1、北京化工大學(xué)北方學(xué)院畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(論文)外文文獻(xiàn)原稿和譯文外文文獻(xiàn)原稿和譯文原 稿Development of Used Car Market in China ABSTRACT Although still in its early development phase, rapid growth of auto ownership has also injected new vitality for used car market in China. Under the support of series policy, the used car market reveals leaping d
2、evelopment character with qualified changes. It is essential to understand the new changes in the used car market. This paper conducted research on the new features of used car market in China to promote its development. Environment analysis showed that used car market will be strongly enhanced by t
3、he blooming of auto market, rapid GDP growth and policy support, which ex- perienced steady trade scale increase and structure optimization. The used car trade experienced steady trade scale in- crease and structure optimization. Along with the purchasing pattern changing, significant expansion of t
4、he second- hand car market is imminent, even with hinder issues such as lack of integrity, evaluation criteria and after-service sys-tem, and incomplete policy and regulation. Several new features were identified, strong policy support, enlarging mar-ket scale and irradiation loop, remarkable concen
5、tration increase, increased status of brand used car, and enhanced trading service platform establishment. It is indicated that Chinas used car market is making the shift from subordinate position to one of the dominant positions in auto industry, which is expected into a high speed, up-going develo
6、pment passage in the future. Keywords: Used Car Market; Development; New Features; China 1. Introduction With the rapid social and economical development, China has become one of the most important markets in the world for the automotive industry. In recent years, the scale of Chinas automotive afte
7、r-sales service market continues to increase 1. Analyzing from the policy, market, development potential and other aspects, the Annual Report on Automotive Industry in China (2010) found that, in the “Twelfth Five-Year” period, Chinas automotive after-sales service market will maintain an annual gro
8、wth rate of about 8 percent by a conservative estimate, and reach up to about RMB252.3 billion Yuan in 2015 2. Contemporarily, the rapid growth of auto ownership has also injected new vitality for second-hand car market. The trading volume of the used car market rose from 370 thousand to 4.33 millio
9、n from 2001 to 2011, with an an- nual increase beyond 30%. The average trading ration between used car and new car is 0.24, which indicates the growing proportion of used car in auto industry 3. In recent years, such operating models as used car brokers, used car auction and used car replacement hav
10、e emerged in the market successively. The alteration of trading models provides new engines for the develop- ment of the used car market in China. It is estimated that the trade volume ratio between used and new car would reach 1:1 in the next ten years. However, Chinas used car trade market is stil
11、l in low proportion in the auto industry, even with its rapid growth. According to the experience of western ad- vanced countries, taking USA as an example, the bene- fits from used car sector accounts for 45% of the whole auto industry, and the average profit from one used car is around 20% 4. Unde
12、r the support of series policy, the used car market reveals leaping development character with qualified changes. From 2000, Chinas used car market experience high growth, and gradually became the major part of the auto industry. The used car market already made the shift from the subordinate positi
13、on to one of the dominant po- sitions in the auto industry. It is vital to understand the new changes in the used car market. Thus this paper conducted research on the new environment of the used car market, probed into its new features, thus to further promote the development of the used car market
14、 in China. 2. Environment Analysis 2.1. Auto Market Status Analysis Due to the rapid development in auto industry, Chinas auto market is becoming the most important area for auto trade and manufacture. Fast expands was observed in Chinas auto industry. From 2002 to 2011, auto trade volume rose from
15、3.25 million to 18.51 billion, increase- ing almost 6 times, with 23.5% annual increment, shown in Figure 1. Note(s): Red section represents passenger car, yellow section represents commercial car, blue line represents increment for total car trade volume. Along with the growth in auto trade volume,
16、 car is popularized in ordinary family. According to the data from China Automotive Industry Association, civil car population increased from 18.02 million to 93.5 million, with averagely 17.4% increment per year, shown in Fig- ure 2. Consequently, the car volume per thousand people grew steadily in
17、 China, from 3.7 to 46.8 in 2001 to 2011, increased 12.7 times, shown in Figure 3. According to the auto market development, Chinas auto market is in the massive popularization stage. In the stage, car vol- ume will keep fast increase until the car volume per thousand people exceeds 250. Usually, it
18、 will last 10 years. Due to the regional difference in income, popula- tion, economy, this stage may last longer in China. Ex- perts from State Information Center estimated that this stage may last until 2013, with 12% - 14% increment an- nually. Therefore, the ever growing car volume due to the pop
19、ularization stage of auto market, will provide more room and solid foundation for used car market develop- ment in China. Therefore, the ever growing car volume due to the popularization stage of auto market, will provide more room and solid foundation for used car market develop- ment in China. 2.2
20、. Economy Environment Analysis Development of Auto market is positively related to economy development and peoples income 5. As the biggest population in the world, the market potential is enormous. Recently, China economy keeps steady and fast increase. Real GDP Per Capital increased from 1041$ in
21、2001 to 5432$ in 2011, with 17.4% annual increment, shown in Figure 4. As residents income level is the key factor for auto population, the fast growth in income will transfer into higher demand increase in China auto market, which willFigure 1. Auto trade volume from 2002 to 2011.Figure 2. Civil ca
22、r population in China in 2001-2011. Figure 3. Car volume per thousand people in 2001-2011.Figure 4. Real GDP per capital in 2001-2011.enhance the development of used car market in China. In a relatively long period, the auto and used car demand will keep a vigorous stage. The State Development Cente
23、r and Auto Engineering Association estimated that the total vehicle demand in 2030 will be 32.43 million, with 8.8% annual increment 6, and the car volume per thousand people will exceed 100. This increase will stand for a relative long period (Table 1). 2.3. Policy Analysis Apart from consumer dema
24、nd, several government poli- cies and regulations have boosted the used-car market. The Administrative Measures on Used Cars, released in 2005, are the primary regulation governing the used-car market. The measures introduced a compe- tition mechanism that allows OEM-authorized auto dealerships to r
25、un used-car businesses. The measures also regulate different partiesincluding trading mar- kets, agents and operatorsand strengthen the ad- ministration of organizations that appraise the value of used cars. The Notice on Upgrading the Used-Car Trade Market was announced by the ministries of Commerc
26、e and Finance in July 2009. The circular aimed to improve the used-car industry. Initially, the PRC government selected 10 provinces and municipalitiesBeijing, Hubei, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Liaoning, Shandong, Shang- hai, Shenzhen, Tianjin and Zhejiangto receive fis- cal funding to conduct pilot programs
27、 that focused on the management and information on used-car transac-tions to improve transparency. The Auto Industry Revitalization Plan, released in 2009 by the State Council, calls for the establishment of a national appraisal and evaluation standards sys- tem and a temporary ownership registratio
28、n system. The plan also calls for adjusting the value-added tax rate on used car transactions and encourages dealer- ships to participate in vehicle replacement programs. The Twelfth Five-Year Plan encouraged consumer to purchase energy saving and environment vehicle. Se- ries vehicle subsidy and ta
29、x reduction on low emis- sion and new energy vehicle were implemented, which have direct influence on the future used car market. There would be increase in low emission and new energy used car in the future 7. 3. Current Status of Used Car Market 3.1. Trade Scale Kept Steady Growth Used car market
30、increased dramatically in China from 2001. The trade volume rose from 0.37 million to 4.79 million in 2012, increased by 13 times. The average in- crement from 2001 to 2012 was 29.9% (Figure 5). The ratio for used car and new car increased from 0.16 to 0.23, averagely 0.24 from 2001 to 2011, nationw
31、ide (Figure 6). In some advanced area, like Beijing, the ratio already reached 1:1 in 2011. Along with the expansion of new car market, used car market was enhanced, cones- quently. It is estimated that the trade of used car and new car will come to 1:1 in 10 to 15 years in China. Consequently, the
32、transaction money for used car trade increased steadily, which rose from 13.2 Billion Yuan in 2001 to 263.6 Billion Yuan in 2012. The annual incre- ment was 33.7% (Figure 7). The proportion of used carFigure 5. Used car trade volume from 2001 to 2012.Figure 6. Ratio of used car and new car.market in
33、 auto industry increased steadily, with the av- erage proportion of 5.5% from 2004 to 2010 (Figure 8) 7. The growing used car market is becoming the most important part of auto industry, which provide the foun- dation for leaping development. 3.2. Used Car Trade Kept Optimized After years of rapid d
34、evelopment, the trade structure is optimizing. Along with the trade volume increase, saloon car gradually took major proportion in used car trade. After 2008, saloon car account for more than 50% of used car market share (Table 2). In the used car market, domestic brand car had the ab- solute domina
35、nt position, which accounts more than 95%. On the car age, even with decrease, used car in 3 - 10 years still took the leading position, which still had 75% share in 2011. Trade of used car below 3-year increased over the last few year, with 18.74% share in 2011 (Fig- ure 9). Obvious regional differ
36、ence was observed in Chinas used car market. According to the statistics from China Automobile Dealers Association, used car trade concen- trated in the developed area, is shown in Table 3. The first fifth regions account for 55.14% for used car trade in China, while the first tenth regions account
37、for 77.02%. However, slight decrease was observed in those developed regions. This was probably due to the high level of used car trade in previous years already reduced the market demand. For the less developed area, rapid development was observed. Even with low market share, auto market was driven
38、 by the fast economy growth. The huge market potential was released, thus the used car trade increased very fast. Besides that, used car trade was mainly in local area. In 2010, local registered used car account for 88.27% of the total volume. This was due to the complex ownership transfer and regis
39、tration procedure for cross regional transaction, and high cost. This had significant effect on rational circulation of used car.Figure 7. Used car transaction money from 2001 to 2012. Figure 8. Used car transaction money from 2001 to 2012.Figure 9. Brand and year feature for used car market. 3.3. P
40、urchasing Pattern Changed As a matter of fact, growth in the second-hand car market surpassed the sales growth of new cars. Used car grew by ear 20% in volume terms in 2011, reaching over 4.3million. Indeed, as this trend intensifies, the used car segment will outstrip the new car segment in absolut
41、e terms as well. More specifically, given the current trend, almost 19 million used cars are expected to change hands in 2017. That translates into an impressive compounded annual growth rate of over 30%. One important reason for this change is the purchasing pattern of Chinese consumers. On average
42、, 60% of Chi- nese car owners replace their cars every three years much more frequent than other national car markets. This disposition is more apparent in the high-end segment. Here, automobile turnover is particularly strong due to fast-changing demands from wealthy individuals and a purchase patt
43、ern that closely correlates with their busi- nesses profitability. Cars that have barely been used enter the second-hand auto market, attracting new buyers in the process. Moreover, consumer attitudes are changing. From be- ing viewed as mere status symbols, cars are now in- creasingly being bought
44、for reasons of functionality and transportation. Additionally, as most people currently buy cars for their first time, they will not be as willing to spend a fortune on a new car. Especially as government policies are now helping car penetration deepen and spread to rural areas and lower-tier cities
45、 in China, where an estimated 700 million people live and purchasing power is much weaker. So, second-hand cars are becom- ing viable and desirable options for an increasing number of Chinese. With the increased supply of used cars to the auto market and the Chinese becoming more comfortable with th
46、e idea of second-hand car purchases, this segment is set to grow substantially in the coming years. Although there are some concerns, such as absence of trust between buyer and seller, as the market becomes more established and formalized through authorized dealerships, this problem will likely dimi
47、nish in the future. And despite governmental policies that largely block second-hand cars from first-tier city markets, they are more attractive options for Chinese living in other areas, especially in poorer, rural areas and lower-tier cities. So, significant expansion of the second-hand car market
48、 is imminent and this creates many opportunities for used car trade and related companies 8. 4. New Features of Used Car Market 4.1. Issues of Used Car Market As one of the important parts of auto market, used car market kept 20% - 30% increase annually. However, the used car market is still in the
49、preliminary stage, com- pared to the advanced market in western countries. Sev- eral dominant issues were as follows. First, lack of integrity in used car market. The lack of trust between buyer and seller currently remains a huge problem impeding the used car market in China. Chinese consumers, hav
50、e few resources to help them understand the value of older vehicles. Used car broker often makes traps for consumer for high profit. There are quality, price and legal risk for consumers. And few mechanics are experienced enough to value cars independently. Due to the lack of trust, many potential u
51、sed car demands cannot transfer into real market demand. Some foreign automakers are hoping to address this problem by setting up programs to sell certified pre-owned cars with war- rantee protection. As the used car market continues to evolve, this issue would be solved. Second, lack of used car ev
52、aluation criteria. Currently, there was no systematic used car value assessment crite- ria and residual value releasing system. On the national side, no rule proclaimed for used car evaluation and value assessment. In practical used car trade, car evalua- tion is mostly subjective evaluation, only f
53、ew companies have specialized equipment. Thus the evaluation result depends on the experience and responsibility of estimator, which weaken the fairness and rationality. When residual value assessment, simple average life span depreciation were used, without rational basis and reference, which reduc
54、e the fairness of value measurement. Third, lack of after-sell service systems. The used car market only had the function for industry and commer- cial bureau verification, and registration, did not have essential service function, facility and service method. One package service has been provided i
55、n new car mar- ket, but not in used car market. This is far more behind advanced countries. Due to the lack of proper service system, the confidence of consumer was affected, and the expansion of used car market was restricted. Fourth, incomplete policies and regulations for used car market. Access
56、restriction is quite low in China, which result in low technical ability, poor management and irregular transaction, and weaken consumers confi- dence. The tax difference for different trade bodies for broker (0%), company (2%), auction (4%), and trade market (0%), result in chaos and unfairness in
57、used car market 8,9. There is no systematic used car evaluation and assessment criteria. The irrational and subject evalu- ation and assessment result from different personnel re- duced the real indication on car real value, which restrict the market development. A rational evaluation system should
58、be established nation-wide. 4.2. New Feature of Used Car Market in China 1) Strong policy support for upper development In recent years, policy support is the most important booster for used car market. Series direct or indirect pol- icy has been released, and facilitate an favorable envi- ronment f
59、or used car market. Encouraging used car mar- ket development has been placed in government work report and plan, which confirmed the basic macro-policy direction. The policy support has been directly put into practice on the used car trade market, which already makes the shift from outside environment support to direct fostering on used car trade market. The most important one is the Demonstration Proje
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