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1、英語習(xí)題1- 選擇題單選題1.which of the following is the good-prognosis designation of patients with gtn(gestational trophoblastic neoplasiaa.brain or liver metastase b.onset following term gestation c.prior unsuccessful chemotherapy d.serum hcg titers greater than 4000iu/l e.none of them e 答案2.how to different

2、iate invasive mole with choriocarcinoma?a.seen villous pattern, is choriocarcinoma b.with lung metastasis, is choriocarcinoma c.followed by mole, is choriocarcinoma d.followed by normal labor or abortion, is choriocarcinoma e.none of them e 答案3.a woman who has endometrial carcinoma most often presen

3、ts with which of the following symptoms?a.hemoptysis b.weight loss c.abnormal uterine bleeding d.vaginal discharge e.infection c 答案4.the clinical symptom of uterine myoma is most greatly associated with which character of it?a.the tumor size b.the number c.the situation d.the age of patient e.whethe

4、r childbearing or not c 答案5.a 39-year-old woman, gravida 3, para 3, complains of severe, progressive secondary dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia. pelvic examination demonstrates a tender, diffusible enlarged uterus ,and without adnexal mass. results of endometrial biopsy are normal. thisa.endometriosis b

5、.endometritis c.adenomyosis d.uterine sarcoma. e.other c 答案6.which of the followings is not the complication of severe placenta abruption?a.acute renal failure b.coagulation dysfunction c.postpartum hemorrhage d.hypertension e.dic d 答案7.which of the followings about threatened uterine rupture is cor

6、rect?a.often seen in uterine hypotonic dysfunction b.present pathologic retraction ring c.the fetal presentation could be engaged in the pelvic inlet d.fetal heart tone is clear e.has irregular uterine contraction b 答案8.the most common form of contraception used by couples in china isa.pills b.condo

7、m c.permanent sterilization d.iud e.natural family planning d 答案9.a prolonged second stage of labor in the primigravid patient lasts longer thana.1.0 hours b.2.0 hours c.8.0 hours d.6.0 hours e.4.0 hours b 答案10.the size of normal uterus of adult is about:a.4cm*3cm*1cm b.8cm*3cm*1cm c.8cm*5cm*1cm d.6

8、cm*4cm*2cm e.7cm*4cm*3cm e 答案11.the most common cause of maternal death in china is:a.abortion b.anesthesia c.embolism d.infection e.hemorrhage e 答案12.what is the likely diagnosis?a.complete abortion b.threatened abortion c.incomplete abortion d.habitual abortion e.dysfunctional uterine bleeding d 答

9、案13.which of the following does the early pregnancy have in common?a.morning sickness b.breast enlargement c.abdomen enlargement d.amenorrhea (cease of mense) e.urinary frequency d 答案14.which hormone(s) can increase body temperature after ovulation:a.testosterone b.estrogen c.dexamethasone d.progest

10、erone e.t3 d 答案15.the size of normal ovary of adult is about:a.4cm*3cm*1cm b.2cm*4cm*3cm c.5cm*5cm*1cm d.6cm*4cm*2cm e.3cm*5cm*1cm a 答案16.which of following management fits for choriocarcinoma best?a.hysterectomy b.chinese medicine c.immunotherapy d.chemotherapy e.radiation therapy d 答案17.endodermal

11、 sinus tumors are identified by secretion of which of the following tumor marker?a.hcg b.cea c.afp d.ca-125 e.ldh c 答案18.which of the following change would be seen mostly in myoma of uterus combined with pregnancy?a.hyaline degeneration b.cystic degeneration c.red degeneration d.sarcomatous change

12、e.calificated degeneration c 答案19.which of the followings is not the factor leading to uterine rupture?a.obstruction of fetal presentation b.the previous scar of uterine wall c.injudicious use of oxytocin d.breech presentation e.transverse lie d 答案20.which of following management fits for choriocarc

13、inoma best?a.hysterectomy b.chinese medicine c.immunotherapy d.chemotherapy e.radiation therapy d 答案21.single type of bbt shows:a.abortion b.onset of labor c.ovulation d.unovulation e.ectopic pregnancy d 答案22.which of the following contraceptives increases the risk for development of pelvic inflamma

14、tory disease?a.condoms without spermicide b.oral contraceptive c.intrauterine device d.diaphragm e.vasectomy. c 答案23.which of the following diseases rarely leads to postpartum homarrhage?a.twin pregnancy b.polyhydramnio c.premature rupture of membrane d.severe preeclampsia e.placenta previa c 答案24.g

15、nrha used in the treatment of endometriosis causes which of the following changes within the endometrium and endometriosis tissue?a.aplasia b.atrophy c.hyperplasia d.inflammation e.hypertrophy b 答案25.a 39-year-old woman, gravida 3, para 3, complains of severe, progressive secondary dysmenorrhea and

16、menorrhagia. pelvic examination demonstrates a slightly rigid, diffusible enlarged uterus ,and without adnexal mass. results of endometrial biopsy are norma.endometriosis b.endometritis c.adenomyosis d.uterine sarcoma. e.leiomyoma c 答案26.if this woman want to keep the baby, your best management isa.

17、discussion of contraception b.continual clinical observation of a few more days c.evacuation d.laparoscope e.prescribe progesterone 20mg/day e 答案27.questions 2 to 4 are based from following passage.a 26-year-old woman with regular menstrual periods complaints of 2 days vaginal bleeding in 6 weeks af

18、ter her last menstrual period. the bleeding is dark in color , painless and began after intercourse. ha.order a transvaginal ultrasound examination b.order a transabdominal ultrasound examination c.perform a culdocentesis d.advise evacuation of the uterus by suction curettage e.order a serum quantit

19、ative progesterone concentration 英語習(xí)題2- 選擇題單選題1.a nulligravida at 30 gestational week, was found shocked in bed with severe vaginal bleeding without abdominal pain, what is the most possible diagnosis of her?a.marginal placenta previa b.rupture of uterus c.complete placenta previa d.placenta abrupti

20、on e.cervical cancer c 答案2.which of the following is false about endometriosis?a.commonly occurs in women of reproductive age b.the symptom may not palliate or disappear after pregnancy c.the most common location is ovaries d.adenomyoma is a kind of endometriosis e.the endometrium of abnormal growth

21、s occur very rarely malignant change b 答案3.a woman, 48 years old , has the history of twice pregnancy and once delivery. in recent several years, the period of menstruation has turned to be irregular, and the quality varied from small to large. after two-month-cessation, there has been persistent va

22、ginal bleeding in late half month, with large volume, and accompanying with weakness and dizziness. so the patient came here to see doctor. and then, the physical examination and bimanual examination were performed. the gynecologist found no particularly positive sign, the pale face and the uterine

23、slightly enlarged and softened. additionally, a series of investigation were also carried out for her. red blood cell count was 2.0*1012,hemoglobin concentration is 60g/l.the pathological results of diagnostic curettage are : simple hyperplasia endometrium.which diagnosis is possible of the followin

24、g?a.anovulatory functional bleeding, during perimenopause b.carcinoma of endometrium c.cervical cancer d.atrophic vaginitis e.myoma of uterus. a 答案4.a 19-year-old patient presents to your office with primary amenorrhea. she has normal breast and public hair development, but the uterus and vagina are

25、 absent. possible diagnosis includea.xyy syndrome b.gonadal dysgenesis c.mullerian agenesis d.klinefelter syndrome e.turner syndrome c 答案5.which of the following contraceptives improve the risk for development of pelvic inflammatory disease?a.condoms without spermicide b.oral contraceptive c.intraut

26、erine device d.diaphragm e.vasectomy. c 答案6.a 26-year-old woman with regular menstrual periods complaints of 2 days vaginal bleeding in 6 weeks after her last menstrual period. the bleeding is dark in color , painless and began after intercourse. home pregnancy test is positive.examination shows a s

27、mall amount of dark blood in the vagina and at the cervical os. the cervix is closed and no tissue is visible. bimanual examination reveals a slightly soft, normal size uterus and normal adnexa without masses or tenderness.what is your procedure of diagnosis?a.order a transvaginal ultrasound examina

28、tion b.order a transabdominal ultrasound examination c.perform a culdocentesis d.advise evacuation of the uterus by suction curettage e.order a serum quantitative -hcg a 答案7.which of the following does the early pregnancy have in common?a.morning sickness b.breast enlargement c.abdomen enlargement d

29、.amenorrhea (cease of mense) e.urinary frequency d 答案8.under which of situation, there might be seen pathologic retraction ring?a.polyhydromnia b.twin pregnancy c.placenta previa d.threatened rupture of uterus e.placenta abruption d 答案9.which of the followings about threatened urine rupture is corre

30、ct?a.often seen in uterine hypotonic dysfunction b.present pathologic retraction ring c.the fetal presentation could be engaged in the pelvic inlet d.fetal heart tone is clear e.has irregular uterine contraction b 答案10.for the patient, all of the following the treatment you should perform, except wh

31、at?a.prescribe the progestrone and testerone, b.hysterectomy and bilateral singo-oophorectomy c.correct the anemia d.anti-infection agent e.blood transfusion b 答案11.for each evaluation, select the most appropriate day of a normal 28-day menstrual cycle for a woman with 5 day menstrual cycles. you pe

32、rform endometrial biopsy for evaluation of infertility ata.day 5 b.day 10 c.day 14 d.day 21 e.day 27 d 答案12.causes production of a grossly recognizable vaginal mucosa with punctate hemorrhage ( “strawberry spots”)a.candida albicans b.trichomonas vaginalis c.neisseria gonorrhoeae d.garderella vaginal

33、is ( bacteria vaginosis) e.atrophic(senile) vaginitis b 答案13.if this woman want to keep the baby, your best management isa.discussion of contraception b.continual clinical observation of a few more days c.evacuation d.laparoscope e.prescribe progesterone 20mg/day e 答案14.a 26-year-old woman with regu

34、lar menstrual periods complaints of 2 days vaginal bleeding in 6 weeks after her last menstrual period. the bleeding is dark in color , painless and began after intercourse. home pregnancy test is positive. examination shows a small amount of dark blood in the vagina and at the cervical os. the cerv

35、ix is closed and no tissue is visible. bimanual examination reveals a slightly soft, normal size uterus and normal adnexa without masses or tenderness. what is the likely diagnosisa.ectopic pregnancy b.evitable abortion c.threatened abortion d.habitual abortion e.dysfunctional uterine bleeding b 答案英

36、語習(xí)題3- 選擇題單選題1.which of the following is the definition of dysfunctional uterine bleeding?a.anyirregularbleeding b.irregularbleedingwithpain c.irregularbleedingcausingfunctionaldisability d.irregularbleedingintheabsenceofanatomiclesions d 答案2.which is the most common cause of the endometrial scarring

37、 that is characterized as asherman syndrome?a.infection b.previousdilatationandcurettage c.previousiuduse d.previoushysterosalpingogram b 答案3.what is the most common cause of pathologic amenorrhea?a.outflowobstruction b.disruptionofthehypothalamic-pituitaryaxis c.ashermansyndrome d.kallmansyndrome c

38、 答案4.the second stage is a.atheintervalbetweentheonsetoflaborandfullcervicaldilation(10cm) b.btheperiodofthedeliveryoftheinfant c.ctheperiodofthedeliveryoftheplacenta d.dapproximately2hoursafterdeliveryoftheplacenta b 答案5.a latent phase of labor exceeding hours in a primigravid patient is abnormal.a

39、.17 b.18 c.19 d.20 d 答案6.which of the following is a homologous sarcoma of the uterus?a.rhabdomyosarcoma b.leiomyosarcoma c.osteosarcoma d.chondrosarcoma b 答案7.single type of bbt shows:a.abortion b.onsetoflabor c.ovulation d.unovulation d 答案8.which hormone(s) can increase body temperature after ovul

40、ation:a.testosterone b.estrogen c.pg d.progesterone d 答案9.fetal position is definiteda.therelationshipbetweenmaternallongitudinalaxisandthatofthefetal b.therelationshipbetweenmaternalpelvisandpointoffetalpresentation c.c.thefetalportionthatthefirstcomingintopelvisinlet d.theattitudeoffetalinuterus b

41、 答案10.four portions of tube from inward to outwarda.interstitialportion,isthmicportion,ampullaandfimbria b.interstitialportion,ampulla,isthmicportionandfimbria c.ampulla,isthmicportion,interstitialportionandfimbria a 答案11.meigs syndrome is associated with which of the following tumors?a.pelvictuberc

42、ulosis b.ovarianfibroma c.subserousmyoma d.granulosacelltumor. d 答案12.the women who have endometrial carcinoma most frequently present with which of the following symptoms?a.bloating b.weightloss c.postmenopausalbleeding d.vaginaldischarge d 答案13.the primary mode of treatment for endometrial carcino

43、ma limited in the uterine corpus is a.radiotherapy b.hysterectomyandbilateralsalpingo-oophorectomy c.chemotherapy d.progestintherapy d 答案14.danazol used in the treatment of endometriosis causes which of the following changes within the endometrium and endometriosis tissue?a.aplasia b.atrophy c.hyper

44、plasia d.inflammation d 答案15.a 39-year-old woman, gravida 3, para 3, complains of severe, progressive secondary dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia. pelvic examination demonstrates a tender, diffusible enlarged uterus ,and without adnexal mass. results of endometrial biopsy are normal. this patient most li

45、kely has a.endometriosis b.endometritis c.adenomyosis d.uterinesarcom d 答案16.the most common form of contraception used by couples in china is a.pills b.condom c.permanentsterilization d.iud d 答案17.a pelvis that is characterized in a longer anteroposterior diameter of the inlet comparing with the tr

46、ansverse diameter is classified as a.cynecoid b.android c.anthropoid d.platypelloid d 答案18.which kind of treatment should be chosen for a endometrial carcinoma patient in late stage or a relapsed one?a.chemotherapy b.surgery c.radiotherapy d.progestogentreatment d 答案19.which is the best method to cu

47、re the endometrial carcinoma of stage ia?a.surgery b.radiotherapy c.chemotherapy d.chemotherapy+surgery 答案20.in luteal phase defect, _produced is not sufficient enough to maintain the endometrium.a.estrigen b.progesterone c.prolactin d.fsh b 答案21.what is the endocrine environment that leads to dysfu

48、nctional uterine bleeding?a.fallingprolactin b.chronicprogesteroneeffect c.chronicestrus d.fluctuatingtestosterone c 答案22.the first principle of treatment of hypothalamic-pituitary amenorrhea is to establish the etiology.a.true b.false 答案23.in a woman presenting with a complaint of amenorrhea, the f

49、irst evaluation that should be taken is to rule out pregnancy.a.true b.false a 答案24.which of the following is correct about both amenorrhea and dysfunctional uterine bleeding?a.associationwithendometriosis b.anovulation c.levelsoftestosterone d.ageofthepatient b 答案25.a prolonged active phase in the

50、primigravid patient lasts longer than a.10hours b.11hours c.12hours d.13hours c 答案26.although labor is a continuous process, it is divided intoa.twofunctionalstages b.threefunctionalstages c.fourfunctionalstages d.fivefunctionalstages b 答案27.which is the preneoplastic change of the endometrial carci

51、nomaa.atypicalhyperplasiaofendometrium b.polypofendometrium c.adenomatousglandularhyperplasiaofendometrium d.cystichyperplasiaofendometrium a 答案28.the last menstrual period(lmp) is dated from:a.thefirstdayofthelastnormalperiod b.b.thelastdayofthelastnormalperiod c.c.thefirstdayofthelastbleedingepiso

52、de d.thelastdayofthelastbleedingepisode a 答案29.in mechanism of labor, internal rotation of fetal head takes place:a.pelvisinletplane b.pelvisoutletplane c.c.midplaneofpelvis d.bigpelvis c 答案30.the size of normal uterus of adult is about:a.4cm*3cm*1cm b.7cm*4cm*3cm c.8cm*5cm*1cm d.6cm*4cm*2cm e.inter

53、stitialportion,ampulla,fimbriaandisthmicportion b 答案31.another name of small pelvis is:a.pelviscavity b.bonybirthcanal c.pelvisinlet d.noneofabove b 答案32.endodermal sinus tumors are identified by secretion of which of the following tumor marker?a.hcg b.cea c.afp d.ldh c 答案33.ovarian neoplasms most c

54、ommonly arise froma.celomicepithelium b.nonspecificmesenchyme c.specializedgonadalstroma d.primitivegermcells d 答案34.a 31-year-old patient complains of increasingly prolonged and heavy bleeding periods. the hysteroscopy could aid to identify which of the following diagnosis?a.submucousmyoma b.subser

55、ousmyoma c.endometrialtuberculosis d.lutealphasedefect d 答案35.which of the following medications is used as first-line therapy in the treatment of endometriosis?a.unopposedestrogens b.dexamethasone c.danazol d.gonadotropins. d 答案36.a 19-years old woman presents for voluntary termination of pregnancy after 6 weeks since her last menstrual period, she used to have regular menses every 28 days. by -hcg and b-mode ultrasound,this pregnancy was confirmed matching


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