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1、博思BULATS考試真題及答案精選以下是無(wú)憂考網(wǎng)整理的博思BULATS考試真題及答案精選,希望對(duì)大家準(zhǔn)備博思考試有所幫助。Liste ning secti onThe recordings for Part 1 and Part 4 of the Listening secti on are played twice.The recordings for Part 2 and Part 3 of the Listening secti on are only played on ce.Liste ning Part 1Un dersta ndingshort extracts (10quest

2、i ons)You listen to some short recordings (about 20 seconds long) and try to understand what they are talking about, or who is talki ng or what they are tryi ng to say in each one.Example: You look at this on the questi on paper.Part OneQuestions1 TO You will hear 10 shortconv ersati ons. For questi

3、ons1-10, circle one letterA, BorCfor thecorrect an swer. You will hear each conv ersati on twice.1Which is the gate nu mber for the flight to Ban gkok?CThe n you liste n to this.In structi on sQuestio n 1. Which is the gate nu mber for the flight to Ba ngkok?Announ ceme nt: Atte nti on all passe nge

4、rs wait ing at Gate17 for flight BA203 to Ban gkok. Please proceed immediately to Gate 12 where your pla ne will be board ing shortly.The correct an swer is B.Listening Part 2 Taking down messages, notes, etc. (12 questi ons)You listen to three phone conversations. For each one, you have a form or m

5、essage to complete, using the information you hear in the conversation. You hear each conv ersati on only on ce.Example: You look at this on the questi on paper.Co nversation On eQuestio ns 114 Look atQua ntity/Amou nt: (14)The n you liste n to this.In structi on s:C onv ersati on One, questi ons 11

6、 to 14.Look at the form below. You will hear a man calling to place an order.Man: I d like to make an order please.Woma n:Certainly, sir. Could you give me your name,please?Man: Yes, it s Ken Saunders.Woma n: How do you spell Saun ders, please?Ma n: S-A-U-N-D-E-R-S. Sau nders.Woma n: And the n ame o

7、f your compa ny is ?Man:Gree nlightCommu ni catio ns,201 Hall Road,Man Chester.Woma n: What was the n ame of the road aga in?Man: Hall, H-A-L-L.Woman: And could I take a telephone number and fax nu mber?Man: Telepho ne 064 313 988, fax 064 318 006.Woma n:Thank you very much. Now can 1 take yourorder

8、?Man: It s for some computer desks. They re model 00519 in your catalogue.Woma n: And how many did you want to order?Man: SixWoma n:Right. The computer desks are 800 each, sothat will be a total of 4,800 for six, plus 50 transportation 4,850. As soon as we receiveII despatchusually takes between 2 a

9、nd 3charges. That makes a total of your cheque or bank draft, we them to you. Delivery weeks.Man: Good. I ll post it to you today.The correct an swers are: 11 Saun ders12 064 318 00613 computer desk(s)14 6Liste ning Part 3 Un dersta ndplaced the typewriter and are standard equipmentinalmost every of

10、fice. But how safe are they? As more and more people beg in using them, there is a degree of con troversy about their effects on health. There are some operators who report experie ncing a nu mber of symptoms from relativelyminor complaintslike headaches and itching skin to moreserious back and shou

11、lder problems.The correct an swer is C.Read ing and Lan guage Kno wledge secti onReading Part 1, Section 1 Understandingnotices andshort extracts (7 questi ons)You read some com mon no tices or extracts from letters, forms, adverts, lea.ets, etc. You answer one question about each one.Example:.See e

12、nclosed brochure for details and levels of compe nsati on.AYou should write to us for details about compe nsati on.BDetails about compensationare given in a separatedocume nt.CYou will find more in formatio n on compe nsati on on then ext page.The correct an swer is B.Reading Part 1, Section 2 Sente

13、nces with a gap (6 questi ons)Each sentence must be completed using only one of thefour choices available.Example: Choose the word or phrase which best completes eachsenten ce. For questions58 -63, markoneletterA,B, CorDon yourAn swer Sheet.58My job freque ntly invo Ives hav ing to work intense pres

14、sure.AbelowBunderCben eathDunderneWome n running their own bus in essAccord ing to rece ntresearch, a third of new compa nies set up in Brita in are run by wome n. Typical examples are Lisa Sim ons, who started up her own highly successful cloth ing shops in London with a loa n of 15,000 from her ba

15、nk, and Kate Rogers, who set upCellar Caf 令five years ago and sold out to a major restaura nt cha in this mon th, at a profit of 3 milli on.There are many other examples.Surprise, a mail order compa ny selli ng unu sual gifts, had a tur no ver of $4 millio n last year. The compa ny was started by Cl

16、aire Fuller five years ago in a garage, but later moved in to premises in the cen tre of Cove ntry. Similarly, Ni na Taylor started her compa ny,NC Books, in an old warehouse in Bristol. A lawyer by trai ning, she had no previous experienee of the retail trade but believes that this worked to her ad

17、va ntage. Having no kno wledge of the booktrade, she says, allowed me to bring fresh ideas into the bus in ess.640n e-third of new British bus in essesAeon sist of cha in compa ni es.Bare owned or man aged by wome n.Coperate within the food sector.65What does the second paragraph tell us about the c

18、ompa ny calledSurprise?AThe compa ny delivers its products by post.BThe compa ny has made a profit every year.CThe compa ny operates from a garage.The correct an swers are: 64 B, 65 AReading Part 1, Section 4 Filling gaps in a text (5 questi ons)world s beauty product chains. The daughter of Spanish

19、immigrants, she . :(71).born and educated in Britain.She opened her first Beauty Boutique in 1976 and it was(72)popular that she ope ned five more shops in3 years(73)the n bus in ess has developed at anamaz ing rate, and the cha in of Beauty Boutiques(74)now expa nding all over the world.The correct

20、 an swers are: 70 the, 71 was, 72 so, 73 Sin ce,74 areReading Part 2, Section 1 Finding informationin short texts (7 questi ons)You read four short texts, such as adverts, product descriptions, etc. Then you match different sentences with each of those texts.Example: Read these senten ces and the jo

21、b advertiseme nts onthe n ext page. Which job does each senten ce75-81refer to? For each senten ce, mark one letterA, B, C or Don yourAn swer Sheet.75You n eedto have experie neeof worki ng withn ewspapers.76You have to be able to use a computer.BExecutive DirectorThe Women s Environment Network (WE

22、N) is look ing for a highly motivated, in spiri ng woma n to lead one of Britain s most successfulenvironmentalcampaig ning and in formati on orga ni sati ons.Experie neerequired in cludes man ageme nt andorganisationalskills, media, writing and editing experieneeand a knowledgeof the environmentand

23、/orwomen smoveme nt. You will n eed to run campaig ns and m questi ons)This section tests your knowledgeof grammar andvocabulary. You have a text with .ve words missi ng.You are given a choice of four words for each gap and you have to choose the best one.Example: Read this letter about buying a com

24、puter. Choose the best word to fill each space from the words below. For each questio n82-86, marko neletterA, B, C or Donyour An swer Sheet.1 AprilDear Mr WhiteRe: Supply of XR6 Workstatio nsI have pleasure in con firm ingour ability to meet yourrequireme nts for the Silic on Graphics workstati on.

25、 In view of your special n eeds, I suggest that you place your order for the agreed equipmentas soon as possible. The(82)timefor hardware for example is 6 weeks from receipt of order to (83) Thus, an order placed with us tomorrowwill(84)delivery to your site by the week comme ncingMon day, 15th May.

26、 All orders must be accompa niedbya (85) of20% of the total amount shown on theattached(86)Yours si ncerelyVincent LawSales Man ager82AdeliveryBarrivalCtra nsportDpostage83A in stituti onBin itiatio nCin troducti onDin stallatio n84AcompelBe nsureCpromiseDma intain85Aporti on BcostCdepositDdisco unt

27、86AchequeBquotati on CchargeDdema ndThe correct an swers are: 82 A, 83 D, 84 B, 85C, 86BReading Part 2, Section 3 Filling gaps in a text (5questi ons)You have a text with .ve words miss ing. You have to thi nkof a1960s, John was working in America, selling British sports cars. It was hard work but .

28、(88).he wasthere, hesaw amagazine with pictures ofcars forsale. Themagaz inewasregi onaland anyone .(89). .advertisetheircar init for a relativelysmallfee. WhatimpressedJoh nmostwas that (90).-.singleadvertisementhad a picture of the car, unlike normaln ewspaper adverts, which just provided a writte

29、 n descripti on.10Returning to Britain, John put all of his savings intoproduc ing a magaz ine like the one he.(91).see nin the States. He started in the London regi on but was soonproduc ing similar magaz ines for twelve more regi ons and, by1990, for three other coun tries as well.The correct answ

30、ers are: 87 the, 88 while, 89 could, 90 every, 91 hadReadingPart 2, Section 4 Sentences with a gap (6questi ons)Example: Choose the word or phrase which best completes eachsenten ce. For questio ns92 -97, marko neletterA, B, C, or Don yourAn swer Sheet.92The successful applica nt will have a prove n

31、track .vin project management.AhistoryBrecordCcurriculumDperforma nee93Whenreplying, please theabovereference nu mber.AreferBreproduceCquoteDalludeThe correct an swers are: 92 B, 93 CRead ing Part 2, Secti on 5 Un dersta nding a Ion ger text (6 questi ons)You read a Ion ger text, such as part of a b

32、us in ess report, a newspaper article, etc. Then you answer some detailed questi ons on it.Example: Read the article below about careers advice andan swer questio ns98103on the opposite page. For questio ns98 -03, marko neletterA, B, CorD on yourAn swer Sheet.Keys to uniock path of career fulfillmen

33、tltused to becalled vocati onal guida nee. Then it became careers advice and coun selli n Retur ning to Brita in, Joh n put all of his sav ings into produc ing a magaz ine like the one he.(91).see nin the States. He started in the London regi on but was soon produc ing similar magaz ines for twelve

34、more regi ons and, by 1990, for three other coun tries as well.The correct answers are: 87 the, 88 while, 89 could, 90 every, 91 hadReading Part 2, Section 4 Sentences with a gap (6 questi ons)Example: Choose the word or phrase which best completes each senten ce. For questio ns92-97, marko neletter

35、A, B, C, or Don yourAn swer Sheet.92The successfulapplica ntwill have aprove ntrack .vin project management.AhistoryBrecordCcurriculumDperforma nee93Whenreplying,please the abovereference nu mber.AreferBreproduceCquoteDalludeThe correct an swers are: 92 B, 93 CRead ing Part 2, Secti on 5 Un dersta n

36、ding a Ion ger text (6questi ons)You read a Ion ger text, such as part of a bus in ess report,a newspaper article, etc. Then you answer some detailed questi ons on it.Example: Read the article below about careers advice andan swer questio ns98103on the opposite page. For questio ns98 -03, marko nele

37、tterA, B, CorD on yourAn swer Sheet.Keys to uniock path of career fulfillmentltused to becalled vocati onal guida nee. Then it became careers advice and coun selli nBut good careers advisors n eed to look at other factorswhe n giving advice. For example, career coun selli ng is flawedif it fails to

38、allow for the possibility of people adapti ng to, andcha nging, their jobs once they are in them. Most orga ni sati ons attemptthroughvarious explicit (in ducti on, men tori ng,training,appraisal)and implicit (relia nee on observati on)techniquesto mould behaviour into an acceptablepattern.This mean

39、s that attitudes and even aptitudes of employees may be cha nged over the first year of employme nt, sometimes,but not always, in the directi on desiredby the organisation. Thus what was afit may easilyand quickly develop into a misfit and vice versa.In dividuals also cha nge their jobs without leav

40、 ing them.They rearra nge fur niture, use space and tech no logy differe ntlyand personalisedifferent aspects of the job. They cannegotiatewith colleagues, earn special privileges and useother means to improve their role and output. In this sense, very soon they are doing the job differently from their predecessors, and possibly from the way recomme


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