1、英語腦筋急轉(zhuǎn)彎二Questions:1Why does the Statue of Liberty stand in New York harbour?自由女神為何矗立在紐約港灣?2Why is Mr Polite teaching his children foullanguage?禮貌先生為何教他孩子臟話?3Why does a cat look first to one side and then to the other side when it enters a room?貓進(jìn)房間時(shí)為何先朝一邊看看又朝另一邊看看?Keys:1Because it cant sit down因?yàn)樗荒?/p>
2、坐下來。2Hes teaching them what not to say他在教他們什么話不能說。3Because it cant see both sides at once因?yàn)樗荒芡瑫r(shí)兩邊看。Notes:1statue/st$tju:/ n 雕像,雕塑liberty/lib+ti/ n.自由harbour/ha:b+/n港灣Questions:1Where was the Declaration of Independence signed ?獨(dú)立宣言是在哪里簽的?2Who usually tries to make you smile?誰總是讓你笑口常開?Keys:1At the b
3、ottom.在文件末尾。2A photographer攝影師。Notes:2photographer/f+t&gr+f+/n.攝影師Questions:1On the way to the bank, Mr Green met three of his friendsEach of them had his wife with him and each of the ladies had two babies in her armsHow many people are going to the bank?格林先生在去銀行的路上碰到三個好朋友,每人都帶了太太,每個太太懷里都抱著兩個孩子,請問共
4、有多少人前往銀行?2My mother and my father had a babyIt wasnt my brother nor my sisterWho was it?我父母生有一個孩子,既非我兄弟亦非我姐妹,這個孩子是誰呢?3Why do birds fly south?鳥為何往南飛?Keys:1Only Mr Green The other people may not be going to the bank.只有格林先生一人,其他的人不一定去銀行。2It was me.是我。3Its too far to walk走去太遠(yuǎn)了。Questions:1What would you
5、like, 1/2 of an orange or 6/12 of an orange?1/2個桔子和 6/12個桔子,你要哪一份?2Why is doing nothing tiring?為什么無所事事也累?3A young man drove his fathers car all the way from his school in New York to his home in Florida, without knowing his car had a puncture How could it be?一個年輕人開著父親的車從紐約他上學(xué)的地方一直開到弗羅里達(dá)的家中,渾然不知他的車車胎
6、破了。這是怎么回事?Keys:1Id like 1/2 of an orange, for 6/12 of an orange would have had much juice lost我想1/2個桔子,因?yàn)?/12個肯定失掉了很多果汁。2Because you cant possibly stop and rest因?yàn)槟阃2幌聛?,也就沒法歇下來。3It was his fathers car that he was driving他開的是父親的車。Notes:3puncture/p)RkCM+/ n刺孔,穿孔(尤指車胎)Questions:1If you throw a stone int
7、o the Red Sea,what will it become?假如你把一塊石頭扔進(jìn)紅海,它會變得怎么樣?2If twos company and threes a crowd,whats four and five?假如兩個是伴,三個一伙,那么四個和五個呢?3If you took three big apples from a basket or ten apples,how many apples would you have?假如你從盛有10個蘋果的籃子里拿走3個大蘋果,那么你有多少個蘋果?Keys:1Wet會變濕。2Nine.是九。3You took three apples a
8、nd you would certainly have three apples你拿了三個蘋果,當(dāng)然就有三個。Notes:2company/k)mp+ni/ n伴侶,伙伴Four and five is nine四加五等于九Questions:1A boat turned over and the two men on board fell in the water. But only one man got his hair wet Why?船翻了,船上的兩個人掉到水里,可是只有其中一人頭發(fā)濕了,這是為什么?2Mother wants to give the three apples in
9、her basket to her three girls so that each girl gets one whole apple and theres still one in her basketHow can she manage to do that?媽媽想把籃子里的三個蘋果分給三個女兒,每個女兒一個完整的蘋果,同時(shí)籃子里也有一個蘋果。她如何做到這一點(diǎn)?Keys:1The other man was bald其中另一人禿頭。2Give two girls an apple each and give the third girl her apple in the basket其中
10、兩個女兒每人一只蘋果,另外一個女兒得一只籃子,籃子里放著第三只蘋果。Notes:1on board在船上,在交通工具上bald /b&ld/ adj禿頭的,光頭的Questions:1On April lst,1990,160 people walked out of the best cinema in ChicagoWhat happened?1990年4月1日, 160人從芝加哥最好的影院出來。發(fā)生了什事?2It usually takes a man two days to travel from San Francisco to New York by car But MrBlack
11、 left San Francisco on Friday and arrives on the same FridayHow could he do it?從舊金山到紐約開車一般需要2天時(shí)間,可是布萊克先生星期五離開舊金山,當(dāng)天就到了紐約。他怎樣做到的?3Whats too much for one and just right for two?什么東西對一個人來說太多,對兩個人來說正好?Keys:1The film was over.電影散場了。2He took a plane他坐的是飛機(jī)。3A secret秘密。Notes:3英語中“Just between you and me”意即“
12、keep it a secret”(僅限于你我之間,請保守秘密)。Questions:1What animal has a head like a cat, feet like a cat, a tail like a cat but isnt a cat?什么動物腦袋像貓,腳像貓,尾巴也像貓,就是不是貓?2What has teeth but never eats anything?什么東西長了牙齒卻不吃東西?3What do you drop when you need it and takeback when you dont?什么東西你需要它的時(shí)候扔掉,不需要時(shí)才收回來?4What d
13、o you have that others use far more often than you do?什么東西屬于你,而別人用的次數(shù)卻比你多得多?Keys:1A kitten.小貓。2A comb梳子。3An anchor錨。4your name.你的名字。Questions:1What word can be made shorter by adding something to it?什么單詞加長后更短?2What is full of holes but still holds water?什么東西千瘡百孔卻可以盛水?3What is both over and under the
14、 water but doesnt touch the water?什么頭上腳下都是水,卻滴水不沾?4What is smaller than a humming-birds mouth?什么比蜂鳥的嘴???Keys:1The word “short”是“短”這個單詞。2A sponge是海綿。3A girl crossing a bridge with a pail of water on her head頭上頂著一桶水過橋的女孩。4Anything it eats.任何它吃的東西。Notes:1short加上-er變成shorter,拼寫長了,意思卻是“更短”。Questions:1How
15、many times can you take 6 apples out of a cart with 8,888 apples?從裝有8,888只蘋果的貨車?yán)锶∽?只蘋果,可以取多少次?2What has many a tooth but never a mouth?什么東西有無數(shù)牙齒卻沒有嘴巴?3What has cities but no houses, roads but no cars,and rivers but no water?什么東西有城無房,有路無車,有河無水?4What is higher without a head than with a head?什么東西無頭反比有
16、頭高?Keys:1Only once After that there arent 8,888 apples in the cart只能取一次,因?yàn)榻酉氯ボ嚴(yán)锞蜎]有8,888只蘋果了。2A saw鋸子。3A map地圖。4A pillow枕頭。Questions:1How many sides does a circle have?一個圓圈有幾面?2Why is eternity like a circle?永恒為何似圓圈?3What animal can jump as high as a tree?什么動物可以和樹跳得一樣高?4How can you be completely sleep
17、less for seven days and still lack no rest?怎樣能保持七天不睡仍舊精神煥發(fā)?Keys:1Two The inside and the outside兩面,里面和外面。2Because it has neither beginning nor ending因?yàn)樗鼰o始無終。3All animals, for trees cant jump所有的動物都能,因?yàn)闃涓静粫?Sleep at night晚上睡覺。Notes:2eternity/it+:niti/n.永恒Questions:1Where does afternoon come before m
18、orning in the world?世界上哪個地方下午比早上先到?2A doctor had a brother who went out westBut the man who went out west had no brotherHow can this be?醫(yī)生有個哥哥去了西部,可是去了西部的這個人沒有弟弟,這是怎么回事?3How do you know policemen are strong?為什么說警察很健壯?Keys:1In the dictionary在字典里。2The doctor was a lady doctor醫(yī)生是女的。3Because they can ho
19、ld up traffic with just one hand因?yàn)樗麄円恢皇志湍茏屲囕v停住。Notes:3hold up使停頓,受阻Questions:1With which hand do you write?你用哪只手寫字?2What must you do before you return a book to the library?把書還到圖書館里之前必須做什么?3What should you do if you are faced with a hungry tiger?如果面對一頭饑餓的老虎,你該怎么做?4What makes more noise than a pig ca
20、ught under a fence?比一頭夾在籬笆下面的豬更吵的是什么?Keys:1Neither I use a pen我不用手而是用筆寫字。2Borrow the book from the library從圖書館借這本書。3Move to the next cage參觀下面一個籠子。4TWO pigs兩頭豬。Questions:1What goes on four legs in the morning, on two at noon, and on three in the evening?什么走路早上用四條腿,中午用兩條腿,晚上用三條腿?2What do we get if We
21、Cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon?把一只啄木鳥和一只識途的鴿子融合在一起,會得到什么?3What question can never be answered by“Yes”?什么問題永遠(yuǎn)也不能回答說“是的”?Keys:1PeopleThey crawled when they were babies and walked with two legs before they had to rely on a crutch in old age是人,他們剛生下來時(shí)用四肢爬行,后來用雙腿走路,老年時(shí)又不得不依靠拐杖走。2A bird that knoc
22、ks on the door when delivering messages.將得到一只送信時(shí)會敲門的鳥。3“Are you asleep?“你睡著了嗎?”Notes:2woodpecker/wudpek+/n.啄木鳥Questions:1What gets larger the more you take away?什么東西你拿走越多,反而越大?2What becomes less the more you learn?什么東西你學(xué)得越多,變得越少?3What has no length,width or depth and can still be measured?什么東西沒有長度、寬
23、度和深度,但還是可以測量?4Where can you always find money?哪兒總是能找到鈔票?Keys:1A hole洞。2What you havent learned你沒有學(xué)的東西。3Temperature.溫度。4In the dictionary在字典里。Notes:3three dimensions 三維: length(長度), width(寬度),depth(深度)。Questions1Iron will rust if put in the open Then what if gold is put there?鐵放在外面會生銹,那么金子呢?2What is
24、a pimple?什么是青春美麗豆?3Do planes of this make crash very often?這種牌子的飛機(jī)經(jīng)常墜毀嗎?Keys:1Itll be taken away會被人拿走。2Its a dimple going the other way是方向長錯了的酒窩。3No,only once不,只會墜毀一次。Notes:1rust/r)st/v.生銹2pimple /pimpl/n 丘疹,膿皰dimple/dimpl/n酒窩,笑窩3make n牌子,產(chǎn)品crash/kr$M/v.墜毀,撞毀Questions:1When can you have something an
25、d nothing at the same time in your pocket?什么時(shí)候你的口袋里既有東西又沒有東西?2What can run and whistle but cant walk or talk?什么東西能跑不能走,會吹哨不會說話?3Why cant the world come to an end?世界為何不會末日臨頭?4Wheres the biggest city in the world?全世界最大的城市在哪兒?Keys:1When theres a hole in it當(dāng)口袋里有個洞的時(shí)候。2A locomotive.火車頭。3Because its round
26、因?yàn)樗菆A的。4On the map在地圖上。Notes:2locomotive/l+uk+?m+utiv/ n火車頭3The world is round地球是圓的,因此沒有beginning(開始),也沒有end(結(jié)束)。Questions:1“Railroad crossing,Look out for the cars”Can you spell it without any Rs?“鐵路道口,當(dāng)心火車。”你能不用“R”把它拼寫出來嗎?2Can you read“Madam, Im Adam” without pronouncing any MS?你能不發(fā)“M”的音,把“尊敬的女士,我
27、是亞當(dāng)。”讀出來嗎?3Can you say“Richard and Robert had a rabbit”without pronouncing any RS?你能不發(fā)“R”的音,把“理查得和羅伯特有只兔子”說出來嗎?Keys:1SureI-t當(dāng)然能,I-t。2Of course, I can sure read without pronouncing anything當(dāng)然,我會默讀。3Dick and Bob had a bunny迪克和鮑勃有只兔子。Notes:1car n.汽車,火車,纜車3Dick和Bob分別是Richard和Robert的昵稱,bunny是rabbit的兒語詞,也
28、作bunny rabbit。Questions:1Should you say 28 and 37 are 55 or 37 and 28 are 55?你說是28加37等于55還是37加28等于55?2What can a baby do that an adult cant do?什么事嬰兒能做而成人不能做?3Whys giving up smoking such an easy thing for a chain-smoker?對于煙癮君子來說為什么戒煙易如反掌?4Can you tell me something about the great scientists of the 18
29、th century?你能告訴我一些18世紀(jì)偉大科學(xué)家的事嗎?Keys:128 and 37 are 6528加37等于 65。2Sleep in a cradle在搖籃里安睡。3He has done it many times.他已經(jīng)做過很多次了。4Theyre all dead他們都已過世。Notes:1cradle/kreidl/ n嬰兒的搖籃3chain-smoke v一支接一支地抽煙Questions:1When a pregnant woman got on a bus no one gave up his seat to herWhy?一位孕婦上車后,沒有人給她讓座,為什么?2
30、Why do fish live in water?魚為什么在水里生活?3Which is right,the white of the eggs are yellow or the whites of the eggs are yellow?下面哪種說法正確:雞蛋的蛋白(單數(shù))是黃的,還是雞蛋的蛋白(復(fù)數(shù))是黃的?Keys:1Therere vacant seats on the bus車上有空座。2Cats cant swim因?yàn)樨埐粫斡尽?The whites are never yellow蛋白不黃色的。Notes:1pregnant/pregn+nt/adj懷孕的give up o
31、nes seat to someone讓座給某人vacant/veik+nt/ adj空著的3white n蛋白,蛋清yolk/j+ulk/n蛋黃Questions:1Which will burn longer, the candles in the good old days or the candles of today?以前的蠟燭和現(xiàn)在的蠟燭,哪個燒得更長?2Which American has had the largest family?哪個美國人擁有最為龐大的家族?3A little girl was 6 years old on her last birthday,and wi
32、ll be 8 on her next birthdayHow can this be?一個小女孩上一個生日才6歲,下一個生日就8歲了,這是怎么回事?Keys:1NeitherCandles dont burn longer but burn shorter哪個都燒不長,蠟燭都是越燒越短。2George Washington,“father of the nation”喬治華盛頓,“美國之父”。3Its her 7th birthday今天她7歲生日。Notes:1the good old days過去的好時(shí)光Questions:1A horse was tied to a rope five
33、 feet long,and wanted to eat the hay nine feet awayCould he manage that?一頭馬被一根五英尺長的繩子拴著,想吃九英尺開外的干草,它夠得著嗎?2Why are artists so careful in signing the pictures?藝術(shù)家在畫上簽名為何如此認(rèn)真?3Why dont you advertise for your lost dog?你的狗丟了為什么不登廣告呢?4What kind of party do prisoners like?囚犯喜歡什么樣的晚會?Keys:1Sure The rope was
34、nt tied to anything當(dāng)然可以,因?yàn)槔K子并沒有拴在其他什么東西上。2So that people can tell the top from the bottom這樣人們才知道哪是上邊哪是下邊。3The dog cant read因?yàn)楣凡蛔R字。4A going-away party送別晚會。Questions:1What time is it When you start your old car in vain?當(dāng)你怎么也發(fā)動不了你那輛老爺車時(shí),該是什么時(shí)候了?2What word is the first word on page 100 in your English-C
35、hinese dictionary?你的英漢辭典第100頁第一個單詞是什么詞?3Why do people seldom suffer from hunger in the Sahara desert?人們?yōu)槭裁丛谌龉衬胁惶莛囸I折磨?Keys:1Time to have it repaired是修車的時(shí)候了。2An English word是英語單詞。3They suffer from thirst first and always因?yàn)樗麄兛偸秋枃L口渴的折磨。Notes:1in vain徒勞無益,白費(fèi)功夫3thirst/I+:st/ n渴Questions:1When does a s
36、tudents brain stop working in class?學(xué)生在課堂上什么時(shí)候大腦停止工作?2When can Mother stop worrying about her delicate vase?母親什么時(shí)候才不會擔(dān)心她那只精致細(xì)巧的花瓶?3What cant talk but can speak the truth?什么東西不會講話卻會以實(shí)相告?4Whats full when its used and empty when its at rest ?什么東西用時(shí)滿,閑時(shí)空?Keys:1When theyre called on to answer questions當(dāng)叫
37、到他們回答問題時(shí)。2When its broken摔破以后。3A mirror.鏡子。4A shoe.鞋子。Questions:1How can you buy eggs and be certain there are no chickens inside them?怎樣在買蛋時(shí)確保蛋里沒有未孵出的小雞?2Which has more legs,a cow or no cow?一頭牛和沒有牛,誰的腿多?3What are you doing in front of the mirror and with you eyes shut?你閉著眼睛在鏡子前面干什么?Keys:1Buy duck e
38、ggs or goose eggs買鴨蛋或鵝蛋。2No cow. A cow has only four legs but no cow has five legs沒有牛,因?yàn)橐活^牛有四條腿,沒有牛有五條腿。3Im trying to see what I look 1ikewhen Im asleep我在看我睡著是什么樣子。Notes:1goose/gu:s/n鵝Questions:1Two mother sand daughters are planning to go to London by trainHow many tickets should they buy?兩對母女計(jì)劃乘火車
39、去倫敦,請問要買幾張票?2Where have I seen your face before?我以前在哪兒見過你這張面孔?3What al ways enters the house through the keyhole instead of the front door?什么東西不從前門而從鑰匙孔進(jìn)屋?4Whats the best cure for insomnia?治療失眠最好的藥方是什么?Keys:1Three,for theyre daughter,mother and grandmother三張,因?yàn)檫@兩對母女由女兒,母親,外婆組成。2Where it is now.就在目前這
40、個位置。3A key鑰匙。4A good nights sleep好好睡一夜。Notes:4insomnia/?insmni+/n失眠Questions:lWhat makes the skin specialist select that branch of medicine?皮膚科醫(yī)生為什么選擇皮膚科?2If you Were given the choice of how to die,What manner of death would you choose?如果可以選擇死亡的方式,你愿意用什么方式結(jié)束生命?Keys:1There are three perfectly gook re
41、asons;His patients never get him out of bed at night,they never die from his treatment;and they never get well有三條過硬的理由:他的病人不會半夜三更地讓他出診;也從不會因皮膚治療而死亡;而且他們的皮膚病永遠(yuǎn)不會被治好。2I would choose to die of old age我愿意老死。Notes:1skin specialist皮膚科專家a branch of medicine醫(yī)學(xué)的一門分枝學(xué)科Questions:1How many great People have bee
42、n born in America?在美國有多少偉人出生?2What can be put in a bottle of milk to make it less heavy?在一瓶牛奶里放入什么可以使它重量減輕?3What would you have if you took thirty-two,divided by 15,multiplied by 13 and minus 14?請問32除以15,再乘以13,再減去14,將得到什么?Keys:1None Only babies are born there一個也沒有,因?yàn)橹挥袐雰撼錾谀莾骸?A hole一個洞。3A wrong ans
43、wer一個錯誤的答案。Notes:3multiply/m)ltiplai/v.相乘minus/main+s/V.減去Questions:1Where were you when the power was cut off?停電時(shí)你在哪兒?2Can I wear this genuine leather jacket in the rain without spoiling it?我穿著這件皮夾克在雨里走會不會把夾克弄壞?3When is a chain-smoker most painful?煙癮君子什么時(shí)候最痛苦?Keys:1In the darkness在黑暗中。2Have you eve
44、r seen a cow carrying an umbrella?你見過牛撐傘嗎?3When he has a packet of cigarettes but no light當(dāng)他有一盒香煙卻沒有火的時(shí)候。Notes:lCut off切斷(電源等)2genuine /DNenjuin/ adj地道的,真正的leather/leJ+/n.皮革Spoil/sp&il/ V弄壞,寵壞3cigarette/?sig+ret/ n香煙light/lait/ n點(diǎn)火物,引火物Questions:1What is it that no one wishes to have, yet no one wis
45、hes to lope?誰也不想要,可是誰也不想不要的東西是什么?2Whats the biggest thing in the world?世界上最大的東西是什么?3How can two people stand two inches apart only,yet not being able to touch each other?兩個人怎樣站才能在相距僅兩英寸的情況下無法碰到對方?Keys:1A bald head禿頭。2EyelidsThey can cover everything in the world once you shut your eyes眼皮,因?yàn)檠劬σ婚],世上所有
46、的東西都被眼皮蓋住了。3Shut the door between them關(guān)上他們中間的門。Notes:1bald/b&ld/ adj禿頭的2eyelid/ailid/ n眼皮3apart/+pa:t/ adj分開,離開Questions:1When can you get water With a net?什么時(shí)候能用網(wǎng)兜水?2What is neither in the house nor out of the house,yet is a part of the house?什么東西既不在屋里也不在屋外,又是屋子的一部分?3What do elephants have that no other animals is have?什么東西別的動物都沒有,只有大象有?4What do we have in December that we never have in other months?什么東西別的月份都沒有,只有十二月有?Keys:1When water is turned into ice.當(dāng)水結(jié)成冰以后。2A window窗戶。3Baby elephants小象。4The letter“D”是字母“D”。Questions:1Whats better than the presence of mind in cas
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