1、祝考試順利7. Why is the WOman worried?A. rhe Weather is badB. The report is not finished.C. An appointment Win be delayed 聽(tīng)第7段材料,回答第8至10題.8. What are the SPeakerS mainly talking about?A. What job to do in the future.B. Whieh PrOfeSSOr to follow.C. What abilities to POSSeSS9. What SUbjeCt (IOeS the man Pr
2、ObabIy prefer?C. Art.C. Painting pictures.C. At a restaurant.C. In a ShOPPing centre.A. History.B Politics.10. What is the WOman good at doing?A. WOrking With people. B. Dealing With kids. 聽(tīng)第8段材料,回答第11至1311. Where does the COnVerSatiOn PrObably take place?A. At home.B. At SChOOL12. Where does the gi
3、rl Iike to talk With her friends?A In a CafB. In a CIaSSrm13. What does Ihe man advise the girl to do?A. ShOP With her friends.B. GiVe the form to her teacher.C. Get in touch With her friends Oftene聽(tīng)第9段材料,回答第14至16題.14. What ClOeS the WOman think Of the IiVing expenses in the city?A. Very high.B. JUS
4、t Okay.15. What does the WOmanA. Meals.SPend most on?B. Trains.C. FairIy low.C. Clothes.What does IheWoman Clo in her free time?A See films.B Travel abroad.C. GO for a drink.聽(tīng)第10段材料回答第17至20題。17. What do We know about the travel destination COSta Rica?A. IttS SUitable for newly-married couples.B. Iti
5、 SllitahIe for a family With ChildrenC. IttS SUitabIe for Old people.18. WhiCh IangUage do the IOCaIS SPeak in COSta Rica?A. English.B. French.C. Spanish.19. What Can travelers See in COSta Rica?A Sand beaches.B Dead volcanoes.C FiSh farms.20 HOW much WiIl it COSt a family to travel in COSta RiCa?A.
6、 80 dollars.B. 185 dollars.C. HaIf Ihe COSt Of a trip to DiSneyIand.第二部分閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿(mǎn)分40分)第一節(jié)(共15小題;每小題2分,滿(mǎn)分30分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。AThere are SO many breathtaking famous CaStleS in the WOrld and it's Very hard to make a list. Here are SOme (IireCtor's picks. You*re WeICOme to ad
7、d a COmment With your favorite CaStles.CaStIe HOWard YOrkShireC. HOWardf YOrkShire is One Of the grandest and most famous CaStleS as Well as the PriVate residence in Britain. ThiS beautiful PalaCe Of EUrOPe has been home to the HOWar(I family for OVer 300 years. It is 15 miles north Of York. Tday. i
8、t is Part Of the TreaSUre HOUSeS group Of Eeritage houses. LOCatiOnX CaStle HOWardf YOrk YO60 7DA UK Timing: The Garden is OPen daily from IOam4PmNeaSChWanStein CaStIet GerInanyThiS CaStle is One Of the most famous CaStIeS in the world. ThiS CaStle WaS built by LUdWig II Of BaVaria as a PerSOnal ref
9、uge. After he died in 1886 NeUSChWanStein OPenS to the Paying PUbIiC and has OVer 60 million ViSitOrS in a year NeUSChWanStein is a 120-year-old IUXUry CaStlef WhiCh has a remarkable VieW Of two lakes* IWO CaStles towns» and IOCaIities.TiCketS Can be reserved Online Or you Can buy at the TiCket
10、 Center in the Village Of HOhenSChWangaU below the castle. LoCation: NeUSChWanSt&nStra Be 20, 87645 Schwangau, Germany Timing5 SUnday to SatUrday 8am5mEdinbUrgh Castle9 SCOtlandThiS CaStle is a historic fortress (城堡WhiCh dominates the SkyIine Of the City Of Edinburgh. In IhiS CaStlet different P
11、artS Of Ihe CaStle Were COnStrUCted in different CentIIrieSt from the 12th to the 20th CentUry. It is the most famous Iandmark and One of the most famous CaStleS in the world. The CaStle is StiIl in USe today for CeremOnial and military PUrPOSeS and also rented for Wedding receptions. LOCation: CaSt
12、lehilI» EeIinbUrgh EHl 2NG, UK TiminR: SUnday to SatUrday 9 X 30am-5PTn21. WhiCh Of the following demand(s) admission fees?A. CaStle HOWardt YOrkShire.B. NeUSChWanStein Castle, Germany.C. E(IinbUrgh CaStlet Scotland.D. All Of them.22. What do We know about CaSHe Howard?A. It boasts Iake view.B.
13、 It is the Iandmark Of the UK.C. It OnCe SerVed as a PriVate house. D. It has the IOngeSt OPening hours23. WhiCh is NOT available in EdinbUrgh Castle?A. HaVing a gd VieW Of EdinbUrghB. HOlding a Wedding CeremOny there.C APPreCiating ancient art and architecture.D. HOnOring the nation s military trad
14、ition.d been Irying for WeekS to COme UP With an idea for my next book. And then SUddenly the idea Camer Why not Write about a Celebrity reporter Signing UP as a hospital VOlUnteer SO She COUld gain access to a movie Star WhO WaS a Patient Of the hospital? The heroine WOUld be motivated totally by h
15、er Career Until She Iearned that in helping OtherSt We help ourselves.SOUnded Iike a romantic COmedy With UPIifting message, but first> there WaS the matter Of research. d have to ObSerVe hospital volunteers. I headed OVer to my nearby hospital and asked the (IireCtOr Of VOlUnteerS if I might han
16、g around for a day Or two just to research my story. Her answer. "No. If you really Want to See What it's Iike to be a VOIUnteerI you ShOUld become one."BeCOme a volunteer? I WaS not Wild about being in CIOSe to PeOPle With germs (細(xì)菌) I WOUld just SkiP the research, I thought, then rem
17、inded myself that I did need to SPend quality time at the hospital if I Wanted to Write Cre(Iibly about my heroinets journey. SO I Signed UPt WaS given my UnifOrm and ID badge (微章).and reported for duty. My “job” WaS to Wheel a magazine Cart throughout the Iarge facility and, in the process, be a Sh
18、OUlder to Iean on.At the beginning, my focus WaS On my novel. And then a funny thing happened: I StOPPed researching and Started realizing that I might actually be making a difference in PeOPIe,5 lives. A WOman who,d just been diagnosed With IUng CanCer thanked me for brushing her hair and applying
19、her IiPStiCk A man WhO WaS WaSting away from AIDS Called me his UangeInf SimPly because I took twenty minutes to note down the Ietter he dictated to his mother.NOW IOng after finishing my bk I COntinUed to volunteer. FriendS WOUId ask* "Isn't it (IePreSSing at that place?M “On the contrary,
20、" d Say and mean it.24 Why did the author Want to ObSerVe hospital volunteers?A. She intended to Write StOrieS about themB. She WaS PreParing for her VOlUnteering jobs.C. She hoped to gain access to a movie star.D. She Wanted to make her heroine's StOry realistic.25. What Can We infer from
21、ParagraPhS 3&4?A The author WaS determined to become a VOlUnteer in the beginning.B. The author WaS meant to ShOUlder the responsibility Of the patients.C. The PatientS the author met and the appreciation She received Changed her.D. The PatientS relied On the author to help them SUrViVe in the h
22、ospital.26. In What Way is the author SimiIar to the heroine Of her book?A. MOtiVated by their Career they succeed.B. By Iifting other's spirits* they Iift their own.C. Being volunteers, they SPread UPIifting messagesD. By PrOViding SUPPOrt to OtherSl they are appreciated.27. What Can be a SUita
23、ble title Of the passage?A. My Turn: Life as a HOSPital Volunteer.B. My DiSCOVery: I Can Make a Difference.C. My InVeStiRation: CelebritieS in Hospital.D. My Identity: a VOlUnteer in a HOSPitaLCNANCHANG - In the ChineSe LUnar Year Of the Pig PigS have attracted a Iarge amount Of attention as there h
24、as been a huge rise in the PriCe Of POrk» ChinyS major meat9 resulting in high IiVing costs. China's Pig herd (群)has ShrUnk COnSiderably due to multiple factors including an OUtbreak Of AfriCan SWine fever (非洲豬瘟and the bad CffeCt Of the IaSt market CyCle When IOW POrk PriCeS drove many OUt
25、Of business.XiOng LijiaO9 a resident in NanChang, a major pig-breeding region, Said her family eats IeSS POrk now. e*Prices Of POrk have doubled* making it much more expensive. " Said Xiong. The WCekly average PriCe Of a CarCaSS-WCight hog (劇體瘦肉型生f) in 16 PrOVinCiaI-ICVel regions WaS 37. 57 yua
26、n ( $ 5. 3) Per kg in mid-September. UP 94 1 PerCent year-on-year according to the information Center Of Ihe MiniStry Of AgriCUItUre and RUral Affairs. It is not Only POrk PriCeS that are being affected< demand for SOybeanSf USed as food for hogs, as Wen as Other kinds Of meat PriCeS are also bei
27、ng affected.The MiniStry Of AgriCUltUre and RUral AffairS Said favorable government POIiCieS and market COnditiOnS have boosted SOme farmers* COnfi(IenCe in restoring ProClUCtiOn China has rolled OUt 17 measures to SUPPOrt hog PrOdUCtiOn SinCe the end Of August, and most Of them have been Carried ou
28、t. TO meet the market gap* China is increasing imports and releasing frozen POrk from its Central reserves. BUt eyeing a long-term SOlUtiOnt China is encouraging Iarge-SCale Pig farming. The industry COnCentratiOn WilI further increase With Inany Small and medium-sized breeding COmPanieS IeaVing the
29、 business. DeSPite the CUrrent challenges China's Pig breeding industry is heading toward a more intensive# environmental-friendly and risk resistant growth model.28 WhiCh is NOT a CaUSe Of the rise Of the PriCe Of pork?A. The SPread Of AfriCan SWine fever.B. A SUPPly ShOrtage Of POrkC. The high
30、 IiVing COSt in recent years.D. Marketable hogs On the decline.29 What kind Of PhenOmenQn is (IeSCribeCl in ParagraPh 2?A. BUtterfly effectsmall Change IeadS to great Variation.B. BUCketS effectthe WeakeSt influences the whole.C. PygmaIiOn effect - expectation influences performance.D. AnChOring eff
31、ect first information affects Iater decisions.30. WhiCh Of the following measures Can get to the rt Of the problem?A. ReleaSing frozen POrk from the stock.B. ImPOrting POrk from OVerSeaS markets.C. EStabliShing industrial-scale Pig farms.D EnCOUraging Smail breeding companies.島三英語(yǔ)第5頁(yè)(共1 O頁(yè)31. In Whi
32、Ch SeCtiOn Of the newspaper Can you read this article?A. EditOrial & Opinion.B. Health & Wellbeing.C. HOme & InternatiOnal News.D. CelebritieS & Social.DAS to the question What is a best age to Iearn a Ianguage9 many WOUld rush to the COnClUSiOn that it's best to Start young. ThO
33、Ugh it is true to SOme extent, now SCienCe OfferS a much more COmPleX VieW Of how OUr relationship With IangUageS evolves OVer a lifetime and there is much to encourage Iate beginners.Broadly Speaking9 Clifferent Iife StageS give US different advantages in IangUage Iearning. AS babies We have a bett
34、er ear for different sounds: as toddlers (幼丿L) We Can PiCk UP native accents With astonishing speed. AS adults We have Ionger attention SPanS and important SkillS Iike IiteraCy that allow US to COntinUally expand OUr VoCabUlary, even in OUr OWn language. And a Wealth Of factors beyond ageing Iike SO
35、Cial CirCUmStanCeSl teaching methodsi and even IOVe and friendship can affect how many IangUageS We SPeak and how well.UNOt everything goes downhill With ages" SayS AntOnelIa SOraCet a PrOfeSSOr Of developmental IingUiStiCS and director Of the BilingUaIiSm MatterS Centre at the UniVerSity Of Ed
36、inburgh. She gives the example Of What is known as explicit learning": StUdying a IangUage in a CIaSSroom With a teacher explaining the rules. WYOUng Children are Very bad at explicit Iearningf because they don,t have the COgnitiVe (認(rèn)知)COntrOl and the attention and memory capabilities." SO
37、raCe says. "Adults are much better at that. SO Ihat Can be SOmething that improves With age.99A StUdy by researchers in ISrael found* for example, that adults Were better at grasping an artificial IangUage rule and applying it to new WOrdS in a Iab setting. The SCientiStS ComPare(I Ihree SePara
38、te groups: 8 year olds 12 year olds9 and young adults. The adults SCOred higher than both younger groups t and the 12-yearolds also did better than the younger children. They SUggeSted that their Older PartiCiPantS may have benefited from SkiIIS that COme With maturity Iike more advanced PrOblem-SOl
39、Ving StrategieS and greater IingUiStiC experience. In Other words. Older IearnerS tend to already know quite a IOt about themselves and the WOrld and Can USe this knowledge to ProCeSS new informat io n. 32 What is IhC COrreCt UndCrSUnding Of IhC UndCrIinCd SCntenCe in ParagraPh 1?A. We ShOUId Stay U
40、P Iate to Iearn a language.B. Late beginners StriVe hard to Iearn a language.C. Late beginners Can also Iearn a IangUage well.D. We ShOUld give much encouragement to Iate beginners.33 ACcOrding to Ihe passage, IangUage Iearning is NOT affected byA. OUr inborn abilitiesB. OtIIl native accentsC. OUr C
41、OgnitiVe COntrOlD. OUr attention SPanS高三英語(yǔ)第6頁(yè)(共1 O頁(yè))34. Why do the adults SCQre higher than both younger groups in the test?A. They have already known quite a IOt about the words.B. They draw UPOn their existing knowledge to help.C. They have been taught the Way to Iearn a language.D. They are bette
42、r at Iearning artificial IangUage rules.35 What is the PUrPoSe Of the passage?A. TO COmPare and evaluate.B. TO examine and assess.C. TO argue and discussD. TO inform and explain第二節(jié)(共5小題;毎小題2分,滿(mǎn)分10分)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。選項(xiàng)中有兩項(xiàng)為多余 選項(xiàng)。YOU don't have to break your back to Create a yard thatw
43、s both beautiful and kind to MOther Nature. TheSe environmentally Smart ideas Will turn your home turf (草地)into a Iittle SliCe Of Eden 36Let the grass grow CUt grass IeSS Oftent SO it gets a few inches IOnger than you,re USe(I to. 37 ThattS because roots Will grow deeper and grass thicker, WhiCh mea
44、ns fewer pests, IeSS disease, and a decreased need for ChenIiCal interventionWater the grass right way. Water before 10 a. m. When the air is cl and not as much InoiStUre Wiil be IOSt to evaporation. 38 Water near the base Of PIantSf SIOWly delivering the good StUff right to the rts. FOr lawns, Wate
45、r IOng and deep OnCe a WeekGet keen On COmPOSting (制堆月巴) COmPOSt isn't Called gardener*s gold for nothing It keeps kitchen IeftOVer OUt Of IandfillS and enriches SOil With much-needed nutrients39Veggie and tea bags> eggshells, dry leaves, and Untreated grass CIiPPingS are all fair game40 Hone
46、ybeeS help POlIinate (授粉)75 PerCent Of OUr flowering PIantS and nearly 75 PerCent Of OUr food crops. There is increasing evidence that many Of the Vital POllinatOrS are in decline. Creating a garden that includes PIantS that flower at different times Of the year WilI benefit POninatOrS throughout th
47、e growing SeaSOn. WheneVer POSSiblet ChOoSe native PIantS With a Variety Of flower COIOrS and ShaPeSA. Many Win SaVe your money, too.B Dry IeaVeS add nutrients to the SOiLC. GiVe bees the green-carpet treatment.D Make the backyard as beautiful as possible.E Watenng in Iate afternoon is the next best
48、 OPtiOnF. It also reduces dependency On ChemiCal fertilizersG. It Will help it SUrViVe dry PeriOclS Of time in Warmer months第三部分英語(yǔ)知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿(mǎn)分45分)第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;毎小題15分滿(mǎn)分30分)閱瀆下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B. C和D)中,選出可以填入空 白處的最佳選項(xiàng)A CUP Of COffee helps for a quieter life.LaSt year my Children U me a StainleSS S
49、teel (鋼)Coffeepot. I COUIdn t ji2 to USe it and IoOked forward to the following morning's Coffee Inakingt knowing that 1 PrObabIy WOUIdn t break this Pot as 彳3 as I had (IOne so Often in the past.BUt as 1 ZM my first CUP Of COffeeI the POt SPilled (#§> all OVer the table.45 noOne WaS aro
50、und to See my disappointed face! I kept trying but each morning WOUId 46 me SPilIing Ihe ffee. ThCn I realized Ihat if I POUrCd Very SIOWly there WOUlCl be no SPiiling.ThiS WaS at first a Very 47 experience. My normal 48 WaS to rush through breakfast So that I uld get On With my dayBUt in time 1 Iea
51、rned not OnIy to PoUr SloWly but to enjoy the experience: the Smell the tastet and the 彳9 Of a new day.It reminded me to 50 Whether Ihere Were Other areas Of Iife I WaS rushing through. 51 Of life, it Seeme(II Started to IeaVe extra time to do even the most 52 tasks. When ShOP OWnerS WOUld 53 for ke
52、eping me Waitingf d Say UNOt a problem. m not in a hurry. W EVen IiStening to the 54 Singing in the trees around me became Part Of my 55.569 One Of my favorite experiences IiVing in the inner City WaS IeiSUrely 57 timeWith StrangerS We Sat On the StePSf each Of US With a CUP Of COffee in OUr hands*
53、IiStening to each other,s stories. It WaS One Of the 58 things about IiVing in a busy land. It WaS as if Ihe WOrld around US SlOWed to a PaCe We COUld both 59.StiIIneSS and quietness not Only SlOWS the PaCe Of life but also 60 the soul helping US to enjoy the world's Sinall PIeaSUre.41.A.awarded
54、B.giftedC. IentD.IhreW42.A.StandB.believeC. SPareDWait43.A.easilyB.rarelyC. hardD.far44.A.OrderedB.ClrankC. madeD.POUre(I45.A.UndOUbteeilyB.UnfOrtUnatelyC. SUrPriSingIyD.ThankfUny46.A.bringB.SeeC. haveD.WOrry47.A.boringB.interestingC. PainfUlD.frightening4&A.reactionBanswerC. PraCtiCeD.USe49.A.P
55、referenCeB.excitementC. hopeD.quietness50.A.reflect IIPOnB.agree OnC. lk throughD.IeaVe behind51.A.LittIeB.MOStC. NoneD.Any52.A.UnimPOrtantB.difficultC. OrdinaryDChallenging53.A.PrePareB.PayC. lkD.apologize54.A.ChildrenB.WormSC. birdsDStrangerS55.A.routineB.influenceC. timeD.task56.A.TherefOreB.BeSi
56、deSC. HOWeVerD.InStead57.A.SPendingB.WaStingC. keepingD.Setting5&A.most hopefulB.most adventurousC. WarmeStD.kindest59.A.forceB.ntinueC. improveD.handle60.A.SaVeSB.ruinsC. feedsD.ShOWS島三英語(yǔ)第8頁(yè)(共1 O頁(yè)第二節(jié)(共10小題;每小題15分滿(mǎn)分15分)閱讀下面材料在空白處填入適當(dāng)?shù)膬?nèi)容(1個(gè)單訶)或括號(hào)內(nèi)單訶的正確形式。With the 70th anniversary Of the PeOPletS
57、RePUbIiC Of China 61 (approach) I the younger generation Celebrate Ihe COUntry s birthday through their OWn 62 (experience). They PartiCiPate in an Online PrOgram Meand My MOtherland and have their VOiCeS 63 (hear) during the show, the title Of 64 COmeS from a POPUIar SOng Of the Same name from 1985.In each ShOW 9 after ShOrt VideoS 65 (broadcast) 9 a group Of guests discuss Ihem In One VideOf a young WOman PIayS three roles from different
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- 2023年高考語(yǔ)文全國(guó)乙卷作文范文及導(dǎo)寫(xiě)(解讀+素材+范文)課件版
- 模塊建房施工方案
- 多域聯(lián)合作戰(zhàn)
- 定向鉆出入土點(diǎn)平面布置圖(可編輯)
- 美容美發(fā)場(chǎng)所衛(wèi)生規(guī)范