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1、1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics2Chapter Contents Section A: All Things Digital Section B: Digital Devices Section C: Digital Data Representation Section D: Digital Processing Section E: Password Security1FastPoll True/False QuestionsAnswer A for True and B for False010100 The Web is just an

2、other name for the Internet.010200 A computers operating system is a type of application software.010300 Microcontrollers are special purpose microprocessors that can be embedded in devices such as refrigerators, cars, and washing machines.010400 A bit is a binary digit, such as a 1 or 0.3 3Chapter

3、1: Computers and Digital Basics1FastPoll True/False QuestionsAnswer A for True and B for False010500 ASCII, EBCDIC, and Unicode are used to represent character data. 010600 A megabyte is 1024 bits. 010700 Microprocessors are a type of integrated circuit. 010800 C, COBOL, and Java are examples of pro

4、gramming languages. 4 4Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics1FastPoll True/False QuestionsAnswer A for True and B for False010900 A compiler converts source code to object code. 011000 The list of codes for a microprocessors instruction set is called machine language. 011100 A microprocessor holds

5、 data in the interpreter register.011200 A dictionary attack is a virus that hides out in the spelling checker for your word processing software.5 5Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics1SECTIONAChapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics6 The Digital Revolution Convergence Digital Society1Question0121

6、00 Computers and the digital revolution have changed our lives in many fundamental ways. If you were on the front lines of the digital revolution when computers were first developed to break codes and calculate missile trajectories, you were most likely living in what time period? A. World War I B.

7、The roaring twenties C. World War II D. The 1960sChapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics71Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics8The Digital Revolution The digital revolution is an ongoing process of social, political, and economic change brought about by digital technology, such as computers and t

8、he Internet Revolves around a constellation of technologies, including digital electronics, computers, communications networks, the Web, and digitization1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics9The Digital Revolution Digital electronics use electronic circuits to represent data Today, digital electr

9、onic devices include computers, portable media players such as iPods, digital cameras and camcorders, cell phones, radios and televisions, GPSs, DVD and CD players, e-book readers, digital voice recorders, and handheld gaming consoles1The Digital RevolutionChapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics101C

10、hapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics11The Digital Revolution The second phase of the digital revolution materialized when the Internet was opened to public use E-mail Bulletin boards Chat groups Blogs Online social networks1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics12The Digital Revolution A computer

11、 network is a group of computers linked by wired or wireless technology to share data and resources The Web is a collection of linked documents, graphics, and sounds that can be accessed over the Internet Cyberspace is a term that refers to entities that exist largely within computer networks Digiti

12、zation is the process of converting text, numbers, sound, photos, and video into data that can be processed by digital devices1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics13Convergence Technological convergence is a process by which several technologies with distinct functionalities evolve to form a sing

13、le product Convergence tends to offer enhanced functionality and convenience1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics14Digital Society Digital technologies and communications networks make it easy to cross cultural and geographic boundaries Anonymous Internet sites, such as Freenet, and anonymizer to

14、ols that cloak a persons identity, even make it possible to exercise freedom of speech in situations where reprisals might repress it Citizens of free societies have an expectation of privacy Intellectual property refers to the ownership of certain types of information, ideas, or representations1Cha

15、pter 1: Computers and Digital Basics15Digital Society Digital technology is an important factor in global and national economies, in addition to affecting the economic status of individuals Globalization can be defined as the worldwide economic interdependence of countries that occurs as cross-borde

16、r commerce increases and as money flows more freely among countries Individuals are affected by the digital divide, a term that refers to the gap between people who have access to technology and those who do not Digital technology permeates the very core of modern life1SECTIONBChapter 1: Computers a

17、nd Digital Basics16 Computer Basics Personal Computers, Servers, Mainframes, and Supercomputers PDAs, Smartphones, and Portable Media Players Microcontrollers1Question 012200 Today, consumers can choose from a wide variety of digital devices, including personal computers, workstations, videogame con

18、soles, smartphones, iPods, and PDAs. Knowing the strengths of these devices helps you make the right choice. What is the fundamental difference between videogame consoles, personal computers, and smartphones? A. Video game consoles and smartphones are not be classified as computers because they dont

19、 have stored program capabilities like real computers. B. Videogame consoles and smartphones fill specialized niches and are not replacements for personal computers. C. Personal computers and smartphones can be used to access the Internet, whereas videogame consoles cannot. D. Personal computers and

20、 smartphones have better graphics than videogame consoles.1717Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics18Computer Basics A computer is a multipurpose device that accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output, all according to a series of stored

21、 instructions1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics19Computer Basics Computer input is whatever is typed, submitted, or transmitted to a computer system Output is the result produced by a computer Data refers to the symbols that represent facts, objects, and ideas Computers manipulate data in many

22、 ways, and this manipulation is called processing Central Processing Unit (CPU) Microprocessor1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics20Computer Basics Memory is an area of a computer that temporarily holds data waiting to be processed, stored, or output Storage is the area where data can be left on

23、 a permanent basis when it is not immediately needed for processing A file is a named collection of data that exists on a storage medium The series of instructions that tells a computer how to carry out processing tasks is referred to as a computer program Software1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital B

24、asics21Computer Basics A stored program means that a series of instructions for a computing task can be loaded into a computers memory Allows you to switch between tasks Distinguishes a computer from other simpler and less versatile devices1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics22Computer Basics Ap

25、plication software is a set of computer programs that helps a person carry out a task The primary purpose of system software is to help the computer system monitor itself in order to function efficiently Operating system (OS)1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics23Personal Computers, Servers, Main

26、frames, and Supercomputers A personal computer is a microprocessor-based computing device designed to meet the computing needs of an individual1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics24Personal Computers, Servers, Mainframes, and Supercomputers The term workstation has two meanings: An ordinary pers

27、onal computer that is connected to a network A powerful desktop computer used for high-performance tasks1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics25Personal Computers, Servers, Mainframes, and Supercomputers A videogame console, such as Nintendos Wii, Sonys PlayStation, or Microsofts Xbox, are not gen

28、erally referred to as personal computers because of their history as dedicated game devices1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics26Personal Computers, Servers, Mainframes, and Supercomputers The purpose of a server is to serve computers on a network (such as the Internet or a home network) by supp

29、lying them with data A mainframe computer (or simply a mainframe) is a large and expensive computer capable of simultaneously processing data for hundreds or thousands of users A computer falls into the supercomputer category if it is, at the time of construction, one of the fastest computers in the

30、 world A compute-intensive problem is one that requires massive amounts of data to be processed using complex mathematical calculations1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics27Personal Computers, Servers, Mainframes, and Supercomputers1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics28PDAs, Smartphones, and

31、 Portable Media Players A PDA (personal digital assistant) is a pocket-sized digital appointment book with a small qwerty keyboard or a touch-sensitive screen, designed to run on batteries and be used while holding it A handheld computer is essentially a PDA enhanced with features such as removable

32、storage, e-mail, Web access, voice communications, built-in camera, and GPS1PDAs, Smartphones, and Portable Media Players A smartphone, which in addition to voice communication, includes features such as full qwerty keypad, text messaging, e-mail, Web access, removable storage, camera, FM radio, dig

33、ital music player, and software options for games, financial management, personal organizer, GPS, and maps iPods and similar devices are classified as portable media players because their main strength is playing music, showing videos, and storing photos _ _ _ _ _Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Bas

34、ics29291Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics30PDAs, Smartphones, and Portable Media Players1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics31Microcontrollers A microcontroller is a special-purpose microprocessor that is built into the machine it controls Microcontrollers can be embedded in all sorts of e

35、veryday devices1SECTIONCChapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics32 Data Representation Basics Representing Numbers, Text, and Pictures Quantifying Bits and Bytes Circuits and Chips1Question012300 When you shop for digital devices, their capabilities are often touted in terms of speed and capacity. Su

36、ppose youre shopping for a USB Flash drive. A friend recommends one thats 64 GB. What does that mean? A. It operates at 64 gigabits per second. B. It holds 64 billion bytes of data. C. It holds 64 million 0s and 1s to represent data. D. It uses 64-bit ASCII code to hold data.3333Chapter 1: Computers

37、 and Digital Basics1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics34Data Representation Data representation refers to the form in which data is stored, processed, and transmitted Digital devices work with distinct and separate data Analog devices work with continuous data1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital B

38、asics35Representing Numbers, Text, and Pictures Numeric data Binary number system Character data ASCII, Extended ASCII, EBCDIC, and Unicode Digitizing is the process of converting analog data into digital format1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics36Data Representation1Chapter 1: Computers and Di

39、gital Basics37Quantifying Bits and Bytes1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics38Circuits and Chips An integrated circuit (computer chip) is a super-thin slice of semiconducting material packed with microscopic circuit elements1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics39Circuits and Chips The electro

40、nic components of most digital devices are mounted on a circuit board called a system board1SECTIONDChapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics40 Programs and Instruction Sets Processor Logic1Question 012400 Programmers write computer programs for word processing, displaying photos, playing music, and s

41、howing movies. What programmers write, however, is not what a computer actually processes. Why is this the case? A. Because programmers usually write programs using high-level programming languages that have to be converted into machine language that computers can work with. B. Because programs are

42、basically outlines that programmers have to fill out using op codes. C. Because high-level languages are too detailed for computers to process, so programs written in these languages have to be simplified. D. Because computer programmers make too many errors for programs to run successfully.4141Chap

43、ter 1: Computers and Digital Basics1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics42Programs and Instruction Sets Computers, portable media players, PDAs, and smartphones all work with digital data Computer programmers create programs that control digital devices. These programs are usually written in a hi

44、gh-level programming language The human-readable version of a program created in a high-level language by a programmer is called source code1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics43Programs and Instruction Sets1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics44Programs and Instruction Sets An instruction se

45、t is a collection of preprogrammed activities a microprocessor is hardwired to perform Each instruction has a corresponding sequence of 0s and 1s The end product is called machine code 1s and 0s1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics45Programs and Instruction Sets An op code (short for operation co

46、de) is a command word for an operation such as add, compare, or jump The operand for an instruction specifies the data, or the address of the data, for the operation In the following instruction, the op code means add and the operand is 1, so the instruction means Add 11Programs and Instruction Sets

47、Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics461Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics47Processor Logic The ALU (arithmetic logic unit) is the part of the microprocessor that performs arithmetic operations The ALU uses registers to hold data that is being processed The microprocessors control unit fetche

48、s each instruction, just as you get each ingredient out of a cupboard or the refrigerator The term instruction cycle refers to the process in which a computer executes a single instruction1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics48Processor Logic1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics49Processor Log

49、ic1SECTIONEChapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics50 Authentication Protocols Password Hacks Secure Passwords1Question012500 Security experts stress that the use of “strong” passwords can prevent identity theft and help to keep your computer files secure. Which of the following passwords is likely t

50、o be the most secure? A. 12345 because it is all numbers. B. Hippocampus, because it is a long and unusual word. C. Il2baomw, because it combines numbers with a nonsense word. D. Football88, because it combines a word and numbers.5151Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics1Chapter 1: Computers and D

51、igital Basics52Authentication Protocols Security experts use the term authentication protocol to refer to any method that confirms a persons identity using something the person knows, something the person possesses, or something the person is A person can also be identified by biometrics, such as a

52、fingerprint, facial features (photo), or retinal pattern A user ID is a series of charactersletters and possibly numbers or special symbolsthat becomes a persons unique identifier A password is a series of characters that verifies a user ID and guarantees that you are the person you claim to be1Chapter 1: Computers and Digital Basics53A


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