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1、in order to e nsure normal tea chi ng or der, protecti ng student s ' healt hy growth, ensuring t hat nati onal pr operty is not lost, to preve nt or minimize the occurre nce of safety acci dent s, follow t he "preve nt, rescue ea ch othe r, ensure safety and re duce losses" pri nci pl

2、e, a ccordi ng to the l oca l conditi ons, make t he manageme nt system. 1, t he pri nci pal is t he responsi bility of school safety, school se curity under the lea dership of presi dent security w ork lea ding group. the head tea cher to the l eadership team i s responsibl e for, impl ementation o

3、f the a ccountability system. 2, school monthly st udent knowle dge ab out safety education, education should be diver sified in t he form every safety educati on for st ude nts of cla sse s per we ek shoul d be targeted. to carry on emerge ncy i ssue s de aling wit h educati on i n ge neral, self-h

4、el p and mutual re scue knowle dge. emergency call s such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on use common sense in e ducation. 3, t he establishme nt of major a ccident re porti ng system. school st ude nts report major accide nt withi n a n hour of education; st udent run a nd disa ppeara nce s to re p

5、ort; re port of the a cci dent t o a writte n report in tri plicate, a correcti onal ce ntre, a poli ce station, a t ownshi p pe opl e's governme nt shall not conceal the accide nt. 4 week, tea chers are on duty system, esta blish and improve the lea dership val ues; strengt hen t he e ducation,

6、 manageme nt of teaching activities in school s to e nsure normal teaching order; responsi ble for school safety leader ship always mai ntaine d cl ose contact a nd distri ct police stations, ca nvassi ng support from the police station on school safety a nd help. 5, st re ngthe ning tea chers '

7、 moral e ducation, esta blish a de dicate d lov e, improvi ng educati on quality, observe the students ' psy chologic al change s at any time a nd take preventive measure s, no corporal puni shme nt and covert corporal punishment onstudents, st ude nt out of the classroom, schools may not be. 6,

8、 units or de partments use st udent street pr opaga nda orparticipate i n the cel ebrations, a s well a s participating i n ot her social work, without approval of the correcti onal centre , school pri nci pals conse nt, without organizati on. without the approval of releva nt de partments, may orga

9、nize students to partici pate in fire fighti ng, disaster r elief a nd so on. 7, schools should educate st ude nts to obey t he school r ules a nd reg ulations, on time, on time home t o preve nt accide nts. 8, school to school inspe ctions on a reg ular basis, found hi dden i n time, and in severe

10、cases, it is hard to eliminate immediately closed, and reported to t he local people's government, e ducati on, and rule of law se ction. 9, the school shoul d always check the inter nal walls, retaini ng walls, ponds, raili ngs, handrails, doors, windows, stair case s and a variety of sports, e

11、x tracurri cular a ctivities, fa cilities such as fire safety, infrastructure security, unsafe facility to immedia tely repair and dem olition to e nsure that tea chers and students work, le arn, live ve nues and facilitie s are safe a nd reliable. s ong li n xi ang li u jia pi ng elementary school

12、m arch 2021 song lin xiang liu jia pi ng primary school fire safety systems to enha nce fire safety, protecti on of public pr operty a nd the life and property safety of teachers a nd st ude nts, school fire safety into day -to-day management, is developi ng the following fire safety system. 1, stre

13、ngt hen fire safety education of the w hol e school. accor ding to the requirements of the fire service s act, so that everyone ha s of keepi ng fire control safety, protecti ng fire contr ol facilities, f ire prevention, reports of fire勞動安全衛(wèi)生專項集體合同書第一章總就第一條:為進一步規(guī)范企業(yè)與職工雙方在生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營活動中的行為,加強安全生產(chǎn)的治理和監(jiān)督, 防止

14、和削減安全生產(chǎn)事故的發(fā)生,愛護職工的安全健康合法權(quán)益,促進企業(yè)的穩(wěn)步進展;依據(jù)勞動法、工會法、安全生產(chǎn)法、職業(yè)病防治法、消防法、危急化學品安全治理條例、集體合同規(guī) 定等勞動安全衛(wèi)生法律法規(guī)及標準的有關(guān)規(guī)定,結(jié)合本公司實際情形、 簽訂本協(xié)議;其次條:企業(yè)在生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營活動中,堅持“安全第一,預(yù)防為主 ”的方針;堅固樹立“安全責任重于泰山 ”的觀念,始終把企業(yè)和職工的安全放在第一位,進一步完善和落實安全生產(chǎn)責任制和各項措施,努力提高安全生產(chǎn)治理水平;第三條:企業(yè)在安全生產(chǎn)治理過程中,凡公司所屬各分廠、分公司、部門等均須遵守本協(xié)議:1、企業(yè)必需遵守國家政策法規(guī),加強安全生產(chǎn)治理;建立健全安全生產(chǎn)責任制和

15、各項規(guī)章制度,積極改善生產(chǎn)環(huán)境和作業(yè)條件,保證安全生產(chǎn);2、工會依法組織職工參與企業(yè)安全生產(chǎn)工作的民主治理和民主監(jiān)督,愛護職工在安全生產(chǎn)方面的合法權(quán)益;3、企業(yè)職工有依法獲得安全事項告知和安全生產(chǎn)保證的權(quán)益,并負有仔細遵守企業(yè)安全生產(chǎn)規(guī)章制度和操作規(guī)程的義務(wù);第四條:本協(xié)議所指的勞動安全衛(wèi)生的主要內(nèi)容:1、安全生產(chǎn)責任制;2、勞動條件和安全技術(shù)措施;3、危急化學品的生產(chǎn)、儲存、運輸經(jīng)營、使用安全治理;4、安全操作規(guī)程;5、職業(yè)安全培訓及 “三級安全訓練 ”;6、職業(yè)衛(wèi)生與勞動愛護;7、工傷事故調(diào)查處理;8、安全應(yīng)急救援預(yù)案制度及定期演練;electricity li nes, e qui pm

16、ent inspe ctions, found hi dde n in time for rectificati on, mai ntena nce , and security. 9, do not use a n open flame in t he cla ssroom, pr ohi bit burning stove, lit ca ndles, mosquito repellent, no sm oking, and banning messy wiring. wit hout usi ng any household appliances is not a llowed. 10,

17、 live on cam pus fa culty members, must lead by example, a nd educate families and childre n ready to fire. 11, household use of gas i n schools, to master proper usage, pay attenti on to the leak-proof, expl osion-proof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure security. 12, dining room must be

18、 qualifie d, and annual testi ng of pressure vessels, t o regularly che ck, the cantee n worker s must be certified, stri ctly by operation operation, gas tank a nd st ove safety distance of 1.5 meters, to pr event accidents. 13, the a dverse conse que nce s ca used by ignoring fire safety regulatio

19、ns, w ill be puni she d, until investigate d for legal responsibi lity. song li n xi ang li u jia pi ng elementary school march 2021 xiangliu jia pi ng eleme ntary school, pine slopes surrounding safety manageme nt system 1 tea chers and students, t he surrounding area of the school gov erna nce cov

20、ers personal a nd food hygiene , cultural eve nts and ot her aspects, integrated gov erna nce shall obtai n wide support and full cooperation of the com munity. on the surrounding e nvironment in schools should be cl ose ly monit ored. 2, school w ork at the same time, shoul d pay attenti on to t he

21、 safety manageme nt of school e nvironme nt, should take the initiative to contact the distri ct police station, t he village committee, corre ctiona l centre, ow nship gover nment, business manageme nt and other de partments to do a good job manag ement. 3, tea cher on duty with the excepti on of i

22、nspecti ons in school s, should al so pay attention to envir onme ntal inspe ctions ne ar the campus, found t hat the joble ss migrants from rural are s, for example, harassment of students a nd a variety of accide nts, accor ding t o different situati ons reported schoolofficials or the police stat

23、ion i n a timely manner, to prote ct the safety of stude nts. 4, every day before school, teachers remind student s, pay attenti on to traffic safety. 5, shoul d educate students to re spe ct social et hics, and various regulati ons, maintai ning publi c or der, a nd fight t he ba d guys, and grasp

24、the corre ct ways and means of maintaini ng and improvi ng student s ' self-car e abilit y. 6, t he establishme nt of emergency rescue teams of teachers in school s, on hig h alert and de ploye d. song li n xia ng li u jia pi ng elementary school march 2021 song li n xia ng li u jia pi ng primar

25、y school tea hers and student s organi zations out of safety management sy stem organizati on a ctivities betwee n teachers and student s, to dra w up a precise plan a nd security measures m ust be signe d by the school official s to review the programme of a ctivities agree d upon corre ctional ce

26、nter agreed t o imple ment. organization t o the fiel d relatively far or activities re quir e approval by the de puty dire ctor of the e ducation burea u in charge of se curit y. 2, ea ch a ctivity shoul d have a specific responsibility, pay attenti on to t he per sons age, physical match. route 3,

27、 activitie s, location, field surveys should be carrie d out i n adva nce. 4, activities for t he means of transport shoul d explai n the situation to the school to compl y with vehicl e, safety requir ements, before the li ne for repairs. 5, each activity must have se curit y, emergency response pl

28、a n for accide nts. 6, picnics, hiki ng, pi cni c to pay attenti on to fire preve ntion, food poisoning , preventi on of fall accidents 7, t he activitie s near the rivers, reserv oirs, no measure s or do not meet the security requirements of the organi zation a nd not let stude nts into t he wateri

29、n order to e nsure normal tea chi ng or der, protecti ng student s ' healt hy growth, ensuring t hat nati onal pr operty is not lost, to preve nt or minimize the occurre nce of safety acci dent s, follow t he "preve nt, rescue ea ch othe r, ensure safety and re duce losses" pri nci ple

30、, a ccordi ng to the l oca l conditi ons, make t he manageme nt system. 1, t he pri nci pal is t he responsi bility of school safety, school se curity under the lea dership of presi dent security w ork lea ding group. the head tea cher to the l eadership team i s responsibl e for, impl ementation of

31、 the a ccountability system. 2, school monthly st udent knowle dge about safety education, education shouldbe diver sified in t he form every safety educati on for st ude nts of cla sse s per we ek shoul d be targeted. to carry on emerge ncy i ssue s de aling wit h educati on i n ge neral, self-hel

32、p and mutual re scue knowle dge. emergency call s such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on use common sense in e ducation. 3, t he establishme nt of major a ccident re porti ng system. school st ude nts report major accide nt withi n a n hour of education; st udent run a nd disa ppeara nce s to re port

33、; re port of the a cci dent t o a writte n report in tri plicate, a correcti onal ce ntre, a poli ce station, a t ownshi p pe opl e's governme nt shall not conceal the accide nt. 4 week, t ea chers are on duty system, esta blish and improve the lea dership val ues; strengt hen t he e ducation, m

34、anageme nt of teaching activities in school s to e nsure normal teaching order; responsi ble for school safety leader ship always mai ntaine d cl ose contact a nd distri ct police stations, ca nvassi ng support from the police station on school safety a nd help. 5, stre ngthe ning tea chers ' mo

35、ral e ducation, esta blish a de dicate d lov e, improvi ng e ducati on quality, observe the students ' psy chological change s at any time a nd take preventive measure s, no corporal puni shme nt and covert corporal punishment on students, st ude nt out of the classroom, schools may not be. 6, u

36、nits or de partments use st udent street pr opaga nda orparticipate i n the cel ebrations, a s well a s participating i n ot her social work, without approval of the correcti onal centre , school pri nci pals conse nt, without organizati on. without the approval of releva nt de partments, may organi

37、ze students to partici pate in fire fighti ng, disaster relief a nd so on. 7, schools should educate st ude nts to obey t he school r ules a nd reg ulations, on time, on time home t o preve nt accide nts. 8, school to school inspe ctions on a reg ular basis, found hi dden i n time, and in severe cases, it is hard to eliminate immediately closed, and reported to t he local people's government, e ducati on,


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