



1、Measuring Knowledge and Intellectual CapitalPub Time: 2003/12Contents SummaryChapter 1: Tangling with IntangiblesSummaryA Challenge Too Far?Accounting for Knowledge Assetso Measures for Performance Managemento The ABBA Framework for Knowledge MeasurementStructure and Contents of the Repor tWhat'

2、s New in This Report?Chapter 2: Trends, Tensions and TurbulenceSummaryTrendsProliferation of PublicationsInfluential InitiativesEvolution of MeasuresTensionso Enron: Intellectual Capital or Intellectual Conspiracy?The Bottom LineAction ChecklistChapter 3: The Pressure to MeasureSummaryGrowing Apprec

3、iation of Intangible ValueAccountancy in the Docko The Gaps in GAAPo The Enron Aftermatho Ten Characteristics of Intangibleso Focus on Shareholder Valueo Case Report: Shareholder Value Growth at GlaxoSmithKlineo The Stakeholder Perspectiveo Measures That Mattero Ernst & Young's Value Creatio

4、n Index (VCI)o Drivers of Future Growtho Case Report: Identifying the Key Business Drivers at Sears Roebucko Case Report: R&D Drives Value at Lincoln Reo Case Report: Saatchi &Saatchi The Vanishing Asseto Invisible Value: Reuters 'Invisible Goldmine' SurveyBenefits, Insights and Issu

5、esAction ChecklistChapter 4: Measuring the Knowledge EconomySummaryCharacteristicsInternational Knowledge Economy Indicatorso OECD: Manuals and Scorecardso Eurostato United States: New Economy Indexo Sweden's Intellectual Capital Balance Sheeto Israel: The Hidden Values of the Deserto Malaysia&#

6、39;s Knowledge Imperative IndexComparisons, Connections and ChallengesAction ChecklistChapter 5: Making Sense of ModelsSummaryFinding Your Way Through the Model MazeAdvantages and Disadvantages of Different MethodsValue-based Modelso EVAand MVAo Cash Flow Measureso Benjamin's Knowledge Accountin

7、go Strassmann's Knowledge Capitalo Knowledge Capital Scorecardo VAICo Calculation of VAICo Valuing Patentso An Outline of the Technical Factor Methodo IPScoreo Valuing Brandso Valuing Information and Knowledgeo Balanced Scorecardso Case Report: From Budgeting to Scorecards at Borealiso Case Repo

8、rt: APQC: Practising What it Preacheso Making Scorecard Theory Work in Practiceo EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management)o The Performance Prismo Case Report: Tracking Performance as well aso Parcels at DHSo Scorecards and Intellectual Capital Action ChecklistChapter 6: IC Measurement Model

9、sSummaryComponents of Intellectual Capitalo Case Report: S A Armstrong's Enterpriseo Capital Frameworko Human Capital Readiness (BSC)o Case Report: US Office of Personnel Managemento Human Capital Monitoro Case Report: Competency Mapping at Ericssono HR Models in Practiceo NIMCube PMSo The Skand

10、ia Navigatoro APiON's Navigator Drives Growth Strategyo Intangible Assets Monitor (IAM)o Case Report: Intangible Assets Monitoring at WM-Datao Case Report: Celemi Making the Invisible Visible 2000o The IC Indexo Inclusive Valuation Methodology (IVM)oo IC Ratingo Case Report: Will Rating IC Help

11、TurnIT Turno the Corner?o The Danish Templateo Case Report: IC Measurement "a way of life" at COWIo Case Report: CARL BRO Groupo MERITUMo MAGICo Lev's Value Chain Scorecardo Know-Net ICModelo Case Report: Shell's Triple Bottom Lineo Case Report: Systematic's Intellectual Capita

12、l Reporto IC Methods Similarities and Differenceso Which Method is Best?A Knowledge Measurement FrameworkAction ChecklistChapter 7: Practical Considerations Developing an IC SystemSummaryOrientation: Published Guidanceo MERITUM: Critical Intangibles Are the Cruxo Nordika: Learning in Collaborative N

13、etworkso Case Report: Gaining Organisational Involvement at Akero Case Report: Intellectual Asset Audit at Nestle Oyo Grounded in Visiono Case Report: Measuring and Managing IC Assets at Shello Case Report: Bank of Montreal Sets the Context for Measuremento Case Report: Intellectual Capital at Norte

14、lo The Edvinsson and Malone Measurement Modelo What Makes Effective Indicators?o Resources Recipes Resultso Intellectual Capital Audit at a Bio-Technology Companyo Case Report: Ericssono The IC Multipliero Case Report: How Bates Gruppen Stays Smart Measuring for Managemento Narrative as Well as Numb

15、ers Problems and Pitfallso Ten Conclusions from Roos' Researcho Indicator ChecklistAction ChecklistCase Study: Austrian Research Centre, Siebersdorf, ARCSChapter 8: Making the Business CaseSummaryThe Benefits Dimension of MeasurementEvaluating IT Investmento The Productivity Paradoxo The Benefit

16、s of Knowledge Managemento Justifying Knowledge Managemento Booz Allen & Hamilton: Return on Intranet Investmento Does ROI Matter?o Case Report: Teltech's Value Report Cardo Case Report: Latham & Watkins Justifying KM at Legal Practiceo Case Report: ID Tours Pins Down Its Knowledgeo Case

17、 Report: Platinumo Case Report: The World Bank An Incredible Storyo Case Report: How Siemens Assesses the ROI of ShareNeto Ten Characteristics of Knowledge Leaderso The Asset Value of KnowledgeCase Study: Dow Chemical CompanyCase Study: Skandia AFSChapter 9: Assessing ProgressSummaryPositioning Fram

18、eworksKM Maturity ModelKM Assessment ToolsComparison of Modelso Case Report: Eli Lilly's KM Assessmento Case Report: Siemens' Knowledge Scorecardo The Knowledge Audito Case Report: Clarica Relocates Its Knowledgeo Case Report: FSA Discovering and Measuring what is known Other KM Measureso Kn

19、owledge Sharing Metricso Microsoft's KVA Frameworko Evaluating Communities of Practiceo Siemens' Knowledge Network Indicatoro Informal and Formal Evaluation of Clarica's Agent Networko Case Report: US Navy Steers KM to Successo Cross Industry Benchmarking at Dowo From Benchmarking to Ben

20、chlearning Action ChecklistChapter 10: Pathways to the FutureSummaryThe State of Play Todayo Measuring Maturityo Case Report: Ramboll's Holistic Reportingo New Management Practiceo Changing Role of Finance Function Accounting Standards: All Shook Upo Reporting on Intellectual AssetsFuture Develo

21、pmentsFinal ThoughtsSiemens' Knowledge Journey (Thomas H. Davenport and Gilbert J.B. Probst).I. KNOWLEDGE STRATEGY.The Knowledge Strategy Process - an instrument for business owners (Josef Hofer-Alfeis and Rob van der Spek).II: KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER.ShareNet - the next generation knowledge manageme

22、nt (Michael Gibbert,et al. ).SiemensIndustrialServices: Turning know-how into results (Marc D'Oosterlinck,et al. ).Networked knowledge - implementing a system for sharing technical tips and expertise (Andrea Dora,al. ).Practice exchange in a Best Practice Marketplace (Michael Gibbert and Hartmut

23、 Krause).III: COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE.The Power of communities: How to build Knowledge Management on a corporate level using a bottom-upapproach (Ellen Enkel,et al. ).KECnetworking - Knowledge Management at Infineon Technologies AG (Michael Franz,et al. ).The development of the Siemens Knowledge Com

24、munity Support (Michael Franz,et al. ).IV: ADDED VALUE OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT.A guided tour through knowledgemotion: The Siemens Business Services Knowledge ManagementFramework (Tanja Gartner,et al. ).etKnowledgeSharingMED - turning knowledge into business (Dagmar Birk and Manuela Mller)ü.How to manage company dynamics: An approach for Mergers and Acquisitions Knowledge Exchange(Susanne Kalpe


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