1、Unit 14 測試題100分)(滿分一、單項選擇。(15分)選擇可以填入空白處的最佳選項。()1. We are so lucky to have so many car ing teachers. Yes, they are really lovely. I am thankfulthemwhat they have done for me.A. to; forB. for; toD. with; withC. with; about()2. I have left my food in the classroom. Dont worry. You can share some of.A.
2、 ourB. ourselvesD. usC. ours()3. We should all hold on to our dreams. Yes. A life without a dream is like a bird without, which cant fly.A. waterB. wi ngsD. foodC. clouds()4. Daddy, can you fix the toy car for me? Well, you can do it yourself. Read thesecarefully first.A. in vitati onsB. in strume n
3、tsC. in terviewsD. in structi ons()5. Do you think I can pass the test? Of course. Why dont you justyour abilities? A. stick to B. believe inD. end upC.show up()6. Well, it is time to . So it is. Otherwise, we may miss the trai n.A. set onB. set upD. set outC. set in()7. we send some thank-you cards
4、 to our teachers? What a good idea!A. DoB. ShallC. MustD. May()8. Its impossible for us to avoid the difficulties. I agree. But theyif we try. A. n eed overcomeB. n eed be overcomeC. can be overcome D. can overcome()9. How time flies! Three yearssince we became a junior high stude nt. Time and tide
5、wait for no man.A. has gone by B. have gone awayC. are going by D. went away()10. Could you offer me some advice on how to improve my spoke n En glish? Well, the key isas ofte n as possible.A. practiced B. to practic ingC. to practiceD. practices()11. Tom,you have made! I am sorry, but I will clea n
6、 it up.A. how mess B. what messC. how a messD. what a mess()12. Hey, James. Do you still rememberme in the camp in Qingdao? Of course I do. You were so careful and always remembereda map.A. see ing; to take B. see ing; to tak ingC. to see; to take D. to see; to tak ing()13. Tom along with his pare n
7、tsto Hong Kong on holiday, right? I thi nk so. They must be hav ing fun in Hong Kong now.A. has gone B. have goneC. has bee nD. have bee n()14. The show you have bee n look ing forward tothis weeke nd. Yeah. And I have got the ticket.A. tak ing place B. will take placeC. being take n place D. will b
8、e take n place()15. I must congratulate you that you have got another“ A” . Tha nk you,.A. but n ever mindB. and I have poor luck thoughC. but more effort is n eededD. and I have pity on myself10 分)完形填空。二、(閱讀下列短文,選擇可以填入空白處的最佳選項。Eve is excited togo to her first Dyla n Wyma n con cert in New York. Dyl
9、a n Wyma n is Evesfavorite 16 .In fact, Eve tells her mother Jea nnine that Dyla n Wyma n is her favorite pers on!When they are about halfway to New York, Jeannine hears a frightening17. “ Oh,no,” she says whe n 18 that they have a flat tire ().爆裂的輪胎 頁2 第Jeannine pulls the car over and climbs out. S
10、ure enough, their right rear tire is completely flat.She ope ns the trunk () to get the jack () and the spare tire. Traffic con ti nues to whiz千斤頂后備箱 byat seve nty miles per hour.“ Mom, are we going to die? ” Eve asks. She is really 19.“ Dont worry, honey. Ill be 20: Jea nnine says as she starts to
11、jack up the car.“ Wow, Mom, how do you know how to do this? ” Eve is surprised at her mothers secret tale nt.Then Jea nnine21 the flat tire.“ Wow, Mom, how do you know how to do that? ” Eve asks in won der.Jeannine just22. Then she puts the spare tire on. Eve says, “ Mom, who are you? ”The whole tir
12、e cha nge takes only 10 min utes. They both climb back into the car and Jea nnine says, Im so sorry, hon ey, 23 we cant drive all the way to Alba ny on this spare tire.Were going to have to 24 and buy a new tire. We might be late for your 25.“Thats okay, Mom, ” Eve says. “ Youre my favorite person n
13、ow! ”()16. A. teacher B. sin gerC. frie ndD. waiterD. experie nee B. voice ()17. A. no ise C. thoughtB. receiv ingC ( )18. A. realizi ng . reviewi ngD. regard ingC. scaredB. tired D. excited()19. A. happyC. busy B. slow ()20. A. freeD. quickD. takes after ()21. A. takes on B. takes in C. takes offD.
14、 repliesB. cries ()22. A. laughs C. speaksC. butB. un less D. while )23. A. so(C. wait B. stop ()24. A. keep D. con ti nueC. work D. con cert)25. A. party ( B. meet ing30分)閱讀理解。三、( AVivie n Leigh was born on Nov. 5, 1913 in Darjeeli ng, In dia. She got educati on in En gla ndand other Europea n cou
15、ntries. She was in spired () by her schoolmate Mauree n OSulliva n 鼓舞 and began her acting career. After appearing on stage with her new companion (), Jack 搭檔 Merivale, in Ivanov in 1966, she became seriously ill and died in London on July 8, 1967.Etha n Ruan Jing Tian is known in Taiwa n as Ruan Ji
16、ng Tian and everywhere else as Etha n Ruan. Born on Nov. 8, 1982, he was a full -time model before turning to acting. He attended the Hsing Wu College, where he became an excellent swimmer, a skill that is shown in several of his roles. He is the 2019 Best Leadi ng Actor winner of the 47th Golde n H
17、orse Awards for his role in Mon ga.Anne Hathaway was born in Brooklyn, New York on Nov. 12, 1982. Her father is a lawyer while her mother is an actress who in spired Hathaway to follow in her footsteps. In 2019, she and received an Academy Rachel Getti ng Marriedw on several awards for her performa
18、nee inAward nomin ati on for Best Actress. for Natacha (41)didNatacha What.writer when the She (42)first saw herthatThe thingsNatacha sent to the (43).writer A. Please cheer up!B. What happe ned?C. When did they come back?D. Its n early seve n mon ths.an is Califor nia. He 1974 in Los An geles, Leon
19、 ardo DiCaprio was bor n on Nov. 11,)for 9 Golden Globe Awards. nominated (American actor and film producer. He has been 提名 in 2019. He won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor for his performance in The AviatorThe luckiest thing She is still alive after E. Why are they leaving?F. You missed them a
20、 lot, did nt you? G. I dont want them to work there.10 分)(根據(jù)材料內(nèi)容,選擇最佳選項。years old. )26. Vivien Leigh died when she was( B. 54A. 52D. 67 C. 66.)27. Ruan Jing Tian is from (B. Taiwan A. BrooklynD. Los An gelesC. Darjeeli ngto be an actress.)28. Anne Hathaway was in spired by her (B. fatherA. motherD.
21、teacherC. schoolmate)29. Leon ardo DiCaprio performed in (B. MongaIva novA.Rachel Getti ng Married C. The Aviator D.)30. Which is NOT true accordi ng to the above readi ng?(A. Anne Hathaways mother is also an actress.B. Leon ardo DiCaprio was born in America in 1974.C. Rua n Ji ng Tia n has appeared
22、 to be a swimmer in several movies.D. Vivien Leigh began her acting career with her companion. Jack Merivale.BDo you mind sharing your test scores with others?) 辯論 On May 16, Guo Ruiting, 14, from Shenzhen Foreign Language School, had a big debate (with her classmates on this topic.she At first, mak
23、e would students study harder. the Guo believed that making scores public)that she had collected on the Internet. But they were too difficult 理論 theoriesexplained many () Du Xiaoshe.對方 opponent (to understand. So she was easily beaten by her)after (結(jié)論Publishing the results of our tests is bad for us
24、, ” said Du. He came to this conclusionhe failed his history exam one month ago. He thought it was just an accident. But he felt so hurt whe n his pare nts got a list of his marks. It also showed the marks of other stude nts in his class.His experie nee seemed to have won over many stude nts. But Gu
25、os team did nt give up. “ Dont you forget the time whe n we all worked harder after knowing the average mark of Class 2?” asked Guo. “ Wed have n ever bee n so good if we did nt know how far we were beh ind. So its good to know others marks, ” said Guo.These words en couraged Du. He partly agreed wi
26、th Guos team. He thought it was good to show the average mark of each class but not in dividual ( 個人的)marks. This is the perfect way to respect their privacy ( 隱私)and make them work hard as well.Such a con clusi on won most of the stude nts min ds.“Sometimes we need to compromise ( 折中),both in a deb
27、ate and in our life, ” added Du.()31. In the report, stude nts debated .A. whether stude nts marks should be made publicB. whether teachers should tell pare nts about stude nts marksC. how stude nts marks should be made publicD. whether stude nts marks could make them study harder()32. Guo Ruit ing
28、must havebefore the debate.A. bee n beate n backB. collected some in formati on on the In ter netC. got much supportD. failed in exams()33. Du Xiaoshes accide nt was that.A. he lost the debateB. the teacher made his mark publicC. he failed in an examD. his pare nts got to know his poor mark()34. Bot
29、h Guo and Du agreed that. A. stude nts marks should be made publicB. the average mark of each class should be knownC. it was good to know other stude nts marksD. publish ing the results of tests was bad for stude nts()35. The report might be take n from thepage of a magaz ine or a n ewspaper.A. artB
30、. school lifeC. home educati onD. scie neeCToro nto police officer Mark Borsboom is famous on the In ter net. A photo of him has bee n posted and shared on the Internet by many people.)of an old shoelace (鞋帶 tying the The photo shows the officer is doing a simple, good thingman. Mark was on duty, he
31、lp ing cars leave the park ing lot. As he was sta nding n ear the exit, an old man came n ear him. The man had no feeli ng in his hands because of a health problem. The old man頁5第had a long way to walk to meet his son, and his shoe had become loose ( 松的).He asked Mark if he would mind tying his shoe
32、lace for him.I did nt thi nk anything of it I saidsure and tied his shoelace. I did nt know some one had photographed it. ”The photographer was Jas on Cassidy who happe ned to be pass ing by whe n he saw the act of kindn ess. Jas on posted the photo on the Internet and it quickly became popular.In f
33、act, Mark has done many more in teresti ng and dan gerous thi ngs for his work. His no rmal job is catchi ng crim in als. On one hot day he spe nt hours sweat ing in a van ( 在小貨車?yán)锾屎?).He described the task as “ a milli on times harder (tha n help ing some one to tie his shoelace). ” ()36. There was
34、someth ing wrong with the old mans.A. eyes B. handsD. legsC. feet()37. The old man asked Mark to.B. look for his wifeA. meet his sonC. park his carD. tie his shoelace()38.took the photo and posted it on the Intern et.A. A passer-by B. Mark BorsboomC. The old man D. The old mans son()39. From the pas
35、sage we can lear n that Mark is.B. kind A. seriousC. en ergetic D. silly()40. What can we infer from the passage?A. The old man could nt find his son.B. Marks mai n job is to help cars leave the park ing lot.C. Mark thought help ing some one tie his shoelace was a small act.D. Jas on is the old mans
36、 son.10 分)(四、任務(wù)型閱讀。 I decided to meet my sponsored () child, 12 -year-old Natacha Etienne. She survived () 存被資助的幸 the earthquake in Haiti. After a two -hour drive, I found myself in a beautiful place where Natachas family live.When I first saw Natacha, wait ing in her best clothes, I felt like giv i
37、ng her a hug (), but I 擁抱 did nt.She had never seen me before. With half of the villagers gathering to look at me, Natacha stood back, sile nt and shy.When I pulled out photos, hand -written messages and drawings Id received from Natacha, her shyn ess was gone and she bega n to talk to me. Her pare
38、nts greeted me with warm hugs and n ervous smiles.Her pare nts tha nked me repeatedly for coming. Her father ope ned some drin ks, and we dra nk and talked. I lear nt that their only pla n was to get all their eight childre n educated, so they could頁6第get a chanee to leave Haiti.“ You are like anoth
39、er mother for Natacha, ” they said. “You pay forher education and we are really thankful to you. ”I took part in the spon sor activity, hop ing it could help childre n like Natacha have a cha nee to go to school. I believe my little contribution () will change their lives. Now I realize that 捐助 writ
40、i ng letters and sending photos are of great importa nee to Natacha, because they are all small gifts sent with great love.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,將下面表格中的信息補充完整。Natachas Whatparents greeted the With (44)writer withWhat cha nee Natachaspare nts hoped their A cha nee to (45) kids could get10分)五、(情景交際。根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,從方框內(nèi)選擇合適的句
41、子補全對話。(有兩項多余)Hello, Rice! You look sad. (46) A:My pare nts are leav ing home this after noon.B:(47) A:They are going to work in Hangzhou. I wont see them until the Spring Festival, you know.B: (48)Thats a long time. A:Yes. And I had nt lived with them for two years before they returned home last month. So Im veryB:sad. (49)Dont be upset. You can go and see them whe n we have a holiday. A: Maybe youre right. B: (50) Now our teacher is coming. Lets get ready for our class. A:頁7第5分)填寫單詞。 (六、根據(jù)所給的漢語意思,用合適
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