1、錳礦合同中英文對(duì)照版作者: 日期:錳礦石購(gòu)銷合同Sles nd P rchase C ntrct o Mnanes Ore合同號(hào) CON RACT mber :C212050 簽約地點(diǎn): Sinng pl ce: Beijing簽約日期 igning date:2 12/5/ 買方 THE BUYER : OUR BOU EN LIK SA AI V TICARET TD, TI?地址 ADD S :SLYMAN YE MH.M. EZI C KMAK CD.CAKMAK APT.KA D: NO:54IS EN RUN A Y, TURK TL: 009 326 6132 57FX: 00
2、0 326 613 22 57 賣方 TE SELR: 地址 /ADR SS:電話 TEL:傳真 / AX:買賣雙方經(jīng)友好協(xié)商 ,同意就以下貨物進(jìn)口達(dá)成以下交易條款。his contract i made b and b wen te buye ad the elle , wh reby th byer grees to buy and the sell ag ees to sell th der mentioned g ds on he erms and c ditions stated bellow:名詞定義DFINI INS:n tis CONTRACT, he fllwg rm sha
3、ll, unles othe se def d, hae he fol wing m ani s: 除非另訂說(shuō)明 ,在此合同中的名詞定義如下 :a) US Do lar d U Cents : eans r sp ctively dllas d ns in law l currenc of the Unit d Sta of AmericaUS 美元和美分指美國(guó)法定貨幣的美元和美分b)Tn?: meansmetr c ns 10ks s define n h “ intern t al syst c)d)e)f)g)h)i)噸?噸 1000 公斤onts ”.:指國(guó)際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的公MU干公噸Refe
4、r nc 濕狀態(tài)下的礦石Referen es tDry Metric Tons ean f oe on dry bas sto Or on a干狀態(tài)下的礦石 ?Part es雙方一起 adin por 裝貨港/T?:電匯CIuralreon a “N ur lr wt stBsismrc on:干公噸指干態(tài)下一公噸?!?:means Ore in its nat: 指濕或者自然狀態(tài)下的礦石y Basis ”15 dgees指在 105 攝氏度下干燥的礦石ean OreCentigra eredatmean ether:?m nsmean TelBuer ad Selle ISTANBUL,TU
5、 KEYgStat s Dollar mand Quarantinboth o指買賣雙方土耳其伊斯坦布爾港aphic Trans er United? 電匯s Et i f T Pe pleInsp ctionRpub i o Cha 商檢局 檢疫局指中國(guó)的出入境檢驗(yàn)j)CFsh have the mani ascr bed hreo in I COTE M00 (s am nded fro im to ime), xcep as modified b hicntra tIF:?按 COcontrac sha l havetheae mean ng 文字與條款 款有同樣的意義在此合同中 , 文
6、字與條1. 品名 :錳礦石N e of Commodity:Ma ane e OesES 200 定義的(定時(shí)修改), 除非本合同有修改k) Ar icle & lase bth the ari l ad claus i thi產(chǎn)地:土耳其Cou tr of Orig : URKEY2. 規(guī)格及品質(zhì) pecifica on nd Qu lity:2.1 化學(xué)成分(干基,重量百分比)SiO2: .0% MaxP: 0.09 MxS: .1 %M xprcnt e y we )2.1Ch mca Compos tion ( n dry basis ,Mn: 45% basis ( ct b l 4
7、2%) e: 5 MAXAL203: .0% Max .2 水分2.2 Moistu e: 8 % mx 2. 粒度 Si e: 0 0 m (95% min)3. 運(yùn)輸及包裝 :袋裝,買方可以接受散裝裝入 20 尺集裝箱運(yùn)輸 , 每箱最少裝 20M,假如 散裝裝入集裝箱,價(jià)格在原來(lái)第五條款中規(guī)定的單價(jià)上減少SD1.00 每干噸。. Delivery and p kag: by bag , i is a cce able by lk in 0Ft contai ers, n container at lea t MT, if by bulk, t n the pr shall be de ea
8、 d b UD.0 pr DMT b s o the Cl se 5.數(shù)量: 200 噸(5 )Quan y: 00MT( 5) 價(jià)格及保險(xiǎn) :5.1 價(jià)格 : CIF US 每干噸中國(guó)日照港 合同金額 : U D 005.1 Pric :CI D70 pe MT ( RY METRI T) (bais ice )RIZ ZA rt, Ch naotal otat alu : USD85000 .2 保險(xiǎn) : 由賣方負(fù)責(zé)52 Insuran e : t be cover d b Se ler6. 發(fā)貨港:伊斯坦布爾 Pot f L ing: IST BL7. 目的港 :中國(guó)日照港7 Por o
9、f dest n tio : RIZ Pot, Cha8. 裝船時(shí)間 :收到信用證后天內(nèi)發(fā)貨8 Sh pment time: wit in 6 as after receivi g the LC9. 付款方式 : 即期信用證 , 買方按照貨物噸貨款總金額的 00開(kāi)立即期信用證。 9amnt rm: at sig t,Buyer shal open a C at igt co ing 100% vale f he MT crgo9.1 首付款9. Provision l ay ent :賣方可以憑以下單據(jù)議付信用證下 5% CIF 貨款金額: llr s ay ra sig f5 pr v si
10、onal p yen o the C F alue of s ipment accompanied byhe following cumen :() 貨物產(chǎn)地證明,一正兩副,由土耳其商會(huì)簽發(fā)(1) Crtifiae of rii in one riginal 2 (two) copies isue by t Cham f C mmer e of .(2) CCC或 S S的貨物商檢證 ,質(zhì)量證明要顯示該合同中所要求的所有實(shí)際數(shù)據(jù)。() Certific t o Quliy is ued by C C or SG at the lo d ng po. Certfica f quali y sho
11、w ac l result f the test o c mical c mposi ion and a l oth tests cal e fo in th s co tract.( 3)船運(yùn)公司的船運(yùn)單證 , 清潔裝船提單,要求三正三副,空白背書,顯示“運(yùn)費(fèi)按照 租船合同”或“運(yùn)費(fèi)預(yù)付” , 通知申請(qǐng)人。(3) hee riginals an thee copi s of “Clean n Bo d” ocean l of Ladi g at oading or eout o orde , bn ndosed marked “fei t pa ab as e C arter arty ”
12、o “ reigh prpad”notifying the plic nt.( )裝運(yùn)港裝箱單證 ,一正兩副 , 顯示貨物重量(4) Paking l i 1 (ONE ) orig n l and 2 ( o) coes at the oading port. S owig the weight of the cro(5) 在裝貨港由 CIC 或 SGS簽發(fā)的重量證明,一正兩副,顯示貨物重量。(5) Cer ific te f Qliy iss ed by CC C or SG t the loading por in (ONE) riinl and 2 (wo) copies t the
13、l aing por. Showin he wei t f th arg (6) 95% 貨物的商業(yè)發(fā)票,兩正三副,顯示合同號(hào) , 信用證號(hào)和船名。(6) Comme cil In oice cover 9% alu the goods issue b the Slle i 2 (two) o ignals an 3 (th ee) copi s indic tin the co trct nube, numbe a name of c ryn ssel 9. 最終付款 : .2 inal p e s貨物剩余的 %款項(xiàng) , 賣方憑以下單據(jù)進(jìn)行議付:The alac ive (5%) du to
14、 ell er rovis o al p yment s all be dr n un er the sam Let er of r t agai e les f nal oic with he fllowi g oc nts:I 賣方的最終商業(yè)發(fā)票 , 一正四副 , 顯示合同號(hào)和應(yīng)付金額。I Sel r s igne f al ivoce in 4 origi als dicating co trac n mber an hoin th total t an cli for % f goods alue.II. 由 CIQ 簽發(fā)的一份重量檢測(cè)證明的復(fù)印件I One phot cy f ins
15、pection ce f cate f ight ised by CI in ChinaI I. 由 CIQ簽發(fā)的一份質(zhì)量檢測(cè)證明的復(fù)印件II. Oe pho copy o nspecti ertifica e of quali y su by C Q i in最終發(fā)票以中國(guó)簽發(fā)的 IQ 為依據(jù) , 最終 5%付款在 IQ 檢測(cè)證明在卸貨完畢的 60 天 內(nèi)提供。如果該單據(jù)不能在 60 天內(nèi)發(fā)給賣方,裝貨港的檢測(cè)報(bào)告將作為最終發(fā)票的 依據(jù)。The fina invoice is o e ased on rti ic es issued by IQ of the P ople Republic
16、of ina s ro i e i Cl use 5 o thi Cotac withi sxty (60) days after compl tin of di chargi g. If th Certific t sud b CIQ a te disch ing po t cn be orwarded to Seller ithi sxy (6) ys after cmleion f dicare n Chin , then he cer if c te at th l in potshl be the b si f e final in ic.10. 價(jià)格的調(diào)整和拒收 :1. Pr c
17、justment錳的含量基于 5%,調(diào)價(jià)如下 :The ctet of Mn i asd on 45%, n pice shall be a j sted like b lw:10 1.錳的含量低于 4%時(shí),其含量每低 1%基礎(chǔ)價(jià)減 USD;錳的含量高于 45時(shí) , 其含 量每高 %基礎(chǔ)價(jià)增加 US;錳的含量低于 42%時(shí), 買方有權(quán)拒收。101 The base ce sha e decre sd by USD as per C aue for each 1% MN per M in cae of M bow 45 %, ac ios pr -r ta.e base pre sal b i
18、creased by USD as p r Cause 2 fr ah % per DMT i case of MN bve 4 %, fr tions at .Buyer a reject th goods Mn con ent be 4 . . . 鐵的含量超過(guò)時(shí),其含量每超過(guò)1基礎(chǔ)價(jià)減 S 1.5, 其含量超過(guò) 11%時(shí)拒收或價(jià)格另議。10.2 T e b e pce ll be d creased by USD 1. as per Cla s 2 o ech % Fe per DMT in cas o F boe 9%, ractions o rata. When Fe aove 11
19、%, b yer can rej t the go or re egot ate the pice 3.磷的含量超過(guò) 0. 0%時(shí),其含量每超過(guò) 0.01 基礎(chǔ)價(jià)減 SD2,其含量超過(guò) 0.15% 時(shí)拒收或價(jià)格另議。10. Th base pr ce sha be dceased by UD 2 as per ause 2 fr e ch .0% P per MT n ca e of P above 0. %, fr t ns r-ra a. en bve 0 15%, buye an re ect he goods or nego ate t e p ce.0.01%基礎(chǔ)價(jià)減 D1. ,其含
20、量超過(guò) 15%10. . 硫的含量超過(guò) 0.1 %時(shí) , 其含量每超過(guò) 時(shí)拒收或價(jià)格另議。10.4 The ae rc shll e decre ed y D 1.5 as pe C ause 2 or each 1% p r MT i case f S ab v 010% , factio s pr -rat. hen S abo e .15, ye an rejc the oods r rene o iate te pric 10. 二氧化硅的含量以 9.0%為基準(zhǔn),其含量每超過(guò) 1%基礎(chǔ)價(jià)減 S1. ,超過(guò) 2 時(shí)拒收或價(jià)格另議。10.5 The ba pr c s all b d re
21、ased by U D 1.5 as per Cl use 2 for ea 1% S O2 pr T in cse of S O2 ab ve 9.0%, rac ions pro t. When SIO2 abo e 12 , byr can ret te goods o enegotiat h pice. 6三氧化二鋁的含量以 %為基準(zhǔn) , 其含量每超過(guò) %基礎(chǔ)價(jià)減 UD.5, 超過(guò)時(shí) 拒收或價(jià)格另議。10 he bas price shal deeae y USD 5 pr C se 2 fo eac 1 A 23 er MT in ase of A2O bve 3.0 , facti
22、 pro-at. n IO2 above 5 %, byer cn rejc he goods r ren gotia e te price.10 水分含量以 . 為基準(zhǔn) ,其含量每超過(guò) %基礎(chǔ)價(jià)減 SD27, 超過(guò) 12%時(shí)拒收或 價(jià)格另議。10.7 he base p shall be ecreased b SD 2 a per Cla se 2 for e ch 1% HO pr T i cas o H above .0, fractions -r ta When aove 12 , e can rejec th good r rne otiat th rice.11. 品質(zhì)檢測(cè):11.
23、 The de eri t of qual y1 .1 賣方在裝運(yùn)時(shí)應(yīng)提供裝運(yùn)港CCI或檢驗(yàn)機(jī)構(gòu)出具的對(duì)所裝運(yùn)貨物的檢測(cè)證明書。同時(shí)進(jìn)行封樣,共份 , 以備復(fù)核。11. sellers sha s y test r p ts issued by he CC o SGS e loadi g the cargo. n selr shll seal he ple f ur ots when in need or fu ure te t12. 四份封樣中,買賣雙方各執(zhí)一份,一份由IC 或 SGS留存?zhèn)鋸?fù) , 一份由 CI 或SGS 進(jìn)行檢測(cè)。檢測(cè)費(fèi)用由賣方承擔(dān)。11.2. nh ur lo o s p
24、 e,ber an lr halachkep o e l ;one lot sh l ekept b the CI o SGS and onelot shbe t sted y theCCIC or S. e t fee hall be rnebyth sell r.11. 該 CIC 或 S的檢測(cè)證明交 2/3 隨同賣方的商業(yè)發(fā)票 , 裝箱單等單據(jù)一同作為買 方在付款時(shí)的議價(jià)單據(jù)。同時(shí)賣方在貨物裝運(yùn)后的7 個(gè)工作日內(nèi),以書面形式將檢測(cè)證明書及商業(yè)發(fā)票的金額通知買方。1.3. he 23 of the CIC or G test reports sh ll be ac o panied wit
25、h eller s comer ial inv ce, pacin lit as the e ti t on do um ts. d slle must inform buyer the test r prs and the co mrc al i oice value s en working da s after finis ing he loa o te ca o.11.4 買方在卸貨港對(duì)運(yùn)抵貨物會(huì)同 CIQ進(jìn)行取樣檢測(cè) , 檢測(cè)費(fèi)由買方承擔(dān)。11.4. ue shall ask th i Chia to s mlig and testin the g os i he dischargi
26、 por and h esting f e shal be bore by t buyer.1.5. IQ 對(duì)貨物樣品的品質(zhì)成份及水份的檢測(cè)證明書將作為買方的最終付款依據(jù)。11.5 The qu lity and the mois ur con ent shown on t e CIQ test eport will e the basis of he f al pa ment.1在裝運(yùn)港的所有稅費(fèi)由賣方承擔(dān)。在卸貨港的所有稅費(fèi)由買方承擔(dān)。. An ta es/dues on carg at lod prt for selle s acc unt.An t xe /du on car t di
27、scharge p rt for buyers acc n. 法律與仲裁 :13. RBITRA O 雙方簽訂合同后應(yīng)嚴(yán)格遵守執(zhí)行。成共識(shí)應(yīng)依新加坡仲裁法進(jìn)行裁決 仲裁費(fèi)用由敗訴方承擔(dān)。如有爭(zhēng)議, 雙方應(yīng)友好協(xié)商。 如在 15 天內(nèi)不能達(dá) , 仲裁地點(diǎn)為新加坡 , 仲裁委員的裁決為最終裁決Apart sute or iffe s ou of or relatiences w a soever arisin bet ee theoor ffect g to th he const uctio , me ng co tract r th reah thandreofo era sha lbe s
28、tle thro tlm nt a e ndly go aed wi hnfriatio s. In c e15 d s, tnell b u mitt d fr arbit ation to h Arb ra iooe a pr ICC rul s on iation a d rbi r tion (disputes sSnga ates ed tion) an te awa d made i usuace t rof sha be4.bin in n th e Sing p e. ll be final a dsee reco rthe dec sin.ty. 違約:B ac o thep
29、a ties. he venue of heidto a he acon ings will rbit tion pr ce ecisio o th Arbitra ion Comm sion s ngabipon both a ties eit er aty shallcourt or other ar tion fee sha ct thori e f r revising he l sing pal b borne by通過(guò)傳真或電子郵件掃描件簽章訂立本合同后 , 雙方應(yīng)遵守此合同。 合同傳真件或 電子郵件掃描件效力等同于原件。違約的一方應(yīng)付合同總金額的2%的罰金。Afer nig th
30、 cntrac this ontract b Fx r E mail, oth pa tie shall erf rm s c ntract. The legal ef ct of the agre ment a by fax or c ned E-mail is the same h oigi al con r ct. ny arty who rea t c tract shall py 2% otal value f th on act to the her pa ty.5延遲交貨及付款PEN T O DEAYD DE VRY如賣方在合同規(guī)定的裝運(yùn)日期延遲 5 天并沒(méi)有任何解釋 , 買方有
31、權(quán)解除合同。除非 賣方得到買方的書面確認(rèn) , 雙方就延遲交付時(shí)間達(dá)成一致,賣方可繼續(xù)履行合同。 在未經(jīng)買方書面同意的情況下 , 賣方未按時(shí)交付的貨物 , 將被處以未交付貨物價(jià)值 .5%(每天 ) 的罰款,總罰款不得超過(guò)未交付貨物價(jià)值的2%。Should the Selle fai to ef ec delive y on time w th d aftr te lates hpen time as stip lated in i con ract ithout ny e planation, th byer has the righ o can e his con a . Ony when t
32、he both p rtis make an greement on e delay of deliver w iting fo m, sel er can co tinue to p rf m the cont act. i hout t e greeme from ur in writing f r, th e lr may ostpone del very to the bu n paymen of p nalty to the buyers. ealty shall e ch rge at the at o 0.5 %( ec day) of the totl undeliver d
33、cargo value o eve y dy. Th p nalty hall o exce 2 of the t tl valu f gods involved.16. 操作程序:6. Pr ce r6.1 買方確認(rèn)錳礦石指標(biāo)和價(jià)格及合同條款。16. buy rs onirm the sp ification of the Mn ore,t rice d nract t rms.16.2. 買賣雙方簽署合同。6.2seller an bu er ign t contract16.3. 賣方在 3 個(gè)工作日內(nèi)開(kāi)出錳礦石合同總金額的2履約金。 .3 slr pened % PB (p rfo m
34、in od) te o at Va ue to uyr within 3 orig day tr signing ontrac . .16.4 買方收到賣方 2%履約金后個(gè)工作日內(nèi)開(kāi)出合同金額的10%的即期信用證。16.4. Buy opens L at ight cov r ng e 00% o the contra alu thi work n das ft buyer receiv s sell rs2 % PB (perf in bo d).16.5 賣方收到信用證后日內(nèi)發(fā)貨。165. Sler d l very the argo wi 20 days after receivi g
35、h LC16 6 買方按照信用證進(jìn)行首付款的支付.6 uyers me t ro isio al pamet according to e LC.16. 貨到買方指定港口后,中國(guó)商檢,屆時(shí)買賣雙方可以派人參與商檢。 .7. Wh he cargo ahes the discha gng ort indicted by te bu er, buyer shal pl or CI testin bot pa tie can joi .8 Q 結(jié)果有后 , 買賣雙方進(jìn)行最終付款的結(jié)算。16.buer and selr effect theinl pymt after CIQ t result me ou.16.9 噸貨物交易結(jié)束。16.9fiished the bu ines of theMT carg 17. 保密條款17. Con dentiali y 雙方需保密 , 并不使信息外露給第三方,在公共領(lǐng)域方面除外。Bot parties sh l oey principl of C n identia iy ad not isclos ny ir pay excep he lic i18. 不可抗力條款18 Fo
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