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1、12浙江省中考英語(yǔ)模擬試卷親愛(ài)的同學(xué):歡迎你參加考試!本試卷總分110分。做題時(shí)要認(rèn)真審題,積極思考,細(xì)心答題,發(fā)揮你的最 好水平。帶*生詞可在試卷后面小詞典里查尋。最后祝你成功!第一部分聽(tīng)力(不考試)第二部分筆試部分(95分)、單項(xiàng)選擇(本題有 10小題,每小題1分,共10 分)()16. My mom hasbig cat, but I don't Iike her.A. aB. anC. theD.不填()17.I like WatCh ing TV.Me too. I especially like the TV RUnningman ”A. SongB. bookC. sho

2、wD. game()18. do you See the Mome nts On WeChat these days?Seldom. I am busy StUdy ing for my exams.A. HoW ofte nB. HoW IongC. HoW muchD. HoW far()19. People shouldn'smoke in the forest because it' to CaUSe fire.A. excit ingB. difficultC. SloWD. easy()20.-What does Tony look like?Well, he ha

3、s brow n hair andglasses.A. WearSB. WoreC. are Weari ngD. Will Wear()21.Tom, Why do you ride so - ?ThiS is my new bike. I Want to ShoW it to my friends as Soon as possible.A. clearlyB. quicklyC. politelyD. an grily()22. BeCaUSe the Sin ger fell ill, they had tothe PerfOrma nce for a feW days.A. PUt

4、offB. PUt OnC. PUt UPD. PUt out()23. 一I don 'knoW.-Maybe you Can join the En glish club and PraCtiCe SPeak ing En glish With others.B. Whe n I Can improve my En glishD. hoW I Can join the En glish clubA. hoW I Can improve my En glishC. Where I Can join the En glish club()24.Who Will give US a SP

5、eeCh tomorroW?Mr. BroWnMr. Smith. I 'm n Ot sure.B. Either or D. Neither nor A. Both and C. Not only but al so ()25.Hi, SUSa n, hoW are you doing?一I 've had a headache all morning.A. I'm doing fine.B. I'm hav ing a rest.C. Terrible.D. Great.三、完形填空(共15小題,每小題1分,滿(mǎn)分15分)通讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在26

6、-35題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出一個(gè)最佳答案。Like any Other good mother, Karen did WhateVer She could to help her three-year-old son, Michael, get PrePared for a new baby Whe n She found out that ano ther baby WaS On the way. They 26_ that the new baby WaS going to be a girl, and day after day, night after night, M

7、iChaeI Sang to his 27 in Mommy ' S tummyFinally, MiCh ael 'IiSIe SiSter WaS born. BUt She WaS in 28Condition. The baby WaSSent to St. Mary's HOSPital. DayS Went by. The doctor told the Parents “ ThereS Very _29 hope. Be PrePared for the worst.”MiChaeI kept asking his Parents to let 30 Se

8、e his sister. "I Want to Sing to her, he said. ” Two WeekS Passed. It looked as if the worst SitUatiOn would come before the Week WaS over. MiChaeI kept requesting about Singing to his sister, but kids Were 31 allowed in ICU .However, Kare n made UP her mi nd that She would take MiChaeI to See

9、his SiSter who WaS sick.She 32 him in an OVerSiZed scrub* SUit and Went into ICU. The head nurse shouted, “ Gethat kid out of here now! No ChiIdren are allowed. Karen Said “firmly ” *“ HeS notleavi ng 33 he SingS to his sister! MiChaeI WaS Sent 34 his SiSter bed. Se bega n to sing. In the PUre- hear

10、ted 35 of a three-year-old, MiChaeI sang: “ YOUare my sunshine, my OnIy SUnShine; you make me happy When SkieS are gray. 36, the baby girl responded. The pulserate* became calm.MiChaeI kept On 37 U , “You never know, dear, how much I love you. PIeaSe don ' t tak my SUnShine away. ” The breathing

11、 became smooth.MiChaeI kept OnSinging, “ The other ni ght,dear, as I lay sleep in g, I dreamed I held you in my 38_. MiChaeI ' S little SiSter relaxedMiChaeI kept On singing, “ YOUare my sunshine, my Only sunshine. Please don ' tke my SUn Shi ne away.”The next daythe Very n ext day the littl

12、e girl WaS39 e no Ugh to go home!The doctors just thought it a miracle*. Kare n 40it a miracle of love!()26.A. Came outB. got outC. found outD. took out()27.A. brotherB. SiSterC. SonD. daughter()28.A. SeriOUSB.goodC. niceD. fine()29.A. fewB. littleC. a fewD. a little()30.A. USB. meC. herD. him()31.A

13、. SOmetimeSB. neverC. OftenD. always()32.A. WatChedB. PIayedC. dressedD. WOrked()33.A. Un tilB. SinCeC. asD. Whe n()34.A. belowB. besideC. aboveD. dow n()35.A. IetterB. no iseC. CryD. voice()36.A. SUdde nlyB. CarefUIlyC. ReCen tlyD. Sadly()37.A. playi ngB.Say ingC. Si ngi ngD. ask ing()38.A.handsB.e

14、yesC. legsD. arms()39.A. wellB.badC.happyD. excited()40.A. no ticedB.ShOUtedC. calledD. SaW閱讀理解(共15小題,計(jì)30分)閱讀下面短文,從 A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳答案AWolf Totem is a 2015 Chinese-language drama film based On the 2004 Chinese novel of the Same name by LU Jiamin. The film is about a Chin ese StUde nt who is Sent to

15、InnerMon golia. He teaches the local people who take Care of SheeP in the fields. At the Same time, He learns about the wolf population, WhiCh is in a difficult SitUati on.The Beijing FOrbidden City Film Corporation tried to find a Chinese director at the Very beginning, but filming humans With real

16、 wolves WaS ConSidered too difficult. So Jean-JaCqUeS Annaud from France, who had WOrked With animals on other films, became the director. BefOre filming, a Canadian animal trainer trained a dozen little wolves for SeVeraI years in China. With a PrOdUCtion budget* of US$40 million, Annaud filmed Wol

17、f Totem in Inner Mongolia for over a year.The movie first hit the big SCreen at the EUrOPean Film Market On FebrUary 7, 2015. Then people in China could enjoy the film on FebrUary 19, 2015, for the Start of the Chinese NeW Year, and it WaS show n PUbIiCIy in FranCe On FebrUary 25, 2015.()41.The dire

18、ctor of the film isA. LU Jam inB. Jea n-JaCqUeS Ann audC. A Chin ese directorD. A Can adian()42.How long did they film Wolf Totem in Inner Mongolia?A. For more tha n a year.B. For SeVeraI yearsC. For 11 yearsD. For less a year()43.Wolf Totem WaS show n inon FebrUary 19, 2015.A. EUrOPea n Film Market

19、B. Chi naC. FranCeD. Inner Mon goliaBPrague, the CaPitaI and the IargeSt City of the CZeCh Republic, is a beautiful City filled With CUItUre and diversity*. It is also the historical CaPitaI of BOhemia. There are about 1.24 million people there. The City has Warm SUmmerS and chilly Winters.There are

20、 a nu mber of amaz ing CUItUraI attract ions in Prague. Main attract ions in clude the PragUe CaStle, the CharIeS Bridge, Old Town SqUare and so on. Since 1992, the extensive* historic Centre of PragUe has been inCIUded in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites.Entertainment* in Prague can be said

21、to be second to none. Whether you want to go shopping, go sightseeing, or even take a boat down the river, you will be sure to have an amazing experience in this popular city.Eating out in Prague is a great experience and the standards are high with reasonable prices. The Euro is accepted in some ho

22、tels and restaurants, along with certain international shops.With the growth of low-cost airlines in Europe, you can easily get a cheap flight if you book early.All in all, Prague is a fantastic city and no matter what you want, there is something for everyone in Prague. Prague is a city that is bre

23、athtakingly beautiful not only during the summer, but throughout the year.)44. People can do a lot of things in Prague EXCEPT)45.A. taking a boat rideC. going shoppingWhen is a good time to visit Prague?B. going sightseeingD. going fishing)46.A. In summer.C. Anytime during a year.Which of the follow

24、ing is NOT true?B. In winter.D. In spring.)47.A. The extensive historic center of Prague was included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 1992.B. People can use Euro in all shops and hotels.C. The price of the flight to Prague is low in Europe if you book early.D. Prague is well-known for

25、its culture and attractions. The passage is for .A. visitorsB. businessmen C. artistsD. studentsCAt a day care centre in Texas, Jessica McClure was playing outside. Jessica 's mother, who worked at the day care center, was watching her. Suddenly Jessica fell and disappeared. Jessica 's mothe

26、r cried and ran to her.The well in the yard was only seven inches across, and a rock always covered it. But children had moved the rock. When Jessica fell, she fell right into the well. Jessica 's mother ran to a phone and called 911 for help. Men from the fire department arrived. They discovere

27、d that Jessica was about 20 feet down in the well. Then they told Jessica 's parents their plan. “We can't go down into the well ”they said, “It 's so small. So we are going to dig a hole next to the well. We'll dig a tunnel* across to Jessica. When we reach her, we 'll bring her

28、 through the tunnel. Then we 'll bring her up through the tunnel. ”The men began to dig the hole on a Wednesday morning. Two days later, on Friday morning, they were still digging. And Jessica McClure was still in the well.All over the world, people waited for news of Jessica. They read about he

29、r in newspapers and watched her rescue* on TV . Everyone worried about the little girl in the well. At 8:00 p.m. On Friday, the men finally reached Jessica and brought her up from the well. Then doctors rushed herto the hospital. JeSSiCa WaS badly injured but She WaS still alive. A doctor at the hos

30、pital said, JeSSiCa is lucky, She is Very young. She ' not going to remember this well. ”Maybe JeSSiCa will not remember her days in the well. BUt her Parents, her rescuers, and many Other people around the world will not forget them. After Jessica's rescue, One of the rescuers made a metal*

31、 cover for the well. On the cover he wrote, To JeSSiCa, With love from all of us. ”()48. JeSSiCa fell into the well because.A. the well is On Iy SeVe n in CheS acrossB. her mother WaS CareIeSSC. the cover had bee n moved awayD. the well is deep()49. What did the firemen do to help SaVe JeSSiCa?A. Th

32、ey dug a hole beside the well.B. They just Went dow n into the well to bring JeSSiCa up.C. They couldn Sbring JeSSiCa up.D. They rushed her to the hospital.()50.JeSSiCa Stayed in the well for.D. over three daysA. two daysB. over two days C. three days) What Sthe best title for the passage?51.A. A Ba

33、by Loved by All PeopleC. A CareIeSS MOtherB. A LUCky girl S UnlUCky EXPerienceD. The Firemen STaSkThe polluted air you're breathing could be slowly killing you: according to the World HeaIth OrganiZation, around two milliOn people die young from the polluted air every year. Air pollutiOn is a hu

34、ge problem for US all. Chai Jing, a former* TV host, has made a documentary about smog, in SPired by her SiCk daughter. Chai Jing Said She hopes the 103-minute film will SerVe as an anSWer to three questiOnS about smog -What is smog, Where does it come from and What to do about it.Smog is a comb in

35、ati on* of fog and smoke. PM2.5 is One of the most dan gerous PartS of smog, and it CaUSeS the greatest risk t o huma n health. Beiji ng is One of the worst polluted CitieS in China. It is Said that Only five days Were not COVered by heavy smog in Beiji ng in the whole month of JanUaryin 2013. ItS C

36、onCentration* reached a record high of 993 OnJanUary 12, almost 50 times the World HeaIth Orga ni Zati on's Sta ndard.Although smog Can happe n in any busy city, it's a PartiCUIar problem in PIaCeS SUCh as Los An geles Where the local Weather Con diti On is in flue need by the ocea n and n e

37、ighbori ng mountains. Smog becomes so SeriOUS across China, especially in Beijin g, largely because of the high traffic levels, the large amount of coal bur ning, and the low quality of gas*.The smog has made people in Beijing worry about their health. Many are choosing to travel out of the City to

38、avoid the thick smog, while OtherS are buying air PUrifierS to make in door air clean. When the air is harmful, the government SUggeStS people avoiding outdoor activities. OffiCiaIS have also closed some factories and Ordered some government CarS off the road. And they have made rules to StoP new Ce

39、me nt* and steel factories from OPe ning.There's nothing quite like opening the door and breathing fresh and clean air, just Staying in Side is not a good Way to avoid smog, all of US should play a Part to PrOteCt the environment for ourselves and our ChiIdre n and the gover nment should make ru

40、les to stop polluti on.()52. What 'smog?A. It 'a comb in ati On Of fog and smoke. B. It's good for huma n health.C. It's fresh air.D. It ' just PM2.5.()53. ACCOrding to the passage, Why does smogbecome SeriOUS in Beijing?A. The Weather in Beiji ng is in flue need by the ocea n an

41、d n eighbori ng mountains.B. There are too many factories in Beiji ng.C. Beijing is the CaPitaI of China.D. The traffic is busy.()54. The Underlined words PrObabIy mean.A. air Warmi ng machi nesB. air maki ng mach inesC. air clea ning machi nesD. air stopp ing mach ines()55. The documentary is made

42、to tell US.A. the air is badly polluted in Beiji ngB. PM 2.5 is harmful.C. people shouldn 'tgo out When the smog is thick.D. SOmething about smog and What We should do.五、詞匯運(yùn)用(共15小題,計(jì)15分)A.請(qǐng)根據(jù)所給首字母填寫(xiě)單詞,使意思完整并注意其適當(dāng)形式,單詞寫(xiě)完整,每空不 限填一詞。WiSe CanCel COaCh by Cheer56. My best friend always me up.57. Ther

43、e are a lot of things on the Internet, so We have to choose them .58. AS We all know, some of the inven ti ons Were inven ted accide nt.59. On the Way to success, the enCOUraged the PIayerS to keep on trying.60. The baseball match because of the bad Weather yesterday.B.請(qǐng)根據(jù)中文提示完成下面這篇短文,并注意單詞的正確拼寫(xiě)形式,每

44、空不限填一詞。Emma WatSon is one the most excellent61(演員)in the United Kingdom. SheWaS born On 15th April, 1990. She appeared in all 62(A) Harry POtter Films from 2001to 2011 WhiCh earned 63 (她自己) world-wide fame. She con ti nued to work OUtSide of the Harry POtter Films, first Iending her voice to a 64 (著

45、名的) carto on, The Tale of Despereaux.From 2011 to 2014, WatSon SPent her time65 (在之間)working on film PrOjeCtSand continuing her 66(教育),StUdying at Brown UniVerSity and OXfOrd UniVerSity andgraduating from Brown With a degree in 67 (五月) 2014. Also, She helped 68 (倉(cāng)U 造)a Iine of clothi ng for People T

46、ree.She _69_ (贏得)the PriZe of BritiSh ArtiSt of the year 2014. _70_ (幸運(yùn)地),SheWaS appo in ted as a UN WOme n Goodwill Ambassador* that Same year.六、任務(wù)型閱讀(共5小題,計(jì)5分)小明很喜歡各種各樣的科技新產(chǎn)品。請(qǐng)你從A至F的英語(yǔ)說(shuō)明中為小明喜歡的科技產(chǎn)品進(jìn)行匹配(其中一項(xiàng)為多余選項(xiàng))。71.()72.()73.()74.()75.()A. ThiS PengUin knows his tea. JUSt Set his timer and When t

47、he time is up, he'll lift your tea IeaVeS out of the Water for you. GeniUSin a bow tie!B. It looks like a Pair of SUnglasses. BUt it isn' t a real Pair of SUnglasses. Ityou Can Wear it easily. It' S popular among the young.C. Do you Want to make your teeth clea ner and whiter? The electr

48、ic toothbrush Can help you a lot.D. Smart WatCheS are WideIy enjoyed by many people. Now Apple WatCh Can bring you much fun.E. Chi na's first aircraft Carrier Set out On a low-profile Sea trial Wed nesday. It 's the first journey Un der the Chin ese flag.F. The CUP shows different PiCtUreS When the inSide fluids temperature Changes. The hidden PiCtUre appears Whe n hot or cold Water is POUred into the cup. It looks magical.七、書(shū)面表達(dá)(共 20分)在今年的政府工作報(bào)告中,我們的李克強(qiáng)總理強(qiáng)調(diào)說(shuō):“閱讀是一種享受,要把閱讀作為一種生活方式


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