



1、About On the birds and the en vir onmentAbstract: The birds and the environmentare closelyrelated, theen viro nmentcan be temperature,precipitati on, and other factors to in flue nee the breed ing of birds at the same time, a regionalchangesin thenu mber of birds species and can also expla in cha ng

2、es in the en vir onment of this regio n.Keywords:Birds; en vir onment;en viro nmen talcarry ingcapacity;regi onalen viro nmen talBirds aren ature s most com mon type of ani mal, but in the pelagic food cha in this end birds and the environment around uscan be saidto be closelyrelatedto the first pla

3、ce, thesurvival andreproducti onof birds,itmust be fromthesurro undingen vir onmentaccesstofood and allthecon diti onsnecessary forsurvival,the environmentwillhave some impact on birds, whe n bird is reduced, the n itmust expla inen vir onmen tallevels.Mean while,theriseand fall ofbirds will alsohav

4、e someimpact onthesurro undingen viro nment,Theyhavea verycloserelatio nshipin the world, atotal ofninemore than000ikinds of birds, an estimated 1,000 million. their feeding habits complex, lifestyle and diverse, perched on a variety of ecologicalenvironment,is to maintain the ecologicalbala nee of

5、n ature importa nt factor.An en viro nmen tal impact on birds.For bird, it is a bird to exti ncti on, the main factor is not man-made big catch, but because of bad en viro nment, the kinds of birds carry ing capacity decreased, while the man s impact on birds usually through damage to the en vir onm

6、ent to affect birds.1.1 Temperature Whe n there is an ambie nt air temperature rise or fall more than one bird can be adapted to a ran ge, the n the no rmal physiological activity of birds will be disturbed at this time, migratory birds, it will happe n, leave this place. Most obvious example tha n

7、win ter birds, migratory birds in summer. Similarly, too, whe n the temperature rises this place, there will be many unu sualorig inal species as the global warmertemperatures, in 1980, the daily temperature compared Fujia n to the previous high 0.6C . So from 1980 on wards, the first one found in F

8、uqing Black-w in ged Kite, the n ext few decades, Fujia n Provin ce, have bee n discovered aro und the traces of Black-w in ged Kite, Black-w in ged Kite has become the Fujia n Prov ince reside nt birds while before the bird species have been found in Hainan and other places.1.2 rain fall precipitat

9、io n is too high or too low a place, will affect the birds through the breed ing behavior and survival Difficult to cha nge the nu mber of birds. Crane is a critically endangered migratory wetland birds, wild around the world 3 000 individuals.Crane in the pastofte n win teri ng Yan gtze River in Ch

10、ina, but with the 1997 and 1998 reduced rain fall, heavyprecipitati onhasin creased, the crane habitat adversely affected. Result ing in those two years, the nu mber of cranes in the Yan gtze River from the original1 200 dropped to less than200. .com1.3 livi ng en vir onment with the accelerated pro

11、cess of in dustrializatio n and urba ni zati on, people reclaim the land, quarry ing,use of tidal flats farming,destructi on ofman grovesand other behavior has an impact on thesurvival of birds, the largesten vir onmen taifactors.Spoon bill bird workers are most concerned about in recent years, a bi

12、rd in the 1970s before the Black-faced Spo on billcom monin the souther nChi na regi on, as arecent survey found that the current of the remaining birds in the world, less tha n 1 000 in the largest win teri ng Black-faced Spo on bills in Taiwa n, the Northwest coast is under serious threat of indus

13、trialization,the Hong KongMai Po is also con tam in ated,Vietnam Despite itswin teri ng grounds in the establishme nt of protected areas, but are still subject to the mudflats continu ous threat to aquaculture farms,these huma n factorsmake fewersources of food, water damaged, breeding grounds by hu

14、man interferenee. In Fujian QuanzhouBay wetlandarea, which two years as the en vir onment and developme nt,Quan zhou replaced by highwayconstruction,destroyed part of the mountainand thebeach, the original breed here every year for the egrets, cattle egrets, herons, Great Egret from the orig inal nu

15、 mber of nearly 10,000 tons less for the current one thousand only, which is also due to road constructionprocess,destroy herons n est, con structi on no ise and huma ndisturba nee move caused their breed ing ground.Two factors that determ ine the en viro nment of birds 2.1 different types of birds,

16、 birds of the same ability to adapt to a different place, because their food needs are different,not the same as breedinggrounds,such as sparrows, which is a com mon bird at the outset of farming civilizationand people are closely related. theirdiet is omnivorous, mainly beetles and caterpillars for

17、 food, but also eat some fruit seeds. these foods mainly in the area of & #8203;huma n existe nee farming, so some one somewhere can see sparrows, and eat some of it huma n food scraps discarded while and this differe nee is egrets,feed ingmainly on small fish and shrimp itsclass-based, so the geogr

18、aphical distribution of egrets, beside the main fish ponds and tidal flats. Cattle Egret feed ing habits mai nly frogs, i nsects for food, their survival to many in the fields when a regional bird species sudde nlyin creased,the nsome of this region sen vir onmen tal cha nges.2.2 the nu mber of bird

19、s species of birds con siderable degree in the case of the nu mber of birds isano ther importa ntfactor determ iningen vir onmen talAbird in the same area the same time, if a variationinqua ntity, it is also described that appears to the environmentchanges, such as, the constructionof thering road around Quan zhou Bay, appeared in the area, the nu mber of birds in additi on t


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