中醫(yī)學(xué)教學(xué)課件:05 病機英文版_第1頁
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1、病 機 病機,是指疾病發(fā)生、發(fā)展與變化的機理。病邪作用于人體,機體正氣奮起抗邪,正邪相爭,人體陰陽失去相對平衡,使臟腑、經(jīng)絡(luò)、氣血的功能失常,從而產(chǎn)生全身或局部多種多樣的病理變化。 Pathogenesis is mechanism of onset,development and chang of disease.When the pathogens attack the human body, the bodys vital qi is bound to rise against the pathogens, forming the conflict between vital qi an

2、d pathogens. Their conflict is bound to destroy the relative balance of yin and yang to cause the dysfunction of the zang-fu organs and meridians, or the disturbance of qi and blood. Thus bringing about a variety of local or general pathological changes.病 機 包括:正邪相爭、陰陽失調(diào)、氣機失常等。 The conflict between t

3、he vital-qi and pathogens Disharmony of yin and yang The Disturbance of qi and blood病 機 病機陰陽失調(diào)正邪相爭精、氣、血、津液失常病邪出入虛實變化陰陽格拒陰陽互損陰陽偏衰陰陽偏盛陰陽亡失精、氣、血、津液失常正邪相爭 The conflict between the vital-qi and pathogens正邪相爭與發(fā)病 正氣,是指人體的機能活動及其產(chǎn)生的抗病、康復(fù)能力,簡稱為“正”。Vital qi refers to function activities and the resistance and

4、recovery capacity of the body. 邪氣,則泛指各種致病因素,簡稱為“邪”。Pathologenic qi generally refers to various pathogens causing disease.正邪相爭與發(fā)病 正氣不足是發(fā)病的內(nèi)在因素A deficiency of vital qi is the inner basis of pathogenesis邪氣侵襲是發(fā)病的重要條件The invasion of pathogenic qi is the important condition of pathogenesis 正邪相爭的結(jié)果決定發(fā)病與否 T

5、he situation of struggle between vital and the pathogen determines whether a disease occurs or not正邪盛衰與病邪出入 正邪之間消長盛衰變化,必然導(dǎo)致疾病發(fā)展趨勢上出現(xiàn)表邪入里,或里邪出表的病理變化過程,亦即病邪出入.表邪入里superficies pathogens involving interior 指外邪侵襲人體,首先停留于機體肌膚衛(wèi)表引發(fā),而后則內(nèi)傳于里,轉(zhuǎn)化為里證的病理傳變過程。是疾病向縱深發(fā)展的反映,多由于機體正氣受損,疾病能力減退,正氣不能制止病邪的致病作用,病邪得以向里發(fā)展;或因邪

6、氣過盛,或因失治、誤治等,指表邪不解,傳變?nèi)肜锒伞?the process of a disease whereby the external pathogen attacks the exterior first, and then enters the interior,impairing visceral functions里邪出表 Interior Diseases Getting Exterior 指病邪由里透達于表的傳變過程。是邪有出路,病勢有好轉(zhuǎn)和向愈之機的反映,多因正氣漸復(fù),邪氣日衰,正氣驅(qū)邪外出所致。 Refers to a process of interior path

7、ogens getting exterior . It means that pathogens have its way out and the disease is going to cure, mostly resulting from vital qi is recovering and pathogenic qi is declining. 正邪盛衰與虛實變化 虛實病機mechanism of excessive and deficiency虛實變化 The change of excessive and deficiency實:主要指邪氣亢盛,是以邪氣盛為矛盾主要方面的一種病理反映

8、。即致病邪氣和機體抗能力都比較強盛,或邪氣雖盛而機體的正氣未衰,尚能積極與邪氣抗爭,故而正邪相搏,斗爭劇烈。the pathogens are excessive, the vital qi is also strong. Clinically, a sort of pathological reactions of excess ensue with the fierce and obvious struggle between vital qi and pathogens, which is known as excess syndrome 虛:主要指正氣不足,是以正氣虛損為矛盾主要方面的

9、一種病理反應(yīng)。即機體的精、氣、血、津液虧少和臟腑經(jīng)絡(luò)的生理功能減退,抗病能力低下,因而機體正氣對于致病邪氣的斗爭,難以出現(xiàn)較劇烈的病理反應(yīng)。 deficiency syndrome is meant a syndrome caused by inadequate of vital qi, or a pathological reaction with the deficiency of vital qi as the dominant factor of the contradiction. That is, the vital qi become too deficient to resis

10、t pathogens because of the dysfunctions of qi, blood, body fluid, zang-fu organ and meridians. Consequently, the conflict of vital qi and pathogens may not produce intense pathological reaction and a series of insufficient manifestations arise, so called deficiency syndrome. 邪氣盛則實精氣奪則虛 虛實錯雜(mixed sy

11、ndromes of excess and deficiency):是指在疾病發(fā)展過程中,由于病邪與正氣相互斗爭,邪盛和正衰同時并存在的病理狀態(tài)。 虛實轉(zhuǎn)化( transformation between deficiency and excess):是指在疾病發(fā)展過程中,由于實邪久留而損傷正氣,或正氣不足而致實邪積聚所導(dǎo)致的虛實病理轉(zhuǎn)化過程 .虛實真假(true-false of excess-deficiency):是指在疾病發(fā)展過程中某些特別情況下,疾病的現(xiàn)象與本質(zhì)不完全一致的時候,可出現(xiàn)與疾病本質(zhì)不符的假象 .虛實錯雜 虛中夾實(deficiency syndromes mixed w

12、ith excess ones):指以正虛為主,又兼夾實邪結(jié)滯于內(nèi)的病理狀態(tài)。實中夾虛(excess syndromes mixed with deficiency ones):指以邪實為主,又兼有正氣虛損不足的病理狀態(tài)由實轉(zhuǎn)虛(deficiency transformed from excess):是指本來以邪氣盛為矛盾的主要方面的實性病理變化,轉(zhuǎn)化為以正氣虧虛為主要方面的虛性病變的過程。the process of a disease turning from excess of pathogenic qi into deficiency of vital qi因虛致實(conversio

13、n of deficiency into excess):是指本來以正氣虧損為矛盾主要方面的虛性病理變化,由于臟腑功能衰弱,水濕、痰飲、瘀血等實邪留滯蓄積體內(nèi),轉(zhuǎn)化為邪實為主要方面的實性病變的過程。the process of a disease turning from deficiency of vital qi into excess of pathogenic qi真虛假實true deficiency with pseudo-excess symptoms:.是指本質(zhì)為正氣不足,但由于臟腑虛衰,氣血不足,運化無力,而出現(xiàn)邪實假象的病理狀態(tài)。真實假虛true excess syndro

14、m with pseudo-deficiency symptoms:是指本質(zhì)為邪氣虛實,但由于實邪結(jié)聚于內(nèi),阻滯經(jīng)絡(luò),致使氣血不能暢達于外,而出現(xiàn)正虛假象的病理狀態(tài)。在正常情況下,人體陰陽維持著相對的、動態(tài)的平衡與協(xié)調(diào),即所謂“陰平陽秘”( relative equilibrium of yin-yang)。陰陽失調(diào),是陰陽之間失去平衡協(xié)調(diào)的概稱陰陽失調(diào)是指機體在疾病過程中,由于致病因素的作用,導(dǎo)致機體陰陽兩個方面失去相對協(xié)調(diào)與平衡,從而形成陰陽偏盛、偏衰、互損、轉(zhuǎn)化、格拒、或亡失的病理狀態(tài)。 In the course of occurrence, development and final

15、 outcome of a disease, disharmony of yin and yang will occur under the action of pathogens, resulting in such pathological manifestations as relative excess or deficiency of either yin or yang, mutual impairment, repellence and depletion of yin and yang陽偏勝:“陽勝則熱” predominance of yang leading to heat

16、陰偏勝:“陰勝則寒” predominance of yin leading to cold陰陽偏衰陽偏衰:“陽虛則寒” yang deficiency leading to cold陰偏衰:“陰虛則熱” deficiency of YIN causing heat syndrome陰陽互損陰損及陽陽損及陰陰陽俱虛yang deficiency affects yin while yin deficiency affects yang陰陽格拒陰盛格陽:真寒假熱excessive yin refusing yanga pathological state in which extremely e

17、xcessive yin entrenched in the exterior forces the asthenic yang to float on the body surface, leading to pseudo-heat symptoms 陰陽格拒陽盛格陰:真熱假寒excessive Yang refusing Yina pathological state in which extremely excessivetyang trapped in the interior keeps insufficient yin in the exterior, leading to pseudo-cold symptoms 陰陽亡失亡陰亡陽陰陽離決精氣乃絕depletion of both yin and yang finally lead to separation of yin and yang氣機失常 氣機失常又稱為氣機失調(diào),是指在


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