



1、關(guān)于讀書的英語名言:讀書志在圣賢,為官心存君國1、讀書之法,莫貴于循序而致精。The method of reading is not to be refined by order.2 、讀書人不一定有知識(shí),真正的常識(shí)是懂得知識(shí),會(huì)思想,能工作Scholars do not necessarily have knowledge. True common sense is knowledge, thinking and work.3 、書是藍(lán)天,我就是小鳥,在天空中自由地翱翔。Books are blue skies. I am a bird that flies freely in thesk

2、y.4 、讀書志在圣賢,為官心存君國。Reading is in the sage, but in official.5 、書房是文人精神的巢穴,生命的禪堂。The study is the den of Literati Spirit and the Zen Hall oflife.6 、讀書之法無他,惟是篤志虛心,反復(fù)詳玩,為有功耳。There is no way to read books, but to be modest and play in detail.7 、不去讀書就沒有真正的教養(yǎng),同時(shí)也不可能有什么鑒別力。Without reading, there is no real

3、upbringing and no discernment.8 、水滴集多成大海,讀書集多成學(xué)問。Many drops of water come into the sea.9 、讀好書就是同很多高尚的人談話Reading good books is to talk with many noble people.10 、想與高尚的人對(duì)話,那就讓我們一起去讀書吧!If we want to talk with noble people, let's go to study together.11 、書籍把我們引入最美好的社會(huì),使我們理解各個(gè)時(shí)代的偉大智者Books introduce u

4、s into the best society, so that we can understand the great minds of all ages.12 、業(yè)精于勤,荒于嬉,行成于思,毀于隨。Diligence is diligent, and waste is in play.13 、養(yǎng)心莫善寡欲,至樂無如讀書。Nourishing the heart and doing nothing is like readingwithout pleasure.14 、聰明在于勤奮,天才在于積累。Cleverness consists in diligence, and genius in

5、accumulation.15 、拜讀名家大作,可造就雄辯之才。A great master can make eloquence.16 、不積跬步,無以至千里,不積小流,無以成江河。No accumulation, no thousands of miles, no small streams, no rivers.17 、如果我閱讀得和別人一樣多,我就知道得和別人一樣少。If I read as many as others, I will know as little as others.18 、沒有再比讀書更廉價(jià)的娛樂,更持久的滿足了There is no longer cheaper

6、 entertainment than reading, and more lasting satisfaction.19 、養(yǎng)性不須烹紫雪,讀書何但出青云。It is not necessary to cook purple snow.20 、讀書是在別人思想的協(xié)助下,建立起自己的思想。Reading is based on the help of others' thoughts, and establishes their own thoughts.21 、與肝膽人共事,無字句處讀書。Working with the liver and gallbladder, reading

7、withoutwords.22 、書籍是造就靈魂的工具。Books are the tools of soul.23 、讀書患不多,思義患不明,足己患不學(xué),既學(xué)患不行。Reading is not much, and thinking is not knowing.24 、書卷多情似故人,晨昏憂樂每相親。Books are as sentimental as old people.25 、只要孜孜不倦地學(xué)習(xí),就能成杰出的人。As long as we study hard, we can become outstanding people.26 、讀書百遍,其義自現(xiàn)。Read a hundre

8、d times, and its meaning is present.27 、讀書如果不明白道理等于白讀。Reading without understanding is equal to reading.28 、寶劍不磨要生銹,人不學(xué)習(xí)要落后。A sword needs no rust, and a man is not backward in learning.29 、讀書欲精不欲博,用心欲專不欲雜。If you want to read, do not want to read.30 、書籍是朋友,雖然沒有熱情,但是非常忠實(shí)。Books are friends. Though they are not enthusiastic, they are very loyal.31 、人之不學(xué),猶谷未成粟,米未飯也。If a man does not learn, he will never be able to grow rice.32 、好的書籍是最貴重的珍寶。Good books are the most valuable treasures.33 、問渠哪得清如許,為有源頭活水來。Ask where the canal is clear.34 、


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