1、2948BXXX公司的薪酬管理外文參考文獻譯文及原文doc本科畢業(yè)設(shè)計 ( 論文 )外文參考文獻譯文及原文學(xué) 院 經(jīng)濟管理學(xué)院 專 業(yè) 工商管理 年級班別學(xué) 號學(xué)生姓名指導(dǎo)教師年 月 日目 錄1 薪酬管理的涵義與內(nèi)容1 1.1 薪酬管理的涵義11.2薪酬管理的內(nèi)容1 2 薪酬管理的歷史考察32.1專制階段32.2 “溫情主義”階段32.3科學(xué)管理階段32.4現(xiàn)代管理階段4 3 薪酬管理的發(fā)展趨勢63.1企業(yè)人力成本將逐步上升63.2薪酬制度的依據(jù)將更多地反映市場而不是工作本身的價值 63.3薪酬福利設(shè)計更富彈性并走向多軌化63.4薪酬分配形式由貨幣主導(dǎo)型向資本主導(dǎo)型過渡63.5薪酬支付方式將呈
2、現(xiàn)多樣化 7 1 Management salaries of the meaning and content . . 81.1 Salary Managementmeaning.81.2 Content of salarymanagement. 8 2 Salarymanagement historicalinspection.112.1 Despoticstage . .112.2 Paternalismstage 112.3 Scientific managementstage .122.4 Modern Managementstage 12 3 Salary managementdev
3、elopment tendency . 14 3.1 The enterprise manpower cost gradually willrise . .143.2 The salary system basis more will reflect the market but will not be works itselfvalue . . .143.3 A salary welfare design richer elasticity and moves towards themulti-axles .153.4 Salary assignment form by currency l
4、eadership to capitalleadership transition.153.5 The salary payment way will present thediversification . 151 薪酬管理的涵義與內(nèi)容1.1 薪酬管理的涵義企業(yè)的薪酬管理,就是企業(yè)管理者對本企業(yè)員工報酬的支付標準、發(fā)放水平、要素結(jié)構(gòu)進行確定、分配和調(diào)整的過程。傳統(tǒng)薪酬管理僅具有物質(zhì)報酬分配的性質(zhì),而對被管理者的行為特征考慮較少,其著眼點是物質(zhì)報酬。現(xiàn)代企業(yè)薪酬管理理念發(fā)生了完全不同的變化,薪酬管理的著眼點轉(zhuǎn)移到了人。企業(yè)經(jīng)營首先要樹立目標,企業(yè)目標的實現(xiàn)有賴于對員工的激勵。激勵分為外部和內(nèi)部
5、兩種。按照傳統(tǒng)的類別劃分,工資、獎金、福利等物質(zhì)報酬是外部激勵要素 ; 而崗位的多樣化、從事挑戰(zhàn)性的工作、取得成就、得到認可、承擔責(zé)任、獲取新技能和事業(yè)發(fā)展的機會等則是員工的內(nèi)部激勵要素?,F(xiàn)代薪酬管理將物質(zhì)報酬的管理過程與員工激勵過程緊密結(jié)合起來,成為一個有機的整體。1.2 薪酬管理的內(nèi)容企業(yè)薪酬管理主要包括以下幾個方面的內(nèi)容:1、確定薪酬管理目標薪酬管理目標根據(jù)企業(yè)的人力資源戰(zhàn)略確定,具體地講包括以下二個方面:(1) 建立穩(wěn)定的員工隊伍,吸引高素質(zhì)的人才 ;(2) 激發(fā)員工的工作熱情,創(chuàng)造高績效 ;(3) 努力實現(xiàn)組織目標員工和個人發(fā)展目標的協(xié)調(diào)。2、選擇薪酬政策所謂企業(yè)薪酬政策,就是企業(yè)管
6、理者對企業(yè)薪酬管理運行的目標、任務(wù)和手段和組合,是企業(yè)在員工薪酬土所采取的方針策略。(1) 企業(yè)薪酬成木投入政策。比如,根據(jù)企業(yè)組織發(fā)展的需要,采取擴張勞動力成本或緊縮勞動力成本政策。(2)根據(jù)企業(yè)的自身情況選擇企業(yè)合理的工資制度。例如,是采取穩(wěn)定員T 收入的政策,還是激勵員工績效的政策?前者多與等級和崗位工資制度相結(jié)合,后者與績效工資制度相結(jié)合。 (3) 確定企業(yè)的工資結(jié)構(gòu)以及工資水平。例如,是采取向高額1資傾斜的工資結(jié)構(gòu),還是采取均等化,或者向低額結(jié)構(gòu)傾斜的工資政策?前者要加大高級員工比例,提高其薪酬水平; 后者要縮減高薪人員比例,降低其員工薪酬水平。因此薪酬政策是企業(yè)管理者審時度勢的結(jié)果
7、,決策正確,企業(yè)薪酬機制就會充分發(fā)揮作用,運行就會暢通、高效。反之,決策失誤,管理就會受到影響,引起企業(yè)管理一系列的困擾。3、制定薪酬計劃一個好的薪酬計劃是企業(yè)薪酬政策的具體化。所謂薪酬計劃,就是企業(yè)預(yù)計要實施的員工薪酬支付水平、支付結(jié)構(gòu)及薪酬管理重點等。企業(yè)在制定薪酬計劃時,要通盤考慮,同時要把握一系列原則。 (1) 與企業(yè)目標管理相協(xié)調(diào)的原則。在企業(yè)人事管理非規(guī)范化階段,員工的薪酬管理也缺乏科學(xué)性。例如,一些企業(yè)不是根據(jù)企業(yè)自身發(fā)展的需要選擇工資制度和薪酬標準,而是在很大程度上模仿其他企業(yè)。事實上,并不存在一個對任何企業(yè)都適用的薪酬模式。對此,一些企業(yè)明確指出,企業(yè)薪酬計劃應(yīng)該與企業(yè)的經(jīng)營
8、計劃相結(jié)合。例如,在工資支付水平上,很多企業(yè)都不再單純考慮與同行業(yè)工資率的攀比,而主要取決于三個要素的綜合考慮 : 其一,該水平是否能夠留住企業(yè)優(yōu)秀人才 ; 其二,企業(yè)的支付能力 : 其三,該水平是否符合企業(yè)的發(fā)展目標。 (2) 以增強企業(yè)競爭力為原則。工資是企業(yè)的成本支出,壓低工資有利于提高企業(yè)的競爭能力,但是,過低的工資義會導(dǎo)致極力的弱化。所以企業(yè)既要根據(jù)其外部境的變化,也要從內(nèi)部管理的角度,選擇和調(diào)整適合企業(yè)經(jīng)營發(fā)展的工資計劃。任何工作計劃都不是固定的,必須在實施過程中根據(jù)需要隨時調(diào)整。4、調(diào)整薪酬結(jié)構(gòu)薪酬結(jié)構(gòu)是指企業(yè)員工之間的各種薪酬比例及其構(gòu)成。主要包括: 企業(yè)工資成本在不同員工之間
9、的分配; 職務(wù)和崗位工資率的確定; 員工基本、輔助和浮動工資的比例以及基本工資及獎勵工資的調(diào)整等等。對薪酬結(jié)構(gòu)的確定和調(diào)整主要掌握一個基本原則,即給予員工最大激勵的原則。公平付薪是企業(yè)管理的宗旨。要避免員工的報酬不是給得過多,就是給得太少的現(xiàn)象。給多了會造成不稱職員工不努力工作;給少了會造成高素質(zhì)的人才外流。同時,對薪酬結(jié)構(gòu)的確定還必須與企業(yè)的人事結(jié)構(gòu)相一致,如企業(yè)中高級員工的比重較大,那這一塊的工資成本就高。2 薪酬管理的歷史考察薪酬管理的歷史考察,主要是指對管理者薪酬管理基本理念、基本風(fēng)格的歷史考察。從歷史考察中我們發(fā)現(xiàn),薪酬管理大致經(jīng)歷以下幾個階段。2.1 專制階段在這一階段,薪酬管理乃
10、至企業(yè)其他方面的管理的特點表現(xiàn)為專制性。這種專制性存在的主要經(jīng)濟基礎(chǔ)是,在這一時期,企業(yè)管理者與所有者基本上是合一的。此時由于管理者對激勵的科學(xué)性問題知之甚少; 勞動者沒有形成有效的參與薪酬決定的抗衡力量 ; 政府對其應(yīng)該擔負的職責(zé)缺乏必要的認識等方面的原因,員工的外在薪酬水平甚至被壓低到最低限度。此時員工的內(nèi)在薪酬即使在極少數(shù)情況下不存在,也是微乎其微的。在這一階段,員工的工作條件幾乎完全由雇主單方面確定;雇主有時任意地延長員工的工作時間; 有些雇主以暴力手段對員工進行管束; 有些雇主沒有意識到在人格上他與員工應(yīng)該是平等的等等。因此,此時對員工來說,一船都會把工作看作是為維持生計而不得不付出
11、的代價。2.2 “溫情主義”階段這一階段發(fā)生在古典市場經(jīng)濟時期。在西歐,這一階段大體上發(fā)生在19 世紀后半葉。薪酬管理中“溫情主義”產(chǎn)生的最重要的原因是隨著經(jīng)濟社會的發(fā)展,受雇員工的隊伍越來越龐大,因而與雇主的摩擦也愈演愈烈。這促使組織管理者對薪酬管理的基本理念、基本風(fēng)格,及由之決定的管理方式及方法作更為理性化的調(diào)整。較之薪酬管理的專制階段來講,雇主對員工推出了一些優(yōu)惠的薪酬措施。員工的外在薪酬在慢慢提高。在貨幣形式的薪酬外,又加進了福利設(shè)施等非貨幣形式的薪酬,很難說此時員工有多少顯而易見的外在薪酬的增加,但此時員工的人力資源摩擦性耗費應(yīng)該是減少了。因為此時雇員和雇主之間的摩擦愈演愈烈,政府也
12、推出了一些保護員工某些利益的法律和法規(guī),員工的工作條件在一定程度上得到了改善,工作時間的延長得到了一定的節(jié)制,雇主對員工的暴力性管束也在一定程度上有所收斂。2.3 科學(xué)管理階段從世界范圍來看,這一階段大體發(fā)生在 20 世紀上半葉,這一階段的出現(xiàn)來源于以下事件 :(1) 泰羅的科學(xué)管理理論產(chǎn)生并迅速得到傳播 ;(2) 員工的組織性增強,組織起來的員工形成了一種令人刮目相看的力量 ;(3) 由于公司革命,一些企業(yè)的所有權(quán)與經(jīng)營權(quán)發(fā)生了分離,企業(yè)的管理者逐漸成為有自己獨立利益的社會群體。在薪酬管理的這一階段,企業(yè)的管理者開始較為深切地認識到,薪酬是激發(fā)員工潛力的杠桿,因此,克扣員工的薪酬并不一定是明
13、智之舉 ; 支付給員工的較高薪酬有可能使企業(yè)得到更多的回報。管理者管理理念的這一變化及其在企業(yè)管理實踐中的折射,使有些企業(yè)員工的薪酬提高與企業(yè)的發(fā)展之間建立起了良性的互動機制。其結(jié)果是,不僅員工的外在薪酬再增加,員工的內(nèi)在薪酬也有了一定程度的提高,人力資源的摩擦性耗費有了引人注目的減少。2.4 現(xiàn)代管理階段在這一階段,薪酬管理發(fā)生了一些令人鼓舞的變化,主要源于以下事件的發(fā)生 :(1) 尤其是在發(fā)達的市場經(jīng)濟國家,由于社會生產(chǎn)力發(fā)展水平提高,人們對經(jīng)濟社會公平問題認識的提高等原因,產(chǎn)生了“福利國家”的理念和實踐,這對企業(yè)實行更為“人道”的薪酬管理,肯定產(chǎn)生了引人注目的影響 ;(2) 隨著行為科學(xué)
14、、管理心理學(xué)、人力資源管理等理論的產(chǎn)生,人們對薪酬的激勵作用有了更為深切的認識 ;(3) 由于人們生活水平的提高和社會生活的多樣化,人們需求的多層次性有了更充分的表現(xiàn)。這一階段薪酬管理的變化突出表現(xiàn)在以下三個方面 :第一,尤其是在較為發(fā)達的市場經(jīng)濟國家,薪酬水平的提高甚至有點出乎人們的意料。第二,員工薪酬形式實現(xiàn)了多樣化。對薪酬的激勵作用有了更深切的認識,為了實現(xiàn)人力資源管理的多層面的目標,人們自然會相應(yīng)地進行薪酬形式的創(chuàng)新。當然,有時這甚至不是薪酬形式多樣化的最重要的原因,最重要的原因可能還是企業(yè)的管理者希望通過對員工更為周到的關(guān)心,使其對企業(yè)有更深的認同感,從而能更充分地發(fā)揮其潛力,尤其是
15、使這種發(fā)揮的指向與企業(yè)管理者的期望具有一致性。第三,管理者認識到,金錢的作用是有限的,因而對員工的內(nèi)在薪酬有了較多的關(guān)注。美國管理學(xué)家 Sam W.GeIterman說: “金錢是最容易被夸大、效果最差、花費最昂貴,也最為復(fù)雜的激勵工具?!彼M一步指出 : 人們當然希望越多越好,但他們是否會為多拿錢而多干活呢 ?多數(shù)情況下,答案都是“不”。一些管理學(xué)者指出 : 員工都有自我激勵的本能。企業(yè)管理者的任務(wù),是愛護和開發(fā)員工的自我激勵能動性,甚至不用花費分文。員工自我激勵能力基于這樣一個事實,即侮個人都對歸屬感、自尊感、成就感充滿渴望。恰當?shù)貪M足職工的這些需要,就會激發(fā)其旺盛的自我激勵行為。正如日本
16、企業(yè)家稻山嘉寬所說 : “工作的報酬就是工作本身?!? 薪酬管理的發(fā)展趨勢自 20 世紀末以來,悄然興起的新經(jīng)濟逐漸對現(xiàn)代企業(yè)人力資源管理包括薪酬管理提出了更高的要求。經(jīng)濟全球化在增加適應(yīng)性、創(chuàng)新和競爭力方面,對人才管理施加了可怕的壓力。專門知識的價值被確認,并融入組織和日常管理以應(yīng)付上述壓力 ; 智力資本作為獨特的生產(chǎn)要素,取代人力資木并排在產(chǎn)業(yè)資本、金融資本之首。所有這些都給企業(yè)的薪酬管理帶來或?qū)砀拘缘淖兏?,這主要體現(xiàn)在以下兒個方面。3.1 企業(yè)人力成本將逐步上升在全球經(jīng)濟一體化、知識經(jīng)濟的趨勢下,人力資源己成為組織取得和維系競爭優(yōu)勢的關(guān)鍵要素。因此人才的競爭將在全球范圍內(nèi)更為激烈的
17、展開,人力資源領(lǐng)域內(nèi)所帶來的最直接的竟爭后果,就是薪酬的劇烈動蕩。所有競爭對手竟相支付高于市場平均價格的薪金,導(dǎo)致人力資源的價格滾動攀升。與此相呼應(yīng),利潤的分配格局也會產(chǎn)生巨大的變革,知識智有所值、人才勞有所得的呼聲會越來越強烈,收益將被更廣泛地分享而不是過分集中。組織必須對人力資源采取更嚴肅而慷慨的態(tài)度,對人力資本付出更大的投資力度。3.2 薪酬制度的依據(jù)將更多地反映市場而不是工作本身的價值傳統(tǒng)的工作價值論將逐漸向市場價值論過渡,依靠工作分析計算工作價值的傳統(tǒng)做法將向更高層次發(fā)展,薪酬將更多地反映知識市場化的要求,薪酬管理將形成動態(tài)的分析機制,以適應(yīng)市場變化的需求。3.3 薪酬福利設(shè)計更富彈
18、性并走向多軌化薪酬福利設(shè)計方面,彈性設(shè)計和多軌制將更加流行,其中蘊含的規(guī)則將更加復(fù)雜,“分化”現(xiàn)象將更加普遍。在薪酬管理中,人文化設(shè)計色彩將更加濃淳,心理學(xué)原理而不是經(jīng)濟學(xué)原理將起更重要的作用。在主要基于腦力勞動的知識經(jīng)濟時代,薪酬不是純粹經(jīng)濟學(xué)的計算問題。而更主要是人的心理學(xué)問題。薪酬的含義將更加注重人的價值而不是工作的經(jīng)濟價值。3.4 薪酬分配形式由貨幣主導(dǎo)型向資本主導(dǎo)型過渡以股票期權(quán)為主要形式的資本分配在未來人們薪酬中的比重會不斷擴大,并成為主導(dǎo)性分配方式。近來甚至有人提出以自然資本包括環(huán)境、生態(tài)等非貨幣化方式作為獎勵的手段。3.5 薪酬支付方式將呈現(xiàn)多樣化網(wǎng)上考核和網(wǎng)上支付模式將被一部
19、分企業(yè)所推崇。隨著互聯(lián)網(wǎng)、寬頻、無線通訊技術(shù)的發(fā)展,人們的工作模式、員工的概念和企業(yè)的運作模式將發(fā)生很大的變化。工作家庭化、彈性工作制和虛擬企業(yè)將成為一種新潮,被一部分企業(yè)所追隨,網(wǎng)上考核和網(wǎng)上支付將被很多企業(yè)廣泛采用。Managerial Accounting:Don Ricketts & Jack Gray1 Management salaries of the meaning and content1.1 Salary Management meaningSalary management of enterprise is a process that he business manag
20、er of the enterprise to pay staff remuneration standards, the level of payment, determining factor structure and distribution.Traditional management pay only material reward is the nature of the distribution, and to be manager of the behavioral characteristics considered less its focus is material r
21、eward. Pay modern enterprise management concept of a completely different change, the focus of management salaries transferred to the people. Business must first establish objectives, achieve the goal of enterprises depends on staff motivation. Incentive divided into two external and internal. Accor
22、ding to the traditional categories, wages, bonuses, benefits and other material compensation for external incentive elements; And the status of diversification, engaged in challenging work, achievement, recognition, responsibility, acquiring new skills and career development opportunities for employ
23、ees is the internal incentive factor. The modern salary management the material reward management process and the staff drove process in close integration with, becomes an organic whole.1.2 Content of salary managementThe enterprise salary management mainly includes following several aspects the con
24、tent:1. Definite salary management goalPay management objectives in light of the human resources strategy to determine, specifically, to include the following two aspects .(1) establishes the stable staff troop, attracts the high quality talented person;(2) to stimulate the enthusiasm of the staff,
25、and to create a high performance; (3) efforts to achieve organizational goals and individual staff development goals coordination.2. Choice salary policy(1) Business pays wood input into policy. For example, under the enterprise development, expansionary labor costs or labor costs austerity policies
26、. The so-called corporate pay policies, isthe business manager of enterprise operations management pay the objectives, tasks and means and mix Enterprise is on staff salaries earth policy adopted by the strategy. (2) According to the enterprisesof their own choice enterprises reasonable wage system.
27、 For example, the staff is to take stable income T policy motivate staff or the performance of the policy and the former wages and job grading system, The latter performance wage system integration. (3) Determining the wage structure and wage levels. For example, is to take a high-inclination of the
28、 wage structure, or whether equalization, or to a low-level structurein favor of the wage policy? Former must enlarge the senior staffproportion, raises its salary level; Latter must reduce the high salary personnel proportion, reduces its staff salary level.So pay policy is the situation of the ent
29、erprise managers, making correct decisions, enterprises pay mechanism we will be able to fully play its role Operation will be smooth and efficient. Instead, decision-making errors, management will be affected. Enterprise management caused a series of problems.3. Formulation salary planA good packag
30、e enterprises pay policy is the concrete.The so-called package, is the business is expected to be implemented by the payment of staff salaries, pay structure and pay management focus. Enterprise when formulation salary plan, must all-around consider that, simultaneously must grasp a series of princi
31、ples. (1) and enterprise management objectives to the principle of coordination. Personnel management in the non-standardization phase, the pay is also a lack of management science. For example, some firms are not based on the development of the enterprises themselves to choose the wage system and p
32、ay standards, but in large measure imitate other enterprises. In fact, there is no one of any enterprise are applicable to the pay model. Inthis regard, some enterprises clear that enterprises should pay plans with the work plans. For example, the wage level of payment, many enterprises are no longe
33、r considered with the same wage rate for the industry competition, but mainly depends on three elements of the comprehensive consideration : First, the level of outstandingenterprises to retain personnel; Second, enterprises ability to pay : Third, the level consistent with the development goals. (2
34、) To enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in principle. Wage is corporate costs, lower wages to improve the competitiveness of the enterprises, but low wages justice will lead to the weakening strongly. Therefore, enterprises should territory under itsexternal changes, and also from the perspe
35、ctive of internal management, selection and adjustment for the business development plans of wages. Any work plan is not fixed, in the process of implementing necessary at any time.4. Adjustment salary structurePay structure refers to the various staff remuneration and its components. These mainly i
36、nclude. Wage costs in different distribution among the staff. And the duties of the job wage rate determined; Basic staff, Auxiliary and the proportion of floating wage and basic wages and incentives wage adjustments. Right salary structure for the establishment and adjustment of the main master a b
37、asic principle that the biggest incentive for the staff to the principle. Fair payment of business management purposes is to avoid the staff not to pay too much, too little to the phenomenon. To be more incompetent staff sleep; To be less high-quality brain drain. Meanwhile, the salary structure mus
38、t also be identified with the personnel structure of enterprises consistent, high-class enterprises such as a large proportion of staff, Well, thisone on the high wage costs.2 Salary management historical inspectionPay management historical research, it mainly refers to the managers pay management b
39、asic concepts, basic style of the historical study. From a historical study, we found that the management pay roughly experienced the following phases.2.1 Despotic stageIn this stage, Salary management and enterprise other aspects management characteristic performance for despotic. Such authoritaria
40、n the main economic base is that during this period, business owners and managers are basically unified. Managers at this time, given the right incentive know little about science issues; workers do not form an effective participation in the decision pay contend strength; The government should shoul
41、der its responsibilities to the lack of necessary awareness and other reasons, external staff salary levels or even lower to a minimum. At this time employees pay the inherent even in a very small number of cases did not exist, is also negligible. At this stage, the working conditions of staff almos
42、t entirely by the employer unilaterally set; employers sometimes arbitrary extension of the working hours of employees; Some employers violent means to control staff; Some employers are not aware of the personality and his staff should be treated equally, and so on. Therefore, at this time of the st
43、aff, a shipwill work for the reactor as a living and had to pay the price.2.2 Paternalism stageThis stage occurred in the classical period of the market economy. In Western Europe, this phase generally occurred in the latter half of the 19th century leaves. Salary management warmth of the most impor
44、tant reason is that as the economy and social development, the contingent of staff employed increasingly serious, and the employers have intensified friction. This prompted the managers to pay the basic management concepts, basic style, and the decision by the management methods and ways for a more
45、rational adjustment, compared with the autocratic management salaries stage speaking, the employers to introduce some concessions to the pay measures. Staff salaries in the external slowly improving. In monetary forms of remuneration, add the welfare facilities and other non-monetary forms of remune
46、ration, at this time is very difficult to say how many staff the obvious external pay increase, but this time thehuman resources staff frictional cost should be reduced. Because at this time the employees and employers friction between the growing, the government has also introduced a number of empl
47、oyees protected the interests of certain laws and regulations, the working conditions of employees in a certain extent have improved, the time has been extended with a certain restraint. Therefore, this time said to the staff, a shipcan regard as the work is but can not but pay for the price which t
48、he maintenance livelihood.2.3 Scientific management stageOn a worldwide scale, this phase occurred in the first half of the 20th century leaves, the emergence of this stage comes from the following events : (1) Taylors scientific management theory, and the rapid dissemination; (2) staff to enhance t
49、he organization, organize the staff developed a impressive force; (3) Because of the revolution, some enterprises, the ownership and management of the separation occurred, Enterprise managers gradually become its own independent interest groups in society.Pay in this stage management, enterprise man
50、agers began more deeply understand that the staff salaries is to stimulate potential lever, Therefore, the deduction of staff salaries is not necessarily a wise move; ; paid to the workers higher salaries may enable enterprises toget more returns. Managers of the management concept change in themana
51、gement of enterprises and its practice of refraction, Someenterprises so that the pay increase and the development of enterprisesestablished between a benign interaction mechanisms. The result is thatnot only the external staff salary increase, the internal staff salarieshave also been enhanced to a
52、 certain degree, human resources frictionalwith dramatic cost reduction.2.4 Modern Management stageAt this stage, a management pay some encouraging changes, mainly due to the occurrence of the following events : (1) particularly in thedeveloped market economy countries, the development of social pro
53、ductive forces level, People on economic and social equity issues such asraising awareness of the reasons that the welfare state concept and practice, For businesses, this practice a more humane management salaries certainly have had a dramatic impact; (2) With the behavioral sciences, management, psychology, human resources management theorieshave, People pay to have the incentive more profound understanding;(3) the improvement of peoples living and social life of diversification, Owing to the multiple needs of peo
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