1、學習必備歡迎下載lesson 24 : again , please .一、教學目標:1、學問方面:使同學能說、讀、寫、用詞匯skirt , blouse , pa nts , shirt , sweater ,coat , hat , shoes ,dress , socks ; too big , too small ; new ,old ; sunday , monday , tuesday , wednesday , thursday , friday , saturday2、才能方面:( 1)能把所學單詞運用到日??谡Z溝通當中,在適當的情境中能敏捷運用;( 2)能用英文描述人們的衣著
2、、一周7 天的名稱;3、情感態(tài)度、價值觀:通過嬉戲激發(fā)同學學習愛好, 通過創(chuàng)設情境角色表演調動同學積極參加性,通過勉勵樹立同學學習英語的信心;二、教學重點、教學難點:(1)教學重點: 使同學能說、讀、 寫、用詞匯 skirt , blouse , pants , shirt , sweater ,coat , hat , shoes ,dress , socks ; too big , too small ; new ,old ; sunday , monday , tuesday , wednesday , thursday , frid ay , saturday( 2)教學難點:a. 能
3、把所學單詞運用到日??谡Z溝通當中,在適當的情境中能敏捷運用; b. 英文描述人們的衣著、一周7 天的名稱;三、教具、學具 :單詞卡片、衣服實物、多媒體課件;四、教學過程:1、師生問候: t: good morning , my boys and girls.s: good morning , teacher.( 1) sing a song:“ hes wearing red pants .”學習必備歡迎下載2、復習舊知( 1)、老師拿出單詞卡片共做whats missing嬉戲;(設計思路: 通過 whats missing的嬉戲復習本單元所學單詞,使同學在消遣中鞏固所學學問;)( 2)、將
4、第一部分單詞分類;老師在黑板上畫兩個大圈,其中一個寫上“a pair of ”,令外一個寫上“ a”同學把卡片帖到對應的位置;(設計思路:同學不僅動口說,動腦想,并且仍動手做,調動多種感官,有效地調動了同學的積極性,同時,仍對“a”和“ a pair of”進行了區(qū)分;)( 3)、用“穿衣服”的嬉戲復習衣服名稱和句型“what's he /she wearing.”(電腦逐一出示各個服飾圖)將全班分成兩組進行搶答競賽,答對最多組為勝組;t:what is he wearing.s: he is wearing a green sweater, but it is too big.(設計
5、思路: 用多媒體出示圖畫的形式, 既提高了課堂效率, 又極大的調動了同學的學習愛好,像卡通一樣的圖畫,會緊緊的吸引住同學的留意力,積極參加進來, 激發(fā)了同學的競爭意識;)( 4)、dialogue.t: yes, he is wearing a green sweater. i like his new sweater. is it ne w.s: yes, it is new.s1:i like yourit's nice.s2 :thanks.s1 :is it new . / are they new.s2 :yes./ no. i like yourit's nice.
6、 s3 :thanks.s2 :is it new . / are they new. s3 :yes. / no.學習必備歡迎下載以此類推, 為保證嬉戲成效, 老師先與一個同學做示范, 并在課間上出現,以降低難度;(設計意圖:有意操練旨在培育錘煉同學口語交際才能;)(5)、設置情境、活用交際;同學利用身上穿的新舊衣物或其它物品,任意創(chuàng)設情境編對話;(設計意圖:培育同學對學問的遷移才能使同學在活動中提升對學問的感悟和懂得,培育同學的發(fā)散思維才能;)3、class closing .now, lets chant.一個星期有七天 , 大家都來數數看 ,星期一 , 是 monday,背著書包去學習
7、 ,星期二 , 是 tuesday,小伙伴們齊努力 , 星期三 , 是 wednesday, 學好本事為自己 , 星期四 , 是 thursday,每天取得好成果 ,星期五 , 是 friday, saturday我們做嬉戲 ,星期日 , 是 sunday,早把作業(yè)做完哩;4、homework: 1 連續(xù)編排情境表演,下節(jié)課展現五、板書設計 :lesson 24again,please.a pairof:pants、socks 、shoes、 glovesa : skirt , blouse ,shirt,sweater,coat,hat , dress ,六、 exercises1, 補全單
8、詞suntuesdayfri學習必備歡迎下載mdaythurs2, 寫出以下單詞c tsh_ _sdr _ ks七、課后反思:lesson25. bedroom教學目標:gl s sc f h ts_1、使同學能夠聽、讀、說、拼寫單詞bed,dresser;能夠說、寫、并口頭答單詞b edroom,lamp,teddy bear.2、使同學能夠用所學內容描述自己的臥房;3 、讓同學體會英語學習中的樂趣,敢于表達;進展其綜合語言運用才能;教學重難點: bed, dresser, closet, lamp, deddy bear教學建議:學習必備歡迎下載1、 利用師生談話的方式引出本課主要內容;例
9、如:同學們,你們都有自己的臥房嗎?誰能給大家介紹一下你的臥房?這樣可以激發(fā)同學積極參加的愛好;2、出現 bedroom,bed,dresser,closet,lamp,teddy bear這些詞一個比較簡便并且直觀的方法就是在黑板上畫一張臥房的側面圖,在不同方位逐一畫上這些用品, 告知同學這是老師的臥房; 這樣做的目的是通過圖畫給同學一個直觀的印象,對同學記憶、再現這些單詞有好處;3 、 老師組織同學進行鞏固練習,可進行對口形的嬉戲:為臥房中的物品選名字;將物品單詞貼在相應的位置上;4、 仍可以對所學內容進行擴展. 把學的內容融入進去;老師可以向同學提這樣的問題: do you have a
10、bed. what colour is it. is it big or small.5、 其次部分 let s chant,先聽錄音明白chant內容;6、老師做動作講解chant 內容;7、同學邊聽錄音,邊和老師一起說;8、作業(yè):設計自己的臥房,并標出臥房中的物品名稱;板書設計:lesson 25 ; bedroom beddresser closet lamp teddy bear教學反思:學習必備歡迎下載課堂教學資源:teddy bear ,中文翻譯為泰迪熊, 不過依據美國當地的說法應當稱為羅斯福熊;嚴格來說, 我們現在一般常見的毛絨熊玩具,并不能算是真正的泰迪熊; 猶如車子具有不同外
11、型、規(guī)格、廠牌一樣,毛絨熊也有各種不同的品牌、風格、外貌,甚至設計師,沒有方法以泰迪熊來代表全部的熊熊,然而由于泰迪熊實在被應用得太廣泛了,人們往往便將全部的毛絨玩具熊通稱為泰迪熊;其實早在泰迪熊顯現之前, 毛絨玩具熊就已經存在了; 雖然目前, 仍沒有直接的證據可以證明玩具熊最早的創(chuàng)造始末和來源, 不過, 早在十九世紀末, 就已經有玩具熊的蹤跡顯現; 1880 年,柏林當地最受歡迎的玩具就是一只站在四輪上的木制熊( on all fours是一種可以拉著四處走的玩具車),同一時期,在莫斯科當地的酒吧,也流行一種由自動發(fā)條制造的飲酒熊(drinking bear,上了發(fā)條的熊玩具,除了可以拿著酒
12、瓶把酒倒在酒杯里喝掉外,仍會抽煙和跳舞) ,這種會自動飲酒的玩具熊,在當時特別新穎和受歡迎;現在最聞名的玩具熊制造公司史泰福(steiff )在 1893 年時,也曾經制作過一些直立式、鼻子上嵌有鐵鏈的非布偶熊玩具,不過這些仍未經過這一百多年時間洗禮的玩具熊,是以寫實的形象顯現的, 不但在視覺上比較逼真, 在觸覺上也較為繁重和堅硬, 要進展成為現在所認知的四肢可轉動的毛絨熊模樣,仍要經過長期的很多材質、填充物和外型的演化;其實泰迪熊原本是一個獨立的專出名詞,最正確的說法, 應當只有在第一次世界大戰(zhàn)之前, 也就是老羅斯福總統(tǒng)任內時,于 1903 年至 1912 年間制造的熊, 才能稱為泰迪熊;1
13、903 年誕生的泰迪熊,源自于羅斯??偨y(tǒng)對熊熊的愛好和當時的流行,可以說是現在毛絨熊的老祖先; 它有著渾圓豐滿的身材和四肢,蓬松溫厚的安哥拉羊毛, 簡素的材料和繡線, 忠厚的表情, 以及百分之百的手工縫制和填塞作業(yè);不論是出自于美國或是歐洲,那些歷經古老歲月留下的精神,直至今日仍舊存在;不過這種真正的泰迪熊, 甚至所謂古董熊, 現在已不多見了, 只有在書籍、博物館,或保藏者的家中,我們才有緣一窺它們的真面目;然而,這些不再回返的泰迪熊,在目前的復古風潮和歷史憶懷,以及拍賣和保藏家保值觀念的催生下,已經再度復生,顯現了廠商重新開模制造, 仿制當時風采的復制熊, 或是特意仿照老舊年華的復古熊玩具;
14、課后練習:看圖連線:學習必備歡迎下載dresserlampteddy bearclo setbedlesson 26 homework教學目標:1、 學問方面:能在聽說讀寫方面把握和運用四個詞組:do one s homework r ead a bookwrite a story draw a picture;2、 才能方面:能夠在日常生活中敏捷運用所學的詞匯和句型;3、 情感態(tài)度,價值觀:運用大量嬉戲激發(fā)同學學習英語的愛好,小組、同桌合作學習培育同學合作精神;教學重難點: do one s homeworkread a bookwrite a story draw a picture ;教
15、學過程:step oneclass opening1、greetinghello , boys and girls . how are you today . how s the weather .2、sing a songthis is the way we walk to school write with pencilsdraw with marker s3、play a gameguess,guess guess學習必備歡迎下載(嬉戲規(guī)章:老師預備一小紙盒,里面放一些紙條, 內容為: write with pencil draw with marker walk to school c
16、ut with scissors open the doo r )4、老師作讀書狀,要同學猜詞組,引出read a book.強調“ read ”的讀法與“ red ”的不同,與“ meat tea ”讀音的相同點;5、老師作寫作狀,同學猜,引出詞組do one s homework, write a story, dra w a picture.6、work in pairs:兩人一組作 guess,guess,guess嬉戲;7、play a game :做“擊鼓傳花”的嬉戲,問同學:“what do you do in the evening. ”花傳到誰手里,就答:“in the ev
17、ening ,i-. ” drill:say it and do the action. say it in pairs .8、listen to the tape and repeat . 第一遍,先讓同學聽;其次遍,跟讀;并在此說明“ for ”的意思;9 、其次部分let s sing a song第一,邊做動作邊講解歌曲內容;其次,跟音樂學唱歌曲(由于同學對這首 歌的旋律已經熟識, 所以歌曲應當很簡潔接受) 最終,邀請個別同學到前面邊做動作邊唱歌;10、作業(yè):依據歌曲旋律創(chuàng)編歌曲板書設計:lesson 26: homework do my homeworkread a book wri
18、te a story draw a picture課后練習:選詞填空學習必備歡迎下載1、i my homework.2、i my book. read, draw, do, write3、i a story.4、i a picture.lesson27:tv and telephoneknowledge aims:1. master these new words: tv, telephone, computer, radio.2. let the students practice and know these phrases: watch tv, talk on the telephone
19、, play on the computer, listen to the radio.ability aims:1. students can use these words and expressions for daily lif e exchange. they can use them quickly in proper circumstances. eg : wat ch tv at home; talk on the telephone, etc.2. develop good living habits and customs, they can not go to bed t
20、oo late. thus they can form good habits: go to bed earlier and get up earlier.feeling aims:according to create secne to excavate the students studying habits, a ccording to role play to arouse studentsinitiative and participation.teaching importance:master these new words: tv, telephone, computer, r
21、adio. teaching difficulties:use tv, telephone, computer, radio. teaching procedure:學習必備歡迎下載class opening and reviewgreetings and sing the song of l25play a game“whisper ” to review the phrases: read a book ,write a sto ry , draw a picture etc.new concepts:一、tv, watch tv ,computer , play on the compu
22、ter ,radio , listen to th e radio , telephone ,talk on the telephone,1. ask the students to act: watch tv, play on the computer, listen to t he radio , talk on the telephone. study these new words :tv ,computer , radio ,telephone .first teacher reads these four words. students practi ce these four w
23、ords.2. teacher leads the students to say the four phrases with actions. pra ctice the phrases in pairs with actions.3. drillask some volunteers to come the front to act these actions. ask and ans wer.t: what s he she doing.what are they doing.c: talking on the telephonewatching tvplaying on the com
24、puterlisteni ng to the radio.二、learn the text1. look at the pictures and talk about them in groups.2. look at cai one by one and give some questions.when does jenny leave school.what jenny will do the first when she gets home. what jenny will do after supper.學習必備歡迎下載what jenny will do when she goes
25、to bed.3. try to answer these questions.4. follow the cai.5. read this passage.四、homeworkaccording to the content to write 23 sentences. blackboard:lesson27:tv and telephonetvwatchtvtelephone talk on the telephone computer play on the computer radiolisten to the radio.課后反思課后練習:看圖連線學習必備歡迎下載computertv
26、radi otelephonelesson28: in the bedroomteaching aims:1. master these numbers:20302. master these new words:above,below,beside,across form. ability aims:1. students can use these words and expressions for daily life exchange. they can use them quickly in proper circumstances.2. develop good living ha
27、bits and customs,they will put everything in or der.feeling aims:develop students to take a keen interest in labor. teaching importance and difficulties:1. master the new numbers and new words.2. use the new words: above,below,beside,across form. teaching procedure:warming-up and revision1.greeting.
28、2.write the title: bedbedroomin the bedroom3.revisiont: look,i have a ball. who want to come here and bounce ball.學習必備歡迎下載 一同學拍球 t: lets count.t&c: one, twonineteen, twenty.t: good. look, skipping rope. who want to skip with the skipping rope. 一同學跳繩 t&c: one,twonineteen, twenty. t: ery good.
29、設計意圖:通過拍球,跳繩等活動來練習已學的數字,為新內容作鋪墊;new concepts:一、twenty thirty1. can you bounce ball 29 times. class counts. one, two,twe nty, twenty-one, twenty-two.thirty.2. show the number cards. ask the students to read .3. practice :ill say some numbers,eg:23,27,29let the volu nteers come the front and place the
30、 correct numbers on the blackboard.4. according to 29 lead to 30 directly, study it. then spread 31 39.5. practice in pairs: one student say one number that we stud ied ,the other point to the correct number card.6. show “polly ”, let the students guess“how old is polly.”設計意圖: 利用玩偶 polly來練習今日所學的數字,
31、為的就是讓同學能夠堅固把握所學的這些數字,并為下一步用polly來復習 in, on, under做預備;二、above, below, beside, across from1. put“polly ”on the desk , put“polly ”in the desk, put“po lly”under the desk .ask the students: where is polly. to review“in, o n, under”.學習必備歡迎下載設計意圖:通過復習已學的“in, on, under”,引出將要學習的新詞匯“above, below, beside, acro
32、ss from”;過渡自然,同學簡潔接受;2. put“polly ”on the desk, then put“polly ”above the desk , study above; put“polly ”under the desk ,then put“polly ”below the desk ,study below. distinguish on and above, under and below.3. practice“in, on, under, above, below”by gesture.設計意圖:利用手勢來練習“in, on, under, above, below”
33、,既簡潔明白,又簡潔操作;4. according to the location between one student and one stud ent, or between one student and me, study beside, across from.設計意圖: 通過同學與同學或同學與我之間的位置關系學習新詞匯beside, acros s from ,便于同學懂得,易于把握;5. practice“beside, across from”on their seats.6. ask four students to come the front, then let the
34、m stand in a square. lead the class to say the sentences, eg:is beside/across from.設計意圖:有了此練習作為鋪墊,教科書中與之相類似的內容,同學就簡潔把握;7. ask the students to show the pictures slippers, dresser, tv,bed, etcthat we prepared. listen to me, place the location.設計意圖:此練習不僅可以練習今日的所學內容,又可以錘煉同學的聽力;homework :design your bedr
35、oom. blackboard:lesson28: in the bedroomabovebeside學習必備歡迎下載belowacross from課堂教學資源:under 是指正下方,距離比較近,below 是指正下方、斜下方都可以;under的距離較近些; below和 above是互為反意詞, 表示兩者之間位置的高低; eg: the picture is above the blackboard. the blackboard is below the picture. under和 over是互為反意詞; under表示在某物的正下方,經常有肯定的距離;over表示在某物的正上方,
36、一般是有肯定距離;eg; there is a ball under th e desk . there is a light over the desk.課后練習:看圖填空the picture is the bed.the slippers are the bed.the dresser is the bed. the lamp is the dresser.the clothes are the closet.學習必備歡迎下載lesson 29 brush and comb教學目標 :1. 訓練同學聽說讀寫長的才能2. 讓同學嫻熟把握brush, comb, soap and tooth
37、brush. .3. 能過會唱本課歌曲4. 能夠運用 brush, comb, soap and toothbrush. 教學重難點:實際運用brush, comb, soap and toothbrush.教學過程:1、復習練唱 27 課歌曲(辭格與本課歌曲曲調相像,這樣能夠可以讓同學回憶一下上次學的歌曲,引起同學的愛好)2、帶領同學進行問答訓練,談一談讓同學感性卻的話題;拿臥房中的物品卡片,t: what is this in the bedroom. ss: its a .3、出示浴室大圖片,讓同學爭論, t: what can you see.ss: i see .引出本課重點單詞:
38、brush, comb, soap and toothbrush, 并運用實物交給同學單詞的讀音及用法;學習必備歡迎下載4、嬉戲:聽聽,說說,做做(老師手拿實物演示動詞詞組,eg:brush my hair,brush my teeth, comb my h air, wash my hands, wash ,my face, take a shower,然后同學小組進行練習)5、學唱其次部分歌曲:第一,邊做動作邊講解歌曲內容; 其次,跟音樂學唱歌曲(由于同學對這首歌的旋律已經熟識, 所以歌曲應當很簡潔接受) 最終,邀請個別同學到前面邊做動作邊唱歌;6、作業(yè) :依據歌曲旋律創(chuàng)編歌曲板書設計:l
39、esson 29 : brush and comb brushcomb soaptoothbrush課后練習:學習必備歡迎下載combbrushsoap課堂教學資源:toothbrush1、中西文化差異滲透;通常中國人習慣在飯前刷牙,而西方國家往往是在飯后;2、有些英文單詞既可以表示物體名稱,又可以表示相應的動作eg: brush刷子仍可用作 brush one s hair, comb木梳仍可用作 comb ones hair.教學反思:lesson 30: toys學問目標:通過本課的學習,使同學能正確地說、讀、寫、用以下單詞及短語:b all / doll / kite /skippin
40、g rope ;能正確朗讀全篇并領悟其意義;教學重點:使同學能正確地說、讀、寫、用以下單詞及短語:ball / doll / kit e / skipping rope;教學難點:能正確朗讀本課的其次部分;教學過程:class opening and review 1、 sing“this is the way we brush our ha”irlesson 29的歌曲 設計意圖: 在輕盈的樂曲中, 同學既感受到了英語課堂的輕松與歡樂,又對唱詞中唱到的一周7 天的名稱及部分動詞短語做了回憶; 為即將開頭的教學活動做了精神和學問上的預備;2、 review學習必備歡迎下載1) 可用“ what
41、s this.”句型和單詞卡片復習一下lesson 29 的單詞 br ush/ comb/ soup/ toothbrush2) 可以采納“ simon say”s 嬉戲,復習以下短語:read a book/ watch tv/ talk on the telephone/ draw a picture/ jump/ play on the computer/wash our hands/ brush our hair / brush our teeth 嬉戲的設計意圖: 1、復習部分短語,為新課學習做鋪墊; 2、增強課堂的趣味性、增加同學的運動量, 為下一個環(huán)節(jié)復習“ fun/ tire
42、d/ rest ”等單詞做預備;3) 通過與同學談嬉戲終止后的感受,復習“fun/ tired/ rest”等單詞,為新課學習鋪墊; t: the game is over. hello. class. do you feel happy .ss:yes, i feel happy.t:yes ,we all feel happy. because the game is fun .板書并領讀: fun;the game is over . do you feel tired . ss : yes, we feel tired.t:if you feel tired , please have
43、 a rest .老師邊說邊做 have a rest的動作,并板書tired / rest”new concepts1. ball doll kite skipping rope創(chuàng)設情形導入新概念的學習:老師可先拿出一個里面裝有球、娃娃、風箏、跳繩等東西的精致盒子 , 告知同學里面有好東西,讓同學猜一猜里面是什么,然后引入新概念 toy ball doll kite skipping rope的教學之中;老師面帶表情可以這樣說:“hello ,class. look. this is a beautiful box. i have something nice in it. guess. w
44、hats in it . 同學紛紛開頭竟猜, 猜的可能是五花八門 what are they ,then. look.(老師倒出盒子里的東西,幫忙同學懂得toy )th eyre toys. toytoy 板書: toy并領讀學習這個單詞 然后,老師再拿起 球問同學 what is it . its a ball . ball ball 板書:ball并帶領同學學習此單詞 同上,再學習 doll kite skipping rope等的幾個單詞; 設計意圖: 在同學感愛好的猜的嬉戲中,自然地過度到新概念的學習,同學心情高漲,有利于老師的教學;聽課文第一部分錄音,跟讀;操練:學習必備歡迎下載(1
45、)、利用卡片或實物師生間進行快速搶答練習;例如;可以利用句型 “what s this . or is this a .”(2)、做嬉戲“wha”t s missing”;方法是:把ball / doll / kite/ skipping rope 這四張卡片放在教室前, 讓同學看一會后閉上眼睛,然后老師拿走一張卡片,提問: “whats the missing. ”,被提問的每個同學要說出移走的卡片名稱;重復嬉戲,力爭每一個卡片都被猜過;(3)、同桌練習(利用同學的小卡片)如:可以一人舉卡片,一人大聲快速地說英語;)2 、play with toys / play catch / play
46、with dolls / fly kites / s kip with the skipping rope談話導入新概念學習: 老師可以這樣說: “hello . class. do you liketo play .class: yes, i like to play . yourself. 你自己嗎?同學答: “no. ” with your friends .和你的伴侶嗎?同學答:“yes. ” me too. i li ke to play with my friends.(重復兩遍后領讀此句;此句可提前寫在黑板上,用時,揭去遮蓋物;或通過電腦展現在電視上;)do you like t
47、o play with your friends . s1:i like to play with my friends. s2: i like to play wit h my friends. ss: i like to play with my friends.ok. now let s play with toys.”(并板書 play with toys并說明其意思) 設計意圖:在輕松的談話中,既幫同學回憶了“friend”這個詞,又奇妙地處理了課文中其次部分中的一句較有難度的句子i like to play with my friends. ,又自然過度到下面的學習(1) skip
48、 / jump rope老師拿出帶到課堂上的長跳繩,邊做跳繩動作邊對同學說:“l(fā)et s ski p with the skipping rope.”重復幾次跳繩動作,邊跳邊說:skip、skip ,停止后板書: skip然后請 3 名自告奮勇的同學到前面漸漸地跳繩,這時老師面對全體 同學說: look . they are skipping with the skipping rope . they are skipping with the skipping rope . say it ,please,class.全班同學跟讀:“theyare skipping with the skip
49、ping rope .”老師:“very good .what are they doing . ” 全班 : they are skipping with the skipping rope .老師: very g ood . next ,lets jump rope with the skiping rope .ok.接下來請自愿者到前面和老來師一起做jump rope并學習它;(2) play catch / play with dolls學習必備歡迎下載教法同上; 老師手拿 ball、 doll邊做動作邊引出play catch / play w ith dolls,然后請幾名同學自愿
50、者到前面做這個嬉戲,老師和全班做對話練習;(3) fly kites由于放風箏的情形不簡潔創(chuàng)設,因此可用圖片引出;老師提問:“ look .what are they doing . theyre flying kites.”提煉出 fly kites并板書學習;與同學談話:“do you like to fly kites . s1 :i like to fly kites. s2: i like to fly kites. ss: we like to fly kites. ”聽課本其次部分錄音,同學跟讀;板書設計:lesson30: toysballplay with the balld
51、ollplay with the dollkitefly a kateskipping ropeskip with the skipping rope課堂教學資源:hop,skip和jump 分別是單腳跳、跨步向上跳和雙腳輕輕地跳;課后練習:看圖填單詞:weflya .學習必備歡迎下載we skip with the .i play with the .jenny plays with her _ .學習必備歡迎下載課后反思:lesson 31games一、教學目標:1、本課主要讓同學把握并會運用運動項目詞匯:card scheckersbadmintonping-ponghardsoft2、將以下句子運用自如: what do you want to do. i want to play .二、教學重點:讓同學把握并會運用運動項目詞匯:cardscheckersbadmin tonping-ponghardsoft三、教學難點: what do you want to do. i want to play .四、教學資源: hard 本課意思為硬的,但它也有努力以及困難的意思;五、教學過程: 1、組織教學: greetings:t: hello, boys and gir
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