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1、精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載hnda 1精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載1.0 introductionescape tothewildisasuccessfulcompany、whichsellsspecialist clothing for outdoor leisure pursuits through mail order and through asmall number of retail outlets. it is a privately owned company、 which has been in business for over 15 years.

2、 initially、 the range of items available in its mail-order catalogue was extended and the company tookover largerwarehouse premises forstockand dispatchof goods. four years ago、itopeneditsfirstretailoutletand、sincethen、constantly increasedotheroutlets.twoyearsago、 itsetup a websiteforcustomers to or

3、dergoods online.as the businesshas expanded and becomemore complex、 theworkforcehas increasedfrom 20 toapproaching300. the need formore staff has been identified right across the company.butmanagers recruitthestafftheyneed.salaryadministrationis outsourced. and staff training is ad hoc. mangers thin

4、k they spend toomuchtimeon what theyconsidertobe routineand administrationissues.and the increasing number of employees has resulted in the finance section spending too muchtime on staff-related issues and they feel out of their depth. so escape to the wild need to create a human resource function.t

5、he reportisadvisingthemanagingdirectoronthehuman resource functionwould be appropriateforthecompany. inthereport、therehave describe at least four activities that the function will undertake、 thepurpose of the activities and why they are important for helping thecompanytosucceed.inaddition、the report

6、givetherecommendations and reasons about the structure of the human resource function、 include thenumber of staffshould be employed in humanresources、the rolesthey will undertake and their reporting lines. and explains the human resource responsibilitiesleavewithlinemanagers. then isstatethe benefit

7、sfor individual employees of the company having a human resource function.2精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載2.0 main body2.1 four functions of the hrhuman resourcemanagement isconcernedwiththedevelopmentand implementationofpeople strategies、which are integratedwithcorporate strategies and ensures that the cul

8、ture、 values and structure of theorganization. through a series of process for employees、 mobilize the enthusiasm of the employees、 play employees potential、 create value forenterprises、toensuretherealizationoforganizationalgoals.key functions of human resources management is human resources plannin

9、g; recruitment、selectionand induction;employee relations;pay and reward; jobdesignand evaluation;trainingand development.four functionsthat report suggest is recruitment、 selection and induction; job design andevaluation; training and development; employee relations. recruitment、 selection and induc

10、tion、 recruitment is through various information ways to attract talent、 and according to certain standardschoosejobcandidates、withplentyofquantitytosatisfythe organizations human resources need of process. selection is selectapplicants from most likely to choose a job or organization effectivelytha

11、tthemost appropriatepersonnelprocess.inductionisthe candidates who own ability fit to the right position in company、 at the same time、theprocessmust be done fairlyand lawfully.these functionisallowthecompanytousethefreemanagersfrommanagement tasksrelevant recruitment、 ensure a systematic approach to

12、 recruitmentand a fair approach to recruitment、 also continue to support need to more staff tosupport the expansion of the company. and these activities can display as formulate and send out application packs; make the advertisement; release the information online; or arrange selection meetings and

13、other3精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載selection activities. in the case、 the company is continuing to expand、and the need formore staffhas been identifiedrightacrossthe company. due totheincreaseinthenumber ofemployees、managementemployees was increaseddifficultly、so the companyneeds a specialdepartmentto man

14、age the employee s recruitment、 selection and induction. it can help the companypickout the suitableemployees and ensure thatthe company's human resources application is sufficient and high quality.job designand evaluation、jobdesignisa accordingto organizationandindividual needs、 to work content

15、s、 functions and working relationship、thus effectively designed to achieve the organization goals and meet the needs of individuals process. job evaluation is according to certain job evaluation standard、 to work the formal、 the system of comparison andevaluation、alsoreferstomeasure a taskor work fo

16、ra group of relativevalue.jobdesignwillhelpthecompany improvementandperfectof employee relations and motivate their enthusiasm、 and evaluation cansupportfairemployment practiceand a fairpolicyaboutpay and reward. these activitiesincludecreatecommondescriptionswithemployees about new jobsor currentjo

17、bs、and arrangestaffmeeting toensure job content、 also can evaluate employees currently work performance. to the company、the managers alsoconcerned about the inconsistenciesin jobdescriptions、 recruitmentand selectionpracticesand mattersrelatingtoemployee pay and conditions. companies need to have the job a


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