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1、adjust adjustment administration admirable admire admission admit adolescent adopt adult advance advantage adventure advertise advertisement advice advise advocate affair affect affection afford afraid africa african after afternoon afterward(s) again against age agency agenda agent aggressive ago a

2、gree agi'eement agricultural agriculture ahead aidaids aim air aircraft airline airmail airplane airport airspace alann album alcohol alike alive 汕 alley allocate allow allowance all right almosta a (an) abandon ability able abnormal aboard abolish about above abroad abrupt absence absent absolu

3、te absorb abstract abundant abuse academic academy accelerate accent accept acceptable access accessible accident accommodation accompany accomplish according account accountant accuracy accurate accuse accustomed ache achieve achievement acid acknowledge acquire acquisition acre across act action a

4、ctive activity actor actress actual acute ad ad =advertisement adapt add addition address adequateapplause apple applicant application apply appoint appointment appreciate appreciation appropriate approval approve approximately arch architect architecture area argue argument arise (arose, arisen) ar

5、m armchair army around arrange arrangement arrest arrival arrive arrow art article artificial artist as ash ashamed asia asian aside ask asleep aspect assignment assist assistance assistant associate association assume assumption astonish at athlete athletic atlantic the atlantic ocean atmosphere at

6、om attach attack attain attemptalone along alongside aloud alphabet already also alternative although altogether always am amateur amaze amazing ambassador (ambassadress) ambiguous ambition ambulance among amount ample amuse amusement analyse analysis ancestor ancient and anger angle angry animal an

7、kle anniversary announce announcement annoy annual another answer ant antique anxiety anxious any anybody anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartment apologize apology apparent appeal appear appearance appendix appetite applaudattend attention attentively attract attraction attractive aud

8、ience authentic author authority automatic autumn available avenue average avoid awake (awoke, awoken) award aware away awful awkwardbbaby bachelor back backache background backward(s) bacon bad (worse, worst) badly bag baggage bake bakery balance balcony balll ballet balloon bamboo ban banana band

9、bandage bank bar baibecue barber barbershop bare bargain bark bar rier base baseball basement basic basin basis basketbasketballbat bath bathe bathrobe bathroom bathtub battery battle bay bc be (am, is, are, was, were, being, been); beach bean bear beard beast beat (beat, beaten) beautiful beauty be

10、cause become (became, be come) bed bedding bedroom bee beef beer before beg begin(began,begun) beginning behalf behave behaviour behind being belief believe bell belly belong below belt bench bend (bent, bent) beneath beneficial benefit bent beside besides betray between beyond bicycle bid big bike

11、= bicycle bill biology bird birthbirtliday birthplace biscuit bishop bit bite (bit, bitten) bitter black blackboard blame blank blanket bleed bless blind block blood blouse blow blow (blew, blown) blue board boat body boil bomb bond bone bonus book booklet boom boot border bored boring bom borrow bo

12、ss both bother bottle bottom bounce boundary bow bowl bowling box boxing boy boycott brain brake branch brand brave bravery bread break break (broke, bro ken) breakfast breakthroughbreastbreathbreathebreathlessbrickbridebridegroombridgebriefbrightbrilliantbring (brought, brought)britainbritishbroadb

13、roadcastbroadcast (broadcast, broadcasted5ed) broken broombrotherbrownbrunchbrushbudgetbuffetbuild (built, built)buildingbumpbunchburdenbureaucraticburglarburn (一ed, -ed burnt, burnt)burstburybusbus stopbushbusinessbusinessman (pl. businessmen) businesswoman (businesswomen) busy but butcher butter b

14、utterfly buttonbuy (bought,bought)bybyeccabcabbagecafecafeteriacagecakecalculatecallcalmcamelcamerachair chairman (pl. chairmen) chairwoman (pl. chairwomen) chalk challenge challenging champion chance change changeable channel chant chaos chapter character characteristic charge charity chart chase c

15、hat cheap cheat check cheek cheer cheer up cheerful cheers chccsc chef chemical chemist chemistry cheque (check) chess chest chew chicken chief child (children) childhood chocolate choice choke choose (chose, chosen) chopsticks christmas church cigar cigarette cinema circle circuit circumstance circ

16、us citizen city civil civilian civilization claim clapcamp campaign can (could) cant = can not (modal v.) canal cancel cancer candidate candle candy canteencap capablea capital capsule captain caption car carbon card care career careful ciireless carpenter carpet carriage carrier carrot carry cartoo

17、n carve case cash cassettle cast (cast, cast) castle casual cat catalogue catastrophe catch(caught,caught) category cater catholic cattle cause cautio n cautious cave ceiling celebrate celebration cell cent (1(x) cents = 1 dollar) centigrade ccntimctic (centimeter) central centre (center) century ce

18、remony certain certificate chaincommon communicate communication communism communist community companion company compare compensate compete competence competition complaint complete complicated component composition comprehension compulsory computer concentrate concept concern concerned concert conc

19、lude conclusion concrete condition condemn conduct conductor conference confident confidence confidential confirm conflict confuse congratulate congratulation connect connection conscience conscious consequence conservation conservative consider considerable considerate consideratio n consist consis

20、tent constant constitution constrict construction consult consultant consume contactclaiifyclass classic classical classify classmate classroom clause claw clay clean cleaner clear clearly clerk clever click client climate climb clinic clock clone close cloth clothes clothing cloud cloudy club clue

21、clumsy coach coal coast coat cocoa ccxie coffee coin coke cold collapse collar colleague collect collection college colour (color) column comb combine combi nation come (came, come) comedy comfort comfortable command comment commericial commission commit commitment committeecrime criminal crisis cri

22、tic critical criticism criticize crop cross crossing crossroads crowd crowded cruel cry cube cubic culture cup cupboard cure curious cuitency cuitent adj. cur riculum curtain custom customer customs cut (cut, cut) cute cycle cyclistd dad = daddy daily dam damage damp dance danger dangerous dare dark

23、 darkness darling dash data database date daughter dawn day dead deadline deaf deal dear death debate debt decadecontain container contemporary content context contin ent continue conti-act contradict contradictory contrary con tribute contr ibution control convenience convenient conventional conver

24、sation convey convince cook cooker cookie cool cooperation cope (with) copy com comer coiporation correct correction correspond cor l-upt cost (cost, cost) cottage cotton cough could modal council count counter country countiyside county couple courage course court courtyard cousin cover cow crack c

25、rash crayon crazy cream create creature credit crewdecide decision declare decline decorate decoration decrease deed deep deer defeat defence (defense) defend define definite definition degree delay delete deliberately delicate delicious delight delighted deliver demand demanding deny dentist dcpart

26、mcnt(dcpt.) departure depend deposit depression depth describe description desert deserve design desire desk desperate despite dessert desti nation destroy destmetion detail detective detennination detennine develop development device devote devotion diagram dial dialogue (dialog) diamond diary dict

27、ationdictionary die diet differ difference different difficult difficulty dig (dug, dug) digest digital dignity dimension dinner dinosaur dip diploma direct direction director directory dirty disability disabled disadvantage disagree disagreement disappear disappoint disappointment disaster discipli

28、ne discount discourage discover discovery discrimination discuss discussion disease disgusting dish disk =disc dislike dismiss display distance distant distinction distinguish distribute district disturb disturbing dive diverse divide division divorce dizzy do (did, done) donrt=do not doctor documen

29、teconomy edge edition editor educate educator education educational effect effective effort egg either elder elderly elect electric electrical electricity electronic elegant elephant else e-mail embarrass embassy emergency emotion emotional emperor emphasize employ employer employment empty enable e

30、ncourage encouragement end ending endless enemy energetic energy engine engineer engineering english a. enjoy enjoyable enlarge enough enquiry ensure enter enterprise entertainment enthusiastic entire entitle entrance entry envelopedog doll dollar domestic donate door dormitory (dorm) dot double dou

31、bt down download downstairs downtown downward dozen dr = doctor draft drag draw (drew, drawn) drawer drcam (dreamt, dreamt cd, -cd) dress drill drinkdrink (drank,dmnk) drive(drove,driven) driver drop drug drum drunk dry duck due dull dumpling during prep dusk dust dustbin dusty dutydvd (digital vers

32、atile disk) dynamic dynastye each eager eagle e<ir early earn earth earthquake cast easter eastern easy eat (ate, eaten) ecology economicenvwonment environmental envy equal equality equip equipment eraser error erupt escape especially essay essential establish europe european evaluate even evenin

33、g event eventually ever every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evidence evident evil evolution exact exam = examination examine example excellent except exception exchange excite excuse exercise exhibition exist existe nee exit expand expect expectation expense expensive experience

34、experiment expert expkiin explanation explicit explode exploit explore exportexpose express expression extension extent extra extraordinary extreme eye eyesightfface facial facility fact factor factory fade fail failure fair faith fall fall (fell, fallen) false familiar family famous fan fancy fanta

35、stic fantasy far (farther, farthest further、furthest) fare farm farmer fascinating fashion fast fasten fat father fault favour (favor) favourite (favorite) fax fear feather feature federal fee feed (fed, fed) feel (felt, felt) feeling fellow female fence feny festival fetch fever fewfibre (fiber) fi

36、ction field fierce fight fight (fought, fought) figure file fill film final finance financial find (found, found) fine finger finish fire fireworks firm fish fisherman fit fix flag flame flash flashlight flatflee (fled, fled) flesh flexible flight float flood floor flour flow flower flu fluency flue

37、nt fly fly (flew, flown) focus fog foggy fold folk follow fond food fool foolish foot (feet) football for forbid (forbade, forbidden) force forecast forehead foreign foreigner foresee (foresaw, foreseen) forest foreverforget (forgot, forgotten) forgive (forgave, forgiven) fork form formal fonnatr)rm

38、er fortnight fortunate fortune forty forward found fountain fox fragile fragrant framework franc free freedom freeway freeze (froze, frozen) freezing frequent fresh fridge =rcfrigcrator friend friendly friendship frighten frog from front frontier frost fruit fry fuel full fun function fund fundament

39、al funny fur furnished furniture futureg gain gallery gallon game gap garage garbage garden gardeninggreedy green greengrocer greet greeting grey / gray grill grocery ground group grow (grew, grown) growth guarantee guard guess guest guidance guide guilty guitar gun guy gym =gymnasium gymnasticsh ha

40、bit hair haircut half hall ham hamburger hammer hand handbag handkerchief handle handsome handwriting handy hang(hanged,hanged) hang (hung, hung) happen happily happiness happy harbour (harbor) hard haidly hardship haixlworking harm harmfu harmonious hannony harvest hat hate have (has, had, had) he

41、head headachegarlic gaitncnt gas gate gather gay gene general generation generous gentle gen tieman geography gesture get (got, got) gift gifted girl give (gave, given) glad glance glare glass global globe glory glove glue go (went, gone) goal goat god gold golden golf good (better .best) goods goos

42、e (geese) govern govemme nt gown grade gradual graduate graduation grain gram grammar grand grandchild granddaughter grandma = grandmother grandpa = grandfather grandparents grandson granny grape graph grasp grass grateful gravity greathour house household housewife housework how however hug huge hu

43、man human being humorous humour (humor) hundred hunger hungry hunt hunter hurricane hurry hurt (hurt, hurt) husbandi i iceice-cream idea ideal identity identification identify idiom if ignoreill illegal illness illustrate image imagination imagine immediate immediately immigration impact imply impor

44、t importance important impossible impress impression impressive improve improvement in inch incident incidentally include including incomeheadline headmaster health healthy hear (heard, heard) hearing heart heat heating heaven heavy heavily height helicopter hell hello helmet help helpful hen her he

45、re hero hers herself hesitate hi hide (hid, hidden) high highway hill him himself hire his historic historical history hit (hit, hit) hobby hold (held, held) hole holiday holy home homeland hometow n homework honest honey honour (honor) hook hope hopeful hopeless horrible horse hospital host hostess

46、 hot hot dog hotelincrease indeed independence independent indiaindian indicate individual industrial industry infection inflation influe nee inform information initial injure injury ink inn inner innocent insect insert inside insist inspect inspire install instance instant instead institute institu

47、tion instruct instruction instrument insurance insure intellectual intelligence intelligent intend intention interest interested interesting internal international internet interptret interpreter intermpt interval interview into introduce intixxluction invent invention invest investigate invitationi

48、nvite involve ireland irish a. iron ir r igate ir rigation island issue “ititalianitaly item its itselfjjacketjamjapan japanese jar jaw jazz jeans jeep jet jewelry job jog join joint joke journalist journey joy judge judgement juicejuly jump june jungle junction junior just justice justifyk kangaroo

49、 keen keep (kept, kept) keeper kettle keyboard kick kid kill kilo kilogram kilometre kindy 1 e pi dkem mnd aa a a alet (let, let) letter level liberal liberation liberty liberate librarian library license lid lie (lay, lain) life (lives) lift light lightning like likely limit limited line link lion

50、lip liquid list listen literally literary literature litre (liter) litter little (less, least) live lively living load loaf loan local location lock lonely long look link loose lorry lose (lost, lost) loss lost lot loud loudly lounge love & lovely low luck lucky luggage lump lunchkindergarten ki

51、ndness king kingdom kiss kitchen kite knee knife (knives) knock know( knew,known) knowledgellab = laboratoiy labour (labor) lack ladder landscapelane language lap laptopo large last late lately later latest latter laugh laughter launch laundry law lawyer lay (laid, laid) layer lazy lead (led, led) l

52、eader leadership leaf (leaves) league leak learn (learnt, learnt; ed ed) learned least leather leave (left, left) lecture left leg legal lemon lemonade lend (lent, lent) length lessonlungm machine mad magazine magic maid mail mailbox main mainland maintain major majority make 1 (made,made) male man

53、(men) manage manager mankind man-made manner many (more, most) map marathon march margin mark market marriage married marry marvelous mask mass massive master mat match material mathematics =math / maths matter mature maximum may modal may maybe me meal mean(meant,meant) meaning means meanwhile meas

54、ure meat medal media medical medicine medium meet (met, met) meeting melon member membership memorial memory memorize mend mental mentally mention menu merchant merciful mercy merely merry mess message metal method metre (meter) mexican mexico microscope microwave middle midnight might migration mil

55、d mile militaiy niilk million millionaire mind mine mineral minibus minimum minister ministry minor minority minus minute mirror misery miss miss mist mistake (mistook, mistaken) mistakenmisunderstand (-stood, -stood) mix mixturemm = millimetre mobile mobile phone model modem modernmodestmom =mum mo

56、ment mommy = mummy monday money monitor monkey month monument mood moon mop moral more (muchmany) moreover morning mosquito mother motlierland motivation motor mountain mountaiiiou mouse (mice) moustache mouth move movement moviemr. (mister) mrs. (mistress) ms.mud muddy mug multiply mum mummy murder

57、 muscle museum mushroom music musical musician must modal mutton my myself mystery mysteryn nail name narrow nasty nation national nationality nationwidenative natural nature navy near nearby nearly neat necessary neck necklace need needle negative negotiate negotiation neighbour (neighbor) neighbou

58、rhcxxl (neighborhcxxl) neither nephew nervous nest net network never nevertheless new newsnewspaper next nice niece night nine nineteen ninety ninth nono = number noble nobody nod noise noisily noisy none nonsense noodle noon nor nonnal north northeast northern northwards northwest nose not note notebook nothing notice novelnovelist november now nowadays noway nowhere nuclear numb number numerous nurse nursery nuto obey object objective observe obtain obvious


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