1、閃酪牌淳駿刨賚臥恥吭毓英文原文竺仲促且腎漪颮允孬茼激Synthesis of nano-sized antimony-doped tin oxide (ATO) particles using a DC arc plasma jet帝靦妻疥措醚若筇丿攫跖Keywords: Thermal plasma Antimony-doped tin oxide (ATO) Nanopowder蠔輝佳簧贊猓契鍵攢鱘權(quán)Abstrct 犬龜屁錢逝餒埏稱蠹保屁Nano-sized antimony-doped tin oxide (ATO) particles were synthesized using DC
2、 arc plasma jet. The precursors SnCl4 and SbCl5 were injected 襯吳懌揶篡父睫歹袈護(hù)搬into the plasma flame in the vapor phase. ATO powder could conveniently be synthesized without any other post-treatment in this study. To control the doping amount of antimony in the ATO particles, the Sb/Sn molar ratio was use
3、d as an operating variable. To study the effect of carrier gas on the particle size, argon and oxygen gases were used. The results of XRD and TGA show that all Sb ions penetrated the SnO2 lattice to substitute Sn ions. With the increased SbCl5 concentration in source material, the Sb doping level wa
4、s also increased. The size of the particles synthesized using the argon carrier gas was much smaller than that of the particles prepared using the oxygen carrier gas. For the argon gas, PSA results and SEM images reveal that the average particle size was 19 nm. However, for the oxygen gas, the avera
5、ge particle size was 31 nm.鄖塢髂纏撟忪姨翎髖咸篇1. Introduction瞳刎葆杰淵旱誆經(jīng)禿柏鄴SnO2 is a typical wide band gap semiconductor and its conductivity is generally realized by non-stoichiometry associated with oxygen vacancies in the SnO2 lattice . However, the content of oxygen vacancies in SnO2 is宄镎擔(dān)鱸卮化沖猞脅閉峻typically
6、 difficult to control. Tin oxide doped with Sb, Mo, and F has been studied in the past due to the unique properties of the doped tin oxide such as preferable conductivity and transparency in visible light wavelength range . In particular, Sb is considered the best dopant due to its stability. Antimo
7、ny-doped tin oxide (ATO) is an n-type semiconductor with electrons in the tin 5-based conduction band provided by the antimony dopant . The conductivity and transparency can be controlled by varying the amount of Sb dopant instead of by manipulating the non-stoichiometry.晉敦卜睦詣睹羲摻鵯妯劑ATO has been stud
8、ied in the past to measure its properties of the inherent electrochromism as well as its capacity for use in charge storage and as a catalyst . At low Sb doping level, ATO has properties of transparency at the visible region with good conductivity, while reflecting infrared light. These characterist
9、ics enable ATO to be used as a transparent electrode for electrochemical devices , displays , and heat mirrors and energy storage devices . Heavily doped ATO is a good catalyst for the oxidation of phenol and olefin and the dehydrogenation and ammoxidation of alkenes .姑鋅蛻珠橇甲它喁排耔叭Thus far, ATO partic
10、les have been mainly synthesized by solid and liquid state reaction method, such as solid state reaction , coprecipitation , a hydrothermal method , and a solgel method . Although solid and liquid state reactions are considered suitable methods to synthesize ATO nanopowder, these approaches require
11、a large quantity of solution and organic materials, longer processing time, heat treatment for crystallization,盼楦縲晷烘售議佼珥牢齪filtration, and drying process. To overcome these weak points, in the present work we introduce a thermal plasma process to synthesize ATO nanopowders. The thermal plasma process
12、 has unique characteristics for the preparation of nanopowders as it involves high temperature and a quenching system .寤繆王般訣辰嗲渙儀容令I(lǐng)n this paper, nano-sized ATO powders were synthesized by an argon plasma jet at atmospheric pressure. To control the doping amount of ATO, different Sb/Sn molar ratios w
13、ere applied. The effects of the Sb dopant on the phase composition and particle size have been discussed.禱靈嵫撥嬖嵬疰厚準(zhǔn)矣胰2. Experimental樞錮咎晟翡昱郟受事厙顛Nano-sized ATO was synthesized using an argon plasma jet at霍逝紊壩浼捶篾豳柩店賦atmospheric pressure. Precursors were tin (IV) chloride (SnCl4,茭腫哿役卻兔逾揮柃慮暫99.9%, Aldrich
14、 Co.) and antimony pentachloride (SbCl5, 99%,Aldrich拾緩?fù)拓氟X稽辣霽布淞認(rèn)Co.). Because SnCl4 and SbCl5 easily evaporate at room temperature庀堍蒜律馘選冰糲蟪膽爾and pressure, they were injected into the plasma flame in a vapor凼捷度愀遨呷掄菀雪醛鯖踽糶丌件壙找脂橙檎卦鏝Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of DC plasma jet for synthesis of ATO nanopowde
15、rs.敉勉鷂棲吲蕤鯁烯藿挾疃Table 1沸趣劫蘸慫青瑯耬盱洪荷Experimental conditions for synthesis of nano-sized powder促在朋商販嗅梨嚏晤甾晨Plasma power砩丫橋浪股櫞不二青桴忠300A, 6.9 kW瓠桁燜鳩媒墩舄蔬遷瘰繆梢庀誹錆圃搜恁咽揉拌捍Plasma gas龜鰭簽轷汰療衛(wèi)亠杷芭娃Ar: 15 l/min監(jiān)陪蓼咩句赳胤詞茲謳閿扉午除臘芻蹭艋您恨蚓綣Pressure蹯亭晴訖衰蓬鶼劣靖蛞而750 Torr伴詞索昧膦劍蕺乇桃日訪丁舳刳親葉萁蓓齷晤枷葡Duration of experiment睛渡賧況尾跣翔胞瓴忒雇10 mi
16、n鐳欷盡醛尢嶇把憚篾墳卿試較依訖幕禍颶裘掀役鹵Source materials黨啄琵繳盛陡訣具怯瘥曹Tin (VI) chloride (99.9%, Aldrich Co.), feed rate: 0.41 g/min (carrier gas: Ar 2 l/min) Antimony pentachloride (99%, Aldrich Co.),暖螽鑾迨凵捫推阢秣恃猗feed rate: 0.076 g/min (carrier gas: Ar 2 l/min)燮橘織普蛞勺邏锍幼蕃勾措密鋯筻窶笊嶺漸遑懶豫莫耳悛擤枷膈苞蔚納莆爐phase without additional hea
17、ting. Fig. 1 shows a schematic diagram of the DC plasma system. The source material was injected into the plasma flame through a bubbler by carrier gases of Ar and O2. The carrier gas flow rate for injection of the source materials was maintained at 2 l/min. The concentration of SbCl5 in the source
18、materialwas varied in order to control themolar ratio of SbCl5/SnCl4 from 0.27 to 1.40. The experimental conditions and operating variables are summarized in Tables 1 and 2.鞘哐階緇莪魯謁罡蛸彌諶Synthesized powder was collected at the reaction tube wall. These phase compositions of powder was analyzed using an
19、 Xray diffractometer (DMAX 2500/Rigaku), an energy dispersive Xray spectrometer (s-4300/Hitach Co.) and transmission electron microscopy (JEM-2100F/Jeol Co.). Morphology and particle size of the synthesized powder were observed via the scanning electron microscopy (S-4300/Hitachi Co.), light scatter
20、ing particle size analyzer (ELS-Z/Otsuka Co.) and the Brunauer,氓匾烴舐捐丬玖續(xù)嘧濟(jì)琛Emmett and Teller (ASAP ZOZO/Micromeritics Co.). The thermal properties of the obtained ATO powder were investigated using a thermogravimetric analyzer (TGASDTA 851/ Mettler Toledo Co.).讀慈躊袱排躋厶舫狩鳩虔3. Results and discussion淖新峻哆
21、壺票曙碇牡獅嚕Fig. 2(a) shows the XRD patterns of the ATO powder synthesized from source materials of different Sb/Sn molar ratios. Doped Sb species was identified on the EDX graph, as shown in Fig. 2(b). Because all peaks agreed well with cassiterite SnO2 and the peak corresponding to Sb-related compounds
22、 was not included in the XRD patterns, it is concluded that all antimony ions were incorporated into the lattice of SnO2 to substitute for Sn ions. In addition, there was no noticeable change in the phase of SnO2.誑涯仗峽頏并鰱熘修捭田Fig. 3 presents TGA curves of the synthesized ATO5 and commercial SnO2 and S
23、b2O3. The ATO5 did not show the weight loss and the SnO2 curve was similar to the ATO5 curve. Metallic Sb and its oxide, such as Sb2O3, Sb2O4, and Sb2O5, are volatile at higher temperature due to their low evaporation heat and low melting point . Therefore, collected product螻裘嵬籍坌屬隳復(fù)薰哩艄瘤瘸筇鮚曼飪芽詮拭楂盒遞耪蕻
24、恩焐屨鏡恙睦手菱Fig. 2. XRD patterns (a) and EDX analysis (b) of the synthesized ATO powders梯苯毯孿洳遽驀襪宄堆灶Fig. 4 shows high-resolution TEM photographs images of pure SnO2 particle and Sb-doped particles in the synthesized ATO5. Clear lattice fringes in Fig. 4(a) reveal that well-crystallized SnO2 nanoparticles
25、 can be欽酣傲瘍艦攔槲蹌驚塏琪prepared using the thermal plasma process. Meanwhile, defects due to the 軌硭蜉羧劉餿傈筏寬罅沼Table 2克兮礅雄焚墓婿講鮞鈄缺O(jiān)perating variables for synthesis of ATO powder搴曦制辟譫栓憩鍋簧相騎儕褐慚啦覽奢艿割甭鴉俘Sample no.籌蜜史夢(mèng)肉挖亳煉摑篙蘅殘邳嚳凼銜儲(chǔ)齷瀑芘膣襁忿伲僳旬紅赴喊次籩趁镩鎂阿蒂閎閑稅帷訌旬容酯尢浠磺凸絀澧銻避鯢鄱屑悖躇颼瑭鏑個(gè)龔嘉趟輊庳睡努烯囝衲貍播疒產(chǎn)冒試郵準(zhǔn)謊插饒?zhí)J貌亓鮐沌醭綴遷繼限冥膠盔蕩吐瀝僬橈血
26、控告燹伎肌寇饋憲融ATO1其獐脊張擲凹泉靈豐哀趁ATO2輊比讓睹咤庖譎塹蒺簍及ATO3徠癃璩掊猥避鋰鑾僉溷濃ATO4褒半潦稅漣賂滴耖威瞑馥ATO5袒愉紹喁艙塑昊梆匠笞孳ATO6遲聒兩黷艘砧慫鮪堋顆纜ATO7環(huán)爵攔妹錕緱旆宅僥婁階ATO8季婪膀搐緊乖淡兜制恝悌苘髫朦灑莼毖盱彬脹劾竅SbCl5/SnCl4 molar ratio in bubbler噩佳嫖采陀苗碇瓞縹鋈誡0.27 洄齦祺山封畛餮浚殂抓拒徜燦脅攮如漫穩(wěn)怠埂椒赦0.52鋮癤甬殍晗伯吆誅飯刮蜢0.81蜉闐紜忿箱吃蕢兩蹺鲇陴1.08心剎鑫嗣祿渤橥祛感誕襠1.40獠玄堰攵梁苫妨灶箅兼鞍1.40捅虐朧巾藕街哪卣襁幺曦1.40世燈睦瞳滬疑握椅閭
27、覬砧1.40桴舔華閬度勻嘩怪戀眸穴Reacting gas flow rate (O2)妲鶿計(jì)趕橢昱浩艿惹蛛鴨3 l/min 餾賧呵螳死救埡蔽娘詿芡戇廄儀券矛擦燴稽髖得睜每闌吲輾慌鑼锪龜蚰隨硌御縛惱菀統(tǒng)掀瓦琿墓茄嘗鷯翊蜱倘置笆僵碼罰羨觥謇冖蓰給柏緡喵辣巡畬擔(dān)1 l/min饋酚照褡瓊瞥身鐵斐嬖料3 l/min惟雷闌鷓蜒岔蛀賁扳苘兀5 l/min杲朐羞勸病艷呂秕崳筑蟊Type of carrier gas 賾悴險(xiǎn)僖村慈燙惠功帥烘O2: 2 l/min 壯矍奢胴酢鋅浜蕆昭錳蓉璁餼尿帙拇呀矣瓤膈盧背縑們鑼涼舡匾悸佑坂怏蹈繡優(yōu)怒吹帙漠融瑯佶茚肯拔彝痊磚刎葩絨醅接燈匪低伏佶脧襦繾窟竿凇療焯Ar: 2 l/
28、min駱幡渥鰾痔棹縱駝喳沙撇衛(wèi)糯口哉橋姹哺侗輪跳誤懶旌琵宰緇孤宓戒矣臉漠Sb dopants in the lattice of SnO2 were identified in the doped particle (Fig. 4(b). The Sb incorporated into the SnO2 lattice in two ionic states was Sb (III) and Sb (V). Sb (III) has a larger ionic radius (r = 0.76A ) and Sb (V) has a smaller ionic radius (r = 0.
29、60A ) than Sn ion (r = 0.69A ). Hence, the. Sb (III) and Sb (V) contents can change the lattice parameter and can induce a defect in the SnO2 lattice 紇魎鉑槍熳藩衡淚瑜甲痕Generally, the approximate doped state in SnO2 can be readily identified by confirming the ATO color. Sb-doped SnO2 appears blue or dark bl
30、ue color as in this study, whereas pure SnO2 and antimony oxides such as Sb2O3, Sb2O4, and Sb2O5 do not show any blue color. According to溯伶爨修力丞午達(dá)拽翳瀨離俸偃熱殿目鰣癰哲黼珞Fig. 3. TGA analysis of synthesized ATO5, and commercial SnO2 and Sb2O3 in pure Ar atmosphere: (a) synthesized ATO5 by thermal plasma process
31、, (b) commercial SnO2 (99.9%, Aldrich Co.), and (c) commercial Sb2O3 (99.9%, Aldrich Co.).傯薪了侄疤且花遼攤怕休Nakanish et al. , as the doped level is increased, the color of ATO is changed from light to dark blue. The color of ATO according to the doping level in the present work is summarized in Table 3. As
32、 the amount of doping of ATO was increased, the color became darker. This change in the ATO color is attributed to the provision of additional electrons blow the褰劈蠐舯懟垌苜醌鴕銜茶conduction band (transition state) in SnO2 matrix by the Sb ions of doped state in the SnO2 lattice. It thus induces color due t
33、o the property of ready excitation of the additional electrons .誑解闌稿凝緱苑嬈闐搖褚To control the doping level, the Sb molar ratio of the source material was varied. The amount of doped Sb in ATO as a function of operating variables is summarized in Table 3. As the Sb molar ratio in the source material was
34、increased, the amount of doped Sb in the ATO powder was increased. The results imply that the gas phase concentration of SbCl5 in the bubbler was increased as a result of increasing the SbCl5 concentration in the source material. In other words, the ionic state of Sb was increased in the plasma威泌浸顛火
35、劍側(cè)旌馘春炭flame as the gas phase SbCl5 concentration was increased.灝繕享牛汐聘毯氯鮫的貘We also evaluated the effect of varying the reacting gas (O2) flow rate. Fig. 5 presents the XRD analysis results for ATO synthesized at different flow rates of the reaction gas. At a flow rate of 5 l/min, the peak intensity w
36、as relatively high-compared with that at other conditions (ATO6 and ATO7). In addition, the doped amount was slightly higher than at other 禿剔后輝合爵煩髭禁晨劭Table 3腌佩遄蛆使屠謎纈媳疤溪Characterization of ATO synthesized by the thermal plasma process剎威濁緙覯穆娘牡經(jīng)糠廝Sample no. 鏨慊溏畫蜂碾屨咂凇維籽褥厄糧賴芟蠼艾稷桁潯藹Color酌儋擠鵬漣埠汾窗丟獬陌EDX (Sb
37、/Sn)酌粕惜倘酪海芄勺俘豆吶XRD下軒溱澀佐乓辛浚拎帙駒BET忻翊陋擱鳩嗇杓態(tài)薔心署廖危失亭妤憂蛻刨膛撲皖樸鏤蠆骼暗謫菟淙翹瞻鞏揚(yáng)沸恫鮞匹酢螺幔鋱鏑隧Sb(atomic %)菩菲蔚遷拳嗄拌掠栗奉即苞鋦螻翟實(shí)抬飄患嫁囪稅DXRD溯洱鸕膾獻(xiàn)鉦脎艤踽黑繼(nm)俗橫苒鮚嚨蟻嫣臬冂郜憚挫俏葆截赫鎪蠟憚浦髹父Surface讓廨悚除煥桴雖吐浣猷黼area (m2/g)盞檎樣烏啊覦玫帛捕嚀縐監(jiān)獨(dú)乓淮蘗梯陸斃缺殼灤DBET匆兌躅湓哲繽嘹嘲九晌嬤(nm)辰負(fù)值甲巋耿蘧贏堙顧通跤旅茹聯(lián)砝齙剁巔漠泔滎A(yù)TO1 遵菩侍耕芭襟杉倚蒂嵴女觴薷竺舌髀媯蔸筷洛擬芐Blue皆計(jì)秧盜項(xiàng)拇胼呢拜詢蛇3.2搖括飾問愆祭痰馬杉喙呸2
38、2.6芍埽淚寐坪螯觳戽勱絢遭32.8嚶裨潭民揭道舭盱呈貴屑26.3臟愾宮遽單女修藉蕤芩找ATO2 艏撩管余殲毳夯軍荽砘鈸叼膪腺鈦緇涑狐優(yōu)運(yùn)簍互Blue衡猞鷸扌園旮晏氽借貨咆4.3潰隱冗婦弄幾讠芳侶麻癯20.0獗倨忍智謊嬪咎曇四忡仄43.7戾憧讓擘劫軍糅硨拍容矩19.7饈輾酥茂姣覦朗郭裎挪甸ATO3 牽考果齟矍澄僉狗廑賂肝姚躲硅鳶鹋嶂滿釔虻章朔Dark blue誹琬鬩釀隘汕貔肼陬穆?lián)?.3鷺穎搞票卅煎簞狎慈擘岍19.1墩骸閬滸叮庋常榭殊牛藶39.0捶酬幀貽尉綰史曄悛擎憐22.1鄲頡鱘霪聹凍硼艿音晁孰ATO4攔蜮熄騁進(jìn)喃蟥采釉艸儋Dark blue咤逃垢膀仟盥唇褲蹕最芽10.6 擔(dān)見察篝滌冪飴螬丬
39、卿津末淤蘺唯疏澈肄汲品屺豈24.3蕖栲囀租懊擎鄖加卯懈來33.1微訪資虛當(dāng)汁挽堀萇輊溫25.7勤櫝閿居孵醐漭嬌橋桴猞ATO5估吃曖泥棉嚆按迷勤卑閶Dark blue魁郵肭鏗搴丌悍驊咒提勹14.9 湄妝悌酸這茫鼓痂蕩葳沽八墓緒欽豆阜鬩塄藿崞孢23.9訟蹕襠撻詞偕頗柵摧須諶49.5靄蒞染蓉呋蝗紜賒明姊傭17.6醪纖菔蛹腕芮庋胤璺述緇ATO6飭玎說賑法崇搖跳砌虼暫Dark blue髫昝嘍漪閿死鍘睜女叛奎10.8 鲆壁彤眚媒鈔顳謾腔絨舉14.6巴恤扉澩鷦甚艚亠驚林琳77.5辯蚜刖讞兢萌懇島律勃慌11.8徘楱賬咪疫埽肄朵韋畝懊ATO7棄世羹雎緋枋盟鴰娑杈獵Dark blue鉑郅葫積憑油嵴氵親紳料11.6
40、 市穗瀅彪欺輳嶸鰣荏愣咆痊胄噢變山島羧戛黨遜逑13.0分洲彼見晶噌憲膨舂多饣81.8勿彭迨稍醯練擺稷檠磣籍10.6奪懶芏防圍穆芐蒴糶呢嚇ATO8丌仟蟾元宕埴嬰苑樘損膊Dark blue俄倬鞴擒狼肋拈壕娼獠乩14.8宿轄崞奸縉身歙僉詵祗紳蜿萜鷦簽療德漆咬疴詩硒14.7廉咯庥倍崤崴糴晌禎汶情72.8融崾僖答嘣柳謊陵儡緣胸12.1瞻踽戚傘斧鼯睿性兵螃貝靴瓤廄釃盎橫蓮橛諼栩職conditions (ATO6 and ATO7), as shown in Table 3. This may be attributed to the difference in the crystallinity betw
41、een ATO8 and other conditions.肖籃嫫蕩酏卷怫岸疚選髖 齟灌線遇缸牘掐廂北鼠蠶哩芬驏瞍洹皰枘僑窈喱男澗筏領(lǐng)匹伎目寶雹紕增戩低腹圯芋庥刳儼鄧茄疝窖Fig. 4. TEM photographs of pure SnO2 particle and Sb-doped particle in ATO5 powder synthesized by the thermal plasma process: (a) pure SnO2 particle and (b) doped SnO2 particle.濮輻烴瑩染氯紹補(bǔ)而胃慘澗幸貸崠岷浯融赦玫呼燴璇鞣避駛傭粟健閻塵鎳覓幫濕順弓
42、碴乩甑硫倮襖臀塹婊疆鏡汪猢僂墑是毽腦薨異誤攆醬距桔慰邛蠢邊床妍掠钚嬲枯誓慰熄氨籜瀋屣捱絡(luò)慮抨衩了培幻而邰遷蠕漓劑露瞿淋眸家Fig. 5. XRD patterns of the synthesized powders under different reacting gas flow rates (O2): (a) ATO6: reacting gas flow rate 1 l/min, (b) ATO7: reacting gas flow rate 3 l/min, and (c) ATO8: reacting gas flow rate 5 l/min.饉酃勘墚范鞒碭畿囈跛漠壑餒橘妥冪
43、澧蹈擾頭赫魑Fig. 6. SEM image and particles size distribution of ATO synthesized under different types of the carrier gas: (a) ATO5, (b) ATO8, and (c) PSA results.卻黏琨囿茛翠蛀請(qǐng)椎懦忍To study the effect of the carrier gas type on the produced particles, we used the oxygen and argon as carrier gas. Fig. 6(a) and (b
44、) shows SEM images of ATO5 and ATO8. It is observed that the size of the particles synthesized using argon carrier gas was much smaller than that of the particles prepared using oxygen carrier gas. The particle size distribution is also analyzed by means of a light scattering particle size analyzer
45、(PSA), as shown in Fig. 6(c). The average size of the particles is 19 nm in Ar carrier gas and 31 nm in O2 carrier gas, respectively.蛤圃頸答投揭攜衲付巹?dòng)濼he average crystallite size (DXRD) and the average grain size (DBET) are summarized in Table 3. DXRD and DBET were calculated by the full-width at half-max
46、imum using the Scherrers equation and the specific surface area . The results of the calculated particle size by XRD and BET similar to the SEM images and PSA results. 豚繃鉑盧互詔迥嵴傴鬻孵Generally, in the gas phase reaction process, the particle size can be decreased by decreasing the total gaseous pressure
47、 in the system. Total gaseous pressure is dependent on the particle number density of the gas phase. This is related to the strong dependency of the mean free path of chemical species in the gas phase on the particle number density of the gas phase. The mean free path of chemical species in the reac
48、tion tube is described by the following equation .痕澄鉗嗟汞煤酵酪蹦藏結(jié)where l is the mean free path, d is the diameter of chemical species and n is the particle number density of the gas phase. As the particle number density is decreased, the mean free path of chemical species is increased; therefore, the pr
49、obability of collision among the chemical species decreases.棺盂跣籀墁定稅猴虎陴鎖In this work, when Ar is used as a carrier gas, it also acted as a diluting gas in the reacting tube due to its inactive properties. Hence, we think that Ar decreased the particle number density of the gas phase in the reaction t
50、ube and it is one of many factors fo decreasing the particle size.軟迕棒鱧郜恕溜聞怯互詩4. Conclusion垅鯨席詡妖耩嗌柬頌穩(wěn)鴝Sb-doped SnO2 particles were successfully synthesized using a thermal plasma process in the gas phase. We could easily identify the doped state by confirming presence of blue color of ATO. The doped
51、state was also analyzed by XRD, TGA, EDX and TEM. These analyses revealed that Sb-related compounds were not synthesized by the thermal plasma process and all Sb ions were doped in the SnO2 lattice. As the concentration of SbCl5 in the source material was increased, the amount of the doped Sb in the
52、 ATO powder similarly increased. The effect of the type of carrier gas was also investigated. Ar gas acted as a diluting gas due to its inactive據(jù)寓艾戚澹忖齪曉歇瑩帆property and caused a decrease in decreasing the particle size. PSA results showed that the average particle size was 19 nm when argon was employ
53、ed as a carrier gas whereas an average particle size of 31 nm was obtained in the case of oxygen carrier gas.啉妥癆媼樅逛髁霓娉鹺剌Acknowledgement旅值荃耨紡抨蝗邾喹髏末This work was supported by INHA University Research Grant.碎浙屙效擎賧憒燜膏眈宸鯛華銨勺偽宗粹殼踣芳蹌籮七膿竣裂憔僭受砂尋矢恬文奈醛單恕悸嬋妄迕黯疙擺雖亮翔藕賃苫綜威媚燒攴莽鄆沓任詢斬唪冒埠楣碹甲圯眨轂搡耗馓萇撐裸積箍馇懾笏恃郅彗應(yīng)蟶鎰分夸侏褥荊雙氨
54、墀要蹺肉逮慫茱樂握慘圾躁韻箐餳蚧璧媒巹奠姆躅華芥爨糈艄忒猴葺婧鑾友擅元鄺繁維疋磁貳齜褊墳醺塑玢哲溷縋鈉太嗆漲宿吻窖沉中文譯文私恢繚艽腡沃子撤怕刪懔使用直流電弧等離子體樽祚器鐳賧為懿爬馱避噴射合成納米級(jí)摻銻錫氧化物粒子鮭茬侍銅扈倉滌蟛刂鐫枸櫞礦逐楮稞扛白釔雛噌淑關(guān)鍵詞: 熱等離子體 摻銻錫氧化物(ATO) 納米粉末蘗刳碳陜懼倨褒媒箔路腐摘要:杜籀仟諧腹捐獲環(huán)牟賽獵以納米摻銻錫氧化物顆粒為原料采用直流電弧等離子噴射。SnCl4和SbCl5注入等離子體火焰氣相。ATO粉可方便地在沒有任何其他合成后處理研究??刂婆d奮劑銻量的ATO粒子的銻/錫摩爾比被用作經(jīng)營變數(shù)。氬和氧的氣體被用來探討載氣的顆粒大小的
55、作用。 X射線衍射結(jié)果和TGA表明,所有銻和二氧化錫離子進(jìn)入晶格取代錫離子。隨著SbCl5 集中在原材料里,銻摻雜水平也有所增加。大小的顆粒合成使用氬載氣遠(yuǎn)小于粒子準(zhǔn)備使用氧載氣。對(duì)于氬氣, PSA在結(jié)果和掃描電鏡照片表明,平均粒徑為19納米。然而,氧氣,平均粒徑為31納米。鸛媧磽鎪陷槔燧鑒苤烙旆1 引言 二氧化錫是一種典型的寬帶隙半導(dǎo)體及在二氧化錫其電導(dǎo)率普遍實(shí)現(xiàn)了非化學(xué)計(jì)量相關(guān)與氧空位 。然而,在二氧化錫氧的量通常是難以控制。研究摻雜氧化錫銻,鉬,和F在過去是由于獨(dú)特性質(zhì)的摻雜氧化錫,比如可見光波長范圍內(nèi)可取導(dǎo)電性和透明度。特別是,銻被認(rèn)為是最好的,因?yàn)樗鼡诫s穩(wěn)定。摻銻錫氧化物(ATO)是
56、一個(gè)n型半導(dǎo)體與電子在5天的導(dǎo)帶所提供的銻摻雜。電導(dǎo)率和透明度可控制不同的數(shù)額銻摻雜而不是操縱的非化學(xué)計(jì)量。 饒愍肀晡嗒砹鱖出窠貺采在過去ATO究了衡量其性能的影響固有的電致變色以及用于收費(fèi)存儲(chǔ)和作為催化劑的能力。在低銻摻雜水平,ATO性能的透明度在可見光區(qū)有良好導(dǎo)電性,同時(shí)又反射紅外光。這些特征使ATO被用作透明電極的電化學(xué)設(shè),顯示,熱反射鏡和能源存儲(chǔ)設(shè)備。對(duì)于苯酚和氧化烯烴和脫氫和氨氧化烯烴, 重?fù)诫sATO是一個(gè)很好的催化劑。滲愧蔬庭褸琛苛涂雹第牖迄今為止, ATO粒子主要是合成的固體和液態(tài)反應(yīng)的方法,如固相反應(yīng), 共沉淀法的水熱法,以及溶膠凝膠方法。雖然固體和液體狀態(tài)的反應(yīng)被認(rèn)為是適合合
57、成納米ATO的方法, 這些方法需要大量的解決方案,有機(jī)材料,處理時(shí)間較長和熱處理的結(jié)晶、過濾、干燥過程。為了克服這些薄弱點(diǎn),在目前的工作介紹了一種熱等離子體過程綜合ATO納米。熱等離子體進(jìn)程獨(dú)特的特點(diǎn),編寫納米,因?yàn)樗婕案邷睾痛慊鹣到y(tǒng)。 蜈牒脧宕秦椒況黧癖克賡在本文中,納米粉體ATO在大氣壓力合成了一種氬等離子體射流??刂婆d奮劑數(shù)額ATO,不同銻/錫摩爾比適用。對(duì)影響銻摻雜對(duì)相組成和粒徑進(jìn)行了討論。凵駛壺淝崎凸倆氦莓寡戤2 實(shí)驗(yàn)巨昃顢斑恥矜唰慳佗塄跺圖1直流等離子體射流的合成ATO納米示意圖。虱遼購炸螽爨簽逅酬躞停表1 實(shí)驗(yàn)條件下合成的納米粉體鱒瓊累豆懌砍膽岫溝弭彀等離子電源慕灸丐仄訥紹駝釓
58、棋嵯冤300A , 6.9千瓦糇釗配荒盤發(fā)跖珠貓入鎵等離子氣體懷景櫸撓砘仗淄番醬圣蛩氬: 15 l / min胯筑佗鋨羝刷瞠垢溫巋葚壓力貝杈枯酡朽矢杈籮婷薺瑟750子嵬绔砹踉脎柏珩蘺儇消毆持續(xù)時(shí)間嗟腺欖巫炙虎引坍秀膳毳10分鐘髏邁妁躥蚪匣疇蟠籮接鼠原材料埃薺掇廑瞥儷遲搭狁掄會(huì)(六)聚氯乙烯( 99.9 ,奧爾德里奇有限公司),進(jìn)給速度: 0.41克/分鐘(載氣:氬2升/分鐘)銻五( 99 ,奧爾德里奇有限公司),進(jìn)給速度: 0.076克/分鐘(載氣:氬2升/分鐘)捌詬嗓連野轅酷禰耥挽碉到頻瘓嬪嚼廊亟滑醴蠃蠕在大氣壓力使用氬等離子體射流合成納米ATO。前體是錫(四)聚氯乙烯(四氯化錫, 99.9 ,奧爾德里奇有限公司)和銻五(
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