



1、讀后續(xù)寫樣題veA funny thing happened to Arthur whe n he was on the way to work one day. As he walked along Park Avenue n ear the First Nati onal Bank, he heard the sound of some on etry ing to start a car. He tried aga in and aga in but could n t get the car moving. Arthur turned and looked in side at the

2、 face of a young man who looked worried. Arthur stopped and asked,“ It looks like yougot a problem, ” Arthur said.t start my car. ”“I m afraid so. I m in a big hurry and I can“ Is there something I can do to help? ” Arthur asked. The young man looked at the two suitcases in the back seat and then sa

3、id, “Thanks. If you re sure it wouldn t be too muchtrouble, you could help meget these suitcases into a taxi. ”“No trouble at all. Id be glad to help.The young man got out and took one of the placing it on the ground, he turned to get up the first suitcase an alarm.suitcases from the back seat. Afte

4、rthe other one. Just as Arthur picked and started walk ing, he heard thelong loud no ise ofIt was from the bank. There had bee n arobbery(搶劫)!Park Avenue had bee n quiet a mome nt before. Now the air was filled with the sound of the alarm andthe shoutsof people running from all directions.Cars stopp

5、ed and the passengers joined the crowd in front of the bank. People asked each other,“ What happen ed? But every one had a differe nt an swer.Arthur, still carry ing the suitcase, turned to look at the bank and walked right into the young woma n in front of him.She looked at the suitcase and the n a

6、t him. Arthurshe look ing at me like that? I m the bank thief ! ”was surp rised.“ Why is” He thought.“The suitcase! She thinksArthur looked around at the crowd of people. He becamefrightened,and withoutano ther thought, he started to run.注意:1. 所續(xù)寫短文的詞數(shù)應為150左右;2. 應使用5個以上短文中標有下劃線的 關鍵詞語;3. 續(xù)寫部分分為兩段,每段的

7、 開頭語已為你寫好;4. 續(xù)寫完成后,請用下劃線 標出你所使用的關鍵詞語。the young manshouting behind,“Stop,stop! ”the P olice Statio n and Arthur.the young man shout ing (動作)beh ind, “ Stop,P aragra ph 1:As he was running, Arthur heardP aragra ph 2:The taxi stopped in front of2樣題參考范文P aragra ph 1:As he was running, Arthur heardstop!

8、” And at that moment ( 時間),Arthur suddenly ( 時間)realized ( 心理) that maybe ( 心、理) the young man was the bank robber. Arthur was a bit frighteded ( 情感),and he continued to rush ( 動作)un til he saw a taxi. He stopped it, jumped in with thesuitcase a nd told ( 動作)the driver, Goto the p olice stati on, pl

9、 ease. The man shout ing (動作)beh ind is the bankthief !The taxi raced away like the wind.P aragra ph 2:The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthurtold ( 動作)thepolice what had happened. On hearing ( 時間)his story, the police was determ in ded to(心理)find out the truth about the robbery.

10、They opened the suitcase and to their surp rise (情感),they spo tted (動作)a large sum ofmoney in side it. The n ( 時間)the p olice asked Arthur to describe the young man and the other suitcase. Later (時可),with the in formati on, the p olicearrested ( 動作)the robber. The p olice andthe bank both tha nked A

11、rthura lot.再來看該書編者提供的另一篇范文:(點擊看原圖)03評分原則及注意事項04解題思路1讀懂前文,把握特色評分會從以下4個方面進行綜合考量:(1)與所給短文及段落開頭語的銜接程度;(2)內容的豐富性和對所標出關鍵詞語的應用情況;(3)應用語法結構和詞匯的豐富性和準確性;(4)上下文的連貫性。在4項評分內容中,內容和形式(詞語、 句式等)的上下連貫銜接占兩項,給定內容的使用占一項,語言的綜合能力占一項。 因此,讀后續(xù)寫的后文部分與給定前文應該是和諧完整、渾然一體的一篇文章,從 內容到形式要力爭盡可能地保持一致,而且還要使用所給定的畫線詞語,這就要求 考生仔細閱讀給定的前文,在充分

12、理解文章內容的基礎上,還要認真體會前文的文 體、主旨句、詞語和句式特點。只有在充分理解和把握前文的內容和特色之后,才 能續(xù)寫出和前文高度一致的文章。樣題中,給定的文章部分講述了Arthur在幫助一個年輕人時聽到有人搶劫了銀行,于是Arthur懷疑這個年輕人就是搶劫銀行的嫌疑犯。文章第一句話“ A funny thinghappened to Arthur whe n he was on the way to work one day.” 就是具有主題句性質的句子,說明下文所讀到的文章是Arthur在上班路上發(fā)生的一件“有趣的” 事。funny 詞奠定了全文的感情基調,我們后面續(xù)寫的故事結尾就要

13、圍繞“趣味 性”續(xù)寫,從而使文章具有幽默特色。讀懂了文章的主要內容后,我們可以發(fā)現(xiàn),故事的發(fā)展因年輕人的身份不明而產生 兩個不同的續(xù)寫思路:一是這個年輕人就是搶劫銀行的罪犯,Arthur幫助警察抓住了這個壞人;另一個思路是Arthur誤會了這個年輕人,他其實并不是搶劫銀行的罪 犯。基于以上思路,我們可以續(xù)寫兩個不同的結尾。但是,這兩個結尾還是存在優(yōu) 劣之分的。讀后續(xù)寫試題最后還有續(xù)寫要求,尤其是續(xù)寫兩段給出了段首指導語,這也是文章 續(xù)寫的重要提示,也是考生應該仔細閱讀體會的地方。第一段中年輕人呼喊Arthur停下來,第二段中Arthur坐出租車到了警察局,這兩句話基本設定了故事發(fā)展的主 線;文

14、章主題句中的funny也表明了文章的基調:這個故事是一個幽默故事,如果 以這個年輕人是搶劫犯最后被抓續(xù)寫下去,故事的幽默性就遠遜于第二個思路的續(xù) 寫了。至此,我們要續(xù)寫的文章部分從內容到文章基調就已經完全確定下來了。挑詞選句,連篇成文讀后續(xù)寫試題要求續(xù)寫部分使用至少 5個所給的畫線詞語,續(xù)寫的段落數(shù)量也設定 為兩段,而且每段的開頭語已經寫好,這就要求在確定文章內容后,注意選擇不同 的句式,按照適當?shù)捻樞?,將要求的詞匯編排入自己的續(xù)寫內容中。所給樣題的文中共選定了以下10個詞或短語:Park Avenue,the young man,in the back seat,bank ; 人物(3 個)

15、:the young man, ;事物(4 個): suitcases , loud noise of an alarm,suitcases , in the back seat, loud noise of an alarm, robbery , bank, the shouts, people , the bank thief。這10個詞或短語又可以根據類別劃分為地點(3 個):Park Avenue,people, the bank thief robbery, the shouts 。Arthur幫助警察抓住了那個年輕人,但發(fā)現(xiàn)他其實不是2個段落,根據第一段指導語(As he“Stop

16、, stop ! ”)聯(lián)系我們前面想定的思路:搶劫銀行的罪犯,是個誤會。續(xù)寫內容共分為was running , Arthur heard the young man shout ing beh ind,禾R第二段指導語(The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station andArthur.)我們可以大膽想象出:盡管那個年輕人在身后大喊“停下來!”,但 Arthur還是成功地帶著箱子坐上出租車,來到警察局。正當Arthur和警察以為發(fā)現(xiàn)了搶劫銀行案件的線索時,年輕人進來了,證明是個誤會,箱子里裝的不是搶的 錢而是那個年輕人的個人物品!在這個內容中,

17、我們就可以保證能用到bank,theyoung man,the bank thief , suitcases , robbery 等詞匯。再來看一篇范文,看看如何根據兩段的開頭語以及各段關鍵詞,組織上下文:As he was running , Arthur heard the young man shouting behind,“Stop,stop ! ” Con sideri ng the young man might be the bank thief : Arthur did ntstopped, in stead , he ran faster and stopped a taxi

18、. Once he got into the taxi , he told the driver the young man shouting behind was the bank thief and asked him to drive to the n earest p olice stati on. The driver followed what Arthur said and drove away quickly.(61 words)The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthurthanked the driverand directly went in. Just as Arthur was reporting the robbery case of the bank happened on the Park Avenue and describ ing the young man to the police , he heard a voice outside ,“Help! Help !” To Arthurs surprise ,it was the young man. He had f


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