1、本科生畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)冊 學院 xxx學院 專業(yè) xxxx 班級 xxxx級xx班 學生 xx 指導教師 xxx xxxx大學本科畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)任務(wù)書編 號: 論文(設(shè)計)題目:蕩漾在密西西比河上的“美國夢”-論馬克吐溫和哈克貝利費恩歷險記 學院: xxx學院 專業(yè): xxxx 班級: xxxx級英語xx班 學生姓名:xx 學號: xxxx 指導教師: xxx 職稱:xxx 1、 論文(設(shè)計)研究目標及主要任務(wù)本論文的研究目標是探討馬克吐溫的小說哈克貝利費恩歷險記中主人公體現(xiàn)出的作者所理解的“美國夢”精神。其主要任務(wù)是從自由主義,冒險主義和反抗精神具體表述這種精神對美國人的影響。2、論文(設(shè)
2、計)的主要內(nèi)容 本論文分為三章,第一章從哈克和黑奴吉姆的逃跑和密西西比河的隱含意義三方面論述了文章中的自由主義,第二章從哈克和湯姆索亞的探險分析了冒險主義,最后一章討論了哈克和吉姆的反抗精神。3、論文(設(shè)計)的基礎(chǔ)條件及研究路線 本論文的基礎(chǔ)條件是不同的文學家、文學批評家以及喬伊斯本人對其作品中人物和當時社會環(huán)境分析和解讀。 研究路線是對人物的精神狀況從渴望自由,冒險和反抗三方面進行詳細的探討和分析。4、主要參考文獻thomson, david. 2000. in nevada: the land, the people, god, and chance. new york: vintage
3、books.jelliffe, robert a. 1956. faulkner at nagano. tokyo: kenkyusha, ltd.lindborg, henry j. 2009. “adventures of huckleberry finn 陶德臻,1991,世界文學史,北京:高等教育出版社梁斌,2008,論馬克吐溫對美國現(xiàn)實的批判,山東大學5、計劃進度階段起止日期1確定初步論文題目3月16日前2與導師見面,確定大致范圍,填開題報告和任務(wù)書,導師簽字3月16日-3月23日3提交論文提綱3月23日-3月30日4交初稿和文獻綜述3月30日-4月20日5交終稿和評議書5月8日前指
4、 導 教師: 年 月 日教研室主任: 年 月 日注:一式三份,學院(系)、指導教師、學生各一份 xxxx大學本科生畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)開題報告書 xxx 學院 xxxx 專業(yè) xxxx 屆學生姓名xx論文(設(shè)計)題目蕩漾在密西西比河上的“美國夢”-論馬克吐溫和哈克貝利費恩歷險記指導教師xxx專業(yè)職稱 xxx所屬教研室翻譯系研究方向英美文學和翻譯課題論證:從自由主義,冒險主義和反抗精神角度入手討論哈克貝利費恩歷險記中的主人公形象,以及從中反應(yīng)的馬克吐溫自身對于美國夢的認識。方案設(shè)計:第一章介紹作品中的自由主義,第二章介紹作品中的冒險主義, 第三章介紹作品中的反抗精神。進度計劃:3月16日前確定初步論
5、文題目 3月23日前寫開題報告、任務(wù)書3月30日前提交論文提綱4月20日前提交初稿和文獻綜述5月8日前交終稿和評議書指導教師意見: 指導教師簽名: 年 月 日教研室意見: 教研室主任簽名: 年 月 日xxxx大學本科生畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)評議書姓 名xx學院xxx學院專業(yè)xxxx年級(班)xxxx級英語x班論 文 題 目蕩漾在密西西比河上的“美國夢”-論馬克吐溫和哈克貝利費恩歷險記完成時間xxxx/5/8論文內(nèi)容摘要美國夢在美國文學中是一個永恒的話題,它通過文學方式反映一定時期的社會特征,表達社會需求,因此文學和美國夢的緊密關(guān)系的顯而易見的。馬克吐溫生于1835年11月30號佛羅里達州,在密西西比
7、道德頹廢和奴隸制的存在。本論文從三方面分析美國兒童精神追求:自由主義,冒險主義和反抗精神。為研究當時美國人的精神追求提供了素材。 指導教師評語 年 月 日指 導 教 師職稱初評成績答辯小組姓名職稱教研室組長成員答辯記錄: 記錄人簽字: 年 月 日答辯小組意見: 組長簽字: 年 月 日學院意見: 評定成績: 簽章 年 月 日xxxx大學本科生畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)文獻綜述literature reviewamerican dream has always been a main topic in american literature. it completely manifests american
8、 social characteristics at that fixed period, and expresses the societys request through literature. therefore, the close relation between literature and society was fully displayed. as we all know, the americans are proud of their dream, which has started from columbus who found this new land. we c
9、an see from the earlier american novels and works that the original american dream is based on the longing for a totally perfect nation where equality, justice and freedom are valued. they cherish the idea that men are born to be equal and they can achieve what they want once they struggle for it. t
10、he american dream plays a significant role in the nations building and attracts millions of individuals coming to this charming land to find their new life. there are sorts of works depicting this theme. in different period, american dream has different ways of representations. the frontier spirit i
11、n steinbecks the grapes of wrath, the chasing of freedom and democracy in nathaniel hawthornes the scarlet letter and the confusion and disillusion in f. scott. fitzgeralds the great gatsby all demonstrate the changes of meaning being added to the original one. the adventures of huckleberry finn was
12、 written in the year 1884, but it described the story happening before the civil war. at that time, there existed two different economic systems: capitalism in the north which developed in leaps and bounds and more free labor men were needed and plantation economy in the south where the white planta
13、tion owners with large plantations needed more slaves as their own private property but treated slaves rather badly just like animals which could be purchased freely. the adventures of huckleberry finn can best depict american society. although slavery in america was abolished from the eye of law, i
14、n reality, racial discrimination was still serious, which could be seen in such situation as black slaves were the lowest in the social status and their lives had no change.mark twain is the pen name of samuel langhorne clemens .he was born on november 30, 1835 in florida, missouri, of a virginian f
15、amily. he was brought up in hannibal, missouri. he grew up in an ordinary family. after his fathers death in 1847, he had to leave school. then he worked as a tramp printer, river pilot, confederate guerrilla, prospector, which all enriched his experience. and four-year life along the mississippi ri
16、ver provided rich raw material and background information for the adventures of huckleberry finn. literary critic hl mencken once said that mark twain was the true father of american national literature ; ernest hemingway once commented the adventures of huckleberry finn, all modern american literat
17、ure comes from one book called the adventures of huckleberry finn which is the best of all books, not previously before, so far not so good. hemingways comment shows that the adventures of huckleberry finn has a special literal status in america. at that time, the coming out of the adventures of huc
18、kleberry finn caused great response and appreciation by many critics and readers at home and abroad. quelilin said, the adventures of huckleberry finn is great. mark twain narrated the story in first person, which enables readers to appreciate the significance of the novel directly and deeply. the t
19、wo heroes huck and jim stand for two different classes. in the winding and adventurous journey, huck and jim have built up an everlasting friendship that has broken down the barrier between the white and black. the writers wording is full of humor, sarcasm and contempt. this writing traits and rheto
20、rical tactics contribute to reflecting the strong desire of the public to abolish the bondage of slavery and pursue independence and freedom. the poet t.s. eliot believes that “the novel creates a new writing style in both the united states and the britain and “it is a new discovery of english”. he
21、also holds that huck, his image, is eternal. since more than 100 years after the publish of the adventures of huckleberry finn, mark twains description of and pursuit for truth, goodness and freedom and his natural and poetic style and highly infectious sense of humor have attracted millions of the
22、different cultures and of different ages readers in the world. the new york times in 1982 also hailed the adventures of a huckleberry finn as one of the greatest novels in america. many readers read and appreciated the adventures of huckleberry finn .the novel contributes so greatly to literature th
23、at literary researchers analyze the novel from all levels of analysis.the adventures of huckleberry finn does not enjoy the same the same amount of fame with mark twains another work the adventures of tom sawyer. so chinese readers are sensitive to the humor in writing styles instead of the characte
24、r building and the emotion the writer express. in recent years, more and more researches are done in the analysis of moral decadence and hypocrisy of slavery in the 19th century in the united states. the novel reveals american dark side in the 19th century which makes us think of social problem and
25、paves a new way for racial equality through humor and critique. lots of concern has been made in the aspect of ordinary peoples demonstration of the american spirit which forms the american dream. this thesis analyzes the spirit illustrated by the children in three aspects: the liberalism, the adven
26、turism and the rebellious spirit. chapter one firstly analyzes the escapes of huckleberry finn and black slave jim and digs the symbolic meaning of mississippi river; chapter two deals with the manifestations of adventures of huckleberry and tom sawyer, a main character of mark twains another master
27、piece the adventures of tom sawyer; chapter three studies the rebellious spirit of the two children in their friendship and their resistant in the status quo. although being restricted and constrained by the reality, these young children are still cherishing their dream of freedom as well as equalit
28、y which are not likely being owned by them in that time and age. 本科生畢業(yè)論文設(shè)計題目:蕩漾在密西西比河河上的“美國夢”論馬克吐溫和哈克貝利費恩歷險記american dream along mississippi-mark twain and the adventures of huckleberry finn作者姓名: xx 指導教師: xxx 所在學院: xxx學院 專業(yè)(系): xxxx 班級(屆): xxxx屆 完成日期 xxxx 年 4 月 20 日 american dream along mississippi-
29、mark twain and the adventures of huckleberry finnbyxx prof.xx, tutora thesis submitted to department of english language and literature in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of b.a. in english at xxxxuniversityapril 20th, xxxxabstractamerican dream has always been a main topic in
30、 american literature. it completely manifests american social characteristics at that fixed period, and expresses the societys request through literature. therefore, the close relation between literature and american dream was fully displayed.mark twain was born on november 30, 1835 in florida, miss
31、ouri, of a virginian family. several years of life along the mississippi river provided rich raw material and background information for the adventures of huckleberry finn. the adventures of huckleberry finn was written in the year 1884, but it described the story happening before the civil war, whi
32、ch can best depict american society. in this book, the two heroes huck and jim stand for two different classes. in the winding and adventurous journey, huck and jim have built up an everlasting friendship that has broken down the barrier between the white and black.ernest hemingway once commented th
33、e adventures of huckleberry finn, all modern american literature comes from one book called the adventures of huckleberry finn which is the best of all books, not previously before, so far not so good. 1hemingways comment shows that the adventures of huckleberry finn has a special literal status in
34、america. the former study pays much emphasis on the humorous and colloquial writing styles and the local colorism in which mark twain is a representative figure. in recent years, more and more researches are done in the analysis of moral decadence and hypocrisy of slavery in the 19th century in the
35、united states. this thesis analyzes the spirit illustrated by the children in three aspects: the liberalism, the adventurism and the rebellious spirit. although being restricted and constrained by the reality, these young children are still cherishing their dream of freedom as well as equality which
36、 are not likely being owned by them in that time and age. key words: mark twain; american dream; freedom; equality摘要美國夢在美國文學中是一個永恒的話題,它通過文學方式反映一定時期的社會特征,表達社會需求,因此文學和美國夢的緊密關(guān)系的顯而易見的。馬克吐溫生于1835年11月30號佛羅里達州,在密西西比河的幾年生涯為他的哈克貝利費恩歷險記提供了豐富的一手素材和背景。哈克貝利費恩歷險記寫于1884年,但描述的故事發(fā)生于美國內(nèi)戰(zhàn)前,因為這段時期最能體現(xiàn)美國社會。在此書中,主人公哈克和吉姆
37、分別代表不同階級。在曲折而又充滿冒險的旅途中,哈克和吉姆建立起了深厚的友誼,這種友誼打破了白人和黑人的隔閡。海明威曾這樣評價哈克貝利費恩歷險記,“所以美國現(xiàn)代文學都起源于一本書哈克貝利費恩歷險記,之前沒有,至少迄今為止還沒有人能趕超”。由此可見這本書在美國文學中的特殊地位。以前人們把對此書的研究重點放在馬克吐溫幽默和口語化的寫作風格,以及以馬克吐溫為代表的地方色彩主義。近些年來,越來越多的研究開始轉(zhuǎn)向19世紀美國道德頹廢和奴隸制的存在。本論文從三方面分析美國兒童精神追求:自由主義,冒險主義和反抗精神。盡管為現(xiàn)實所桎梏,這些兒童依然懷揣著擁有自由平等的夢想。關(guān)鍵詞:馬克吐溫 美國夢 自由 平等t
38、able of contentsintroduction.1chapter i. liberalism.4a. huckleberrys escape.4b. jims runaway.6c. mississippithe symbol of freedom.6chapter ii. adventurism.8a. adventures of huckleberry .8b. adventures of tom sawyer.8chapter iii. rebellious spirit.11a. huckleberrys friendship with jim.11b. jims resis
39、tance to slavery.14conclusion.17notes19bibliography.20introduction1.1 mark twains life and major workssamuel langhorne clemens,better known by his pen name mark twain, was an american author and humorist, who is most famous for his satires. twain grew up in hannibal, missouri, which provided the set
40、ting for huckleberry finn and tom sawyer. after an apprenticeship with a printer, he worked as a typesetter and contributed articles to his older brother orions newspaper. he later became a riverboat pilot on the mississippi river before heading west to join orion in nevada. he referred humorously t
41、o his singular lack of success at mining, turning to journalism for the virginia city territorial enterprise. in 1865, his humorous story, the celebrated jumping frog of calaveras county was published, which brought international attention, even being translated to classic greek. his wit and satire,
42、 in prose and in speech, earned him praise from critics and peers.twain passed through a period of deep depression that began in 1896 when his daughter suzy died of meningitis. olivias death in 1904 and jeans on december24, 1909, deepened his gloom. in 1909, twain is quoted as saying: i came in with
43、 halleys comet in 1835. it is coming again next year, and i expect to go out with it. it will be the greatest disappointment of my life if i dont go out with halleys comet. the almighty has said, no doubt: now here are these two unaccountable freaks; they came in together, they must go out together.
44、2his prediction was accuratetwain died of a heart attack on april21, 1910, in redding, connecticut, one day after the comets closest approach to earth.upon hearing of twains death, president william howard taft said: mark twain gave pleasure real intellectual enjoyment to millions, and his works wil
45、l continue to give such pleasure to millions yet to come. his humor was american, but he was nearly as much appreciated by englishmen and people of other countries as by his own countrymen. he has made an enduring part of american literature.3from the onset of his literary work, mark twain demonstra
46、tes a clear interest in the lives of the youth. his famous the adventures of huckleberry finn illustrates this. huckleberry finn was an offshoot from tom sawyer and had a more serious tone than its predecessor. huckleberry, the main character, is considered as an uneducated boy who is constantly und
47、er pressure to conform to the civilized aspects of society. jim, who accompanies huckleberry, is a runaway slave seeking freedom from the world that has denied it to him for so long. it is the trip that makes the boy huckleberry get to know the evil of the slavery and to show his courage to rebel ag
48、ainst the world. the main premise behind huckleberry finn is the young boys belief in the right thing to do though most believed that it was wrong. 1.2about american dreamthis book has been studied from many aspects, for instance, the situational irony, the writing features, the personalities of the
49、 characters and so on. this paper mainly studies the spirit of american dream demonstrated in the book. the american dream is a national ethos of the united states, a set of ideals in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, and an upward social mobility achieved through ha
50、rd work. in the definition of the american dream by james truslow adams in 1931, life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement4 regardless of social class or circumstances of birth. the idea of the american dream is rooted in
51、the united states declaration of independence which proclaims that all men are created equal and that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. ownby (1999) identifies four american dreams that the new consumer culture add
52、ressed. the first was the dream of abundance offering a cornucopia of material goods to all americans, making them proud to be the richest society on earth. the second was the dream of a democracy of goods whereby everyone had access to the same products regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, or cla
53、ss, thereby challenging the aristocratic norms of the rest of the world whereby only the rich or well-connected are granted access to luxury. the dream of freedom of choice with its ever expanding variety of good allowed people to fashion their own particular lifestyle. finally, the dream of novelty, in which ever-changing fashions, new models, and unexpected new products broadened the consumer experience in terms of purchasing skills and awareness of the market, and challenged the conservatism of traditional society and culture, and even politics. the term
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