



1、key to sentence 15, unit 2in the con temporary period, sha nghai as a metropolis inf ested by foreign adventurers since the opening of its commercial port, there was a bitter, blood-ancktear history of many miseries and in equalities referred to as the paradise of adve nturers, sha nghai was in deed

2、 home to "huma n sludge and filth" where one could find opium, dissolute women and gamblers. it was a place that made people indulge in luxury, dissipation and sensuous pleasures, even inducing people to become degenerate however, there is a chfferent picture of shanghai as a modern metrop

3、olis. it has been full of vitality and vigor, displaying its unique intelligenee and wisdom, characterized by an inno vative and enterprising spirit .it has the courage to assume risks and is in possessio n of both the aware ness and mecha nism of competiti on. such a metropolita n men tality in spi

4、res its residents, encouraging them to keep abreast with the changing epochs and to make efforts toward greater progressunit 5 company introductionsi. company introduction1. fixed expressionsengage in, handle a large range of business including hold/abide by the principles of,based by the motto of t

5、he company, with the enterprise spirit of.approved, appointed, permittedfeature, integrate, combineforeignfunded enterprisejoint venturecooperative enterprisewholly foreign-owned enterprise2. translation and tranlatorese(翻譯腔)翻譯腔,是指一種帶有生硬外語風(fēng)格的翻譯方式,是翻譯實踐中的常見病。(1) their strength lay only in the lack of

6、 consciousness on the part of people 他們的力量就在于人民缺乏覺悟。他們之所以顯得強大,是因為人民哈沒有覺悟起來。(2) fujimori's parents were cotton pickers in peru until they opened a tailor shop in downtown lima藤森的父母在秘魯采摘棉花為生,一直到他們在利馬商業(yè)區(qū)開設(shè)裁縫店為止。 藤森的父母原本在秘魯采摘棉花為生,后來他們改行雜利馬商業(yè)區(qū)開裁縫店。(3) there were many forces at work which made virtual

7、ly in evitable the discovery of america at about the time columbus accomplished it.有許多使美洲的發(fā)現(xiàn)俺成為實際上不可避免的事的力量已經(jīng)在哥倫布完成這一發(fā)明吋 期前后起著作用。美洲的發(fā)現(xiàn)實際上是勢所必然的,因為哥倫布到達美洲的前后時期,就已經(jīng)有許多重 要因素在起作用。(4) 輕紡工業(yè)產(chǎn)品的花色品種增多。the desig ns and variety of light in dustrial and textile products have in creased.light in dustry and text

8、ile products are now available in better desig ns and richer variety.(5) 為了實現(xiàn)信息化數(shù)據(jù)化,.in order to achieve the goal of being fully equipped with information and data, in order to achieve informationization and datumization,(6) 密碼 secret code大片 big movie 方便面 convenient noodles 隱形眼鏡 invisible glass青春痘 y

9、outh spot 保稅區(qū) tax-protected zone3. passage translationwhen a corporati on expa nds its activities across its borders and engages in in ter natio nal trade, it could be on the way to become a multinational corporation. a multinational corporati on has in dustrial and commercial orga nizati ons in for

10、eig n coun tries. manu facturi ng plants are established abroad, in conjunction with supporting marketing systems decisions made in a multi natio nal corporatio n are locally in spired but major decisi ons are made by a cen tral man ageme nt,located in the coun try of origin of the multi national co

11、rporati on. decisions made by the managers of a multinational corporation not only reflect their domestic situatio n but also are con cer ned with the in ternational implicati ons.ii. amplification/addition(增譯)and omission(減譯)1. additio naddition means supplying necessary words in translation, makin

12、g the version grammatically correct, semantically clear, rhetorically sound, logically acceptable, and culturally appropriate. cases when word-addition should be applied:a. to make the translation grammaticallv completeb add a word or phrase implied in the source ianguagec. give an explanation to so

13、mething unique in chinese.(1) examplesa. tom canty, born in rags and dirt and misery, what sight is this! (mark twain: the prince and the pauper).譯文一:啊,湯姆康第,生在破爛、骯臟和苦難中,現(xiàn)在這番景象卻是多么顯赫 ??!譯文二:湯姆康第虜采(who was bom)生在可 巴巴的人家(in misery),穿得破破爛爛 (in rags), 一身讖里邇遢(in dirt),現(xiàn)巒what sight is this)殃7*這身裝束,啊,是何等氣 派!

14、b. every family is said to have at least one skeleton in the cupboard.c. advice and correction roll off him like water off a duck's back.d. a book, tight shut, is but a block of paper. 譯文一:一本書,緊緊合上,只是一疊紙。譯文二:一本書,如果緊緊合上不讀,只是一疊紙。 譯文三:一本書,如果緊緊合上不讀,只是一疊廢紙。 譯文四:閑置之書只是一疊廢紙。e success is often just an i

15、dea away.譯文一:成功往往只是一個念頭的距離。譯文二:成功往往只是一念之差。譯文三:成功與否往往只是一念之差。f. great con tributionsgratitudein gratitudegrotesquehesitatein chaoscarelessrumorg. she felt the flowers were in her fin gers, on her lips, growi ng in her breast.these early cars were slow, clumsy, and inefficient.recourse to arms is not t

16、he best solution to a quarrel between countrieswhen japanese companies set out to break into a market, short-term profitability seldom enters the picturethe agreement may be reached before or after the occurrence of a dispute.un less one is aware of the importa nee of promptness, he may end up in su

17、lti ng the people with whom he hopes to establish trade relations.only very slight and very scattering ripples of half-hearted hand-clapping greeted him.he is robin hood and the scarlet pimpernel rolled into one.2. omission(1) by omission we mean we properly omit some words or expressions in order t

18、o make the translation brief, concise, and clear. proper omission in english-chinese translation often involves the omitting of some words (such as prepositions, articles, cartain pronouns, conjunctions, etc) that are indispensable in the sl text but not in the tl text.e. g when a party wishes to tr

19、ansfer all or part of its registered capital contribution to a third party, it shall provide a written notice to the other party.(2) omission of words peculiar to english: prepositions, articles, certain pronouns, conjunct!ons, etce.g you will be in for it if father finds out you have n't been t

20、o school for three days a_parrot can talk like aman.water passes from 比liquid to a solid stated when it freezesaristocratic and democratic tendencies in a nation often show themselves in speech.i don't know how well you know chicago.譯文一、我不知道你對芝加哥的路熟不熟。 譯文二、芝加哥的路,不知道你熟不熟 she's 19 and he's

21、 only 20. he has n't a job. he has a tiny in come, 3,000 a year louisa tells me, and louisa's not a rich woman by any manner of means譯文一.她19歲,他才20歲。他還沒有職業(yè)。他只有一筆小收入,路易莎對我說他一 年收入3000美元,而路易莎絕不是一個有錢人。譯文二.她19,他才20,沒職業(yè),收入少,路易莎對我說,他一年才掙3000美元,而 路易莎也絕不是有錢人。he has bee n abroad so long, he feels rathe

22、r out of it here. he does n't seem able to find anyone in comm on with.譯文一、他在國外住了那么久,他在這里有點不習(xí)慣。他好像找不到一個人能和他說 到一塊c譯文二、他在國外住久了,在這里有點不習(xí)慣,好像跟誰都說不到一塊。an english man, who could not speak chinese ,was once travelling in china.一個英國人,不會說中國話,有一次在中國旅行。one will never stop until one reaches one's goal.wh

23、en those above behave unworthily, those below will do the same.remember: you are not any tom, dick or harry giving his opinion. you are a man who was sent as a representative of british government.upon mutual agreement between the two parties concerned, a dispute may be solved by the impartial decis

24、ion of a third party.in this view, the in terrelati on ship of income, con sumpti on, and in vestme nt, together with the pessimistic expectations following the financial collapse, acted to discourage spending and thus to hin der the recovery of in come unit 6 product descriptionsi. negation (反譯法)1.

25、 definition: in translation, negation means the formal conversion from the affirmative into the negative or vice versa, which is one of the translation techniques2. (1) transfer of the negative (轉(zhuǎn)移否定)a. i don't think he will come.我想他不會來。b we don't believe that our mother tongue is inferior t

26、o any other language in the worldc. rome was not built in a day.d. we do not live to eat, but eat to livee. the whole subject is so obscure, that i have succeeded in throwing hardly any light on it.f. she loves you so well that she has the heart to thwart you in nothing.(2) conversion of the affirma

27、tive in to the negative(肯定譯成否定)a. only five customers remained in the bar.酒吧里只有五個顧客還留著。酒吧里只有五個顧客還沒走。酒吧里只有五個顧客還呆在那兒。b the machine is far from being complicated.這部機器離復(fù)雜甚遠。這部機器點也不復(fù)雜。c. her child was in a terrible state of neglect,d. the doctor lost his patiente. he was deaf to all advicef. this makes t

28、he task of the negro a more healthful a nd reas on able one.g. similar expressions: absent 不在 awkward 不熟練 blind 不注意,看不到 foreign to不適合于,與無關(guān) short of 不夠 ignorant of 不知道h better to reign in hell than serve in heaveni. call a spade a spadej.he who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick.(3

29、) conversion of negative to affirmative(否定譯成肯定)a. yesterday the preside nt gave an unprepared speech before a big audie nee.b nothing is more deceitful than the appearanee of humanity.c. most of the time parents have no worries about their kids playing in the concrete channel, because most of the ti

30、me the river is dry.d by a sudden attack we uncovered the enemy's right flank.我們以突襲使敵人右翼暴露.我們以突襲不掩蓋敵人的右翼.e. he gave me an indefinite answer.f. "i don't know if i ought to have come,z, she said breathlessly, grasping sandy's arm.g. comparison:not better than.不比好no better than=as bad asnot wiser than.不比聰明not


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