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1、Go for it!(Book 2)Uint 2 Where is your post office?說課稿四都中學張曉丹 ( 習)教材分析問路與指路是常用的生活用語之一,幾乎所有的基礎(chǔ)英語教程中都會涉及這項內(nèi)容,JEFC將這項內(nèi)容編排在初二(上)第六單元,由此可知,本單元的重要性。教案內(nèi)容詞匯.Names of places:post office、 library、 hotel 、 restaurant、bank、supermarket 、 street、 pay phone 、park 、 house、 garden 、 market.Description adjectives:cle

2、an、 dirty、 new、 old 、quiet 、 busy. 其它: enjoy 、 visit、 beginning 、 tour 、 through 、 walk 、 hungry.短語. 介詞短語: next to、 in front of、between 、 behind 、 across from. 其它: take a walk、 have fun.句型. 掌握 there be句型。. 初步認識if句型 . 掌握指路時所常用的祈使句,包括go straight、 turn left/right、 takethe .turning.日常交際用語. 掌握問路常用語:Excus

3、e me.Is there.?/Where is.?. 了解問路的其它用語: Excuse me.Which is the way to.?/Can you tell me the way to.?教案重點. 詞匯. 句型: there be句型. 問路與指路的基本用語教案難點. 設(shè)計一些學生能夠主動參與的活動,讓學生能夠?qū)λ鶎W的知識進行操練與擴展。課時劃分考慮到所教案生的實際情況以及本單元在本冊書中的“前沿”位置,我將本單元細劃分為5 個課時(不包括self-check)。第一課時: Section A 1a-1c第二課時: Section A 2a-2c第三課時: Section A 3a

4、-4第四課時: Section B 1a-2c第五課時:section B 3a-3b1 / 7主要策略1. 教案策略. 提倡循序漸進的教案過程,使學生在認識新知識時有一個心理適應的過程。. 倡導“任務型”教案過程,讓學生“做中學”,“學”是前提,“做”是目的。. 因人因材施教。2. 學習策略. 倡導合作學習的理念,課堂中使學生有盡可能多的合作機會。. 強調(diào)家庭作業(yè)的重要性,提倡學生的自主學習,家庭作業(yè)的形式盡可能的多樣化,比如讓學生準備下節(jié)課的一些課堂道具。教案目標1.知識目標 :. 談論問路與指路. 學會方位介詞next to、 in front of、betweenand、 across

5、 、behind. 學會形容詞 new、 old 、 busy、 quiet 、clean 、dirty 、big 、 small 2. 語言技能. 能圍繞“問路與指路”的交際用語進行交際。* 能用一些形容詞準確地描述和表達自己的觀點。. 能用簡單的圖表、地圖、句子等描述和傳遞信息3. 情感目標. 通過運用簡單的問路和引路的交際用語,學會相互合作,培養(yǎng)樂于助人的精神。. 通過運用問路和引路的交際用語,幫助各個層次的同學樹立自信心,敢于用英語進交際。4. 文化意識. 了解中西方問路與引路方式的不同教案過程The first period(Section A 1a-1c)Warm-UpAsk st

6、udents“Where does he/she live? ” “Where do I live?”,give students theanswer“I live in this neighborhood”(show Ss the picture on the screen).Word-Teach? DirectSsattentiontothepictureonthescreenandaskSs “Whatsthis? ”,present the names of the places on the board.?Giveplentyofopportunityforbothchoral an

7、dindividualrepetitionof thenew words.?Refer to 1a and 1b in Section A on p7.Target language-Teach? HaveSslookatthepictureon thescreenagainandask “Is/Arethere.? ”,presentSstheanswers“Yes,thereis/are. ”“No,thereisn t/aren t. ”.?On the board,write the models.?Have Ss look at the picture and the example

8、 question and answer together,have them take turns practicing asking and answering questions.2 / 7?Invite volunteers to role-play their dialogs.Make a survey?Organize Ss into groups,have them make a survey by asking others in the group questionsYes/nowherepost officelibraryhotelrestaurantbanksuperma

9、rketpay phoneparkHomework?Draw one of the places with color pens.?Complete the conversations according to the illustration in 1a.板書設(shè)計-Is there a.?post office- Yes,there is. Its on.street. /libraryNo,there arent.hotel-Are thereany.?restaurant-Yes there are.They are on.street./bankNo,there arent.super

10、maketparkpay phoneThe second period(Section A 2a-2c)Warm-Up? ReviewthetargetlanguagetaughtlastlessonbyaskingSs“Is/Arethere.?”such as“Is there a post office?”.Word-Teach.Show a stick-figure picture on the screen.schoolmy houseparkmarketCenterstreethotel.Point to the park,say “where is the park? ”get

11、the response ”It s on Center Street ”from Ss,tell Ss we can use other prepositions to describe the locationof the park,present the new prepositions.3 / 7.Put the prepositions on the board,have Ss repeat.To reinforce the understanding,refer to 2a,2b on Page 8 in the book.Check the answers by asking S

12、s“where is.?”.Activity 1: Competition?FocusSsattentiontothepictureon thescreen.Choose4Ss fromdifferentgroup,give each of them 2 minutes to describe the location of a place to see the can say the most different descriptions of one place in the limited time.Target language-TeachModel a dialog on the b

13、oard,have Ss repeat.Orgnize Ss into groups of 4,have them take out their cards of places on the desk and imagine each card as a real place,have them take turns practicing the diagog by changing the locations of their cards.Have less advanced Ss come to the board to perform as places with cards in th

14、eir hands,have advanced Ss perform the dialog according to the locations ofthe “places ”in front.Homework?Draw the places between your house and your school.? Make up new dialogues with the target language according to the picture in 1a,at least 5 different dialogues.板書設(shè)計-Where is.?next to- It s.in

15、front of-Where are.?across from-They are.behindbetweenThe third period(Section A 3a-4)Warm-Up.Show a stick-figure picture on the screen.Ask Ss the locations of the places in the picture.Paul shouseLibraryFood MarketGreenStreetNo.1 MiddleBankRestaurantSchoolBridgeStreetHotelParkPost Office4 / 7.Point

16、 to the boy,say“This is Paul,he wants to go to a hotel.Which is the wayto thehotel? ”presentgostraight,inthesame waypresentturnleft/right、take the.turning.?Refer to 3a,3b on Page 9.Practice.Have Ss take out their picture of their route from their house to the school.Organize Ssintogroupsoffour.Havet

17、hemtaketurnstellingtheirgroupmembers the way to their house or from their house to the school.Monitor themwith vocabulary and grammar.Show a stick-figure map of Sisu on the screen,say“Excuse me.Can you tell methe way to your house?”,have volunteers give their directions.QianyangYang aoChentanZhang a

18、oYangchuanschoolMeixiMei aoBoyan.TellSs they canusedifferentwaysofaskingfordirections.Elicitthequestions from Ss.(take notes while Ss are saying)Activity: A short play set in a street?Have Ss put their pictures or models of the places on the desk and-thedesk as a real place.?Desigh the classroom int

19、o a neighborhood.Organize Ss into groups,have them take on roles of a passer-by and a policeofficer. Homework?Draw a picture of your ideal neighborhood.Write down the route from your home to your school.Make up a dialog between a police officer and a passer-by.Finish off the exercises on Page 5 in P

20、ink Book.Copy the words on Page 9 in the book,twice each.板書設(shè)計-Excuse me.Is there.?go straightWhere is .?turn leftWhich is the way to .?turn rightCan you tell me the way to .?take the.turningThe fourth period(Section B 1a-2c)Warm-upDraw a stick-figurepictureonthescreen,have Ss saythe routesbetweenpla

21、ces.Point to two parks ,one big,one small,have Ss tell the difference,elicitthe two adjectivesbig 、smallfrom Ss.Word-Teach.Show three pairs of items,elicit the three pairs of antonyms.5 / 7.ReinforcewithexamplesSs familiarwith,forexampleourclassisclean,butthe W.C is dirty,etc.Refer to 1a,2a, in Sect

22、ion B.Target language-Teach.Refer to 2a in section B.Check the answers in 2b by asking one student to draw the map of Michaelsneighborhood on the board.Usethere-beclausetodescribetheexistenceofoneof theplaces,haveSsgive the rest answers using there-be clause.Writethe structureof there-beclauseontheb

23、oard.Expainthat there-beclausecandescribethe existenceofitems,presentthenegativeandinterrogativeformsofthere-beclause.Toreinforcetheunderstanding,haveSsmake up sentences about the items in the classroom.Activity: Guess Game.Organize Ss into groups of 4,have them prepare a short description of a plac

24、eusing there-be clause without mention its name.Put an example on the board.“The place is scary at night,its old and big,there are many trees next to it,there isnt a house near it,there are alwaysdead people in it.”,have Ss guess which place is being referred to.When eachgroup is reday,have them tak

25、e turns reading out their descriptions for the restof the class to guess.Homework.Use there-be clause and adjectives to describe your neighborhood.板書設(shè)計There is .cleandirtyThere isn t.newoldIs there .?quietbusyThere are .There aren t.Are there.?The fifth period(Section B 3a-4b)Warm-upAsk Ss “ Do you

26、have a school trip? ” “Do you want to have a school trip? ”“ Why?”etc.Elicit the new words and phrases. ReadingBefore-Reading.Tell Ss that its importannt for us to get information from a tour guide ifwewanttohaveatour.AskSs “What informationcanyoufrom atourguide? ”elicit answers from Ss.(take notes as Ss answering)While-Reading


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