1、畢業(yè)論文Culture Differe nces in Term of Family Educati onbetwee nChina and America中美家庭教育地文化差異學(xué)院專(zhuān)業(yè)級(jí)班學(xué)生姓名學(xué)號(hào)指導(dǎo)教師職稱(chēng)完成日期Abstract: Family Education plays an important role on the development of children. The childre n behavior will be in flue need by their pare nts evaluati on for them in the future. Meanwhil
2、e, compare with the concept of family education on four aspects and analyses the source of culture differences between China and America. It can be explained intimate connection of family education and culture in two countries. List the feature of family education between China and America and their
3、 difference of selfish departmentalism, valueorientation, and national character to state the concentrated reflection of different culture in two n atio nS.b5E2RGbCAPKeywords:culture difference。family between China and America。 Family EducationP1EanqFDpw【摘要】家庭教育在孩子成長(zhǎng)過(guò)程中起著至關(guān)重要地作用,孩子將來(lái)地行為會(huì)受到家長(zhǎng)對(duì)孩子 評(píng)價(jià)地影
4、響同時(shí)比較了中美兩國(guó)家庭教育觀(guān)差異地四個(gè)方面以及分析其文化地根源,說(shuō)明家庭教育與文化地密切關(guān)系.并分別列舉中國(guó)與美國(guó)家庭教育地特點(diǎn),以及中美家庭教育本 位主義地差異、價(jià)值取向不同、民族性格地區(qū)別來(lái)說(shuō)明中美教育文化差異地集中體 現(xiàn).DXDiTa9E3d【關(guān)鍵詞】文化差異、中美家庭、家庭教育ContentsIn troducti on1I. Family Educati on.1I.IDiffere nt Con cept of Family Educati on.11.2Differe nt Con cept of Deali ng with Affairs in Family Educati
5、on. 2 RTCrpUDGiT2. Comparis on of Family Educatio n betwee n China and America.5PczVD7HxA2.1The Feature of Chin ese Family Educati on.32.2The Feature of America n Family Educati on.32.3The Direction of Evaluation for Childre n.42.3.1The Standard of Evaluation for Children.42.3.2Critical a nd Praisef
6、ul Words.52.3.3Affirmative and Negative Words.52.3.4Specific and Ge neral Words.62.3.5The Detail of Evaluati on betwee n Chin ese and America n Pare ntsLrnAiLg2.3.6The Analysis of Causing Different Evaluation between Chinese and American pare nts6HAQX74jox2.4The Diversity of Family Education between
7、 Chi na and America.6DAYtRyKfE2.4.1The Main Part of Family Education.72.4.2The Subject of Family Educatio n72.4.3Perspective to Cultivati on of In depe ndent Thi nki ng Betwee n Two Coun tries.ZZz6ZB2Ltk2.4.4Perspective to Cultivati on of Equality betwee n two Coun tries.8vzfvkwMI12.5The Different A
8、ttitude on the Children s FailureqamdZSu ccess82.6The Creati on of Equal and Harmony Family Relati on ship.9mxvxotoco3. The Main Cause of Differe nt Family Educati on betwee n Chi na and America.9xE2yxpq53.1The Differe nee of Selfish Departme ntalism.93.2The Differe nee of Value Orie ntatio n.103.3P
9、ursuit of Steady and Challenge Life.103.4Collectivism and In dividualism103.5Love Socialism and Pragmatism.113.6Depe ndence and In depe nden ce.114. The In flue nee of Family Educati on Betwee n China and America.16ewMyirQFL4.1The Cultivation of Independent Children.114.2Make Children to Be Confiden
10、t.124.3The Assig nable Moral Educatio n.12Co nclusio n13Bibliography14Ack no wledgeme nt15IntroductionEducation is the social activity of cultivation and the inheritanee of experiences in our daily life. It is a sort of social culture phenomenon which reflects different social cultural implication f
11、rom different ones. In a sense, cultural transmission is education which is alsocultural originally. Family, school and social education are the three main part of the education. But family educati on should not be replaced by school and social educati on. When our childre n were born they had bee n
12、 in the atmosphere of family educati on, Gen erally speak ing it in dicates that behaviors ofcriticism, guida nee, cultivatio n and adm ini strati on by our pare nts. It plays an important role not only in modeling values but also cultivate a unique nationalism to our children. For in sta nee, Chin
13、ese culture attaches importa nee to the harm ony betwee n huma n and n ature but westerners pay more attention to overcome the nature by them.The family education between China and America n exist a sig nifica nt differe nee. For example, in the mutual relati on ship of family members, Chinese paren
14、ts almost in the dominant position of it but American parents attach more importanee to get along with their kids equally. About the eoncept of childcare ,Ch in ese pare nts almost hope their kids can find a good job to be prosperous in the future but American parents lay stress on promote their kid
15、s capabilityof living adaptation. About the ways of educatio n betwee n Chi na and America, Chin ese pare nts willi ng to un dertake the whole things for giving their kids more time to spe nd on study but America n pare nts tend to make their childre n do many practical things all by themselves. The
16、 disparity betwee n two countriesresult in the living adaptation of Chinese children is inferior to American children. It is meaningful to promote children to grow healthily and enhance their own integral quality if we can good understand and take example by foreign advaneed means of education for c
17、hildre n. Whe n we treat to others and society, Chin ese prose golde n mea n and harm ony but wester ners competiti on and strive for life. Charles Laught on thinks that the methods of educati on are the choice for a certa in social culture. Through the comparis on of educati on betwee n China an Am
18、erica an alyses the disti ncti on betwee n two eoun tries in cross-culture eommun icatio n.kavU42VRUsI. Family Education.At prese nt, the majority of family educati onal expert eon sider that family educati on can be divided in narrow and broad sen se. Gen eralized family educati on in dicates that
19、family members teach each other in their daily life. In a narrow sense, it indicates that the elder members (especially for pare nts of a family teach youn ger in their daily life. Family educati on as one part of family, school and society education has an irreplaceable meaning to other two educati
20、ons. Family education is not only attaching importanee to the health of children, but also their mental health which makes them more adaptable to competitive society in the future. More ofte n tha n not, educati on is also an in teracti on betwee n childre n and pare nts which means that they both b
21、e educated duri ng the process of it6v3ALoS891.1 Different Concept of Family Education.As pare nts have an inborn love to their kids which is the com mon love both for Chin ese and American parents. The only differenee is that the expression of them is absolutely different. In our eoun try, its deni
22、 able that we bel ong to our pare nts and should conform to our pare nts whether they are right or wrong. In Un ited States,childre n are regarded as an in dividual who bel ong to themselves and have their own favorite, opti on, private an dfrie nds circle. In China, parents have infinite responsibi
23、lity for caring for their children.When their children were born to grow up, they almost un dertake the whole thing for their kids such as cook ing the meal ,do ing the laundry , clea ning the room and spe nding their weeke nd holiday to accompa ny them study ing. But Chinese parents are willing to
24、do all these thing for their own children who are give the hope of finding a good job and living happily in the future by their parents. In United States, parents have limited responsibility for caring for their children. And they will not to do all things for their children but kids should undertak
25、e some household chores such as setting the table, clea ning their own clothes and trim ming law ns. Childre n can find a part-time job or help their parents to do household chores to earn the money. What is the limited responsibility of America npare nts for educati ng their childre n? First, they
26、want to make their kids to know their own value. Second, they want to make their kids to know how to control themselves. Third, they n eed to teach their kids eno ugh sexual kno wledge to make them man age easily whe n they have physiological cha nge. Fourth, they n eed to teach their childre n a wh
27、ole set of social norm to get on in the world.M2ub6vSTnP1.2Different Concept of Dealing with Affairs in Family EducationYujCfmucwAmerican children can be optimistic when facing difficulties, have strong curiosity, willing to try unknown things, can bear the hardship and like to put on their thinking
28、 cap. On the con trary, Chin ese childre n are always hesitate whe n fac ing difficulties, lack of in terest, dare to try someth ing unknown thin gs, un able to bear hardship and un willi ng to put on their thi nking cap. What is the reas on of it? The differe nt means of family educati on betwee n
29、Chi na and America result in it. First, America n pare nts prefer to en courage their kids tha n to protect ion but Chin ese pare nts are opposite to it. America n pare nts en courage childre n try every kinds of activities. They believe that kids can leann, practice,cultivate the ability and intere
30、st and the utmost is that can establish self-c on fide nee. Chin ese pare nts excessively protect their childre n which make them rely on their parents and distrust or lose the understanding and evaluation of self-worth and ability. Pare nts afraid of their kids being hurt or deceived and con sider
31、a lot thi ngs are dan gerous and dirty so that they do not allow their kids to do that. Second, American parents prefer to lead their childre n to a right directi on that to in culcati on. America n pare nts always say to their childre n:“I believe .will be bettey suggestio n is .do you like to list
32、e n my opinion?But Chinese parents always say to their kids: “ listerto me。 you are too young to make a choice. ”“I have been told you to do this way, why do not you listen to my words?you accept my opinion you should have not done this stupid thing! ” . Thirdhe requirement of America n pare nts for
33、 their childre n is comprehe nsive but Chin ese pare nts only require their kids to have good test score. Fourth, Chin ese pare nts usually say:“ You are too stupid to solve thisproblem. ” ,“ Mike is better than you in study.”,“I have been taught you for so manyou still can solve it! which tend to i
34、n flue nce and eve n break dow n the con fide nce of childre n. This kind of situati on seldom happe ned in America n familyeUts8ZQVRd2. Comparison of Family Education betweenChina and AmericaQsAEjkW5TEducation is an activity of cultivating people, inheritance of social culture, transfer of product
35、ion experie nce and the primary approach of life experie nce. Family educati on in dicates that the elder and parents unconsciously or consciously educate their children of the family. The aim of family educati on can be separated to two parts as follovG?Ms|asNXkAFirst, the function of family educat
36、ion is that ensure the physical and psychological health of children can be well developed and make a good preparation for their kids schooleducatio nTIrRGchYzgSecond, its helpful for children develop well in moral, intelligent, and physicalability for childre n match up school educatior7EqzcWLZNxNo
37、wadays, not only the school educati on should be valued but also more and more pare nts attach importa nee to family educati on. The positi on and function of family educatio n betwee n China and America is different from each other. There are some causes of resulting in the differe nt culture betwe
38、e n to coun tries as follow:zq7iGfO2E2.1The Feature of Chinese Family Education.First, Chinese parents usually charge of whole things of their kids to make them have eno ugh time to study. Especially for those pare nts who have on ly child provide them anything what their kids need. There is also a
39、new phenomenon that we can see most of elementary school stude nts have mobile pho nes, digital camera, MP5 which are top grade con sumer goods. It detrime ntal to develop childre nin depe ndent ability and imperceptibly make them spe nd freely on money which give n by their pare nts. A lot of Chin
40、ese pare nts only pay atte nti on to their kids basic n ecessities of life but not their inner mi nd which easily make them have men tal or moral character problems. In the meantimejt easy to make their kids have personality defect and lose ability of livi ng all by themselves. Therefore, this ki nd
41、 of educati on is absolutely un reas on able and lack short of scie ntific.zvpgeqjihkSecond, the matters of family education one-sided emphasize test score. Chinese parents on ly attach importa nce to in tellige nt developme nt of their kids but seldom eve nly con duct the education of morality, int
42、elligence, physique and art to their children. So that it s thnain cause of un eve n in developme nt of Chin ese stude ntsi ntegral ability. We also see a phe nomenon that a lot of only children are high intelligent, vulnerable and sensitive. But in the fields of developing intelligence of children,
43、 Chinese parents only care for their result of ability of memory, comprehension and computational problem. On the contrary, innovation-oriented society is pressed for practical ability and creative abilityNrpoJac3viThird, Chinese parents always regard their kids as private property. They are concern
44、ed more about face-sav ing tha n their kids. They deserve their kids are their own and have right to con trol the childre n behavior. When their kids betray their orders, they also use their dig nity or effect viole nce to their childre n but do not know it is illegal. They believe the con cept of f
45、amily educatio n n eeds viole nce sometime to their n aughty behavior. Furthermore, Chin ese pare nts also think if they love their kids, whatever methods of expression, the kids should accept it and uncon diti onal comply with it. As the times passes, the childre n would not like to com muni cate w
46、ith their pare nts who will not be told by their kids whe n they have someth ing men tal problems. It affluence the kids mental health and is difficult to form a harmonious family relationships. 1nowfTG4KI2.2The Feature of American Family Education.First, America n pare nts lay emphasis on cultivat
47、ing equal con scious ness. America n pare nts always like to provide ample opportunities for their kids to perform themselves in daily life regardless of whether the result is successful or failure。 they often approve their ability and praise them. The childre n who grow n up in this ki nd of relax
48、en vir onment are active, inno vative and con fide nt. But America n pare nts will not n eglect any shortco mings of their kids who are told they should correct their fault when the find it out immediately ” by their parents. Sometimes American parents also punish their children when they do some mi
49、stakes. But it mainly depends on the foun dati on of respect ing childrens self-respect and they do not use any in sult ing words to humiliate them.fjnFLDa5ZoSecond, America n pare nts pay more atte nti on to cultivate in depe ndent con scious nessa nd hardship spirit to their children. When their k
50、ids were born, they usually try every means to provide opportunities or conditions to train their kids to make them full trained in every con diti on .It is n ever be heard of some America n childre n sleep ing with their pare nts whe n they are baby who n eed to sleep in a small bed alone and grow
51、up to older they will have their own room to sleep. Large quantities of American parents support their kids to take a part-time job which can practice their capability of independent living. In United States, most of adolescents aged eighteen earn money by part-time job to pay the sky high college t
52、uition.From children to adolesce nt in western coun tries take part-time job develop their hardship spirit. The average in comes of Un ited States families are doze ns of time to Ceeh ina, but America n pare nts have a strict limit and requireme nt for givi ng pin money to their kids. A survey con c
53、lude that fifty four perce nt of America nadolesce nt stude nts do not have pin money which give n by their pare nts and the more elder will not have chance to get it form parentsNhnE6e5Third, American parents lay emphasis on creative ability of their kids. American parents almost will not inflict m
54、ore pressure to their kids in studying and think they are willing to learn if are interest in certain knowledge. It will hurt kids emotion and personality if they force them to do what they do not want to do. America n pare nts do not make their childre n to recite a large quantity of formula and th
55、eoremmechanically but eagerly teach them how to solve the difficulties and find out the ways of looking for an answer when they face an unfamiliar field. They also try all their best to affirm any effort of their kids and praise every answer of childrens thinking to protect and stimulate whole creat
56、ive desire and trials. What they want to do which is usually is supported by their pare nts who make them to be a man who they armVN777sL2.3The Direction of Evaluation for Children.Chinese parents like to compare their children with others by horizontal comparison. The range of comparison with other
57、 children stretches from wide to narrow ones. They also like their children to attend kinds of training classes such as piano, violin,handwriting, painting etc. Chinese children always are taken by their parents to participate in all sorts of competitions for satisfying vanity of their parentswhich
58、reflect their results of cultivation.Chinese parentsalso like to tell childre n others are better tha n them aim to en courage them to do more hard work for catch ing up with others. They ofte n regard childre n as a lower grade and set higher goals to them. Because they think it must be some one do
59、 better tha n their childre n who engen derthem feel themselves inferior to others. If their children object to them, they will prone to tell the doctrine to their kids to suppress the thoughts of the childre n. On the con trary, America n pare nts attach importa nce to Ion gitudi nal developme nt of their childre n and seldom compare them with other children. The method of family education is usually reward more
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