package youd better place the apparatus in laboratory over two hours and electrified. 使其放置在光線較好的水平平臺上,以便觀察
10、試樣的流動界面 Put it on the platform with bright light in order to observe flow of fluid. 儀器的背面和側(cè)面隔墻的最小間隙為200mm The minimum partition between the back view and the side view is 200mm. 要防止水飛濺到儀器或其他細小雜物掉到儀器上 Preve nt the water from splash ing or other tiny materials drop on the apparatus. 4.2 儀器安裝 Installat
11、ion 把儀器擺放在工作平臺上, 根據(jù)測定溫度的要求在浴缸內(nèi)注入相應的浴液體至水位標記 處。 Place the apparatus on the working platform, according to test temperature requirement add corresponding bath liquid into the bath vat until reach the marked level. 第二部分 ND-3S操作說明 Chapter Two ND-3S Operating Instructions 警告:Warning: 操作者必須閱讀本章內(nèi)容,并按要求進行操作
12、,以免操作不當造成儀器部件的損壞 Operators must read this chapter and worked as requiredso as to avoid break the parts due to improper use. 非操作人員必須得到許可,方能操作本儀器 Non-operators have to get permissi on to operate the apparatus. 該儀器采用液晶顯示屏,界面友好,直觀明了,用戶在使用過程中,可用鍵盤進行操控, 方便快捷。 Our product adopts touch liquid crystal displa
13、y ,friendly,intuitive,during the process of use, customers are capable of operate the apparatus by keyboard, convenient and rapid. 1 鍵盤功能 Keyboard Function 19 數(shù)字鍵,在設定時用于數(shù)據(jù)輸入,其中14鍵在允許計時情況下用于14號粘度 計的試樣流動時間的計時開始和結(jié)束。 while sett ing, 19 【nu mber】 key used for in put data; On con diti on that tim ing perm
14、its, 14 key used for 14 viscometer start and stop timing of flow time. 小數(shù)點鍵,用于數(shù)據(jù)輸入。 【dot】 key used for in put data 退格鍵,用于數(shù)據(jù)刪除,每按一次,刪除一位數(shù)據(jù)。 【back key used for delete data every click will delete one bit of data 上鍵,向上選擇,用于菜單選擇,查詢數(shù)據(jù)。 【up key, upward select, used for menu select and query data 下鍵,向下選擇,用
15、于菜單選擇,查詢數(shù)據(jù)。 【down key , downward select, used for menu select and query data 左鍵,左向選擇,用于菜單選擇。 left key, leftward select, used for menu select 右鍵,右向選擇,用于菜單選擇。 【right key, rightward select, used for menu select 打印鍵,打印測試數(shù)據(jù)和歷史數(shù)據(jù)。 【print key, print testing data and historical data. 計時鍵,在恒溫情況下按此鍵允許計時。 【tim
16、e key used for timing under constant temperature 結(jié)束鍵,結(jié)束試驗,清除實驗數(shù)據(jù)。 【end】 key used for end experiment, clear the data . 確定鍵,用于數(shù)據(jù)輸入結(jié)束或執(zhí)行所選菜單命令。 【en ter key used for fin ish the in put or con duct the selected order 菜單鍵,用于進入功能菜單,按一次進入,再按一次退出菜單。 【menu key used for enter or quit the menu 數(shù)據(jù)鍵,用于查詢以往測試數(shù)據(jù)。 【
17、data key used for query of past testing data 幫助鍵,用于查詢儀器相關(guān)信息。 【help key used for query of releva nt in formati on about product 復位鍵,用于儀器程序重新啟動,一般用于儀器工作異常時。 【resetl key used for restart the program, usually when the apparatus behaves abno rmal. 2 開機 Start Up 打開電源開關(guān),液晶顯示屏上顯示開機界面。如下: Turn on the power ,
18、 LCD shows of startup in terface , as the follow ing : picture 圖 2-1 在開機界面中,可查閱儀器型號、儀器名稱、軟件版本、公司名稱、公司網(wǎng)址。 In startup in terface, you can search for in strume nt model、n ame、vers ion、compa ny n ame and website. 開機界面持續(xù)幾秒鐘后,儀器進行自檢,啟動試驗程序,進入主界面。如下: Hold several sec onds after startup, the apparatus con d
19、ucts self-check and launch test program, then en ter into main menu. As the follow ing: Note: No stands for Forbid timing picture 圖 2-2 在上述圖中,SV表示設定溫度,PV表示實測溫度,加熱中”表示儀器現(xiàn)在的工作狀 態(tài),禁止計時表示此時不能進行計時操作。如果設定溫度與所做油品所需要的溫度不相符時, 可用鍵盤對菜單進行操作,更改設定溫度。 In above picture, SV stands for set temperature, and PV indicat
20、es measure temperature, heat ing shows the curre nt work ing state of apparatus, forbid tim ing means can time at this time. when the setting temperature isn tconsistent with the required temperature, you can operate the menu though keyboard, cha nge the sett ing temperature. 當實測溫度到達設定溫度后,儀器自動轉(zhuǎn)入檢測界面
21、。如下: When the measured temperature equals to the setting temperature, the apparatus automatically link to the next interface. It shown in the following: Note: CV1stands for capillary viscometer 1 picture 圖 2-3 在此界面下按計時鍵,進入允許計時界面,如圖2-4。 In this in terface, click timekey will en ter into permit timi n
22、g in terface, as show n in picture2-4. picture 圖 2-4 剛跳入此界面時,光標停在“管一”處,此時按左右鍵可選擇毛細管,按“確 定”鍵,進入相應毛細管1試驗界面。如下: The cursor stop at CV1 ” whe n lin ked to this in terface, at this time, pressleftrightkey can choose capillary, and click “ en ter key will li nk to corresp onding capillary test in terface.
23、 As the followi ng: picture 圖 2-5 在此界面下,如做好所有準備工作,當試樣液面回落到上刻度時按下“1”鍵開始計時, 當試樣液面回落到下刻度時再次按下“1”鍵停止計時并鎖定時間值。如此反復測試四組試 樣的流動時間后,自動計算出其平均流動時間和粘度值。測試結(jié)束后按下“打印”鍵可打印 當前顯示的測試數(shù)據(jù)。 Un der this in terface, if ready for all, click “1 ” start to tim ing whe n the liquid level fall back to the upper scale, click “ 1
24、again to stop timing and locked the time when the liquid level fall back to the lower scale. Just like this repeatedly test the flow time of 4 teams samples, automatically calculate the average flow time and viscosity value. After finishing the experiment, click “print ” will print the curre nt disp
25、layed data. 在此過程中可穿插進行其它毛細管的試驗,操作方法相同,按對應的數(shù)字鍵進入相應毛 細管界面并控制起停,按左右鍵可切換顯示不同毛細管的試驗數(shù)據(jù)。 During this process, you can alternately test other capillary with the same method, press corresp onding nu mber key will en ter into releva nt capillary in terface and con trol the start/stop , clickleftright can swit
26、ch to differe nt displays of differe nt capillaries. 3菜單Menu 按下“菜單”鍵進入菜單界面。如下: Press “ menu” will li nk to menu in terface. As the follow ing: picture 圖 2-5 3.1 設置 setup 進入菜單界面光標停在“參數(shù)設定”處,此時按“確定”鍵進入設定界面。用于設置實 驗參數(shù),根據(jù)不同的樣品及粘度計管設置所需參數(shù),對程序進行控制。如下: After en tered menu in terface , the cursor stop at “ se
27、tup, now click“ enter” will li nk to sett ing in terface. It used for set required parameters accord ing to differe nt samples 、 viscometers, and control the program. As the following: picture 圖 2-6 3.1.1進入菜單界面光標停在“設定溫度”處,此時按“確定”鍵進入設定溫度界面。如下: After en tered into the in terface and the cursor stop at
28、temperature, now clickenter will link to setti ng temperature in terface. As the followi ng: System temperature setti ng Sett ing temperature: Automatic picture 圖 2-7 在設定溫度界面下通過鍵盤數(shù)字按鍵對溫度進行設定,設定后必須按“確定”鍵對設定 值進行記憶。 Un der this in terface, you can set the temperature through press key of nu mber, after
29、 sett ing, you must press enter for save all sett in gs. 3.1.2在菜單界面下用移位按鍵將光標移到“毛細管常數(shù)”處,此時按“確定”鍵進入毛細 管常數(shù)設定界面。如下: After en tered into the in terface and the cursor stop at Capillary coefficie nt, now click en ter will link to capillary coefficie nt sett ing in terface. As the followi ng: CV1-C sta nds
30、 for CV1 coefficie nt picture 圖 2-8 在毛細管常數(shù)設定界面下通過鍵盤數(shù)字按鍵對毛細管常數(shù)進行設定,設定后必須按“確 定”鍵對設定值進行記憶。默認設定為毛細管1常數(shù),可通過左右移位按鍵切換到其它毛細 管常數(shù)進行設定。 Un der this in terface, you can set the coefficie nt through press key of nu mber, after setti ng, you must press en ter for save all sett in gs. The default sett ing is capil
31、lary 1, and switch to other capillary sett ing through left right key. 3.1.3在菜單界面下用移位按鍵將光標移到“系統(tǒng)時間”處,此時按“確定”鍵進入系統(tǒng)時 間設定界面。如下: After en tered into the in terface and the cursor stop atsystem time, now clicken ter will link to system time setti ng in terface. As the followi ng: picture 圖 2-9 在系統(tǒng)時間設定界面下通
32、過鍵盤數(shù)字及左右移位按鍵對系統(tǒng)時間進行設定,設定后必須 按“確定”鍵對設定值進行記憶。 Un der this in terface, you can set the time through press key of nu mber, after sett ing, you must press en ter for save all sett in gs. 3.1.4在菜單界面下用移位按鍵將光標移到“溫度微調(diào)”處,此時按“確定”鍵進入溫度微 調(diào)設定界面。如下: After en tered into the in terface and the cursor stop at T corre
33、ct ion ”,now clickenter will link to temperature fine tuning sett ing in terface. As the followi ng: picture 圖 2-10 此功能是對溫度測量出現(xiàn)誤差時的數(shù)據(jù)平移修正 When the temperature appears deviati on just use this function to ame nd data. 在溫度微調(diào)設定界面下通過鍵盤數(shù)字按鍵對溫度微調(diào)進行設定,設定后必須按“確定” 鍵對設定值進行記憶。當控制溫度穩(wěn)定后,屏幕顯示的溫度與實際溫度有誤差時,在此調(diào)節(jié)。 首先
34、移動光標到微調(diào)數(shù)據(jù)處,如果實際溫度低于屏幕顯示的溫度時應進行正微調(diào),按上下移 位按鍵將微調(diào)值前綴符號調(diào)整為“ +”號,微調(diào)值通過數(shù)字按鍵進行設定;如果實際溫度高 于屏幕顯示的溫度應進行負微調(diào),按上下移位按鍵將微調(diào)值前綴符號調(diào)整為“一”號, 微調(diào) 值通過數(shù)字按鍵進行設定。當微調(diào)值到達期望值后,按“確認”鍵進行數(shù)據(jù)記憶,微調(diào)完畢。 Un der this in terface, you can fine tuning the temperature through press key of nu mber, after sett ing, you must press en ter” for sa
35、ve all sett in gs. After con trolled temperature well stabled, there still have bias between displayed temperature and practical temperature, just tune it here. Firstly, move the cursor to fine tuning data, if the practical temperature lower than displayed, make positive fine tuning, change the pref
36、ix symbol into + ” by shifting “ ” key, fine tuning value set by number key; if the practical temperature higher than displayed, make positive fine tuning, cha nge the prefix symbol into“by press ing shift key of “ ”,fi ne tuning value set by number key. When the fine tuning value reached the expect
37、ation, click enter” to save all sett in gs, fine tuning is completed. 3.2數(shù)據(jù)查詢data query 在菜單界面下通過移位按鍵將光標移到“數(shù)據(jù)查詢”處,此時按“確定”鍵進入數(shù)據(jù)查 詢界面。在數(shù)據(jù)查詢界面中,可查閱歷史數(shù)據(jù),每路可存儲100組數(shù)據(jù)。如下: After en tered into the in terface and the cursor stop atdata query ”,now clicken ter will link to inquiry in terface. Un der this in te
38、rface, you can look up historical data, and every cha nnel can save 100 pieces of data. As the follow ing: picture 圖 2-11 在數(shù)據(jù)查詢界面下通過移位按鍵對毛細管14數(shù)據(jù)進行查詢,進入數(shù)據(jù)查詢界面光標 停在“毛細管1數(shù)據(jù)”處,此時按“確定”鍵進入毛細管1數(shù)據(jù)查詢界面。如下: Un der data query in terface, you can inquiry of data from1 to 4 by shift ing key, en tered into the in
39、 terface and the cursor stop at CV1 data, now click “ en ter will li nk to data query in terface. As the followi ng: picture 圖 2-12 在毛細管1數(shù)據(jù)查詢界面中顯示毛細管1的所有測試數(shù)據(jù)。 In CV1 data query in terface, it will display all test ing data of CV1. 進入“數(shù)據(jù)查詢”功能后,可通過上下移位按鍵對毛細管1當前歷史數(shù)據(jù)進行查詢,通 過左右移位按鍵對毛細管1其它組歷史數(shù)據(jù)進行翻閱查詢,此時按下
40、“打印”鍵可打印當前 顯示的歷史數(shù)據(jù)。 After entered into “ data query” menu, you can look up the current historical data of CV1 by shifting “ ” a key, browse and inquiry of other data of CV1 by shifting “ ” “ ” key, now click print ” will print all current displayed data. 3.3 試驗操作 operations 在菜單界面下通過移位按鍵將光標移到“試驗操作”處,
41、此時按“確定”鍵進入試驗操 作界面。在試驗操作界面中,可對毛細管14進行測試。如下: By shifting key move the cursor to operations”, now click enter” will link to operation in terface .In this in terface, it can test for 14capillary. As the followi ng: picture 圖 2-13 剛跳入此界面時,光標停在“毛細管1試驗”處,如果需要試驗,可直接按“確定”鍵, 進入毛細管1試驗界面。如下: The cursor stop at
42、CV1 ” whe n lin ked to this in terface, if n eed to be tested, directly“ enter” key and link to corresp onding testi ng in terface. As the follow ing: picture 圖 2-4 在此界面下,如做好所有準備工作,當試樣液面回落到上刻度時按下“1”鍵開始計時, 當試樣液面回落到下刻度時再次按下“1”鍵停止計時并鎖定時間值。如此反復測試四組試 樣的流動時間后,自動計算出其平均流動時間和粘度值。測試結(jié)束后按下“打印”鍵可打印 當前顯示的測試數(shù)據(jù)。 Un
43、 der this in terface, if ready for all, click “1 ” start to tim ing whe n the liquid level fall back to the upper scale, click “ 1” again to stop timing and locked the time when the liquid level fall back to the lower scale. Just like this repeatedly test the flow time of 4 teams ,automatically calc
44、ulate the average flow time and viscosity value. After finishing the experiment, click “ print ” will print the curre nt displayed data. 在此過程中可穿插進行其它毛細管的試驗,操作方法相同,按對應的數(shù)字鍵起停,按左 右鍵可切換顯示不同毛細管的試驗數(shù)據(jù)。 During this process, you can alternately test other capillary with the same method, press corresponding n
45、umber key control the start/stop , clickleftright can switch to different displays of differe nt capillaries. 3.4 幫助 help 在菜單界面下通過移位按鍵將光標移到“幫助”處,此時按“確定”鍵進入幫助界面。 如下: Un der this in terface , by shifti ng key move the cursor to help ”,now click en ter will li nk to help in terface. As the followi ng:
46、picture 圖 2-14 在幫助界面中,可查閱儀器型號、儀器名稱、軟件版本、公司名稱、公司網(wǎng)址。 In this in terface, you can look up apparatus model、n ame software version、compa ny n ame and website. 4試驗步驟 Procedures 4.1根據(jù)測定溫度的要求在浴缸內(nèi)注入相應的浴液體至水位標記處。 Accord ing to measure temperature required, pour releva nt bath liquid into the bath vat un til i
47、t reached the marked level 4.2 開機。Start up 4.3在“設置”菜單中根據(jù)樣品性能設置所需要的參數(shù)。 Under “ setup ” m enncording to samples performanee, set the required parameters. 4.4安裝試樣:往內(nèi)徑符合要求且清潔、干燥的毛細管粘度計內(nèi)裝入試樣。在裝試樣之前, 將橡皮管套在支管上,并用手指堵住管身的管口,同時倒置粘度計,然后將管身插入裝著試 樣的容器中,這時利用橡皮球?qū)⒁后w吸到標線,同時注意不要使管身,擴張部分中的液體發(fā) 生氣泡和裂隙。當液面達到標線時,就從容器里提起粘
48、度計,并迅速恢復其正常狀態(tài),同時 將管身的管端外壁所沾著的多余樣擦去,并從支管取下橡皮管套在管身上。 Setup Sample: fill the samples into the clean、dry、suitable inner diameter capillary. Before setup the sample, cover the rubber cas ing on the branch tubes, jammed the no zzle with fin ger, mean while in verse the viscometer, the n immerse the body i
49、nto the container with samples, at this time sucked the liquids to the marked line with the rubber ball, beware of the liquids in dilated parts created air bubbles and gaps. When the level reached the marked line, pulls the viscometer out of the container, quickly restore its normal state, at the sa
50、me time rub off the extra samples adhered to the exter nal wall of tube end, and remove the rubber cas ing from the branch tubes and cover for the tube body. 4.5將粘度計管固定在粘度計管架上,并裝入水浴中。 Fixed the viscometer tube to the rack, and immerse it i nto the water bath. 4.6當實測溫度到達設定溫度后開始測試。利用毛細管粘度計管身口所套著的橡皮管將試
51、樣 吸入擴張部分,使試樣液面稍高于標線,并且注意不要讓毛細管和擴張部分的液體產(chǎn)生氣泡 或裂隙。此時觀察試樣在管身中的流動情況,當液面正好回落到上標線時,按對應的“數(shù)字” 鍵開始計時,液面正好回落到下標線時,再按對應的“數(shù)字”鍵停止計時,屏幕顯示本次試 驗的運動時間。上次運動時間顯示后方可進行下一次的吸油,待第四次檢完后,屏幕除顯示 四次運動時間外,儀器自動計算并顯示平均時間及最后的粘度結(jié)果。 Begi n to test as the measured temperature reached the sett ing temperature. Make use of the rubber ca
52、sing covered on the viscometer nozzle to draw the samples into extension parts, make the sample level more high tha n marked line, and preve nt the liquids from air bubbles and gap. At this time, observe the flow condition of samples, when the level return to the upper marked line, click correspondi
53、ng number key start to timing, when the level return to the lower marked line, click corresponding number key stop timing, the screen displayed the flow time of this test. The next extract ion of oil can be con duct after displayed the last flow time, whe n completed four test, the apparatus automat
54、ically calculate and display average time and the last viscosity but displayed flow time of four tests. 4.7 實驗結(jié)束后,對粘度計管進行清洗,并放在固定位置以便下一次試驗。 After experiment, clean up the viscometers and put it in a fixed location, so as to the next experiment. 5 操作注意事項 Attentions 5.1 浴缸中的浴液不能有雜質(zhì)與飄浮物。 There are no i
55、mpurities and floating materials in bath liquid of the bath vat. 5.2 注意要保持毛細管在水浴內(nèi)垂直,可通過粘度計管架上的三個手擰螺絲進行微調(diào)。 Keep the capillary vertically the water bath; you can make a fine tuning through the 3screws in the rack. 5.4 測定試樣的運動粘度時,應根據(jù)試驗的溫度選用適當?shù)恼扯扔?,務使試樣的流動時間不 少于200s,內(nèi)徑0.4mm的粘度計流動時間不少于350s。 When testing t
56、he kinematic viscosity, you should select suitable viscometer according to the experimental temperature, make sure the flow time of samples is no less than 200s, and the flow time of viscometer with 0.4mm inner diameter is no less than 350s. 5.3 在測定試樣的粘度之前必須將粘度計用溶劑油或石油醚洗滌,如果粘度計沾有污垢,就 用鉻酸洗液、水、蒸餾水或 95
57、% 乙醇依次洗滌。然后放入烘箱中烘干,或用通過棉花濾過 的熱空氣吹干。 You must clean the viscometer with solvent oil or petroleum ether before testing the viscosity, if the viscometer has stains, Cleaning it with the chromate liquid 、water、distilled water or 95% Ethanol in turn. Then dry it in drier or hot air that was filtered with
58、 cotton. 5.5 毛細管放入浴缸中后, 必須保證在溫度到達規(guī)定值后 15 分鐘方可試驗, 建議用戶在未到 設定溫度前將毛細管放入浴缸中。 After put the capillary into the bath vat, you must guarantee didnt conduct the experiment until the temperature has reach the stipulated value over 15minitues; it is suggest that put the capillary into the bath vat before reac
59、hed the stipulated temperature. 5.6 測試時油需吸到粘度計管上部球體的中間,并保證吸油粘度計管的毛細管常數(shù)與設定值 相符。 When make the testing, oil need to be drawn into the middle of upper sphere, and to make sure that the coefficient of capillary is consistent with the setting value. 第三部分 儀器維護、保養(yǎng)及安全說明 Chapter Three Maintenance & Safety In
60、structions 1 儀器維護與保養(yǎng) Maintenance 1、儀器應存放在干燥的地方,并作好防塵工作。 The apparatus should be store in dry condition , and make a good preparation for dust proof. 2、開機前應確保儀器的各部件連接正常,請不要連續(xù)開關(guān)電源,以免損壞元器件,開關(guān)電 源之間至少應間隔20S以上。 To ensure proper connection of apparatus before start up, please dont switch the supply repeate
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