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1、the great gatsby - unchained loveimagine being lost into a relationship where you could not truly show your love for someone due to their prior engagement. now think of that same relationship if it were mostly non existent and just remained a figment of what could happen. in f. scott fitzgeralds the

2、 great gatsby, a man builds his life, his meaning, and his value as a person for the name of an unchained love for a married woman. the story itself shows symbolism of the corruption of marriage rather then thestructure of love. jay gatsby is a man who knows right from wrong but teeters on the line

3、of each. rising from poverty to a life of wealth, he makes it into a lavish lifestyle from the production and selling of alcohol as well as other organized crime acts. but with his drive for riches comes a deeper drive for love. jay has a deep infatuation, almost an obsession, with a woman he met as

4、 a young soldier named order to get better acquainted with daisy, gatsby lies about his past, his family, and his upbringing in order to win her name. she promises him that upon his return from world war i that she will marry him, only to in turn tom buchanan. now before the actual plotline

5、 of the great gatsby begins, conflict has already risen. jay gatsby has created an illusion for himself to project unto his character, to only be put into a second place position behind another man. the thin line that gatsby stands on is now consumed more so by doing wrong as his lies persuade him i

6、nto a life of crime. gatsbys life spirals into a series of fortune as his falling for crime and love make deepen his riches. what has arisen now is the potential question of if the love he had for daisy is what drove gatsby to crime, lies, or success. perhaps in some hidden meaning, his love drove h

7、im to all three and maybe even a quarter of madness. his passion for daisy sparked a relationship that could have been, but his willingness to get her back perhaps is what completely develops the focus point of the story thus calling for a symbol of ironic love in the hands of fortune.he stretched o

8、ut his arms toward the dark water in acurious way, and far as i was from him i could have sworn he was trembling. involuntarily i glanced seaward-and distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far away, that might have been the end of a dock.(fitzgerald 26) the color green is heav

9、ily emphasized in the story for many reasons. green is well known as the color of envy. the character of the abusive tom buchanan would display an envious nature during the rightful suspicion of his wife daisy and jay gatsbys possible infidelity. toms green with envy nature drives him to convince mr

10、. wilson to wrongfully kill gatsby after the death of his wife myrtle. green would also be known as a symbol for greed in this some format the greed of jay is what allows him to be put in a predicament of danger leading to his ultimate downfall. had he been more reasonable with his relation

11、ship with daisy then much of the turn of events in the story would have been different and possibly lead to his dream of being with daisy. green is also known as a color of healing. reflecting for daisy, she could possibly be healing from a disastrous relationship with tom or could be healing from t

12、he relationship that once was with jay gatsby. in either scenario, she is seen as not willing to have much of a stand on either as she is driven by others decisions and allow them to reflect her own thoughts and values. in conclusion, the belief system that love is what forever produces happiness sh

13、ows fault in the great gatsby. a mans truly driven obsession for a woman drives him into disowning his family, a life of crime, as well as his own death. the woman in turn is somewhat allowed to live happily ever after with her husband. in hine sight as both daisy and tom lost the people they were u

14、nfaithful with, perhaps it is seen as a bridging of their own relationship and what was burroughed to make it into a potential harness of a lost willingness to feel open and honest with the other partner. as all three characters own troubling natures eventually draw their own conclusions, a corrupte

15、d marriage allows the love of jay gatsby and daisy buchanan to arise, only to be driven down into a paradox of envy, hardships, and a cruel twist of fate. the great gatsby - an analysis of loveby gradi yanto if love is only a will to possess, it is not love. america in the 1920s was a country where

16、moral values were decaying. every american had one objective to achieve: success.francis scott fitzgerald, the author of the great gatsby, presents realistic image of american life in the 1920s. his characters, like many people of that period, only care for money; becoming rich is their main objecti

17、ve. as a result, their relationships, no longer based on love, fail.all of the relationships in the novel are failures because they are not based on love, but on example of a failed relationship in the great gatsby is the adulterous affair between tom buchanan and myrtle wilson. this

18、 affair is based on mutual exploitation. tom uses myrtle for sex; myrtle receives gifts and money in return. tom buchanan, a resident of east egg, is old money, so he looks down on everyone who is not from his class. thus, he treats myrtle as if she is trash. myrtle wilson, the wife of poor george w

19、ilson, has become disenchanted with her 12 year old marriage of her husbands lack of success. her desire for a better life is evident when she relates her first meeting with tom:it was on the two little seats facing each other that are always the last ones left on the train. i was going up to new yo

20、rk to see my sister and spend the night. he had on a dress suit and patent leather shoes, and i couldnt keep my eyes off him, but every time he looked at me i had to pretend to be looking at the advertisement over his head. when we came into the station he was next to me, and his white shirt-front p

21、ressed against my arm, and so i told him id have to call a policeman, but he knew i lied. i was so excited that when i got into a taxi with him i didnt hardly know i wasnt getting into a subway train. all i kept thinking, over and over, was you cant live forever; you cant live forever (fitzgerald 42

22、).myrtle even believes that tom will leave daisy and marry her. in reality, tom does not even see myrtle as a person but as a sexual object. this is made clean by his degrading treatment of myrtle at the party, especially when he breaks her nose for having the nerve to mention his wifes name: daisy!

23、 daisy! daisy! shouted mrs. wilson. ill say it whenever i want to! daisy! dai - making a short deft movement, tom buchanan broke her nose with his open hand (fitzgerald 43).the pathetic nature of their relationship is reinforced when she dies. after a fight with george wilson, myrtle runs away towar

24、ds a golden car that she thinks is toms. the golden color of the car symbolizes money , the wealth that myrtle so desires. apparently, the car is driven by daisy, another symbol of materialism, and what happens has a symbol of significance:a moment later myrtle rushed out into the dusk, waving her h

25、ands and shouting . the death car as the newspapers called it, didnt stop . myrtle wilson, her life violently extinguished, knelt in the road and mingled her thick dark blood with the dust . the mouth was wide open and ripped a little at the corners, as though she had choked a little in giving up th

26、e tremendous vitality she had stored so long (fitzgerald 143-44).the nature of the relationship between tom and myrtle is best symbolized by the expensive dog leash tom had bought for myrtles puppy. it reflects the fact that tom is the master, the one who controls his pet with money. as the master,

27、tom is free to do as he pleases. as the dog, myrtle receives gifts for proper behavior. the unequal status of tom and myrtle reflects the failure of their relationship, which, given its adulterous nature, was doomed to fail from the inception.the buchanan marriage is also a complete failure. it is t

28、he war that separated daisy and gatsby, and his absence is one of the reasons she married tom. however, the most important factor was his money and status. tom is from a rich family. he can give daisy everything she wants. the wedding ceremony proved this:in june daisy married tom buchanan of chicag

29、o, with more pomp and circumstance than louisville ever knew before. he came down with a hundred people in four private cars, and hired a whole floor of the muhlbach hotel, and the day before the wedding he gave her a string of pearls valued at three hundred and fifty thousand dollars (fitzgerald 82

30、).that is a marriage of convenience -not love- is apparent on several occasions in the novel. for example, while daisy was giving birth to their only child, tom was god knows where (fitzgerald 23). furthermore, toms philandering begins only after 3 months of his marriage. a newspaper account of toms

31、 accident mentions that the chambermaid he was with her broken arm. of course, daisy knows tom ways too well; she even offers him her little gold pencil so that he gets the number of a pretty but common girl he is interested in at gatsbys party, although tom pretends to want to switch tables for ano

32、ther reason. the fact is that their marriage is founded upon wealth and power; that is what keeps them together, and what reveals how barren a marriage it is.gatsby is the one who tries to separate tom and daisy. it is gatsbys dream to be reunited with daisy, to go back to the past, and to marry dai

33、sy. this is his incorruptible dream, as gatsby tells nick: cant repeat the past? gatsby cried incredulously. why of course you can! (fitzgerald 117).after reuniting with daisy, gatsby begins an affair that is made possible because he is extremely rich; daisy is a materialist that can be lured by mon

34、ey. when they first reunite, daisy shows little true emotion. it is only when he shows her his huge mansion and expensive possession that daisy displays strong emotion. for example, as gatsby shows her his expensive clothes from england; suddenly, with a strained sound, daisy bent her head into the

35、shirts and began to cry stormily (fitzgerald 99).when the affair between gatsby and daisy is discovered, tom and gatsby confront each other over daisy. in this crucial event, daisy reveals her true view of her affair with gatsby - that it was simply a way of filling in her empty days, an entertainme

36、nt. it is also revenge for toms many adulterous affairs. deep in her heart, she is not determined: oh, you want too much! daisy cried to gatsby. i love you now - isnt that enough? i cant help whats past. she began to sob helplessly. i did love him once - but i loved you too (fitzgerald 139).having b

37、etrayed gatsby twice already, daisy now betrays him for the final time - unwilling to face the consequence of myrtles death, daisy and tom conspire to frame gatsby for the accident. gatsby is then killed by george wilson, as tom has led him to believe that gatsby is both myrtles lover and

38、the end, this relationship fails because daisy values nothing but materialism; she does not even send a flower to gatsbys is essential in a relationship. however, materialism is essential of the relationship presented in the great gatsby. those relationships are failures because they ar

39、e founded on the physical rather than the spiritual. fitzgerald shows that any relationships based on materialism will fail in the end.the great gatsby: love vs. lustthere is a fine line between love and lust. if love is only a will to possess, it is not love. to love someone is to hold them dear to

40、 ones heart. in the great gatsby, the characters, jay gatsby and daisy buchanan are said to be in love, but in reality, this seems to be a misconception. in the great gatsby, fitzgerald portrays the themes of love, lust and obsession, through the character of jay gatsby, who confuses lust and obsess

41、ion with love. by the end of the novel however, jay gatsby is denied his love and suffers an untimely death. the author interconnects the relationships of the various prominent characters to support these ideas. the character of jay gatsby was a wealthy businessman, who the author developed as arrog

42、ant and tasteless. gatsbys love interest, daisy buchanan, was a subdued socialite who was married to the dim witted tom buchanan. she is the perfect example of how women of her level of society were supposed to act in her day. the circumstances surrounding gatsby and daisys relationship kept them et

43、ernally apart. for daisy to be with gatsby would have been forbidden, due to the fact that she was married. that very concept of their love being forbidden, also made it all the more intense, for the idea of having a prohibited love, like william shakespeares romeo and juliet, made it all the more d

44、esirable. gatsby was remembering back five years to when daisy was not married and they were together:his heart began to beat faster as daisys white face came up to his own. he knew that when he kissed this girl, and forever wed his unutterable visions to her perishable breath, his mind would never

45、romp again like the mind of god. so he waited, listening for a moment longer to the tuning fork that had been struck upon a star. then he kissed her. at his lips touch she blossomed for him like a flower and the incarnation was complete.his memory of her is sweet and beautiful so that even without s

46、aying it, it is obvious that he was, and possibly is still, in love with her. he remembered the past and convinced himself that it could be like that once again. he became delusional with love, and was blinded by it.because daisy was married, it was impossible for she and gatsby to be together, but

47、this did not stop them from secretly flirting and quietly exchanging their tokens of affection.who wants to go to town? demanded daisy insistently. gatsbys eyes floated toward her. ah, she cried, you look so cool.their eyes met, and they stared together at each other, alone in space. with an effort

48、she glanced down at the always look so cool, she repeated.she had told him that she loved him, and tom buchanan sawbefore this quote, tom had no inkling of gatsby and daisys secret affair and when he finds out, it makes him crazed. the thought of not having control over his women, made him

49、 furious. he also thought that to love someone, you had to dominate them and the moment he realizes that he has lost this domination, he panics because he thinks that maybe daisy doesnt love him anymore. gatsby senses that tom is upset which gives gatsby a sense of power since it is now he who has c

50、ontrol over daisy, for the time lust for someone is to have sexual longings for a person. in the great gatsby, fitzgerald portrays lust through gatsby. it is mentioned that before he met daisy, he lusted after many women, yet he held no respect for them.he knew women early, and since they s

51、poiled him he became contemptuous of them, of young virgins because they were ignorant, of the others because they were hysterical about things, which in his overwhelming self-absorption he took for granted.until he met daisy, he took women for granted, never understanding the value of respect and l

52、ove. the character of gatsby gives enough evidence to conclude that lust has nothing to do with love, and that they are entirely different frames of mind. gatsby lusted for women, but did not respect or love his lust objects. they were only objects of desire.when lust becomes an obsession, lust beco

53、mes dangerous. it can completely overpower a person until they become controlled by it. the end of this book obsesses gatsby obsessed with daisy. he thinks of nothing else but her and constantly analyses over every little detail of her life. he wanted her so much to have her, that it consumed his li

54、fe.he wanted nothing less of daisy than that she should go to tom and say: i never loved you. after she had obliterated four years with that sentence they could decide upon the more practical measures to be taken. one of them was that, after she was free, they were to go back to louisville and be ma

55、rried from her house - just as if it were five years ago.and she doesnt understand, he said. she used to be able understand. wed sit for hours-he broke off and began to walk up and down a desolate path of fruit rinds and discarded favors and crushed flowers.i wouldnt ask too much of her, i ventured.

56、 you cant repeat the pastcant repeat the past? he cried incredulously. why of course you can!gatsby becomes delusional with the thought of daisy. he again thought that he could turn back the hands of time and have everything the same and perfect, with the exception of a few dollars or so. he had no

57、life anymore. she was his life. it is also clear that the driving motivation for getting all his money was so that he will appeal to daisy. she was a material woman and she was used to living a lavish life. she knew that if she married gatsby, she would have to give up many of the luxuries that she

58、had become accustomed to over the years of her life. gatsbys whole efforts in this book are focused on trying to bring him and daisy back to the point of time before he joined the army, except this time he has enough money for her. she never loved you, dont you hear? he cried. she only married you because i was poor and she was tired of waiting for me. it was a terrible mistake, but in her heart she never loved any one except me!he wanted to repeat the past and have it exactly the way it was before he joined the army. she wasnt willing to risk her social status for the man she loved,


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