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1、新視野大學英語(第三版)讀寫 教程第三冊第二單元課后練習 答案Unit 2 beat your fearSection APre-readi ng activities1 .仃 2F 3T 4F SF2 .1 Jacks problem is solved by acarpe nter. He told Jack to cut the legs offthe bed. And then Jack as certain that nobody was sleeping under it when he got into bed.2 The an swer is ope n-en ded. For

2、 example,you might have the fear of dark ness, thefear of heights, the fear of snakes or spiders, the fear of flying, etc. Somesuggestionson how to overcome fearsare listed below for referenee.First, you an alyzed your fear and had a clear pictureof whatcontrolexposeyourself to that fear insmalldose

3、sun tilyou gained abetteryour fear was. Then you took of your fear. You decided toun dersta nding of it. As a result, your fearyoubega nto disappear.Fin ally,successfullycha ngedthewayyouthought about your fear.You startedseeing fear as a source ofen ergy andembraced its role in your life.Scripts:Ja

4、ck went to a doctor.Doctor, hesaid, Ive got trouble. Every time I lie inbed, I thi nk theres somebody un der it. I get under the bed; then I think theres somebody on top of it. Top, under, top, under. Youve got to help me! It almost drives me mad!Just put yourself in my hands for two years, said the

5、 doctor. Come to me three times a week, and II cure your fears.How much do you charge?A hun dred dollars a visit.Ill thi nk about it, said Jack.Six mon ths later the doctor met Jack by chanee Why did nt you ever come to see me aga in? asked the doctor.For a hun dred bucks a visit? A carpe ntercured

6、me for 10 dollars.Is that so? How?He told me to cut the legs off the bed!Readi ng comprehe nsionUn dersta nding the text11 Because when he once hopped from the highest div ing board at the pool, hehit the water with an in credibleimpactand blacked out.2 No, they could nt. Because with the waters tow

7、, theyd n ever get to the drow ning boy.3 Because no body except Jas on saw that going out onto the jetty, which was close to the boy, was the fastest way to reach the drow ning boy.4 Because his fear of water suddenly struck him.5 He felt like he was back in that pool, breathless, struggli ng, terr

8、ified.6 The boy popped back up, eyes wide with terror, pawing and twisting against Jas on.7 No, it was nt. At first whe n Jas on swamagainstthe rip current, it was forciblydragging them out to the sea. Then hethe pull ofdecided to swim sideways tothe current and slowly made their way back to shore.

9、Fin ally he made his way back to safety.8 Because Jas on had already conq uered his inner fear of water and he also felt relieved and delightedwhen he saw theboy was hugged tightly by his mother.Critical thi nking21 To overcome the inner fear of water, wen eed to:conq uer ourselves with courage byhe

10、lp ing others, step up and face ourandfear;practicecon trolledbreath ing alter nately tense and relax muscle groups to bring into physical awareness the differences between being tense and being relaxed;make the victim stop struggling. In this way he / she can be pulled to safety.2 The fears may com

11、e from:our own past experie nee;other peoples fears we wit ness;some on esdescripti onabout theirfears;in flue neeof specific cultural andhistorical con text.3 To get a guy to ask a girl out, try giv inghow tohim some poin ters and ideas on approach the situati on with con fide nee:Tell the guy to a

12、sk a girl on a casualdate and see where it goes from there. Explain to him that asking a girl out face-to-face can be most appropriate, as it will show her how serious be is. However, if he thinks that is too daring,thensuggestsending her a text message or calli ng her on the pho ne.Encourage the gu

13、y to be assertive and not beat around the bush. Con fide nee is admirable, and a girl is more likely to be attracted to a man with con fide nee. If he is ask ingthe girl in person, he should speak as though he knew she would say yes. Tell him not to hesitate and to get straight to the point.Suggest

14、that the guy give the girl some choices as to where to go on a date. If he is un sureof whatactivities or restaurants she enjoys most, this is a great opport unity for him to learn more about her and show her that be cares about her.4 Obsessive fear leads to anxiety, panic attacks and a variety of p

15、sychological problems. We all know what its like tofeel overwhelmed by fear, but fear, as itturns out, is a fun dame ntalpart of our lives, and has some positive effects our lives:onoursen soryaware nessoftheen viro nment,so that we canbepreparedto protectourselves fromanythingpote ntiallythreate ni

16、ng orFear in creasesand enhan cesharmful.Fear is anin vitati onto act. Fear isthere to warn us that we n eed to get ready for the future. It isnt there to stop us; its there to tell us that we are about to grow.Fear pushes us beyondour limits.Fear motivates us. It drives us to find new resources and

17、opti onswithi n ourselves. Fear compels us tomake extra effortstosucceedandachieve what we desire.Fear is necessary indevelop ingourcourage.Wecantexperie neecourage withoutthepreseneeoffear. They go handin hand.Theyn eedoneano therin ordertoexist-likedark nessand light,orblack and white.Lan guage fo

18、cusWords in useI intervene2 underestimate3 recede 4deem 5 bleak6 appraise 7 paralyzed 8 symptoms 9 dismay 10 brinkWord buildi ng4Wordy lear ned New words formed-ancedom in atedomi nanceavoidavoida neerelyrelia neeacqua intacqua intanceannoyannoyanceclearcleara neeadmitadmitta neeresembleresembla nee

19、assureassrsra nee-edboreboredprivilegeprivilegeddistraetdistracted51 bored2 privileged3 assuranee4dom inance5 avoida nee6 aequaintance 7 relianee 8 elearanee9distracted 10 annoyance11 admitta nee 12 resembla neeBan ked eloze61 K2D3H4J5I6O7 G 8 A9 N 10 CExpressi ons in use7I pulled to a stop 2 black

20、out 3 pop up 4stopped short5 plowed through 6 threw himself into 7let yourself go 8 grabbed forTran slati on9美國夢是美利堅合眾國的民族精神。該詞有各種各樣的用法,但其根本含義是,在美國任何人都 可以通過努力獲得成功,都有可能過上幸福而成 功的生活口許多人對美國夢的概念加以拓展和 提煉,涵蓋了像自由,自我實現和深厚的人際關系等方面的內容。美國夢的思想比美 國本身更為久遠,可以追溯到17世紀,當時的 歐洲移民面對這一新發(fā)現的、未經開發(fā)的廣裹大 陸,開始紛紛懷揣希望,追逐夢想。隨著歷史的 發(fā)

21、展,美國夢的含義也已改變,既包含了個人元 素,也包含了全局視野。但并不是每個人都對美 國夢持肯定態(tài)度。一些人認為美國的社會結構決定了不是每個人都能擁有這樣的 理想目標。批評者常常舉以實例,揭露植根于階 級、種族、宗教和民族的不平等現象,指出美國 夢并非每個人都可企及。10Realiz ing the great n ati onal rejuve nati on, which we define as the Chinese Dream,has bee nthe greatestChin eseexpectation si nee modem times. It basically means

22、 achieving prosperityforthe country, renewal of the nationandhapp in ess for the people, thus en suri ng that every en terpris ingChin ese carries,gen erati onafter gen erati on, the firmcon victi onthat a better life isaccomplished through persiste nt effort. People should achieve their prosperity

23、through dilige nee, courage, creativity and determ in ati onin steadof aid fromsociety or other people. Each in dividual is a participa nt and a desig ner in the cause of realizi ng the Chin ese Dream, for it is a dream not only for the en tire n ati on but also for every Chin ese.Secti on BReadi ng

24、 skills1 Kno wi ng grins implies that theyregardedbump ingas a comm onoccurre nee in flight.2 Based on our prior knowledge about what happe ns, if there is someth ing wrong with the no se-wheel steeri ng and the whole landing gear system, we can infer that the passengers and the crew were all in dan

25、 ger, and it was highly possible that the pla ne would crash.3 This sentence shows that the mothersgaze at the child displayed a deep care and which calmed dow n the child in order to keep her from being in flue need by the outside dan gers, impl ying that the mothers love was so great that itcouldh

26、elp the little child all the outside fears4 This paragraph tells a simple truth that their survival from the possible air crash was a miracle, and a lot of luck.Readi ng comprehe nsionUn dersta nding the text21 A 2 D 3C 4B 5 D 6C 7D 8ACritical thi nking31 Lovegen eratesstre ngthandcon fide neewhich

27、help toovercomeourinner fear.Loveis able tobringinto fullplaythe mostcourageousactsin the world,and love canconq uer our inner fear.Becominga more loving persontoward others will help you to tran sce ndyour fear. Becom ing more lov ing toward yourself will help you to heal your fear.2 Apart from lov

28、e, I believe, there are many other factors that can help us cope with challe nges in life. Some of them are listed as follows:Con fide neemay stre ngthe nourdeterm in ati onto han dle anydifficulties we are confron ted with.A sense of purpose in our life is critical when we feel lost under the great

29、 pressure of troubles.A strong social n etwork is also useful.Maybe our problems could be easilysolved by the joi nt efforts from oursocialn etworkcomposed of relatives, frie nds, colleagues, etcOptimism can always make us filled with hope, help ingus mustercourage when we are tortured by frustrati

30、ons.Necessary problem-solvi ng skills and strategies are most crucial to our performa neewhe nwe are fac ingchalle nges.3 Tips to keep fear away duri ng exams:Prepare well in advanee and do not mug up( 突擊學習).Make time to relax.Revise properly. In order to prevent anxiety, the last few weeks beforeth

31、e exam in ati onshould be spe nt revis ing each subject.Be flexibleduringthe exam. Duringthe exam, if you get ten sed or bla nk after see ing difficult questi ons, skip them for the time being and attempt questi ons which you find easier.Once youhave completedthem, go back to the difficult on es.In

32、this way, you will be able to an swer them con fide ntly.4 The followingare something that canbe done to help overcome fear:It can be importantto visit with aqualified therapist who can help the survivor identify the root causes ofthe fear andaddressthoseun derly ingreas ons for the fearresp on se.S

33、upport groups can be helpful as cana trusted frie nd who exte nds compassi onin the face of thesurvivors fear. This type of resp onse can go a long way in helpi ng victims work through their fear.Lan guage focusWords in use41 vertical 2 evaporate 3 plight 4 intent 5abort 6 vuln erable 7 proximity 8 evoke 9 lofty10 n ecessitateExpressi ons in use 51 in the eve nt of 2 imm uneto 3 settled back 4 on board5 in / in


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